HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 08 09 Regular 501 Actuarial Valuation Report and Additional Financial ReportsBOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA ITEM ITEM 501 August 9, 2018 Regular Meeting REQUEST: Informational Consent Public Hearings Regular I X Mgr. / Authorization Dept. The Finance And Administrative Services Department Is Requesting That The Board Of Trustees Receive And Accept The 2017 Actuarial Valuation Report And Additional Financial Reports From Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company. ATTACHMENT(S): A. Quarterly Investment Return Report (55 Pages) Retirement RGConsulting June 15, 2018 Mr. Shawn Boyle Finance and Administrative Services Director City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 P:954.527.1616 1 F: 954.525.0083 I www.grsconsulting.com Re: City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan Actuarial Valuation Dear Shawn: As requested, we are pleased to enclose eleven (11) copies of the October 1, 2017 Actuarial Valuation Report for the City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan. We appreciate the opportunity to partner with you on this important project and look forward to presenting the highlights of our Report at the August 9th Meeting. Per our letter dated April 3, 2017, the State issued a Memorandum announcing the activation of their new online reporting portal for pension plans. Upon approval of the Actuarial Valuation Report, we will upload the required copy of the Actuarial Valuation Report along with the newly required disclosure information to the State portal. If you should have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerest regards, Lawrence F. Wilson, A.S.A. Senior Consultant and Actuary Enclosures "aRATING 8p LSV }� O h I A ,938-2019 ' a7? City Of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan ACTUARIAL VALUATION AS OF OCTOBER 1, 2017 This Valuation Determines the Annual Contribution for the Plan Year October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019 to be Paid in Plan Year October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019 June 15, 2018 GRS Retirement �] Consulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan Ret rement Consulting TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Commentary 1 I. Summary of Retirement Plan Costs........................................................................... 6 II. Comparison of Cost Data of Current and Prior Valuations ....................................... 8 III. Characteristics of Participants in Actuarial Valuation ............................................... 9 IV. Statement of Assets................................................................................................. 10 V. Reconciliation of Plan Assets................................................................................... 11 VI. Actuarial Gain / (Loss).............................................................................................. 13 VII. Amortization of Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability............................................14 VIII. Accounting Disclosure Exhibit................................................................................. 15 IX. Outline of Principal Provisions of the Retirement Plan ........................................... 24 X. Actuarial Assumptions and Actuarial Cost Methods Used ...................................... 27 XI. Distribution of Plan Participants by Attained Age Groups and Service Groups...... 35 XII. Statistics for Participants Entitled to Deferred Benefits and Participants ReceivingBenefits...................................................................................................40 XIII. Reconciliation of Employee Data.............................................................................41 XIV. Projected Retirement Benefits................................................................................42 XV. Recent Plan Experience...........................................................................................43 XVI. State Required Exhibit.............................................................................................45 XVII. Glossary...................................................................................................................49 Ret rement Consulting GRSRetirement Consult'ing June 15, 2018 City Council City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan c/o Mr. Shawn Boyle Finance and Administrative Services Director 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Dear Council Members: October 1, 2017 Actuarial Valuation P: 954.527.1616 1 F: 954.525.0083 I www.gr-sconsulting.com We are pleased to present our October 1, 2017 Actuarial Valuation for the City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan (Plan). The purpose of this report is to indicate appropriate contribution levels, comment on the actuarial stability of the Plan and to satisfy State requirements. The City has retained Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company (GRS) to prepare an annual actuarial valuation under Section 3.02 of the Plan. This report consists of this commentary, detailed Tables I through XV, the State Required Exhibit on Table XVI and Glossary on Table XVII. The Tables contain basic Plan cost figures plus significant details on the benefits, liabilities and experience of the Plan. We suggest you thoroughly review the report at your convenience and contact us with any questions that may arise. Retirement Plan Costs Our Actuarial Valuation develops the required minimum Plan payment for the plan year beginning October 1, 2018 under the Florida Protection of Public Employee Retirement Benefits Act. The minimum payment consists of payment of annual normal costs including amortization of the components of the unfunded actuarial accrued liability over various periods as prescribed by law. The minimum payment is $1,761,358 (31.8%). The figure in parentheses is the Plan cost expressed as a percentage of projected covered annual payroll for fiscal year beginning October 1, 2018 ($5,537,207). This total cost is to be met by member, County and City contributions. We anticipate member contributions will be $276,860 (5.0% of projected covered payroll for fiscal year ending September 30, 2019). The resulting minimum required County and City contribution is $1,484,498 (26.8%). We recommend the City continue to contribute not less than the dollar amount of minimum required contribution due to the closing of the Plan to future general employees. Council Members June 15, 2018 Page Two Changes in Actuarial Assumptions. Methods and Plan Provisions The Plan provisions remain unchanged from our October 1, 2016 Actuarial Valuation. The Plan provisions are outlined on Table IX. The assumed investment return, salary increase factors, withdrawal and retirement rates are updated based on the results of our Experience Study for the five years ended September 30, 2016. The remaining actuarial assumptions and methods remain unchanged from our October 1, 2016 Actuarial Valuation. The actuarial assumptions and methods are outlined on Table X. Comaarison of October 1. 2016 and October 1. 