HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 03 25 Consent 306 Unapproved Minutes from the March 4, 2019 WorkshopCOMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 306 March 25, 2019 Informational Consent X Public Hearings Regular ALLL Regular Meeting City Manager Department REQUEST: The City Clerk is requesting the City Commission Review and Approve the Monday, March 4, 2019 City Commission Workshop Minutes. SYNOPSIS: One of the responsibilities of the City Clerk is to provide the Mayor and City Commission with a submittal of all Meeting Minutes, as soon after a City Commission meeting as possible; so, that it is a reminder to the Mayor and City Commission, as to what transpired at their most recent meeting, and also provides a record of the actions and directives of the City Commission, for the future, and which becomes the official record. If the City Commission is in agreement with what the City Clerk provides in these Minutes, then the City Commission would be asked to Approve the Minutes, as submitted. Should the Mayor and/or City Commission feel something is not appropriately documented in these Minutes, then a Motion would be appropriate to have the Minutes changed to reflect what the majority of the City Commission would prefer. CONSIDERATIONS: This Agenda Item includes the Unapproved Minutes from the Monday, March 4, 2019 City Commission Workshop. Even though these Minutes are being submitted by the City Clerk, (with proofing by Office of the City Clerk Staff), no other party has required that changes be made to the Minutes before being submitted. These Minutes are being submitted by the City Clerk for Approval by the City Commission. Consent 306 PAGE 1 OF 2 - March 25, 2019 FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact related to this Agenda Item. COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: This Agenda Item has been electronically forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission, City Manager, City Attorney/Staff, and is available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's Server. Additionally, portions of this Agenda Item are typed verbatim on the respective Meeting Agenda which has also been electronically forwarded to the individuals noted above, and which is also available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's Server; has been sent to applicable City Staff, Media/Press Representatives who have requested Agendas/Agenda Item information, Homeowner's Associations/Representatives on file with the City, and all individuals who have requested such information. This information has also been posted outside City Hall, posted inside City Hall with additional copies available for the General Public, and posted at six (6) different locations around the City. Furthermore, this information is also available to any individual requestors. City Staff is always willing to discuss this Agenda Item or any Agenda Item with any interested individuals. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Commission review and consider offering their Approval of the Monday, March 4, 2019 City Commission Workshop Minutes. ATTACHMENTS: A - Unapproved copy of the Monday, March 4, 2019 City Commission Workshop Minutes, (8 pages) Consent 306 PAGE 2 OF 2 - March 25, 2019 Attachment "A'* qj 11-01LVAW611ii� — lq�� %111 1 1 IM a 10 1 101tv I WORKSHOP MONDAV, MARCH 4, 2019 - 6:30 P.M. CITY HALL — COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA Mayor Charles Lacey Commissioner/Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon - Seat Two Commissioner Jean Hovey - Seat One Commissioner Ted Johnson -'Seat Three Commissioner TiAnna Hale - Seat Four Commissioner Geoff Kendrick - Seat Five CRY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COM MISSION WORKSHOP-- MARCH4,2W9 PAGE 2 OF 8 1 The Workshop of Monday, March 4, 2019 of the City Commission was called to Order by Mayor Charles Lacey at 6:31 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Mayor Charles Lacey, present Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon, present Commissioner Jean Hovey, present Commissioner Ted Johnson,, present Commissioner TiAnna Hale, present Commissioner Geoff Kendrick, present City Manager Kevin L. Smith, present City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, present City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, present A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Lacey asked the City Commission if the Agenda could be adopted. With no objections, Mayor Lacey stated, "There are no objections, it stands adopted." Al&�yor Lacey opened "Public Input ". Mr. Tom, Backer, 308 Ifeatherivood Court, Winter Springs, Plorida: noted that lie recently relocated here, said he could not find any development plans or mitigation studies for State Road 434 on the City's website, commented on the deceleration lane to Tuscora Drive, and that as a result of how he thought it was constructed, there seemed to be a lot of water which could attract mosquitos. Mr. Becker also cornmented on loud noise and much traffic from State Road 434, thought property values would decrease as noise levels increased, and inquired about the plan for State Road 434. Mr. John Horan, 1612 Wood Duck Drive, IfYinter Springs 1--lorida: cornmented on a previous meeting, Commission votes, and suggested less drama and more respect amongst colleagues. Mr. Horan also spoke of the Comprehensive Plan, the City's General Funds and Reserves, and proposed that a committee be formed to advise the City Commission on various matters. Mr. Robert S.Alfiller, 679 Silvercreek Drive, lVinter Springs, P-torida: encouraged the City Con-lmission to work together, thought this Workshop was to discuss the City's Comprehensive Plan but did not see that on the Agenda, hoped everyone would work to make the City better and that the concerns of local residents would be considered. