HomeMy WebLinkAboutCPH Engineers, Inc. Task Order No. 4 Consulting Engineering Services for the Wastewater Master Plan - 2017 06 14TASK ORDER 4 TO AGREEMENT DATED February 19, 2015 CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN BETWEEN THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS AND CPH, INC. OrderThis Task j dated2017 by • between the City of • (hereinafter called the OWNER) and CPH, Inc. (hereinafter called the Engineer), is mutually agreed upon and declared an authorized Task Order based on Agreement f• • -. • March 13, 2017 NjptonLonkcuff,PE City Engineer City ofWinter Springs 1126East SR434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 RE: Master Wastewater Plan CPH Project No. Z6582 Dear Mr. Lockcuff: 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 32801 Phone: 407.425.0452 Please accept this letter aaour proposal to provide engineering services for aMaster Wastewater Plan. It includes an analysis of the existing and future sewerage needs of the City; the evaluation of the consolidation oftreatment facilities; preparation of an expended model and analysis of the vvasbavvahsr transmission oyobarn for existing and future growth as well as the proposed consolidation of flows into one treatment facility; and, new treatment facilities. The consolidation of wastewater treatment facilities is amajor ohan8eforthevvastovvateraymUmmoftheCib/ofVVinVer Springs. It will be a new direction and has many facets that need to be explored and analyzed. It is the future roadmap ofthe City ofWinter Springs Wastewater Utility. The hydraulic model ofthe transmission system is a significant part of this plan and it will provide the City with data and recommendations to evaluate the treatment location options. The model will be capable of being modified for future analysis and/or expansion of the transmission system. This planning effort will be a comprehensive compilation of priorwork effort, the analysis of the existing East and West systems and the proposed combined East and West systems. The Scope of Services is attached as Exhibit 1. A proposed Table of Contents for the final report/Master Plan is attached as Exhibit 2. A Manpower and Fee Estimate is attached as Exhibit 3. Payment for our services will be in accordance with our existing Continuing Services Contract. We propose toprovide the services for alump sum amount of$1OO.7DO.00. VVeagree towork closely with you under your general direction and control, keeping you apprised of progress on the project.M you are in agreement with the scope of services and fee, please execute this proposal and return a copy tous. VVewill await the issuance ofyour P.C}.tobegin work. DaUE. ahler E. I Y� Senior Vice Pres dent Japrings\Master Wastewater Plan 201nMasterWastewater Plan.00c w,w /phco,p 'vm Signature Sheet ENGINEERING SERVICES PROPOSAL FOR 6191-1AIM401 CPH ENEE lr) David 'E ­Mahler, P.E( Sr. Vice President/Associate Date: ACCEPTED BY: CITY OF WINTER S K Smith y Manage Date: June 14, 2017 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MASTER WASTEWATER PLAN IN The purpose of this Amendment is to provide for Engineering Services, more specificallyitemized herein, for oMaster Wastewater Plan for the City of Winter Springs, The existing wastewater treatment infrastructure, the East and West Water Reclamation Facilities, are aging and aplan ia required to extend operation of the ud|ib/ system into the next decades. The existing wastewater treatment aymtenle are reaching the end of the useful life for the existing equipment. In addibon, energy efficiency will be increased with new treatment technology. The analysis includes combining the East and West sewerage treatment systems into one facility. This would reduce operational and logistical staff and would centralize the sewerage system operations. Since this evaluates system changes and new facilities, the Master Wastewater Plan will be developed inaccordance with the State ofFlorida State Revolving Funds /SRF\Facility Plan model format to position the City for future loans from this program. Exhibit 2 contains the proposed Table of Contents for the report. Alternatively this report can also be called a "Wastewater Facilities Plan" inaccordance with the SRF program. Data Gathering The details ofthe data collection are described below: 1) Collect and review pertinent data (summaries) and reports related to the existing wastewater treatment facility including the FDEP discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) and sewer service connection data for the last five (5) years. Items include: a) F[)EPOpemeUng permits b) F[)Ep(]K4PR.CAR and Operating Protocol documents c\ City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Plans or Renewal and Replacement Plans 2) Population growth and anticipated wastewater flows will be based on the population data provided by the City and will only be determined for the WASTEWATER SERVICE AREA (septic tank treatment systems areas are exu|uded). 