2017 Valuation Results Table II of our report provides information of a comparative nature. The left columns of the Table indicate the costs as calculated for October 1, 2016. The center columns indicate the costs as calculated for October 1, 2017, prior to the update in actuarial assumptions. The right columns indicate the costs as calculated for October 1, 2017, after the update in actuarial assumptions Comparing the left and center columns of Table II shows the effect of Plan experience during the year. The number of active participants decreased by approximately 10%. Covered payroll decreased by approximately 6%. Total Plan membership decreased by approximately 1%. Total normal cost decreased as a dollar amount but increased as a percentage of covered payroll. The unfunded actuarial accrued liability and the net County and City minimum funding requirement decreased both as a dollar amount and as a percentage of covered payroll. Comparing the center and right columns of Table II shows the effect of the update of the actuarial assumptions. Total normal cost decreased both as a dollar amount and as a percentage of covered payroll. The unfunded actuarial accrued liability and the net County and City minimum funding requirement increased both as a dollar amount and as a percentage of covered payroll. The value of vested accrued benefits exceeds Plan assets, resulting in a Vested Benefit Security Ratio (VBSR) of 89.0% (92.9% prior to assumption changes) which is an increase from 85.2% as of the October 1, 2016 Actuarial Valuation. The VBSR is measured on a market value of assets basis. Plan Experience The Plan experienced an actuarial gain in the amount of $698,660 this year. This indicates actual overall Plan experience was more favorable than expected. Table XV (salary, turnover and investment yield) provides figures on recent Plan experience. Salary experience indicates actual salary increases averaged approximately 3.9% for General and Forensic Employees and 4.0% for Firefighters and Police Officers for Plan Year ended September 30, 2017 when D Retirement Il Consulting Council Members June 15, 2018 Page Three compared to the assumed salary increase of 4.0% and 4.6%, respectively (prior assumptions). Salary increases were generally a source of actuarial gain. The three, five and ten-year average annual salary increases are 3.2%, 2.5% and 2.6% for General and Forensic Employees, respectively -4.5%, 3.2% and 3.2% for Firefighters and Police Officers, respectively. Employee turnover this year was 170% of the assumed turnover for General and Forensic Employees and 660% of the assumed turnover for Firefighters and Police Officers (prior assumption). Employee turnover was generally an additional source of actuarial gain. The three, five and ten-year average annual turnover is 180%, 160% and 150%, respectively for General and Forensic Employees - 370%, 310% and 250%, respectively for Firefighters and Police Officers. The smoothed value investment return of 9.9% was greater than the investment return assumption of 8.0% (prior assumption). Smoothed value investment return was an additional source of actuarial gain during the year. The three, five and ten-year average annual smoothed value investment returns are 9.8%, 9.7% and 7.3%, respectively. The one, three, five and ten-year average annual market value returns are 13.9%, 8.1%, 10.4% and 6.3%, respectively. Member Census and Financial Data The City submitted the Member census data used for this Actuarial Valuation to us as of October 1, 2017. This information contains name, Social Security number, date of birth, date of hire, October 1, 2017 rate of pay, actual salary paid and member contributions for the previous year. Dates of termination and retirement are provided where applicable. The City updated information on inactive participants including retirees, beneficiaries and vested terminees. Financial information concerning Plan assets was provided by the City as of September 30, 2017. We do not audit the Member census data and asset information that is provided to us; however, we perform certain reasonableness checks. The City is responsible for the accuracy of the data. Summary In our opinion the benefits provided for under the current Plan will be sufficiently funded through the payment of the amount as indicated in this and future Actuarial Valuation reports. We will continue to update you on the future payment requirements for the Plan through our actuarial reports. These reports will also continue to monitor the future experience of the Plan. The actuarial assumptions used in this Actuarial Valuation are as adopted by the City. The economic and demographic actuarial assumptions were last updated based on the results of Experience Study for the period October 1, 2011— September 30, 2016. The mortality assumptions are as prescribed by statute. Each assumption represents an estimate of future Plan experience. D Retirement Il Consulting Council Members June 15, 2018 Page Four If all actuarial assumptions are met and if all future minimum required contributions are paid, Plan assets will be sufficient to pay all Plan benefits, future contributions are expected to remain relatively stable as a percent of payroll and the funded status is expected to improve. Plan minimum required contributions are determined in compliance with the requirements of the Florida Protection of Public Employee Retirement Benefits Act with normal cost determined as a level percent of covered payroll and a level dollar amortization payment using an initial closed amortization period of 30 years. The Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL) may not be appropriate for assessing the sufficiency of Plan assets to meet the estimated cost of settling benefit obligations but may be appropriate for assessing the need for or the amount of future contributions. The UAAL would be different if it reflected the market value of assets rather than the actuarial value of assets. The Unfunded Actuarial Present Value of Vested Accrued Benefits and the corresponding Vested Benefit Security Ratio may be appropriate for assessing the sufficiency of Plan assets to meet the estimated cost of settling benefit obligations but may not be appropriate for assessing the need for or the amount of future contributions. The GASB Net Pension Liability and Plan Fiduciary Net Position as a Percentage of Total Pension Liability may not be appropriate for assessing the sufficiency of Plan assets to meet the estimated cost of settling benefit obligations but may be appropriate for assessing the need for or the amount of future contributions. The Funded Ratio shown in Table II is for informational purposes and may not be appropriate for assessing the sufficiency of Plan assets to meet the estimated cost of settling benefit obligations but may be appropriate for assessing the need for or the amount of future contributions. Future actuarial measurements may differ significantly from the current measurements presented in this report due to such factors as the following: Plan experience differing from anticipated under the economic or demographic assumptions; changes in economic or demographic assumptions; increases or decreases expected as part of the natural operation of the methodology used for these measurements (such as the end of an amortization period) and changes in Plan provisions or applicable law. Due to the limited scope of the actuary's assignment, the actuary did not perform an analysis of the potential range of such future measurements. This report should not be relied on for any purpose other than the purpose described in the primary communication. Determinations of the financial results associated with the benefits described in this report in a manner other than the intended purpose may produce significantly different results. This report has been prepared by actuaries who have substantial experience valuing public employee retirement systems. To the best of our knowledge the information contained in this report is accurate D Retirement Il Consulting Council Members June 15, 2018 Page Five and fairly presents the actuarial position of the Plan as of the valuation date. All calculations have been made in conformity with generally accepted actuarial principles and practices, with the Actuarial Standards of Practice issued by the Actuarial Standards Board and with applicable statutes. This report may be provided to parties other than the City only in its entirety and only with the permission of an approved representative of the City. The signing actuaries are independent