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2018 11 19 Public Hearings 403 Starbucks Monument Sign
COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 403 November 19, 2018 Regular Meeting REQUEST: Informational Consent Public Hearings X Regular KS City Manager Department The Community Development Department requests the City Commission hold a Public Hearing to consider a special exception request to the Town Center District Code to permit a freestanding monument sign along S.R. 434 serving the new Starbucks and a future adjacent retail building. SYNOPSIS: In the Town Center District, freestanding monument signs are permitted by special exception along the S.R. 434 frontage. IDBS Winter Springs, LLC is seeking approval for one monument sign located on the north side of S.R. 434, west of Michael Blake Boulevard, to serve the Starbucks currently under construction and an adjacent future multi - tenant retail building. CONSIDERATIONS: APPLICANT AND PROPERTY INFORMATION: Applicant/Property owner's name(s): IDBS Winter Springs, LLC Representative: Bryan Schultz . Property Owner: . Property addresses: . Property Parcel ID numbers: IDBS Winter Springs, LLC 1220 East S.R. 434 06-21-31-506-0000-003A 06-21-31-506-0000-0030 Public Hearings 403 PAGE 1 OF 5 - November 19, 2018 . Current FLUM Designation: . Current Zoning Designations . Development Agreements (if any) Town Center District Town Center T5 (Urban Center Zone) Winter Springs Holdings, 4/9/15 First Modification, 1/9/17 . Pending Code Enforcement Actions (if any): None . City Liens if any): None APPLICABLE LAW, PUBLIC POLICY, AND EVENTS: Winter Springs Code of Ordinances City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan Winter Springs Town Center District Code, Section 20-321(c) Winter Springs Town Center District Code, Section 20-327.1 DISCUSSION: At the April 23, 2018 City Commission meeting, the City Commission approved the Final Engineering Plans, Aesthetic Review, and four Special Exception requests for Starbucks in the Winter Springs Town Center. Starbucks is currently under construction with a planned opening date in early 2019. At the time Starbucks was approved by the City Commission in April 2018, the developer, IDBS Winter Springs, LLC, had not finalized plans for a possible monument sign along S.R. 434. The Starbucks building already has approved building -mounted text signage and/or logos on all four sides of the building. In the Town Center Zoning District, freestanding monument signs are permitted by special exception only along the S.R. 434 frontage, per Section 20-327.1. IDBS Winter Springs, LLC is now seeking approval for one monument sign located on the north side of S.R. 434, west of Michael Blake Boulevard, to serve Starbucks and an adjacent future multi -tenant retail building. Please refer to Exhibit A for a Vicinity Map and Exhibit B for a Site Plan. The future multi -tenant retail building, located at the northwest corner of Michael Blake Boulevard and S.R. 434, has not been approved by the City Commission. The retail building is in the conceptual design phase and it has been preliminarily reviewed by City Staff. The building is tentatively planned to be approximately 8,000 square feet and will have space for up to six retail tenants. Approval of a special exception at this time to permit a monument sign serving both Starbucks and the future retail building in no way obligates the City to approve any aspect of the future retail building. The proposed freestanding monument sign is detailed in Exhibit C. The sign is approximately 10 -feet wide by 8 -feet high and has a look and finish matching Starbucks and the planned architecture for the future retail building. The bottom two feet of the sign base features a stone veneer matching Starbucks, and the side of the Public Hearings 403 PAGE 2 OF 5 - November 19, 2018 sign closest to S.R. 434 features a decorative pilaster with a precast cap and brick veneer finish. Spaces for individual tenant panels will be approximately 4.5 -feet wide by 9 -inches high. Per the Winter Springs Town Center District Code, Section 20-321(c), special exceptions in the Town Center District must meet the following criteria: (1) The city commission may by special exception waive strict compliance with provisions of this code in furtherance of promoting the town center policies adopted by the city. In granting a special exception, the city commission must find by substantial competent evidence that: a. The proposed development contributes to, promotes and encourages the improvement of the Winter Springs Town Center and catalyzes other development as envisioned in the Winter Springs Town Center