3\ Develop with the City Staff a large scale service area map showing the collection and transmission system. This will be based on the City of Winter 8phnQo GIS data and maps. VVewill not develop new system maps. 4\ CPH, with the assistance of City staff, will identify septic tank areas, but this plan will not include a study of "phasing -out" the existing septic tank treatment sysbanna, only identification. These areas will be held in abeyance. It is not planned that these areas will be incorporated into the sewerage system. These areas will not be considered for future growth ofthe syaharn. 5) Develop aWASTEWATER SERVICE AREA map. 6\ CPHwill meet with City staff todiscuss the available data noted above. 7\ From the population and historical flow data, CPHvviU estimate future flows: A[JF. MDF and Peak. 8\ We will not provide aReclaimed Water Master Plan orupdate. VVewill not provide an analysis of the effluent disposal system (percolation ponds and dedicated spray sites). A description of the existing nao|oinned and effluent disposal syebarn, in general, will be provided. Ell 8) We will not provide anassessment ofimpact fees. Description of Planning Area CPHwill provide general information onthe City ofWinter Springs for the items in Chapter 3ofthe proposed Table of Contents, Information for these sections will be obtained from generally available public data. Detailed investigations will not be made of surface waters, soils, ecology, flood plain, environmentally sensitive |onds, archeological and historical sibas, air quality and socio-economic conditions. Wastewater Reclamation Facilities It is assumed for this Master Plan that the existing facilities have reached their "useful life" and that new wastewater treatment facilities are required. Reuse m0orege, pumping and distribution systems will remain as well as the existing disposal sites and mechanisms. For planning purposes, the existing and future flow needs (through Year 2040) for wastewater treatment for the entire City limits area is approximately 3 MGD. Treatment will be consolidated at one treatment site. Reuse facility sites will remain in the current locations, These locations are the East VVRF.the West VVRF. the Oak Forest storage site and the Lake Jesup Augmentation site. Each of these mites have reclaimed storage and pumping facilities. So, a general (not detailed) analysis of providing reclaimed water to the various storage and pumping sites will be made after consolidation of the wastewater treatment sites. The wastewater treatment level will be equivalent to the Public Access Reclaimed Water requirements under current Florida standards. Based on our expenence and knowledge, we believe that biological nutrient narnovm| processes will be required in the future. Thenafone, our analysis will include treatment system with biological nutrient removal capability. We will study the various treatment options available on the market today for treating sewage to a public access level (including nutrient parnova|\. We will look at size and impact on the available sites and based on best available infomnaUon, make a naponmnlendobon. We will then take the recommended process and apply it to each location by preparing a "footprint" layout. The new wastewater treatment facility will include: 1) Master pump station on site with variable speed control (see flow equalization basin below). 2) New headvvorks-screening, grit removal and flow diversion. 3\ F|uvv equalization basin and variable frequency drive pumps for sending flow to the treatment process. Existing pump systems currently pump up to the Treatment plants dineoUy, so we can pump directly to an EO and then the new pump station will feed the treatment facility. 4) New biological treatment unitm—rnu|Uple trains for book -up. 5\ New filtration units. 6) Reuse of the chlorine contact chambers (new units where opp|im3b|e). 