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MIT* U FES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP - MARCH 4, 2019 PAGE 3 OF 8 Ms. Sheila Benton, 414 C I edarwood Court, lVinter Springs, Florida: provided docurnents frorn the City"s Code of Ordinances related to Sections 20-101. and 20-102. which referred to the City's Zoning Map, noted that it was supposed to be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency, and suggested the Code be adhered to. Akyllor Lace"V closed "'Public Input E;-34 1 REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR 500. Office of the City Manager REQUEsT: Jill The Of of the City Manager requests the City Commission continue its discussions on Land Development Regulations in the City and -provide direction as it deems appropriate. City Manager Kevin L. Smith began the discussion on this Agenda Item and spoke of what was planned for tonight's discussions, Arbor Codes, Construction Sites, Special Exceptions, and what the City Attorney was working oil. Mr. Tim McClendon, AICP, Director, Community Development Department addressed the Mayor and City Commission regarding his background and experience as a Certified Planner, the Comprehensive Plan, the Evaluation and Appraisal Review (EAR), Land Development Regulations (LDR's), State Agencies, GOP's (Goals, Objectives, and Policies), Elements in tile Comprehensive Plan, correspondence with Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEC), as well as what he was working on towards compliance. Continuing, Mr. McClendon pointed out, "We do have a Consultant on board. I believe then that the first Element you're going to see — I'm hoping in April we'll have it before this Board, we can transmit it to the State, at which point they've agreed to take us off of that probation list and we can move forward in completing the rest of the Elements, and move forward with any Coin p [ rehensive] Plans that might come up after those discussions." Mayor Lacey said to Mr, McClendon, "You are envisioning that we will go Element by Element, as you finish an Element, you will bring it to us, and then it will be sent off to DEO (Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEC)}..." Mr. McClendon added, "...Correct. Unless I can complete a couple ata time. lt's just a lengthy process on my end, it's really an administrative function." Discussion followed on the Evaluation and Appraisal Review (EAR) and the work that Mr. McClendon has to complete. ('11 Y OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOC P--- MARCH 4,20 19 PAGE 4 OF 8 Regarding the processes, Mr. McClendon noted some of the administrative and legislative references lie needed to make, suggested that the Elements be handled first, before any growth and traffic related Issues in the City, and whether the Transportation Element should be addressed sooner or later. Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon asked if the City Commission would be tweaking Policy Statements within the Elements to which Mr. McClendon said that was possible and that preferably, redlined Ordinances would be provided for review. Mr. McClendon added that if changes were made by the City Commission during such presentations, they would then be sent off to the State for their review and comments, Mr. McClendon then referenced community meetings he previously had held and noted Florida's two (2) regulatory guidelines which includes Comprehensive Plans and Land Development Codes. Mr. McClendon commented next on inconsistencies, densities, and that the Land Development Code is considered "Zoning". Furthen-nore, Mr. McClendon spoke of Euclidian Zoning which relates to most of the Zoning in Winter Springs, and also addressed the Town Center Code (a form -based Code), as well as Transect planning. Continuing, Mr. McClendon remarked about multi -family, different kinds of restaurants, and pointed out, "'You always have the opportunity to add or subtract Uses; it's whatever direction this board wants to go, We, Staff can act accordingly. That's basically what I want to hit home. However, you've also got to always take into consideration whether it be development or redevelopment — it always has to be consistent with the Comprehensive] Plan, make sure that"s your underlying theme. It also needs to be compatible with the existing and surrounding Land Uses. Whether projects are ever approved or denied - 1'm sure Anthony (Garganese) can expand on this if you want, but that whenever those Applications are approved or denied, they need to be done so, through substantial, competent evidence. Don't base decisions off of arbitrary and capricious decisions." Commissioner TiAnna Hale mentioned that her main objective was for residents to be able to, offer their input as well as investors; and inquired about Visioning documents and possibly organizing a steering committee of residents and professionals to work towards a long-term vision. Mr. McClendon said that could be looked into. Deputy Mayor Cannon asked about Transects and whether Mr. McClendon could possibly reach out to other professionals who could come in and offer input and possibly work with the City during this process. Mr. McClendon noted that lie had such contacts, and that most could be of assistance, for a fee. Furthermore, Deputy Mayor Cannon referenced rentals in the