of the Plan sponsor. The undersigned are Members of the American Academy of Actuaries and meet the qualification standards of the American Academy of Actuaries to render the actuarial opinions contained in this report. We are available to respond to any questions with regards to matters covered in this report. Very truly yours, Lawrence F. Wilson, A.S.A., E.A. Senior Consultant and Actuary C.sulting Jennifer M. Borregard, E.A. Consultant and Actuary %RATING 8810, 38 2016 3 Table I Summary of Retirement Plan Costs as of October 1, 2017 Prior Assumptions Current Assumptions Cost % of Cost % of Data Payroll Data Payroll A. Participant Data Summary (Table III) 1. Active Employees 98 N/A 98 N/A 2. Terminated Vested 162 N/A 162 N/A 3. Receiving Benefits 103 N/A 103 N/A 4. Total Annual Payroll of Active Employees $ 5,537,207 100.0% $ 5,537,207 100.0% B. Total Normal Costs 1. Age Retirement Benefits 2. Termination Benefits 3. Death Benefits 4. Disability Benefits 5. Estimated Expenses 6. Total Annual Normal Costs C. Total Actuarial Accrued Liability 1. Age Retirement and Termination Benefits Active Employees 2. Death Benefits Active Employees 3. Disability Benefits Active Employees 4. Retired or Terminated Vested Participants Receiving Benefits 5. Terminated Vested Participants Entitled to Future Benefits 6. Deceased Participants Whose Beneficiaries are Receiving Benefits (includes DROs) 7. Disabled Participants Receiving Benefits 8. Miscellaneous Liability (Refunds in Process) 9. Total Actuarial Accrued Liability D. Assets (Table V) 1. Smoothed Actuarial Value of Assets 2. Market Value of Assets E. Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (C.9. - D.1.) QRetirement G R5 cor5cbr,$ $ 465,610 8.4% $ 284,060 5.1% 139,598 2.5% 200,681 3.6% 21,827 0.4% 12,712 0.2% 8,716 0.2% 5,214 0.1% 55,697 1.0% 55,697 1.0% $ 691,448 12.5% $ 558,364 10.1% $ 18,123,281 327.3% $ 19,812,938 357.8% 553,010 10.0% 498,201 9.0% 204,804 3.7% 192,252 3.5% 26,781,052 483.7% 27,342,345 493.8% 8,232,027 148.7% 8,543,090 154.3% 1,897,511 34.3% 1,934,460 34.9% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 96,624 1.7% 96,624 1.7 $ 55,888,309 1009.3% $ 58,419,910 1055.0% $ 46,396,570 837.9% $ 46,396,570 837.9% $ 48,091,584 868.5% $ 48,091,584 868.5% $ 9,491,739 171.4% $ 12,023,340 217.1% City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 6 Summary of Retirement Plan Costs as of October 1. 2017 F. Minimum Required Contribution 1. Total Normal Cost (including expenses) 2. Amortization of Unfunded Liability 3. Interest Adjustment 4. Total Payment G. Expected payroll of active employees for FYE 2019 (1.000 x $5,537,207) H. Contribution Sources (percent of expected 2019 payroll) 1. County and City 2. Member 3. Total required contribution I. Actuarial Gain / (Loss) J. Actuarial Present Value of Vested Accrued Benefits 1. Retired, Terminated Vested, Beneficiaries and Disabled Receiving Benefits 2. Terminated Vested Participants Entitled to Future Benefits and Miscellaneous 3. Active Participants Entitled to Future Benefits 4. Total Actuarial Present Value of Vested Accrued Benefits K. Unfunded Actuarial Present Value of Vested Accrued Benefits (J.4. - D.2., not less than zero) L. Vested Benefit Security Ratio (D.2. - J.4.) Table I (Cont'd) $ 28,678,563 8,328,651 14,751,356 $ 51,758,570 $ 3,666,986 92.9% 517.9% Prior Assumptions 29,276,805 Current Assumptions Cost % of Cost % of $ Data Payroll $ Data Payroll $ 691,448 12.5% $ 558,364 10.1% 936,565 16.9% 1,126,303 20.3% 76,342 1.4% 76,691 1.4% $ 1,704,355 30.8% $ 1,761,358 31.8% $ 5,537,207 100.0% $ 5,537,207 100.0% $ 1,427,495 25.8% $ 1,484,498 26.8% 276,860 5.0% 276,860 5.0% $ 1,704,355 30.8% $ 1,761,358 31.8% $ 698,660 12.6% $ 698,660 12.6% $ 28,678,563 8,328,651 14,751,356 $ 51,758,570 $ 3,666,986 92.9% 517.9% $ 29,276,805 150.4% 8,639,714 266.4% 16,112,076 934.7% $ 54,028,595 66.2% $ 5,937,011 N/A 89.0% 528.7% 156.0% 291.0% 975.7% 107.2% N/A G RS Retirement Conzbng City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 7 A. Participants 1. Active Employees 2. Terminated Vested 3. Receiving Benefits 4. Total Annual Payroll of Active Employees B. Total Normal Costs C. Actuarial Accrued Liability D. Present Value of Future Benefits E. Smoothed Actuarial Value of Assets F. Market Value of Assets G. Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (C. - E.) H. County and City Minimum Funding Payment I. Ratios 1. Vested Benefit Security Ratio 2. Funded Ratio (F. / C.) qwRetirement co".iwg Table II rison of Cost Data of October 1. 2016 and October 1. 2017 Valuations City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 8 Prior Assumptions Current Assumptions October 1, 2016 October 1, 2017 October 1, 2017 Cost % of Cost % of Cost % of Data Compensation Data Compensation Data Compensation 109 N/A 98 N/A 98 N/A 157 N/A 162 N/A 162 N/A 99 N/A 103 N/A 103 N/A $ 5,916,189 100.0% $ 5,537,207 100.0% $ 5,537,207 100.0% $ 725,667 12.3% $ 691,448 12.5% $ 558,364 10.1% $ 53,516,012 904.6% $ 55,888,309 1009.3% $ 58,419,910 1055.0% $ 58,845,973 994.7% $ 60,683,942 1095.9% $ 61,503,467 1110.7% $ 42,001,072 709.9% $ 46,396,570 837.9% $ 46,396,570 837.9% $ 42,027,234 710.4% $ 48,091,584 868.5% $ 48,091,584 868.5% $ 11,514,940 194.6% $ 9,491,739 171.4% $ 12,023,340 217.1% $ 1,613,548 27.3% $ 1,427,495 25.8% $ 1,484,498 26.8% 85.2% N/A 92.9% N/A 89.0% N/A 78.5% N/A 86.0% N/A 82.3% N/A City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 8 Characteristics of Participants in Actuarial Valuation as of October 1, 2017 A. Active Plan Participants Summa 1. Active participants fully vested 2. Active participants partially vested 3. Active participants non -vested 4. Total active participants 5. Annual rate of pay of active participants B. Retired and Terminated Vested Participant Summary Table III 84 0 14 98 $ 5,537,207 1. Retired or terminated vested participants receiving benefits 88 2. Terminated vested participants entitled to future benefits 162 3. Deceased participants whose beneficiaries are receiving benefits (includes DROs) 15 4. Disabled participants receiving benefits 0 C. Projected Annual Retirement Benefits 1. Retired or terminated vested receiving benefits $ 2,567,311 2. Terminated vested entitled to future benefits $ 1,534,349 3. Beneficiaries of deceased participants (includes DROs) $ 195,838 4. Disabled participants $ 0 G R S Retirement Consulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 9 Table IV Statement of Assets as of October 1, 2017 Assets Market Value A. Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 600,121 B. General Investments 1. Common Stock $ 32,193,323 2. Bonds 8,466,738 3. Real Estate 6,399,597 C. Receivables 1. Accrued Interest $ 0 2. Employee Contribution Receivable 21,547 3. City and County Contributions Receivable 410,258 4. Accounts Receivable 0 D. Payables 1. Accounts Payable $ 0 2. Due to Broker 0 E. Plan Assets (A + B + C - D) $ 48,091,584 G R S Retire �t qConsulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 10 Table V Reconciliation of Plan Assets A. Market Value of Assets as of October 1, 2016 $ 42,027,234 B. Receipts During Period 1. Contributions a. Member $ 342,209 b. City and County 2,605,753 c. Total $ 2,947,962 2. Investment Income a. Interest and dividends $ 820,207 b. Realized / unrealized gains (losses) 5,184,094 c. Investment expenses (152,808) d. Net investment income $ 5,851,493 3. Total receipts during period $ 8,799,455 C. Disbursements During Period 1. Pension payments and contribution refunds 2. Administrative expenses 3. Total disbursements during period D. Market Value of Assets as of September 30, 2017 $ 2,679,408 55,697 $ 2,735,105 $ 48,091,584 G R S Retirement qConsulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 11 Development of Smoothed Actuarial Value of Assets as of September 30 A. Preliminary total smoothed actuarial value from prior year B. Market value beginning of year C. Market value end of year D. Non -investment net cash flow E. Investment return 1. Total market value return: C. - B. - D. 2. Amount for immediate recognition (8%) 3. Amount for phased -in recognition: E.1. - E.2. F. Phased -in recognition of investment return: 1. Current year 2. First prior year 3. Second prior year 4. Third prior year 5. Fourth prior year 6. Total phased -in recognition of investment return G. Total smoothed actuarial value end of year 1. Preliminary total smoothed actuarial value end of year A. + D. + E.2. + F.6. 