7) Bioeo|ido treatment facilities to meet C}|osa A Lend Application ch1ehe (digesters and processing faci|ities). Process selected byCity Staff. 8> Tank drainage system. 9\ Odor control ofheadvvVrka. 5 We will evaluate the following wastewater treatment plant location scenarios: 1) Construct onew 3MGD Treatment Facility atthe West VVRFsite. 3) Construct enew 3MGD Treatment Facility atthe East VVFlFsite. 3\ Construct new 3 K4QO Tnsa1rnen1 Facility ata central site (Oak Forest disposal mita/Site 16XSde17). 4\ Construct two Master Pump Stations and send flows to the Iron Bridge Regional Facility and obtain nan|oirned water from this entity in retunn. From e vary K4enro |evo|, we will discuss such items as capacity needed; source of reclaimed water or the end of reclaimed business; capacity costs; logistics; change of control, etc. Based on the location of the two WRFs and the South Seminole North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority forcemain, vvewill assume two locations ofintroducing sewage flows toIron Bridge. CPH will Study and evaluate the above locations for construction ofnew equipment with the following criteria. 1\ Consider the ability to build new facilities on existing sites while maintaining the use of the existing facility during construction. 2\ Consider energy efficiency. 3) Built-in back-up capability and the ability to refurbish without compromising treatment capability i.e. h}||ovv EPA Reliability Criteria at a nlinirnurn and e||ovv for operational and maintenance needs. 4\ Consider ease ofoperation and manpower requirements. 5\ Consider proven capability ofthe process. U) Consider operational longevity ufequipment. 7) Consider land requirements and land use designations. 8) Consider adjacent uses (present and futurw). 9\ Consider the transmission of sewage to the site; coordinate with the SewerCad modeling. 10) Summarize alternative results and evaluate asto, advantages and disadvantages of each as to capital and Operation and Maintenance costs; service capability; expandability; conservation and water reuse goals; eoga of operation and maintenance including monitoring; land use and planning conmidenmUons; environmental and aesthetic considerations; flexibility instages. 11)Discuss and finalize with City Staff. Collection and Transmission System Modeling and Analysis A SewerCad model of the existing City of Winter SpHngs Eastern wastewater transmission system (NE Corridor) was previously developed. We will expand this model to include the remaining eastern service area and add the Westem service area. This will provide the City with one complete sewer myahmm model, The City will be ob|a to analyze any part of their system and see how new projects integrate with their existing system. The purpose of the modeling described herein is to analyze various options for the re-routing ofthe City's wastewater kJa single wastewater treatment facility. The modeling process is m major pod of this Master Wastewater Plan. CPH will take the data available and prepare a SewerCAD model of the City wastewater transmission system. This system A shall also contain known, designed or planned improvements identified by the City for inclusion in the analysis. CPH will prepare a model capable of performing o 24 hour simulation. City shall provide data to assist the Engineer in the development of a diurnal flow curve. The City shall provide all pertinent data and lift station pump curves. This includes: 1) Number ofpumps per station; 2\ Wet well diameter; 3) Variable speed pumps and locations; 4\ Size, type and brand ofeach pump oteach associated lift station and apump curve for each pump; 5\ Forcemain and gravity system sizes. The gravity size only applies to gravity sections required for re -pump situations. For these gravity sections that receive m lift station discharge and the flow continues on to another lift station (re -pump), we need to have the invert elevations eteach manhole oraileast the total drop and total length from the initial discharge manhole to the lift station; this will be used to determine gravity sewer capacity. U) Pump station run times or flow data; 7) Float elevations a1each lift station; O\ Relative elevations (based onUSGBdatum) ofthe top and bottom ofthe lift stations (these can be obtained form record drawings and do not need to be surveyed unless the City wants that degree ofaoounaoy\; 9) Wet well influent line invert ordepth from the top. The