HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 01 28 Consent 302 Rescind Directive to Staff regarding Storage UnitsCOMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 302 REQUEST: Informational Consent X Public Hearings Regular January 28, 2019 KS Regular Meeting City Manager Department At the direction of the City Commission at its January 14, 2019 meeting, staff is presenting this agenda item for the City Commission to consider rescinding its March 26, 2018 directive to staff to prepare a draft ordinance to permit self -storage facilities as a conditional use in the C-1, C-2 and Industrial zoning districts. SYNOPSIS: On March 26, 2018, the City Commission directed that City staff prepare a draft ordinance to permit self -storage facilities as a conditional use in the C-1, C-2 and Industrial zoning districts. No deadline to complete the draft for the Commission's consideration was given. At the last City Commission meeting on January 14, 2019, the City Commission directed that an agenda item be presented to the City Commission for purposes of rescinding the previous March 26, 2018 directive and releasing Staff from the responsibility of working on the draft ordinance. CONSIDERATIONS: 1. On March 26, 2018, the City Commission directed that City staff prepare a draft ordinance to permit self -storage facilities as a conditional use in the C-1, C-2 and Industrial zoning districts. Staff has been working on a draft ordinance. However, no deadline to complete the draft for the Commission's consideration was given. 2. At the last City Commission meeting on January 14, 2019, the City Commission directed that an agenda item be presented to the City Commission at this meeting for purposes of rescinding the previous March 26, 2018 directive and releasing Staff from the responsibility of working on and completing the draft ordinance. Consent 302 PAGE 1 OF 2 - January 28, 2019 3. Whether to rescind the previous directive is a legislative policy decision for the City Commission to decide at its discretion. 4. If the City Commission rescinds the previous directive, no additional work will be conducted on the draft ordinance and the matter will be removed from the pending assignment list. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no direct fiscal impact related to this Agenda Item other than relieving Staff, P&Z Board and City Commission from the work -hours required to complete and adopt the ordinance. COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: This Agenda Item has been electronically forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission, City Manager, City Attorney/Staff, and is available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's Server. Additionally, portions of this Agenda Item are typed verbatim on the respective Meeting Agenda which has also been electronically forwarded to the individuals noted above, and which is also available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's Server; has been sent to applicable City Staff, Media/Press Representatives who have requested Agendas/Agenda Item information, Homeowner's Associations/Representatives on file with the City, and all individuals who have requested such information. This information has also been posted outside City Hall, posted inside City Hall with additional copies available for the General Public, and posted at six (6) different locations around the City. Furthermore, this information is also available to any individual requestors. City Staff is always willing to discuss this Agenda Item or any Agenda Item with any interested individuals. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Commission rescind the March 26, 2018 City Commission directive which directed City staff to prepare a draft ordinance to permit self -storage facilities as a conditional use in the C-1, C-2 and Industrial zoning districts. ATTACHMENTS: Relevant Excerpt of March 26, 2018 City Commission Minutes Consent 302 PAGE 2 OF 2 - January 28, 2019 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 26, 2018 PAGE 9 OF 16 Conthibi ig, Ms. Campbell stated, "The management letter as required by the Auditor General sta s that �V there are n Current year or prior year conflicts," Furthermore, Ms. Campbell commented "!