2. Upper corridor limit: 120% of C. 3. Lower corridor limit: 80% of C. 4. Total smoothed actuarial value end of year: G.1., not more than G.2., nor less than G.3. H. Difference between total market value and total smoothed actuarial value I. Smoothed actuarial value rate of return J. Market value rate of return CvRerreme ir,t C.—tmg 2016 2017 2018 $ 37,570,287 $ 42,001,072 $ 46,396,570 37,362,769 42,027,234 48,091,584 42,027,234 48,091,584 587,013 212,857 4,077,452 5,851,493 3,012,502 3,370,693 1,064,950 2,480,800 212,990 496,160 (592,399) 212,990 256,201 (592,399) 438,995 256,201 515,483 438,996 831,270 811,948 42,001,072 46,396,570 50,43 2,681 57,709,901 33,621,787 38,473,267 42,001,072 46,396,570 26,162 1,695,014 10.2% 9.9% 10.8% 13.9% 496,160 2019 212,990 496,160 (592,399) 212,990 256,202 (592,399) 372,953 116,751 2020 Table V (Cont'd) 2021 496,160 212,990 496,160 709,150 496,160 City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 12 Table VI Actuarial Gain / (Loss) for Plan Year Ended September 30, 2017 A. Derivation of Actuarial Gain / (Loss) 1. City and County net normal cost previous valuation $ 429,858 2. Unfunded actuarial accrued liability previous valuation 11,514,940 3. City and County contributions previous year 2,605,753 4. Interest on: (a) City and County net normal cost $ 34,389 (b) Unfunded actuarial accrued liability 921,195 (c) City and County contributions 104,230 (d) Net total: (a) + (b) - (c) $ 851,354 5. Increase / (decrease) in unfunded actuarial accrued liability due to assumption changes $ 2,531,601 6. Expected unfunded actuarial accrued liability current year: (1.+2.-3.+4.+5.) $ 12,722,000 7. Actual unfunded actuarial accrued liability current year 12,023,340 8. Actuarial gain / (loss): (6. - 7.) $ 698,660 B. Approximate Portion of Gain / (Loss) due to Investments 1. Smoothed actuarial value of assets previous year $ 42,001,072 2. Contributions during period 2,947,962 3. Benefits and administrative expenses during period 2,735,105 4. Expected appreciation for period 3,368,600 5. Expected smoothed actuarial value of assets current year: (1. + 2. - 3. + 4.) $ 45,582,529 6. Actual smoothed actuarial value of assets current year $ 46,396,570 7. Approximate investment gain / (loss) due to investments: (6. - 5.) $ 814,041 C. Approximate Portion of Gain / (Loss) due to Liabilities: A.8. - B.7. $ (115,381) G R S Retirement qConsulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 13 Table VII Amortization of Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability A. Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability B. Covered Payroll History * Amortization Payment $ 1,126,303 $ 1,126,303 $ 1,126,303 $ 1,126,303 $ 1,126,303 $ 0 Unfunded Date Date Liability October 1, 2017 $ 12,023,340 October 1, 2018 $ 11,741,557 October 1, 2019 $ 11,437,936 October 1, 2020 $ 11,110,785 October 1, 2021 $ 10,758,279 October 1, 2047 $ 0 B. Covered Payroll History * Amortization Payment $ 1,126,303 $ 1,126,303 $ 1,126,303 $ 1,126,303 $ 1,126,303 $ 0 Ten -Year Average Annual Increase (6.8%) * Information prior to October 1, 2008 as reported by prior actuary. G R S Retire �t qConsulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 14 Covered Annual Date Payroll Increase October 1, 2017 $ 5,537,207 (6.4%) October 1, 2016 $ 5,916,189 (13.9%) October 1, 2015 $ 6,868,214 (3.2%) October 1, 2014 $ 7,093,513 (4.5%) October 1, 2013 $ 7,431,031 (9.6%) October 1, 2012 $ 8,216,342 (7.4%) October 1, 2011 $ 8,875,836 (13.9%) October 1, 2010 $ 10,304,054 (4.2%) October 1, 2009 $ 10,752,720 (0.1%) October 1, 2008 $ 10,767,596 (3.8%) October 1, 2007 $ 11,190,013 N/A Ten -Year Average Annual Increase (6.8%) * Information prior to October 1, 2008 as reported by prior actuary. G R S Retire �t qConsulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 14 Accounting Disclosure Exhibit I. Number of Plan Members a. Retirees and beneficiaries receiving benefits b. Terminated plan members entitled to but not yet receiving benefits c. Active plan members d. Total II. Financial Accounting Standards Board Allocation as of October 1, 2017 A. Statement of Accumulated Plan Benefits 1. Actuarial present value of accumulated vested plan benefits a. Participants currently receiving benefits b. Other participants c. Total 2. Actuarial present value of accumulated non -vested plan benefits 3. Total actuarial present value of accumulated plan benefits B. Statement of Change in Accumulated Plan Benefits 1. Actuarial present value of accumulated plan benefits as of October 1, 2016 2. Increase (decrease) during year attributable to: a. Plan amendment b. Change in actuarial assumptions c. Benefits paid including refunds d. Other, including benefits accumulated, increase for interest due to decrease in the discount period e. Net increase 3. Actuarial present value of accumulated plan benefits as of October 1, 2017 C. Significant Matters Affecting Calculations 1. Assumed rate of return used in determining actuarial present values 2. Change in Plan provisions 3. Change in actuarial assumptions RS: Table VIII Prior Current Assumptions Assumptions 10/01/2016 10/01/2017 10/01/2017 99 103 103 157 162 162 109 98 98 365 363 363 $ 27,273,713 $ 28,678,563 $ 29,276,805 22,043,968 23,080,007 24,751,790 $ 49,317,681 $ 51,758,570 $ 54,028,595 $ 493,744 $ 428,970 $ 505,700 $ 49,811,425 $ 52,187,540 $ 54,534,295 $ 49,811,425 $ 0 2,346,755 (2,679,408) 5,055,523 $ 4,722,870 $ 54,534,295 7.75% None. See Table X, Item L. City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 15 'a I, N O to r -I to O �* R* 00 O to to n O r1 �* to m o r, c r > ++ lm N 0 O 00 l 00 R* lN to 0 0 00 al I.D 00 00 N to O O 0 0 O N -a lm0 M M l0 r -I 00 Ql 00 00 O r -I l0 l0 N 00 N M N N 01 r -I N Ql r -I N M Ql M lD r -I N � M r -I lfj I� O\ NU O O R* N M N 00 l0 R* r -I I, 00 N� al al 00 l0 0000 M � r -IO M � N to R* r -I to O to n M l0 N l0 O R* O to n to 0 m •p O\ N M � r -I M M N 00 O al Lr O al d � Ql m ri O I� to 00 O R* R* M al M DO n O O O c to o lz 00 Ln O 00 r -I O 00 00 �.D to O ai O ai to M 00 00 t M M O O Ql O r -I al al al I� N l0 M N Ln M r -IN N N N 0 I� Ql N lD Ql r I r I M In N r I al I f) n r I N l.6 lD r j r -I O N m N m N I, 00 00 l0 O R* to n U l0 N al I, M M O\ l0 N L Ln l0 r -I to n l0 M 00 l0 O O O l0 00 M M N N `M Ln N In N &r� C6I� In a\1 Ql ri M O R* O N l0 00 l0 n N N 00 O Ln m O c M c Ulrrl 00 r -I m I, r -I l0 00 M �n to n O l0 l0 M to R* O O O O N 00 IliIlir-I 00 Ili101N 101N I, N n R* to N N N 00 m In O M 00 r -I l,0 m I, O 00 R* N nF, r -I \ ON O Ln n Ln m 00 00 00 I, n N l �n 0 lN 0 Un Il ^ r -I O O\ 00 O N l000 Ln Ln O l0 M O to l0 M M N N O M N N I� N r -I lD O m m to to M Ql N O O M r, Ql I, ri 00 00 z O al FZ O 00 ri m m o Ln O M r -I O l0 to r -I l0 R* O l0 l0 M O l0 l0 m N Ln ri O O Ln r -I Ln r -I Il M to 00 m r -I r -I Il m Ln N n O M M N N 0 r -I I� 00 N M U- 00 N 00 U- N r -I r -I r -I N lD r6 O rj O\ N M Ln O O 00 O 00 m to Or -I R* N l0 N ^ n O\ 00 00 r -I N M to 00 M M N to 00 M Ln O M M M .� N N C O N � M M r -I n 0 m m Xm O O r -I O 00 O ri ri 00 O 00 0 0 ri ri O o M or -I U W r -I N 00 O to l0 r -I O O R* O N N R* l0 to R* R* O O 00 r -I N N N to to to M N R* n to N N al alUl N N O L 0 lD lD r -I I� 00 Lr n al Lr � al 00 N r -I vj ai 00 r -I O Q N 00 l0 00 n al O O N l0 00 n to n N 00 ^ l0 W \ 00 l0 � al al to to to M 00 al r -I l0 r -I 00 l0 M r -I E M r -I r -I lD 00 N M r -I .