City shall identify and provide the lift station basin areas. The City shall provide the number of single family and multi family units and commercial flows within each lift station basin. Population and Wastewater Flows Population will bebased onthe data from the Water Supply Plan (currently undenmav\.This data will be adjusted to a wastewater service area population based on removing the areas onseptic tanks systems (see Data Gathering mbove). Historic wastewater flows future projections ofwastevvaborOowavvi||bebaaedontheDK4Ra.Futune projections of wastewater flows will be based on the historic flows applied to the future population projections. Summary of Recommended Improvements Based on the information and ana|yaim, and along with input from the City S1aff, select o recommended plan. Upon eeiection, develop and refine plan with additional construction cost detail. Incorporate this information inthe report. Refine the staged implementation of the selected plan to show construction of various system components for the 5 year and 1Oyear needs, Prepare planning project cost estimates for staged implementation of the plan for the 5 year and 10 year needs. Report The following items will be prepared for the 1) CPHwill prepare adnaft report for review and comment by the City. Included will bemaps in both AutoCadand GIS format. 2) The Draft report will be submitted electronically. 3\ C|b/ staff will provide review comments before or during a review meeting of the draft document. 4\ CPH will incorporate the comments and provide a final document for submittal to the City. 5\ The Final Report will be submitted electronically. O\ CPH will make m presentation of the Master Wastewater Plan to the Qh/ Commission as required. R M= Chapter 1.0 Executive Summary Chapter 2.0 Introduction 2.1 Purpose 2.2 Scope Chapter 3.0 Description of Planning Area 3.1 Geographical Location 3.2 Wastewater Service Area — Current 33 Wastewater Service Area — Future 3.4 Climate 3.5 Topography and Drainage 3.6 Surface Waters 3.7 Soils 3.8 Ecology 3.9 Flood Plains 3.10 Environmentally Sensitive Lands 3.11 Plant and Animal Communities (Listed Species) 3.12 Archeological and Historical Sites 3.13 Air Quality 3.14 Socio-economic Conditions 3.14.1 Population 3.14.2 Land Use and Development Patterns Chapter 4 Water Reclamation Facilities 4.1 General 4.1.1 Description of Existing Facilities 4.1.2 Need for new facilities 4.2 New Water Reclamation Facility Components 4.2.1 Pre -Treatment (Headworks) 4.2.2 Flow equalization and pumping 4.2.3 Biological Treatment and Clarification 4.2.4 Filtration 4.2.5 High Level Disinfection 4.2.6 Effluent Disposal 4.2.7 Sludge Processing, Handling and Disposal 4.3 Reuse — Effluent Disposal and Storage 4.3.1 Reuse System 4.3.2 Percolation Ponds 4.3.3 Reject Storage/Disposal 4.3.4 Wet Weather Storage Chapter 5 Collection/Transmission System 5.1 General 5.2 General Description of the Existing Collection System 5.3 Description of Transmission System and Hydraulic Analysis 5.3.1 Hydraulic Model Construction 5.3.2 Hydraulic Model Calibration 5.3.3 Hydraulic Modeling Scenarios 10 5.4 Design Considerations 5.4.1 Serviceability Considerations 5.4.2 Emergency Pumping Capability 5.4.3 Odor Control 5.5 Transmission alternates 5.6 Coordination with Treatment Plant locations Chapter 6 Population and Wastewater Flows 6.1 Population and Future Land Use 6.2 Historic Wastewater Flows 6.3 Future Population and Wastewater Flows 6.4 Service Area Growth Chapter 7 Design Criteria Chapter 8 Analysis of Wastewater Treatment Plant Alternative Processes and Locations Chapter 9 Selected Plan 7.1 Wastewater Reclamation Facility 7. 1.1 Summary of Programmed Improvements 7.1.2 Summary of Recommended Plant Improvements and Costs 7.2 Transmission System 7.2.1 Summary of Programmed Improvements 7.2.2 Force Main Re-routing Chapter 10 Implementation of the Selected Plan A — Zoning and Land Use Maps B — Hydraulic Model 24 -Hour Graphs — Force Main Re-routing C - Engineer's Estimate of Probable Construction Cost for Flow Re-routing Projects D - Engineer's Estimate of Probable Construction Cost for Treatment Plant Projects 11 ON Master Wastewater Plan Task Desch lion RATE HOURS MASTER WASTEWATER PLAN ANALYSIS mmm $16000 11 Data Gathering Senior Project Manager $15000 118 a Collect and review project data Project Engineer 2 6 to Population data will be used from Water Supply Plan and modified as necessary Design Tech $95.00 