�e Auditor 'Via' "'am' n ""en, year General requi _- .'s us to perform financial condition assessment procedures where we comlige the City to t f itself over the Iv( ,\a five (5) years as well as the City to other cities of similar size, T11 Ity continues to show favorable 1111 cia I assessments comparing very favorably to other cities of s �i [ai- size. This year, I nos ti the City's He politic increased eight million ($8,000,000.00) as a result o�"reVC41LK"S continuing to exceed expenses." '011// Comments followed on audit)4)nipliance requirements. With further remarks, Mayor L.ac4 pointed out, "I think City that there were absolutely no cc-iments from the �,u' exceeding expenses with our revenues. Mayor Lacey added, "Congratulations to the "I MOVE WE ACCEPT THE CAIS' (C( 1t FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING , F,1"1"FEN CANNON. MAYOR LSACE TATED, DISCUSSION, VOTE: DEPUTYMAYOR ESNICK: AYE COMMISSIONS 'REENBERG: AYE COMMISSION .. HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIO ER CANNON: AYE COMMISIS NERKENDRICK: AYE City Services Department. yaks to the financial management of the and we are, as Tammy (Campbell) says, 4 3j,ENPIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT) 30',�017." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER ONDkD BY DEPUTY MAYOR RE NICK." Cit nager Kevin L. Smith thanked Mr. Boyle, Ms. Kelly Balagia, Budget Analyst, 1')�, i � and %Z: 11ce and A 01 11strative Services Department, and Ms. Holly Queen, CPA, MBA, Controller, F u, cc Ad issioner Hovey and Members of the City Commission also offered their thanks. REGULAR 502® Community Development Department REQUEST: The Community Development Department providing information to the City Commission regarding the location of self -storage facilities within the City. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no direct fiscal impact related to the City Commission's consideration of this agenda item. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINI, I T E S CITY CO RIM I S S ION R EGI 1 LAR MEETING -- M ARCH 26, 2018 PACE 10 OF 16 COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: This Agenda Item has been electronically forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission, City Manager, City Attorney/Staff, and is available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's Server. Additionally, portions of this Agenda Item are typed verbatim on the respective Meeting Agenda is has also been electronically forwarded to the individuals noted above, and which is also available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's Server; has been sent to applicable City Staff, Media/Press Representatives who have requested Agendas/Agenda Item information, Homeowner's Associations/ Representatives on file with the City, and all individuals who have requested such information. This information has also been posted outside City Hall, posted inside City Hall with additional copies available for the General Public, and posted at six (6) different locations around the City. Furthermore, this information is also available to any individual requestors. City Staff is always willing to discuss this Agenda Item or any Agenda Item with any interested individuals. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Commission review the information provided and provide further direction to Staff regarding the location of self -storage facilities within the City. Mr, Brian Fields, R.E., Director, Community Development Department welcomed Commissioner Greenberg and began the discussion on this Agenda Item addressing locations, design standards, and possible locations for future projects. Commissioner Cannon and Mr. Fields then addressed possible options, what setbacks could be designated near residential communities, and what other jurisdictions were doing. Regarding whether Mr. Fields had received any inquiries for U.S. Highway 17/92, Mr. Fields said he had not, however Mr. Fields noted there had been inquiries for other areas. Setbacks were mentioned again as well as possible boat/RV storage and outdoor parking. Mayor Lacey suggested that if we go forward, we could include verbiage that such, would not be allowed. Commissioner Hovey asked Mr. Fields that if we did go ahead, could