regulations. The proposed developments served by the monument sign, consisting of a Starbucks and a future multi -tenant retail building, will improve the Town Center and catalyze other development in the area. A monument sign is important for the visibility and success of Starbucks and the future retail tenants. b. The proposed development will not have an unfavorable effect on the economy of the Winter Springs Town Center and complies with the economic fiscal impact requirements set forth in the City's Comprehensive Plan and Code. The proposed monument sign is intended to have a positive economic impact on the Winter Springs Town Center. c. The proposed development abides by all rules in this code other than those specially excepted. Special limitations apply to large footprint buildings (greater than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet); see subsection 20-324(9) for these limitations. The proposed monument sign abides by all rules in the Town Center Code. d. The proposed development meets any reasonable additional conditions, restrictions or limitations deemed necessary by the city commission in order to preserve and promote the intent of the Winter Springs Town Center District Code. e. With respect to each waiver requested, the specific waiver shall comply with all of the following: 1. Is a result of special conditions and circumstances which are peculiar to the land, site plan, structure or building involved and which justify granting the waiver in the context of the overall proposed development being successful within the town center; The properties served by the monument sign are adjacent to S.R. 434 and are therefore eligible for the special exception to have a free standing monument sign (Section 20-327.1). 2. Is the minimum waiver from the town center regulations necessary to make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure; Public Hearings 403 PAGE 3 OF 5 - November 19, 2018 The minimum waiver is being requested. Having one monument sign serve two properties (Starbucks and the future retail building) provides the necessary monument signage but also limits the total number of signs along S.R. 434. 3. Is in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the town center regulations; The proposed special exception for a freestanding monument sign is in harmony with the Town Center regulations. 4. Will not be injurious or incompatible to the town center and any surrounding neighborhood or property; and The proposed monument sign will not be injurious or incompatible to the Town Center and any surrounding areas. 5. Will not create a public nuisance or be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare relative to public services including water, sewer, surface water management, police, fire, parks and recreation, streets and traffic patterns, public transportation, marina and water ways, bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The proposed development was designed with the above taken into consideration. The proposed Special Exception has no foreseen detrimental effects on any of the public services listed above. At the November 7, 2018 Planning & Zoning Board meeting, the Board voted 5-0 to forward a recommendation of approval to the City Commission. FISCAL IMPACT: The special exception has no direct or immediate fiscal impact; however, it does enhance the ability for Starbucks and future tenants of the retail building to be successful at this location. COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: This Agenda Item has been electronically forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission, City Manager, City Attorney/Staff, and is available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's Server. Additionally, portions of this Agenda Item are typed verbatim on the respective Meeting Agenda which has also been electronically forwarded to the individuals noted above, and which is also available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's Server; has been sent to applicable City Staff, Media/Press Representatives who have requested Agendas/Agenda Item information, Homeowner's Associations/Representatives on file with the City, and all individuals who have requested such information. This information has also been posted outside City Hall, posted inside City Hall with additional copies available for the General Public, and posted at six (6) different locations around the City. Furthermore, this information is also available to any individual requestors. City Staff is always willing to discuss this Agenda Item or any Agenda Item with any interested individuals. Public Hearings 403 PAGE 4 OF 5 - November 19, 2018 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Commission approve the requested special exception to permit a freestanding monument sign along S.R. 434 serving the new Starbucks and a future adjacent retail building. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Exhibit A - Vicinity Map 2. Exhibit B - Site Plan 3. Exhibit C - Monument Sign Public Hearings 403 PAGE 5 OF 5 - November 19, 2018 'Y cDuriald's 4L'. 0 Monument Sign Ar. 71 Future' Retail Building IN 11,14 Ac 4. w?a'.?i� ts ,AL Future' Retail Building IN 11,14 Ac 4. w?a'.?i� EXHIBIT B SITE LEGEND SITE INFORMATION SITE LEGEND T (EIE ImIll I IT 11AIIIIII IT'S. 111 INT 1116 -E— El I.. —ITP El I II Q IIII 1111-111111-1 E-TEITAII- IAIIIIE IIIIICE 1-1. (8EE DETAIT I EIEIT Q 111 TIIAIT 111TEIP (E) 111111ITI Ill I 1111T 17.11. wLL PAVEMENT LEGEND C) 1, IIIIITEI EIIII—El 'I IEEP 1- 1111 TIAII I PEI A111. PIT, TETIT 11 EPI`.EE 'j,"I", ,,TAI,, SH PECIA. 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IIA IT I El EEEIEIATII III I EE..I I EH I -111.1 k —1 z02.,E� mems gm SmST 24• I c t CA 22 9 22 �`7 EEPt J -4- E, P, o ♦ F sw sT 17 S (D, 2 �, 1 0 - 0 (9 =I 0,3 LOT 3 C: z, o uj 0.67 AC 0 STARBUCKS 2,500 SF LL E Nr 7SF z R Z55' A 7,2 C 0 E < LOT4 IL 16 18' 22' To �G 0.8,- AC co EE D �o H < -------------- 18" RCP S.R. 434 L= MONUMENT SIGN] —mo ET HE C4.0 EXHIBIT C v-11 ve" a' -o va" 1A LINE OF PRECA5T CONCRETE FOUNDATION BELOW 91M 6.] CONCRETE SILL ABOVE UJ/ 5TONMA&ONRY W/ S A FINISH WALLS 4 STUCCO BRICK VENEER ON PRECAST CONCRETE CAP CMU PIER BLOCK 6.] — — — — — — - 1'-11 Sl8" .] 11'-1 1l4" MONUMENT SIGN LOWER PLAN 6A v-11 ve" a' -o va" 201 %.029 P'NH't'—' PRECAST PRECAST CONCRETE CAP CONCRETE GAP BRICK SOLDIER COURSES E IF5 FASCIAILLUR] TRIM BRICK SOLDIER COURSES 5TACK BOND EIF5 TRIM BRICK VENEER 5TACK BOND - bFINISH TUC STUCCO BRICK VENEER m - - a FOR FUTURE a SIGN y PANELS PRECAST CONCRETE SILL BRICK SOLDIER - MFG. STONE BRICK bOLDIER COURSES - VENEER COURSES <AJ WEST SIDE LEAST SIDE SIMILAR) A11s (ES) eOUTH SIDE (C) NORTH SIDE MONUMENT SIGN ELEVATIONS BOTH SIGNS HAVE APPROXIMATELY - 5F OF SIGN AREA PER SIDE - - 5F ALLOWED PER SIDE STUCCO- SAND FINISH BRICK VENEER CULTURED STONE VENEER PAINT EX -PI (EF' 4) BR -I SC -1 SHERWIN WILLIAMS SCM031 CHEROKEE BRICK VELOUR MED, ELDORADO STACKED STONE 'MEGA GREIGE" GRAY CASTAWAY COLOF, SArIF—LES FOF, 110NUI„IE NT SIGN EIES WALL GAP AND TRIM BAND PAINT EX -P5 PAINT TO MATCH JAME5 HARDIE KHAKI BROUN TENANTSIGN TENANTSIGN TENANTS*N 11 TENANT SIGN II NOTE THIS SIGN LAYOUT IS ONLY CONCEPTUAL AND WILL VARY DEPENDING ON THE FINAL NUMBER OF OCCUPIED SPACE5 IN THE FUTURE RETAIL BUILDING. THE TENANT SIGN PANEL COLOR SELECTION LULL COMPLEMENT d COORDINATE WITH THE COLORS ON THE MONUMENT SIGN CONCEPTUAL SIGN LAYOUT PRECA5T CONCRETE PIER CAP PRECAST CONCRETE SILL EXTERIOR FINISH LEGEND FAINT-SANDA) PAINT O -S NUFIN ISH SHERWIN WILLIAMS. SW]031 "MEGA GREIGE" BRICK VENEER BR -1 CHEROKEE BRICK. VELOUR MED. GRAY _ CULTUREDSTONEVENEER SG1 ELDORADO STACKED STONE. CASTAWAY ER WALL CAP B TRIM BAND PAINT. E% -P5 PAINT COLOR TO MATCH JAMES HARDIE. KHAKI BROWN PRECAST CONCRETE PIER CAP B SILL STARBUCKS & RETAIL MONUMENT SIGN Winter Springs, Florida AESTHETIC REVIEW 1-18 RMH RMH ue NU, 0., by ap—d by 201 %.029 P'NH't'—' MONUMENT SIGN ELEVATIONS A6.7 M e1 mbe 4'4' VIF Scale: 1" =1'-0" Square Footage 114.44 SCOPE OF WORK: Manufacture and install flat aluminum faces for D/F monument sign. DESCRIPTION: -.080" flat aluminum faces, stud mounted to D/F Monument Sign Background. - Faces have applied vinyl graphics. COLOR SCHEDULE: _ Flat Aluminum faces painted Akzo Noble Black (gloss) _ 3M 3630-76 Holly Green Vinyl 0 3M 7725-10 White Vinyl EXHIBIT III_ IIIIIIIII ����iIIIIIIIIIIII�I��IIIIIIIIII=� ��II•��_ IIIIIIIII=��■r_�� 1 f/QN /NOU6TRIE5 CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1077 wemo est Blue NBlvd, west Palm Beach, FIA 33404 Phone: (561)863-6659/ (800)772-7932 Fae: (661)863 4294 NORTHEAST DIVISION 7)7 commerce ac, Gm'., NG 28026 Phone. (7M)7H 3733/ (80017932 Fae: (704)788-3843 www.atlassignindustries.us This design / engineering Is to remain Atlas Sign Industries axGlus,e property until approved and accepted fhru purchase by client named on drawing. No part of design and or specifications may be duplicated without wntten authorization of A las Sign Industries. © CopYh9ht2011 Drawing No. 84524 Sheet No. 14 Date 31712018 PathFLI inter SpringelHwy 434 (#55615) PM Mark B. Drawn By T DeNicholas Scale As Shown Revision 1 10126118 By TD Revision 2 Revision 3 Revision 4 Revision 5 ULUNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC. vim—s Approved by: Date: O APPROVED AS SHOWN O APPROVED AS NOTED O CORRECT & RESUBMIT