� N lD r -I I� O m 7 0 m -Zt -Zt M M r -I r -I Ln C to � E c V U V Q (0 ++ 01 `� E c C C � 01 00 O '0 0 O O z +L+ +L+ m V J L ° 0o U O O C U U m a N t 'L di iQ Q) � O 01 -0 N -0L �F z E E > a y a o m t� a, o L a, c o w C7 °1 0 o *= > y 0 v �• al'i > c o o r '~ o +� ° Q a— a a C o o y E L C by 'a C41 X L -0 N C 7 G1 Gl C � W �O N Z7 J f0 bA ° J J C M C C C _ 9 7~ d ib •N a s O o o J O O O 0 al c i i� c0 L 41 7 41 ,ice+ ,ice+ ,ice+ L w z (O 0 E LL o 0 0° m 3 c — c al .E -- a r- E o E v a s " a a IX Q al ao + +� oo v Q w w — w w m w +� a J �0 J J Zvi} �W azzZ o Ln E (0 m •w •� o Co Co E +' •N .N_ N C N E N U O J E •W O t 01 O (0 bA •� •V •+, •+, +' (0 b0 U •U o •U W a cn C Q N C U i i i C G1 U ++ ++ C Q N G1 G1 'a > N "a "a C "a N O .0 o a u al v E v a a ; •L L C C L V LL LL a LL i N of t0 `p t0 (0 N L N 01 N N ++ ++ N 01 Gl 01 Q "a C 4' i N C to C 4+ ++ 41 i C C ++ C E t 4' c c ++ C 9 J ++ a N O 01 �' 01 •`� Ln 01 V O O N O O 01 "a ++ W N N N O o_ HV �min<coz auuzmZ aOZaa Z a Z �) � v ZI u o tj t.L: c� N DO r -I M 0 c -I Ol N M l0 O�t l0 N M Ln M Ln 1- c-1 Ol N Ln +' O Rt Ln O M O O Ln 1, O 00 M Ol O 4� Rt N O 1� N RZF Lr l0 cr O c I l0 1� Ol l0 Ln O 1- r -I l0 1- r- Rt M r -I 1- rl M 00 N m o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1� r--� l0 Lr Lr c I r -I r -I r -I O 1- M l0 Ol N C:0 M -O Ol Ln Rt Rt Ln Rt N 00 r- Ln O U L r, l0 ri Ln ri 1l Ri M 00 Ri N c-1 r -I N N N N M M M Rt O O U u U Q 0 c -I Ol N M l0 O�t l0 N M Ln M Ln 1- c-1 Ol N Ln M Rt Rt Ln O M O O Ln 1, O 00 M Ol M Ln Rt N O 1� N RZF Lr l0 cr O c I l0 1� Ol l0 Ln O 1- r -I l0 1- r- Rt M r -I 1- rl M 00 N M O lO 00 Ln c -I O O O 00 00 1� r--� l0 Lr Lr c I r -I r -I r -I O 1- M l0 Ol N Ln C Ln 1- 00 �t r- 00 00 00 LfI -:t O O l0 Ol O Ooo r -I DO Ol Ln N Ln r14 O Rt M Ln C \ CF) Rt CF) Ol CF) O Rt N � >' M Cl 1� N N cr RZF 4� C N v l0 Ln Ln l0 ri 1, Ln N N _ M 4 , O 00 LfI I� 4 C U X N Ol 00 O r -I = O O 1- M l0 Ol N Ln M U l0 l0 u t/) - C L 76 U O L O .L Q N u U N O Q N 00 O Z m Q (7 L C 7 N O L Q N C V N L f6 U m to N N O 4' _ ,._I V) O C N O O 7 M � N N4- -0 C E ° 3 Q U r I +, C s ON = 3 O o o E L O M (6 O L •L — N f6 Q O - U -M a) M Q Q + U U U O N ,O L Q p N N C L 0- N O_ N N M Ln 1- 00 �t r- 00 00 00 l0 M 00 ti 00 Ol Ln N ri Ol O Rt M Ln Rt C O c -I O Cl 1� � Lr Cl Cl 1� Lr O Ol ri ri l0 M 00 1, N l0 Ln M _ M 4 , O 00 r -I r -I r -I Ln N Ol 00 O r -I = 7 O 1- M l0 Ol N Ln M Ln l0 l0 u Q +�+ C O U O r -I 00 Rt M Ol 00 00 Ln Ln 00 O Ln Ln N Rt l0 r- O Rt Ol Rt 'a CO r-Il0 O CF) l0 1- Ln Ol R Ln N C +' Lr c -I c -I l0 Lr 00 � O r c -I M O 00 r -I r -I l0 Ln 1- M l0 M ri LO 1- M l0 0) N Rt N0 00 l0 L • L 4 4-+ Q O O U f6 O M >- � 00 Ol O r -I N M Rt Ln l0 1- 00 Ol O O r -I r -I r -I r -I r -I r -I r -I r -I r -I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O N N N N N N N N N N N N LZ w L 76 U O L O .L Q N u U N O Q N 00 O Z m Q (7 L C 7 N O L Q N C V N L f6 U m to N N O 4' _ ,._I V) O C N O O 7 M � N N4- -0 C E ° 3 Q U r I +, C s ON = 3 O o o E L O M (6 O L •L — N f6 Q O - U -M a) M Q Q + U U U O N ,O L Q p N N C L 0- N O_ N N M Table VIII (Cont'd) Accounting Disclosure Exhibit V. Notes to Schedule of Contributions (GASB No. 67 & No. 68) Valuation Date: Actuarially determined contributions are calculated as of October 1st - two year(s) prior the fiscal year end in which contributions are reported. Methods and Assumptions Used to Determine Contribution Rates: Actuarial Cost Method Entry Age Normal Amortization Method Level dollar, closed Amortization Period 30 years Asset Valuation Method 5 -year smoothed market Inflation 2.75% Salary Increases 3.0%-7.5% Investment Rate of Return 8.0% Retirement Age Experience -based table of rates that are specific to the type of eligibility condition Mortality For healthy male General Employee participants during employment, RP 2000 Combined Male Healthy Participant Mortality Table, with 50% White Collar / 50% Blue Collar Adjustment and fully generational mortality improvements projected to each future decrement date with Scale BB. For healthy female General Employee participants during employment, RP 2000 Combined Female Healthy Participant Mortality Table, with White Collar Adjustment and fully generational mortality improvements projected to each future decrement date with Scale BB. For healthy male General Employee participants post employment, RP 2000 Annuitant Male Mortality Table, with 50% White Collar / 50% Blue Collar Adjustment and fully generational mortality improvements projected to each future decrement date with Scale BB. For healthy female General Employee participants post employment, RP 2000 Annuitant Female Mortality Table, with White Collar Adjustment and fully generational mortality improvements projected to each future decrement date with Scale BB. For healthy Firefighter and Police Officer participants during employment, RP 2000 Combined Healthy Participant Mortality Tables, separate rates for males and females, with 90% Blue Collar Adjustment / 10% White Collar Adjustment and fully generational mortality improvements projected to each future decrement date with Scale BB. For healthy Firefighter and Police Officer participants post employment, RP 2000 Annuitant Mortality Tables, separate rates for males and females, with 90% Blue Collar Adjustment / 10% White Collar Adjustment and fully generational mortality improvements projected to each future decrement date with Scale BB. For disabled male General Employee participants, RP 2000 Disabled Male Mortality Table, set back four years, without projected mortality improvements. For disabled female General employee participants, RP 2000 Disabled Female Mortality Table, set forward two years, without projected mortality improvements. For disabled male Firefighter and Police Officer participants, 60% RP 2000 Disabled Male Mortality Table setback four years / 40% RP 2000 Annuitant Male Mortality Table with White Collar Adjustment with no setback, without projected mortality improvements. For disabled female Firefighter and Police Officer participants, 60% RP 2000 Disabled Female Mortality Table set forward two years / 40% RP 2000 Annuitant Female Mortality Table with White Collar Adjustment with no setback, without projected mortality improvements. G R 5 Ret„em nt Consulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 18 Table VIII (Cont'd) Accounting Disclosure Exhibit V. Notes to Schedule of Contributions (GASB No. 67 & No. 68) (cont'd) Other Information: Benefit Changes 2011: Plan closed to future general employees; pensionable earnings to base pay, overtime - maximum 150 hours and accrued leave balance as of July 1, 2011; vesting schedule updated; unreduced early retirement eligibility updated; final average pay updated to five year average and future service benefit accrual rate reduced for general employees. 2008: Benefit accrual rate increased. Assumption Changes 2016: Mortality updated. 2014: Disability rates updated. 