we stipulate that we would only allow indoor and not outdoor self -storage facilities. Mr. Fields stated, "Yes. Referencing residential areas, Deputy Mayor Cade Resnick mentioned he would be more comfortable considering industrialized areas. With further comments, Mayor Lacey suggested that industrial areas may not be convenient for many residents and that perhaps some commercial areas might be a better option. Commissioner Geoff Kendrick spoke of market forces, referred to a publication which noted that daily traffic impact was not very intensive with self -storage projects, possible locations, the Town Center, and that people need storage options for their belongings, Commissioner Cannon noted he thought there was a need for self -storage and we should look at some areas, and also mentioned a concern with self -storage being too close to residential entrances. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING — MARCH 2b, 2018 PAGE 1111 OF 16 Furthermore, Commissioner Cannon stated, "I do think that there is a need so I do think that we need to really look at this." Commissioner Cannon then suggested Staff provide information on safeguards; and remarked that his preference right now was for C-2, a Conditional Use with some limitations; and along the lines of what Deputy Mayor Resnick suggested, that if an industrial area was available for a storage business, that perhaps boats and RV's could be housed in the back so they were not visible from the street. Commissioner Greenberg mentioned he was in favor, noted personal use of self -storage, and as a Developer, pointed out that he was aware of many upmarket type of self -storage facilities with inside availability for boats or trailers. Commissioner Greenberg also agreed with the traffic information Commissioner Kendrick mentioned, and thought that we should pursue something for both sides of Winter Springs as well as an upscale type of project. Continuing the discussion, Commissioner Hovey commented on 24/7 access to many self -storage businesses, and that we might want to consider that aspect. Mayor Lacey commented on self -storage facilities that are commonly seen with loud colored doors, and thought that if we moved forward, considering the needs of our residents, we could go with upscale self - storage facilities as shown during this discussion, and if so, Mayor Lacey did not see an issue with this type of business. Deputy Mayor Resnick referenced the area near State Road 417 and commented on his concern with traffic and access in that area. Mr. Fields mentioned a center turn -lane for new developments, and that any four -laving in that area was probably six to eight (6-8) years away. With comments on the pet day care business in that same area as well as safety concerns, Mr. Fields said he agreed with the comments that traffic associated with self -storage is typically low. Deputy Mayor Resnick added that if a self - storage business was to go in at that location, as people would be transporting items to the self -storage facility, we should review this as applicable. Commissioner Kendrick addressed possible underserved locations for self -storage to assist our residents with normpact to traffic and added, "We are talking about - on major arteries, that is not going to be a traffic hindrance, and that will serve the needs of our citizens," Mayor Lacey remarked, "From everything I have heard, 1 believe we are talking about just a Conditional Use, so if it is a Conditional Use, I would think that we don't hurt ourselves by opening up to a little bit broader Zoning Map to include C-1, because all these factors that are of concern to all of us, we have got a chance to revisit that every time it comes forward." Mayor Lacey suggested, "I would consider a Conditional Use definition of it, and then have it in C-1, C-2, and other industrial areas," Addressing City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, Mayor Lacey asked if the criteria that Mr. Fields included in his Agenda Item, which seems to limit us to the upscale type looks for self -storage facilities, could such be included in an Ordinance? Attorney Garganese said it could. Commissioner Cannon inquired about the parcels at the GreeneWay Interchange area, to which Mr. Fields went over various parcels of land that could be used, and also referenced C-3 Zoning. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 26, 2018 PAGE 12 OF 16 "I WOULD LIKE TO PROPOSE THAT WE INSTRUCT STAFF TO WRITE AN ORDINANCE REGARDING SELF -STORAGE, TO BECOME A CONDITIONAL USE IN C-1 AND C-2 IN A TIMELY MANNER." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER KENDRICK, SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR RESNICK. DISCUSSION. REMARKS FOLLOWED ON WHETHER INDUSTRIAL SHOULD BE OMITTED OR COMMISSIONE12 KENDRICK SAID HE WOULD INCLUDE INDUSTRIAL IN THE MOTION MANAGER. SMITH ASKED FOR DIRECTION AS TO WHAT KIND OF CONDITIONS THE COMMISSION WOULD LIKE TO CONSIDER AND MENTIONED THAT MR. FIELDS HAD INCLUDED SOME THAT COULD BE REVIEWED IN THE AGENDA ITEM. MAYOR LACEY SAID, "SINCE WE ARE TALKING ABOUT FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE, ENCAPSULATE WHAT BRIAN (FIELDS) HAS PROPOSED UNLESS THE COMMISSIONERS HAVE ANY OBJECTIONS TO THAT, AND THEN WE WILL HAVE A VIEW OF IT ON -- THE FIRST READING OF THE ORDINANCE." MAYOR LACEY INQUIRED, "DCI I HAVE UNANIMOUS CONSENT" TO AMEND THE MOTION TO INCLUDE INDUSTRIAL?" COMMISSIONER GREENBERG NODDED IN FAVOR. COMMISSIONER KENDRICK SAID, "NCI PROBLEM." WITH NO OBJECTIONS VOICED, MAYOR LACEY CLARIFIED, "NCI OBJECTIONS. SCI, TETE MOTION IS AMENDED." REFERENCING THE TWO (2) OR THREE (3) STORY BUILDING ELEVATIONS THAT WERE SHOWN DURING THE DISCUSSION OF THIS AGENDA ITEM, COMMISSIONER CANNON SUGGESTED SOME SETBACKS FROM RESIDENTIAL BE INCLUDED. MAYOR LACEY RECOMMENDED TO COMMISSIONER CANNON, "IF IT IS AMENABLE TO YOU, WHY DON'T WE USE YOUR AMENDMENT TO BASICALLY DELEGATE TO STAFF TO GIVE USA RECOMMENDATION THAT WE ARE INTERESTED IN SETBACKS AND WE WANT THEM TO GIVE US A RECOMMENDATION FOR THE FIRST ADING." COMMISSIONER CANNON STATED, "I WOULD LIKE THAT." FURTHER, COMMISSIONER CANNON NOTED, "FOR THE CONSTRUCTION SETBACK. - IN LIGHT OF, IF IT IS A THREE (3) STORY BUILDING, WHAT WOULD BE AN - APPROPRIATE SETBACK FROM THE ACTUAL PROPERTY LINE, SCI SOMEBODY IN THEIR BACKYARD SWIMMING POOL IS NOT LOOKING RIGHT UP AT A THREE (3) STORY BUILDING." FOR CLARIFICATION, MR. FIELDS ASKED, "A MINIMUM FRONT SETBACK AS WELL AS I UNDERSTAND IT, A SIDE - OR REAR SETBACK TOA RESIDENTIALLY ZONED LOTT' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING —MARCH 2b, 2018 PAGE 13 OF 16 COMMISSIONER CANNON ADDED, `TES, SO A SIDE SETBACK AND REAR SETBACK I MORE FOR THE RESIDENTIAL AND THEN JUST SOME SETBACKS SCI WE DON'T HAVE ANOTHER RiZE [AT WINTER. SPRINGS]." DISCUSSION ENSUED WITH MANAGER SMITH. COMMISSIONER KENDRICK SUGGESTED THAT STAFF LOOK AT THE DESIGNS THAT HAVE BEEN ADMITTED AND BRING THEM BACK. MAYOR LACEY REMARKED, "I AM LOOKING FOR THE COMMISSION TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE MAIN MOTION THAT SAYS WE ARE LOOKING FOR A STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COME PACK ON SETBACKS AND DISTANCE BETWEEN SELF -STORAGE UNITS,.." MANAGER SMITH ADDED, —INCLUDING THE "CRITERIA THAT IS LAID OUT ON PAGE 2 OF THE AGENDA ITEM." MAYOR LACER' EXPLAINED, "SO THE MOTION IS AMENDED FOR ALL THOSE THINGS THAT WE TALKED ABOUT, SETBACKS, DISTANCE, AND THE CRITERIA THAT ARE IN THE STAFF REPORT FOR THIS AGENDA ITEM." MANAGER SMITH COMMENTED, "UNDERSTOOD." MAYOR LACEY THEN SAID, "MOTION. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HOVEY. IS THERE ANY OBJECTION TO JUST ADOPTING THE MOTION BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT?" COMMISSIONER CANNON STATER, "NO OBJECTION." WITH NO OBJECTIONS VOICED, MAYOR LACEY STATED, "SO, THE MOTION IS AMENDED." VOTE: COMMISSIONER GREENDERG: AYE COMMISSIONER NDRICK: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER CANNON: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR SNICK; AYE MOTILIN CARRIED. Mayor Lacey then remarked, "We did not give specific direction to Kevin (Smith) on the timeframe. My feeling is he fins it in to the Agenda as best he can. I would like to see it within a couple of meetings. Any dissent to that direction?" No objections were noted. REPORTS 600. Office of the City Attorney — Anthony A. Garganese, Esquire Attorney Garganese gave an update on the Trail acquisition with Mr, Bart Phillips and also congratulated Commissioner Greenberg on his Appointment,