110 for the sewer service area Clerical 11 2 4 Identify areas served by septic systems Segregate septic areas from the c severed area. Septic areas will not be served by this plan, Page T-1 6 8 d Develop with staff a Wastewater Service Area Map 1 2 6 Meet with staff and evaluate existing conditions at WRF and facilities (use c previous studies) Existing anlysis wit be brief and genral in arture, as the goal I is to replace the existing facilities 4 4 of City to provide proposed development areas for future growth Engineer will estimate flow for the areas based on development data from the City 24 e Evaluate FDEP design criteria as it relates to a new WRF 1 14 8 4 I Evaluate historical wastewater flows and generation rates 1 4 8 8 Develop peaking factors based on historical flows and acceptible standards to assist in component sizing criteria 4 8 Description of Planning Area a Provide general description based on available published data and literature 6 Wastewater Reclamation Facilities Evaluate treatment options available for producing renjaimed water with an a emphasis on biological nutrient removal 1 32 32 b Provide a process recommendation based on out research and analysis 4 c Prepare component sizing for each pan of the selected process 1 4 12 16 Evaluate the three site location options and develop site layouts for each site d (three east, west and middlei. Use existing site plans from previous projects No new surveys will be performed Consider all items listed in the scope of services 12 24 24 a Analysis of how to get reclaimed water back into the existing disposal sites and systems. 1 6 16 16: f Evaluate the best station/site to upgrade to send flows to IBRWRF alternative, one east and one west, 1 4 8 8 9 Develop a recommendation of the best site alternative 1 4 4 4 h Coordinate win the modeling to determine costs to implement a and b above 4 4 Prepare cost estimates to assist in calaftal improvement plan 1 8 16 16 City has performed extensive research into residuals. Work with staff to develop resldual treatment facilities based on their research 4 SUBTOTAL DIRECT LABOR 11 118 164 110 SUBTOTAL —1-4-925, Misr, Expenses $91 TOTAL. TASK I S49.3d5 RATE HOURS FEE Principal $16000 11 $1,76000 Senior Project Manager $15000 118 $17,700,00 Project Engineer $11500 164 $18,860,00 Design Tech $95.00 110 $10,450,00 Clerical 11 $6000 8 $480.00 $49,250.00 Page T-1 Master Wastewater Man P777p.1' a Prepare draft Master Wastewater Plan b Including maps in AutoCad and GIS format c Electronic submission d Meeting to discuss draft Master Wastewater Plan Make revisions to the draft Wastewater Plan in accordance with the e review f Finalize Master Wastwater Plan Prepare electronic copies of Master WW Plan for submittal to the 9 r',.,. Principal Senior Project Manager Project Engineer Design Tech Clerical 11 Subtotal Labor Page T-2 Manager Engineer Tech Clerical 11 24 40 16 4 8 16 58 41 1 SUBTOTAL SU 4 4 $17,73' , 0 5 00 M Misc. Expenses ETOTAL 8 2i 4 III 47 58 41 12 SUBTOTAL SU $17,73' , 0 5 00 M Misc. Expenses ETOTAL 1 30 $1,11300 TASK 11 10� 0 $17,876.30 RATE HOURS FEE $160.00 0 $0.00 $150.00 43 $6,450.00 $115.00 58 $6,670.00 $95-00 41 $3,895.00 $60.00 12 $720.00 $17,735.00 Task Princ Task Description III SEWERCAD Model I Collect and review all available data Compile City lift station and force main data. Expand NE a Quadrant system to include the entire City transmission b Gather population data and basin (pump station) data for input in the analysis. Build model of the exsiting system with input data from 2 City and using City GIS data and Maps. Analyze, evaluate and review force main re-routing 3 scenarios based on treatment plant locations. 4 4 Prepare information and incorporate into the Master Plan Sr. Project 4 4 2 16 Project Design CIE ,n inner Technician 40 16 �$33,420.00 $6728 $67.28 24 16 40 16 a Pipeline alignment layouts 8 8 16 1 c Impacts on existing pump stations and gravity sewers 4 8 1 d Estimated engineering and construction costs 8 8 16 e Conclusions/recommendations 4 8 f Meet with staff to discuss 4 4 1 J1 SUBTOTAL DIRECT LABOR 4 54 156 64 Page T-3 ..-.---'§-UBTOTAL Misc. Expenses �$33,420.00 $6728 $67.28 TOTAL TASK 111 33,48 28 $33,487.28 RATE HOURS FEE Principal $160.00 4 $640,00 Senior Project Manager $150.00 54 $8,100.00 Project Engineer $115.00 156 $17,940,00 Design Tech $95.00 64 $6,080m Clerical 11 $60.00 11 $660.00 Subtotal Labor $33,420.00 Page T-3 Page T-4