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2019 01 16 Regular 502 Year-To-Date Expense Report
TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM Informational ITEM 502 Consent Public Hearings Regular X January 16, 2019 REQUEST: The Community Development Department Requests That The Tuscawilla Lighting And Beautification District Advisory Committee Receive And Discuss Budgetary Information Including The Year-To-Date Expense Report For Fiscal Year 2019. ATTACHMENT(S): A. Year-To-Date Expense Report (1 Page) TLBD Maintenance Fund Quarterly Meeting -January 16, 2019 Select Expense Accounts FY2019 - YTD thru 12.31.18 Account Vendor Date Amount Fountains 545210-001 Budget $14,394.00 FOUNTAIN DOCTOR (monthly fountain maint; lightbulb replacement) 11/05/2018 25.00 Install new capacitor (North and South) 12/10/2018 650.00 Monthly maint October 12/04/2018 800.00 Monthly maint Nov; bulb replacement YTD Expense Total Encumbered End Balance Grounds 545270 Budget $1,475.00 $4,225.00 $8,694.00 $167,900.00 BRIGHTVIEW 11/19/2018 16,573.44 Oct/Nov monthly maint; irrigation repair YTD Expense Total Encumbered End Balance $16,573.44 $590.00 $150,736.56 Signs/Walls 545270-004 Budget $8,500.00 M&M FLAGS & BANNERS 11/28/2018 231.98 Two flags YTD Expense Total Encumbered End Balance $231.98 $0.00 $8,268.02 Contract Admin 530341 Budget $9,170.00 YTD Expense Total $0.00 Encumbered $0.00 End Balance $9,170.00 Utilities 540430 Budget $51,720.00 SEMINOLE COUNTY (Irrigation for Howell Creek/Deer Run) 10/24/2018 18.34 11/14/2018 24.55 12/20/2018 38.04 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 10/12/2018 965.511 Vistawilla-Tuscora-Trotwood-Fountain (Irrigation) 10/17/2018 1,085.04 Seneca -Shetland -Dyson -Medians 21, 22, 23 -Fountain 11/16/2018 1,086.29 Vistawilla/Planter L&RTLBD, Tuscora/434, WSB/Tuska, Tusk/Trotwood 12/04/2018 1,016.74 Seneca -Shetland -Dyson -Medians 21, 22, 23 -Fountains 12/19/2018 1,151.64 Vistawilla/Planter L&RTLBD, Tuscora/434, WSB/Tuska, Tusk/Trotwood 12/19/2018 1,050.39 Seneca -Shetland -Dyson -Medians 21, 22, 23 -Fountains DUKE ENERGY 11/27/2018 2,659.69 Low voltage entrance lighting -October 11/28/2018 2,645.07 Low voltage entrance lighting -November 12/27/2018 2,71 .8 1 Low voltage entrance lighting -December 12/27/2018 27.76 lCorrecting journal 113099-599764