City and said that we need to know the numbers of rentals that are in the City, including in gated communities, and perhaps we should review such information every few years. Mayor Lacey suggested that such trend information could be obtained through Census Data. Deputy Mayor Cannon thought it would be helpful to know how often other jurisdictions meet to discuss trends including economic matters, and wondered if Mr. McClendon could provide Such guidelines regarding how often such should be addressed. CITY Jr WINTER SPRINGS, FLORMA MINUTES CITY CONINUSSION WORKSHOP-- MARCH 4, "?,019 PA6E 5 OF 8 Conirnents followed about Seminole County resources being a possible option for information. Deputy Mayor Cannon suggested that some high school and college students could assist Mr. McClendon with research; and thought we should find out what kind and quantity of businesses are located in the City, as well as housing affordability price points. Commissioner Geoff Kendrick offered his agreement with what Deputy Mayor Cannon had mentioned and noted that the private sector had resources and information available. Commissioner Ted Johnson commented on the timeline and wondered when the public could be contacted so that they could offer their input. Commissioner Kendrick suggested that at the next Workshop, residents be given the opportunity to address the City Commission regarding their specific wants and needs. Deputy Mayor Cannon agreed and added that before the next Workshop, the City Commission could distribute to residents an outline of issues that were of concern and ask residents to prioritize what matters niost to them. Deputy Mayor Cannon then suggested topics of concern included transportation, water quality, conservation (trees and canopy), trash, sound and traffic, as well as schools and concurrency. Continuing, Deputy Mayor Cannon thought a survey with perhaps the top ten (1 0) issues could be sent out electronically for residents to help prioritize and suggested that for some of the smaller issues, Staff might be able to offer some possible solutions up fi-ont. Further discussion ensued on hearing frorn residents, visioning, surveys, how vision boards could be displayed in the lobby, and that developers and investors could also have vision boards and offer input. With a reference to a previous Visioning exercise and whether there was Consensus to go forward with a similar Visioning Session, Manager Smith explained that for Staff to try to put something together, it could be a rather timely process; therefore, Manager Smith asked if the City Commission might consider not holding the next planned Workshop which would give Staff some time to further work on this proposed project. Mayor Lacey inquired of the City Commission, "Is there any objection to Kevin (Smith) proceeding on that?" Commissioner Kendrick remarked, "No." Deputy Mayor Cannon stated, "No." There were no disagreements voiced. Furthermore, Deputy Mayor Cannon thought that the City's website could also show the same Visioning boards, and that people would be able to access thern anytime and perhaps even provide input through the website. Commissioner Johnson agreed and asked if Staff could put together a survey with perhaps the top ten (10) or so concerns. The most important topics were further addressed to which Commissioner Johnson mentioned overbuilding of apartment complexes, clear cutting of trees, setbacks, signage, traffic patterns, water quality, and schools. Commissioner Johnson then asked if such a survey could be sent out via an eAlert type of communication to which Manager Smith said that Staff would consider the best communications efforts to, utilize. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP-- MARCH 4,2019 PAGE 6 OF 8 In further addressing suggested topics, Commissioner Johnson mentioned, the overbuilding of apartment complexes, clear cutting of trees, setbacks associated with the RiZE at Winter Springs, the size of signage (mostly along State Road 434), water quality, capacity of schools to absorb population growth, and to some extent, street parking in some areas. Deputy Mayor Cannon added that issues of concern included traffic along major corridors, cut -through traffic on collector and neighborhood roads like C Winter Springs Boulevard, Shore Road, restaurants and entertainment facilities, the need for more professional services (like Doctors, etc.) and affordable housing/rental properties. IN Further rernarks followed on trash, construction sites and being more proactive, as well as setbacks along State Road 434 (to include zero lot line setbacks). Deputy Mayor Cannon also spoke of clear- Vm cutting and greenspace, how some municipalities use green buffers with dumpsters, and that these matters could probably be incorporated via modifications to the Arbor Code. tc=l Mayor Lacey noted that any other ideas from the City Commission could be sent in, via email, Commissioner Hale mentioned she had received calls about smells associated with wastewater. Deputy Mayor Cannon thought that could possibly be addressed along with water quality. Next, Commissioner Kendrick further spoke of inviting residents to address the City Commission regarding what they personally were interested in, to which Staff could then explain how such changes might affect the community and infrastructure. Commissioner Jean Hovey referenced the City's previous Visioning exercise that she participated in, and also spoke of some of the limitations the City has, such as the State's widening of State Road 434 on the other side of State Road 417, Commissioner Hovey then asked if