2008: Mortality, salary increase, withdrawal, disability and retirement rates updated; administrative expense assumption introduced and actuarial cost method updated. VI. Discount Rate (GASB No. 67 & No. Discount rates of 8.00% and 7.75% were used to measure the September 30, 2017 TPL and the September 30, 2018 TPL, respectively. These discount rates were based on the expected rate of return on Plan investments of 8.00% and 7.75%, respectively. The projection of cash flows used to determine these discount rates assumed member contributions will be made at the current member contribution rate and employer contributions will be made at rates equal to the difference between actuarially determined contribution rates and the member contribution rate. Based on these assumptions, the pension Plan's fiduciary net position was projected to be available to make all projected future expected benefit payments of current Plan members. Therefore, the long- term expected rate of return on Plan investments was applied to all periods of projected benefit payments to determine the TPL. VII. Sensitivity of the NPL to the Discount Rate Assumption (GASB No. 67 & No. 68) Measurement date: September 30, 2017 Discount Rate NPL Discount Rate Current 1% Decrease Discount Rate 1% Increase 7.00% $ 14,259,497 8.00% $ 7,672,380 Measurement date: September 30, 2018 * Current 1% Decrease Discount Rate 6.75% 7.75% NPL $ 16,874,961 $ 9,764,589 * Projected - actual amounts will be available after fiscal year end 9.00% $ 2,129,852 1% Increase 8.75% $ 3,799,916 G R S Retire �t Consulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 19 Table VIII (Cont'd) Accounting Disclosure Exhibit VIII. Pension Expense and Deferred Outflows of Resources and Deferred Inflows of Resources Related to Pensions - Reporting Date (GASB No. 68) Pension Expense for Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2018 $ 797,828 Summary of Outstanding Deferred Inflows and Outflows of Resources as of September 30, 2018 Differences between actual and expected experience on liabilities Changes of assumptions or other inputs Net difference between projected and actual earnings on pension Plan investments Total Deferred Outflows of Resources $ 134,458 364,156 Deferred Inflows of Resources $ 515,409 0 0 1,695,014 $ 498,614 $ 2,210,423 Projected Deferred Outflows for County and City Contributions to Be Recognized in Pension Expense for Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2019 $ 1,613,548 Summary of Deferred Outflows and Inflows of Resources that will be Recognized in Pension Expense in Future Years. Year Ending 30 -Sep Amount 2019 $ (421,764) 2020 (80,611) 2021 (713,274) 2022 (496,160) 2023 0 Thereafter 0 G R S Retire �t Consulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 20 'a 1, N O O LfI 1, O r M Ln * l0 Ol l0 00 Ol M Ln Ol 00 l0 M 00 O l0 Ol N U u O O Rt r, Ln r- m R �' N Ln N oo0 to LLnn ri M 00 ~ O O a n Ol m r-1 O Ol M 1� O LfI N 00 Ln O O m m Ln N lzzl Ol N l0 l0 M Ol 00 O 1" m N O Ln Ol N 1l - m N 1- Ln m r" Ol O to N M M M M M c -I M O 1Z N 00 O Ol 00 N 00 ri Ln O O Ln O m N 00 N Ln N 1� N Ol O 00 m m N 00 00 M 00 rO Ln 1� c -I :I- 00 O O cI O M M cI Ol N V) Q N O O to Ln r- O r- 00 Ol Ln O M O Ln M N Ol 1 - Q r -I Rt r -I r -I r -I Ol Ln r -I 00 O RZF c -I 00 1� c -I Cl l0 00 N M Ln Ln to r -I Rt M Ln 0 O\ 00 00 M CF) r -I M Ln M M N cI � O 3m O O O 00 O Fc I Ln 0 L 1--1 N O M N O O 1--1 O 00 c -I Ln M lzzl lzzl N Ol 6Ul l 11O to to m Tt m l0 l0 Ln Q N 00 00 l0 to l0 M O to Ln r -I N v Ln N Ln M > O\ M M N c I O O\i O Q 3 In O +� U 7 ) ) Q 'a O O N V) C C O v V \ \ C N N 0 3 3 ° oo +—, O O °p c a° a) +1 O O � m � E a� •� Q � � CCA N L L L C U N N +r N J m C 7 N C C U L N 00 00 N O N d N LL C C CO LU �n N �—� C p C c6 C C C C N N O �n Q a t]0 t]0 N (6 O (6 m cN c h.0 Lu .� m N m Q E L N C +' � p c N > N� '} O' — } O Lu C 4- a O N C a) p LL C C C N 41 O O ° \J O a +.� -p N s 0 c6 0 N Q VI 00 C L N +� V) +� C 2 Z V VI C_ U E J O C O N a 3 C ° ,n V > N L N L a N E L N 00 ° b0 ° +° C: a� 41 C cn U U Ii Q O H X Table VIII (Cont'd) Accounting Disclosure Exhibit The following information is not required to be disclosed but is provided for informational purposes. X. Recognition of Deferred Outflows and (Inflows) due to Liabilities - Measurement Date (GASB No. 68) Recognition of Deferred Outflows due to Differences Between Actual and Expected Experience on Liabilities $ (581,481) 4.6 0.6 Kemaining (126,409) $ (75,845) 2014/2015 $ (107,513) Initial Recognition Recognition (25,003) $ (32,504) 2015/2016 Recognition Period as of Amount for $ Balance as of Established Initial Balance Period 9/30/2017 2016/2017 2.2 9/30/2017 2013/2014 $ 0 4.6 0.6 $ 0 $ 0 2014/2015 $ 0 4.3 1.3 $ 0 $ 0 2015/2016 $ 275,994 3.9 1.9 $ 70,768 $ 134,458 2016/2017 $ 0 3.2 2.2 $ 0 $ 0 Initial Recognition TOTAL $ 70,768 $ 134,458 Recognition of Deferred (Inflows) due to Differences Between Actual and Expected Experience on Liabilities Amount for Balance as of Kemaining Initial Balance Period 9/30/2017 2016/2017 Initial Recognition Recognition Recognition Period as of Amount for Balance as of Established Initial Balance Period 9/30/2017 2016/2017 9/30/2017 2013/2014 $ (581,481) 4.6 0.6 $ (126,409) $ (75,845) 2014/2015 $ (107,513) 4.3 1.3 $ (25,003) $ (32,504) 2015/2016 $ 0 3.9 1.9 $ 0 $ 0 2016/2017 $ (592,087) 3.2 2.2 $ (185,027) $ (407,060) TOTAL $ (336,439) $ (515,409) Recognition of Deferred Outflows due to Changes of Assumptions or Other Inputs Kemaining Initial Recognition Recognition Recognition Period as of Amount for Balance as of Established Initial Balance Period 9/30/2017 2016/2017 9/30/2017 2013/2014 $ 0 4.6 0.6 2014/2015 $ 8,107 4.3 1.3 2015/2016 $ 0 3.9 1.9 2016/2017 $ 526,115 3.2 2.2 TOTAL G R S Retire �t Consulting $ 0 $ 0 $ 1,885 $ 2,452 $ 0 $ 0 $ 164,411 $ 3611704 $ 166,296 $ 364,156 City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 22 Table VIII (Cont'd) Accounting Disclosure Exhibit The following information is not required to be disclosed but is provided for informational purposes. X. Recognition of Deferred Outflows and (Inflows) due to Liabilities - Measurement Date (GASB No. 68) (cont'd Recognition of Deferred (Inflows) due to Changes of Assumptions or Other Inputs Kemaining Initial Recognition Recognition Recognition Period as of Amount for Balance as of Established Initial Balance Period 9/30/2017 2016/2017 9/30/2017 2013/2014 $ 0 4.6 2014/2015 $ 0 4.3 2015/2016 $ 0 3.9 2016/2017 $ 0 3.2 0.6 $ 0 $ 0 1.3 $ 0 $ 0 1.9 $ 0 $ 0 2.2 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL $ 0 $ 0 XI. Recognition of Deferred Outflows and (Inflows) due to Assets - Measurement Date (GASB No. 68) Recognition of Deferred Outflows / (Inflows) due to Difference Between Projected and Actual Earnings on Pension Plan Investments Kemaining Initial Recognition Recognition Recognition Period as of Amount for Balance as of Established Initial Balance Period 9/30/2017 2016/2017 9/30/2017 2013/2014 $ (1,281,006) 5 1 $ (256,201) $ (256,202) 2014/2015 $ 2,961,995 5 2 $ 592,399 $ 1,184,798 2015/2016 $ (1,064,950) 5 3 $ (212,990) $ (638,970) 2016/2017 $ (2,480,800) 5 4 $ (496,160) $ (1,984,640) TOTAL $ (372,952) $ (1,695,014) G R S Retire �t Consulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 23 Outline of Principal Provisions of the Retirement Plan A. Effective Date Table IX Plan adopted as a Money Purchase Floor Offset plan on October 1, 1997. Plan amended and restated as a Defined Benefit Plan effective October 1, 2000. Plan most recently amended by Resolution 2017-10 adopted November 13, 2017. B. Eligibility Requirements General Employees hired prior to October 1, 2011, Police Officers and Forensic Professionals working 30 or more hours per week are eligible to join the Plan on the first day of the month following completion of six (6) months of service. Electing transferring Firefighters as of October 2, 2008 under the Agreement with the County. C. Accrual Service Years of Accrual Service are any Plan Years during which an Employee completes at least 1,000 hours of service, including years of service completed prior to participation in the Plan. D. Compensation Wages, salaries and other amounts received (whether or not paid in cash) for personal services actually rendered in the course of employment. Effective October 10, 2011 Compensation shall exclude commissions, bonuses, overtime pay in excess of one hundred fifty (150) hours per Plan year and payments for accrued leave in excess of the dollar amount of an Employee's accrued leave balance on July 1, 2011. E. Final Average Compensation Average earnings during the best five (5) consecutive years out of the last ten (10) years preceding termination or retirement, but not less than the three (3) highest consecutive compensation periods during employment with the City as of September 30, 2011. F. Normal Retirement 1. Eligibility: (a) Attainment of age 65; or (b) Completion of 30 years of service and determined to be disabled under the City's long term disability insurance policy. Retirement 4Consulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 24 Outline of Princioal Provisions of the Retirement Plan 2. Benefit: Table IX (Cont'd) For Firefighters, Police Officers and Forensic Professionals, 3.00% times Final Average Compensation multiplied by Accrual Service, up to a maximum of 30 years. For General Employees, 3.00% times Accrual Service earned through September 30, 2011 times Final Average Compensation plus 2.50% times Accrual Service earned after September 30, 2011 times Final Average Compensation, up to a maximum of 30 years of Accrual Service. G. Earlv Retirement 1. Eligibility: (a) Attainment of age 55 and completion of 15 years of service; or (b) Completion of 25 years of service. 