Mr. McClendon could get updated information on this. Manager Smith said they could provide an update. Continuing, Commissioner Hovey added that with any survey that was issued, that such a survey could provide an opportunity to inforril residents as to how other agencies may be in control of some projects. With continued remarks, Deputy Mayor Cannon said he agreed with all of the suggestions. Commissioner Jol-Inson spoke of the next planned Workshop and asked if the City Commission would be provided with updates. Manager Smith suggested, "Either that process or I was going to ask if the Commission would be willing to, let Staff take this information back and kind of whiteboard it a little bit and took to come back maybe at the next Commission meeting or soon thereafter, with a recommendation as to how and when we move forward. Im starting to envision maybe a new Visioning Session.'* Manager Smith added that Staff might consider working with the Institute of Government at the University of Central Florida (UCS') on a Visioning Session. Mayor Lacey said to Manager Smith, "Are you suggesting that on the I It" then, we will discuss what we are going to do on the I 81h or sometime after the 18"T' Manager Smith responded, "It would depend on what we come up with." Continuing, Manager Smith referenced the survey idea which might need about a month on the street; or that the City might wish to hire professionals to run a Visioning Session similar to what was held in 2009; thus, Manager Smith asked for sorne tirric to consider possible options. Mayor Lacey then said, -So, best to just leave it open-ended; we will discuss it a week from tonight." Manager Smith commented, "Yes." CITY OF wINrER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP - NIARCH 4, 2019 PAGE 7 OF 8 Commissioner Johnson added that it seemed like at the City Commission Regular Meeting on the 25"', that the City Commission would have more infori-nation about potential Workshops. Commissioner Johnson then referenced the Workshop planned for April 1, 2019, and mentioned that with many residents potentially attending and as this might be a rather long Workshop, perhaps staggering should be considered. Discussion continued on legislative bills, reaching out to Legislators especially Winter Springs resident David Smith who had been elected to the Florida House of Representatives. Further regarding some of the topics of concern, Deputy Mayor Cannon mentioned that if there were sonie smaller issues that could be handled easily, then perhaps such matters could be taken care of accordingly. Manager Smith stated, "Absolutely." 6a Comments followed on proposed timelines that involved what the City Attorney and Mr. McClendon were working on. City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese mentioned another municipality had hired a management consulting firm to handle an online community survey, similar to what had been discussed earlier, and thought that was something this City Commission could consider. Mr. McClendon stated, "As far as the EAR (Evaluation and Appraisal Report) process, I'm hopefully bringing you the first Element here in April." Commissioner Kendrick referenced the proposed Workshop, planned for March 18"' and noted that Spring Break falls during that same week, therefore lie suggested that that week (night not be the best time to ask residents to attend a Workshop. With additional remarks, Mayor Lacey noted, "We were going to address it next Monday is my understanding.* Mf�yor Lc el, opened "Public Input Mr, Tom Becker, 308 1-leatherwood Court, if Slag ii florid a: said that he noticed that if one used -Google" to access the Winter Springs website and tried to go to direct links Born -Google", the links did not work; and added that during this meeting, he had experienced some Issues trying to access certain documents on our Website. Additionally, Mr. Becker thought that if topics were submitted to residents to offer their input on, that that would be the better route to go. Commissioner Hovey pointed out that the City's website had recently been updated and suggested he could advise our Information Technology Staff of any issues he noticed. Mr. Keiln McCann, 1109 Pheasant Circle, lVinter 5prings, Florida: commended the Mayor and City Commission on a positive and constructive Workshop, and suggested that if we do offer a survey, that we include safeguards so results are not skewed in any way. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CFFY COMMISSION WORKSHOP - MARCH 4,2019 PAGE 8 OF 8 Mr, R ' van Stahl, 143 Harston Court,, Lake Maq, Florida: agreed with Mr. McCann on a great Workshop, referenced Mr. Horan's comments from earlier in the ri-ieeting, complimented Manager Smith and Mr. McClendon, and spoke of working together. Ali-, Bvan Schultz, 6414 Montclair Bluff Lane, Windermere, F70rida.- agreed with previous remarks frorn Mr. McCann and Mr. Stahl, and said that it was good to see a productive Workshop. Ala"Vor Lacev closed "Public bywil Deputy Mayor Cannon thanked the Manager Smith for hiring Mr. McClendon, noted that Mr. McClendon had been very helpful to hire in interactions thus far, and thought it would be a good idea to also reach out to Homeowner's Association's for additional input and possible assistance going forward. Commissioner Kendrick mentioned that this coming weekend was the "Taste of Oviedo" event, It ". 01 I�iklld 10191 Mayor Lacey adjourned the Workshop at 8:09 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, MMC CITYCLERK is M.11161WWO ".104ILyWIN NOTE: Iliese Minuics were approved at the 2019 City Commission RCgLdar Meeting.