2. Benefit: Benefit accrued to date of early retirement, actuarially reduced for each year early retirement benefit commencement precedes age 55. A participant as of September 30, 2011 who attains age 55 and completes 10 or more years of service but less than 15 years of service may receive the accrued benefit as of September 30, 2011 payable without actuarial reduction plus the accrued benefit earned after September 30, 2011 payable with actuarial reduction from normal retirement date. H. Late Retirement 1. Eligibility: Continued employment beyond Normal Retirement Date. 2. Benefit: Greater of (a) and (b): (a) Accrued benefit calculated as for Normal Retirement based upon service and pay at Late Retirement Date. (b) Actuarially increased benefit as of Late Retirement Date. I. Disability Retirement 1. Eligibility: Completion of 30 years of service and determined to be disabled under the City's long term disability insurance policy. 2. Benefit: Accrued benefit calculated as for Normal Retirement based upon service and pay at Disability Retirement Date. Qw Retire �t Consulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 25 Outline of Principal Provisions of the Retirement Plan I)Path RPnPfit Table IX (Cont'd) Beneficiary entitled to a monthly benefit supported by the present value of the non -forfeitable accrued benefit at the time of the participant's death. If death occurs after actual retirement, the beneficiary receives whatever is payable under the form of benefit option elected. Participant Contributions Five percent (5%) of compensation for all employees. Vested Benefit Upon Termination 100% vested in required participant contributions. Participant contributions made after October 1, 2000 are included in the deferred vested benefit payable at normal or early retirement date. Upon termination of service prior to normal or early retirement date a participant shall be entitled to a benefit payable at normal or early retirement date calculated as for normal retirement. Based on pay and service at date of termination multiplied by a percentage from the following table. Years of Service Vested Percentage Less Than 7 0% 7 or More 100% M. Normal Form of Payment of Retirement Income Monthly benefit payable for life. Other Options Actuarially equivalent joint and survivor at 50%, 75%, 100%; or ten (10) years certain and life. N. Changes Since Previous Valuation None. Qw Retire �t Consulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 26 Table X Actuarial Assumptions and Actuarial Cost Methods Used in the Valuation A. Mortality Firefighter and Police Officer participants: For healthy participants during employment, RP 2000 Combined Healthy Participant Mortality Tables, separate rates for males and females, with 90% Blue Collar Adjustment / 10% White Collar Adjustment and fully generational mortality improvements projected to each future decrement date with Scale BB. For healthy participants post employment, RP 2000 Annuitant Mortality Tables, separate rates for males and females, with 90% Blue Collar Adjustment / 10% White Collar Adjustment and fully generational mortality improvements projected to each future decrement date with Scale BB. For disabled male participants, 60% RP 2000 Disabled Male Mortality Table setback four years / 40% RP 2000 Annuitant Male Mortality Table with White Collar Adjustment with no setback, without projected mortality improvements. For disabled female participants, 60% RP 2000 Disabled Female Mortality Table set forward two years / 40% RP 2000 Annuitant Female Mortality Table with White Collar Adjustment with no setback, without projected mortality improvements. Pre -retirement Post-retirement Sample Future Life Future Life Ages Expectancy (Years) Expectancy (Years) (2017) Men Women Men Women 55 29.73 32.50 29.21 32.30 60 24.84 27.46 24.64 27.31 62 22.97 25.50 22.85 25.39 Pre -retirement Post-retirement Sample Future Life Future Life Ages Expectancy (Years) Expectancy (Years) (2037) Men Women Men Women 55 31.96 34.44 31.46 34.27 60 27.11 29.40 26.92 29.27 62 25.23 27.41 25.12 27.33 General Employee participants: For healthy male participants during employment, RP 2000 Combined Male Healthy Participant Mortality Table, with 50% White Collar / 50% Blue Collar Adjustment and fully generational mortality improvements projected to each future decrement date with Scale BB. For healthy female participants during employment, RP 2000 Combined Female Healthy Participant Mortality Table, with White Collar Adjustment and fully generational mortality improvements projected to each future decrement date with Scale BB. ;w S Retire �t 4Consulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 27 Actuarial Assumptions and Actuarial Cost Methods Used in the Valuation A. Mortality (continued) Table X (Cont'd) For healthy male participants post employment, RP 2000 Annuitant Male Mortality Table, with 50% White Collar / 50% Blue Collar Adjustment and fully generational mortality improvements projected to each future decrement date with Scale BB. For healthy female participants post employment, RP 2000 Annuitant Female Mortality Table, with White Collar Adjustment and fully generational mortality improvements projected to each future decrement date with Scale BB. For disabled male participants, RP 2000 Disabled Male Mortality Table, set back four years, without projected mortality improvements. For disabled female participants, RP 2000 Disabled Female Mortality Table, set forward two years, without projected mortality improvements. Sample Ages (2017) 55 60 62 Sample Ages (2037) Pre -retirement Future Life Expectancy (Years) Male Female Post-retirement Future Life Expectancy (Years) Male Female 30.42 33.47 29.99 33.25 25.49 28.45 25.32 28.35 23.58 26.49 23.48 26.43 Pre -retirement Future Life Expectancy (Years) Male Female Post-retirement Future Life Expectancy (Years) Male Female 55 32.57 35.32 32.16 35.12 60 27.67 30.29 27.52 30.21 62 25.76 28.32 25.68 28.26 B. Investment Return 7.75%, compounded annually, net of investment expenses - includes assumed inflation of 2.75%. C. Allowances for Expenses or Contingencies Prior year's actual administrative expenses are included in normal cost. D. Salary Increase Factors Current salary is assumed to increase at a rate based on the table below per year until retirement - includes assumed wage inflation of 3.0%. G R S Retire �t Consulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 28 Forensic Professionals, General Firefighters and Service Employees Police Officers Less than 5 years 4.50% 4.50% 5 - 14 years 3.25% 3.25% 15 - 20 years 3.00% 3.25% 20+ years 3.00% 3.00% G R S Retire �t Consulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 28 Table X (Cont'd) Actuarial Assumptions and Actuarial Cost Methods Used in the Valuation E. Employee Withdrawal Rates Withdrawal rates were used in accordance with the following illustrative example. F. Disability Rates 1. Line -of -duty disability rates for General Employees were used in accordance with the following illustrative example. Age Male General Forensic Professionals, 0.000% Employees 25 Firefighters and Police Officers Service Male Female Male Female Less than 5 years 20.5% 15.5% 13.5% 4.0% 5 - 9 years 8.0% 12.0% 9.0% 4.0% 10+ years 4.5% 5.0% 4.5% 4.0% F. Disability Rates 1. Line -of -duty disability rates for General Employees were used in accordance with the following illustrative example. Age Male Female 20 0.000% 0.000% 25 0.001% 0.001% 30 0.001% 0.001% 35 0.001% 0.001% 40 0.001% 0.001% 45 0.004% 0.001% 50 0.006% 0.006% 55 0.006% 0.006% 60 0.010% 0.013% 65 0.010% 0.010% 2. Non -duty disability rates for General Employees were used in accordance with the following illustrative example. Age Male Female 20 0.000% 0.000% 25 0.010% 0.010% 30 0.010% 0.010% 35 0.020% 0.010% 40 0.020% 0.020% 45 0.080% 0.060% 50 0.160% 0.100% 55 0.250% 0.160% 60 0.300% 0.260% 65 0.100% 0.080% The disability assumptions are the disability assumptions used in the July 1, 2017 FRS Actuarial Valuation. G petire t Consulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 29 Table X (Cont'd) Actuarial Assumptions and Actuarial Cost Methods Used in the Valuation F. Disability Rates (continued) 3. Line -of -duty disability rates for Forensic Professionals, Firefighters and Police Officers were used in accordance with the following illustrative example. Age Male Female 20 0.010% 0.000% 25 0.010% 0.004% 30 0.010% 0.004% 35 0.010% 0.004% 40 0.020% 0.040% 45 0.060% 0.040% 50 0.140% 0.050% 55 0.100% 0.080% 60 0.140% 0.150% 65 0.260% 0.150% 4. Non -duty disability rates for Forensic Professionals, Firefighters and Police Officers were used in accordance with the following illustrative example. Age Male Female 20 0.020% 0.000% 25 0.020% 0.020% 30 0.030% 0.020% 35 0.030% 0.030% 40 0.030% 0.030% 45 0.030% 0.060% 50 0.080% 0.110% 55 0.050% 0.110% 60 0.050% 0.110% 65 0.050% 0.110% The disability assumptions are the disability assumptions used in the July 1, 2017 FRS Actuarial Valuation. Qw�petit Consulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 30 Table X (Cont'd) Actuarial Assumptions and Actuarial Cost Methods Used in the Valuation G. Assumed Retirement Age Retirement rates were used in accordance with the following tables. I. For Forensic Professionals, Police Officers and Firefighters: Age Years of Service 00=9 10-14 15-24 25-29 30 or more Under 55 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.5% 40.0% 55 0.0% 5.0% 25.0% 70.0% 80.0% 56-64 0.0% 5.0% 7.5% 7.5% 10.0% 65 and above 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 2. For General Employees: Ae Years of Service 0-14 15-24 25 or more Under 55 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 55-64 4.0% 18.0% 12.0% 65 and above 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% H. Marital Assumptions 1. 100% of active members are assumed to be married. 2. Females are assumed to be three (3) years younger than their male spouses. I. Interest on Future Participant Contributions 3.75%, compounded annually. J. Asset Valuation Method The method used for determining the smoothed actuarial value of assets phases in the deviation between the expected and actual return on assets at the rate of 20% per year. The smoothed actuarial value of assets will be further adjusted to the extent necessary to fall within the corridor whose lower limit is 80% of the fair market value of Plan assets and whose upper limit is 120% of the fair market value of Plan assets - adjusted for equation of balance October 1, 2010. K. Cost Method Normal Retirement, Termination, Disability, and Death Benefits: Entry Age Normal Cost Method Under this method the normal cost for each active employee is the amount which is calculated to be a level percentage of pay that would be required annually from his entry age to his assumed retirement age to fund his estimated benefits, assuming the Plan had always been in effect. The normal cost for the Plan is the sum of such amounts for all employees. The actuarial accrued liability as of any valuation date for each active employee or inactive employee who is eligible to receive benefits under the Plan is the excess of the actuarial present value of estimated future benefits over the actuarial present value of current and future normal costs. The unfunded actuarial accrued liability as of any valuation date is the excess of the actuarial accrued liability over the assets of the Plan. tvReti em nt Consulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 31 Table X (Cont'd) Actuarial Assumptions and Actuarial Cost Methods Used in the Valuation L. Changes Since Previous Valuation I. Investment Return was: 8.0%, compounded annually, net of investment expenses - 2.75% inflation. 2. Salary Increase Factors were: Current salary is assumed to increase at a rate based on the table below per year until retirement. 3. Assumed Retirement Age was: Retirement rates were used in accordance with the following tables. 1. For Forensic Professionals, Police Officers and Firefighters: Years of Service Forensic 10-15 15-25 Professionals 30 or more General Firefighters and Service Employees Police Officers Less than 5 years 6.5% 7.5% 5 - 9 years 5.5% 5.5% 10 - 14 years 4.5% 5.5% 15+ years 3.0% 3.5% 3. Assumed Retirement Age was: Retirement rates were used in accordance with the following tables. 1. For Forensic Professionals, Police Officers and Firefighters: 2. For General Employees: Age Years of Service 0-10 10-15 15-25 25-30 30 or more Under55 0% 0% 0% 4% 5% 55 0% 10% 15% 40% 50% 56-64 0% 10% 15% 15% 20% 65 and above 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 2. For General Employees: Age Years of Service 0-10 10-15 15-25 25-30 30 or more Under55 0% 0% 0% 2% 2% 55 0% 5% 10% 20% 25% 56-64 0% 5% 10% 4% 5% 65 and above 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% G R 5 koi—rt c°" Itmg City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 32 Table X (Cont'd) Actuarial Assumptions and Actuarial Cost Methods Used in the Valuation L. Changes Since Previous Valuation (continued) 4. Employee Withdrawal Rates were: 1• Withdrawal rates for male General Employees were used in accordance with the following illustrative example: 2. Withdrawal rates for female General Employees were used in accordance with the following illustrative example: Withdrawal Rates per 100 Employees Service Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ 20 32.8 25.4 22.7 18.4 15.8 11.7 11.1 11.1 11.0 10.0 9.8 25 27.2 18.5 17.2 14.6 12.7 9.7 8.5 8.4 7.7 6.3 6.2 30 25.8 15.4 14.0 13.2 11.8 8.8 7.8 7.1 6.4 5.5 4.7 35 25.8 14.3 12.8 12.6 10.9 8.5 7.5 6.8 6.2 5.3 4.2 40 24.4 12.6 12.0 10.7 9.0 7.4 6.7 6.2 5.8 5.3 3.0 45 24.4 12.5 11.6 10.3 8.8 6.8 6.5 6.0 5.1 5.1 2.7 50 23.4 12.2 10.7 9.4 7.9 6.0 5.5 5.3 4.6 4.6 3.0 55 27.4 12.2 10.7 9.3 7.8 6.8 5.4 5.2 4.4 4.3 4.5 60 27.4 12.2 10.7 9.3 7.8 6.8 5.4 5.1 4.3 4.2 5.3 65 27.4 12.2 10.7 9.3 7.8 6.8 5.4 5.1 4.3 4.2 3.7 2. Withdrawal rates for female General Employees were used in accordance with the following illustrative example: The withdrawal assumptions are the withdrawal assumptions used in the July 1, 2016 Florida Retirement System (FRS) Actuarial Valuation. G RS Re nt1 g` co�s� . City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 33 Withdrawal Rates per 100 Employees Service Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ 20 30.3 25.8 22.1 17.4 15.4 13.5 11.4 11.3 10.5 10.2 11.6 25 26.6 19.8 17.1 13.0 12.9 10.7 9.7 9.2 7.8 7.1 5.3 30 25.4 16.9 14.5 11.6 11.3 9.4 8.7 8.1 7.1 6.5 5.4 35 25.4 15.9 13.5 11.2 10.9 9.0 8.0 7.8 6.8 6.2 4.6 40 24.4 14.0 12.1 10.0 9.1 7.0 6.5 6.3 6.1 5.0 3.3 45 24.4 13.9 11.9 9.8 8.8 6.7 6.5 6.1 5.8 4.7 3.0 50 23.2 13.4 11.0 8.8 8.4 6.2 5.9 5.5 5.5 4.6 3.0 55 23.2 13.4 11.0 8.7 8.3 6.1 5.8 5.4 5.4 4.5 3.0 60 23.2 13.4 11.0 8.7 8.3 6.1 5.8 5.4 5.4 4.5 3.0 65 23.2 13.4 11.0 8.7 8.3 6.1 5.8 5.4 5.4 4.5 3.0 The withdrawal assumptions are the withdrawal assumptions used in the July 1, 2016 Florida Retirement System (FRS) Actuarial Valuation. G RS Re nt1 g` co�s� . City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 33 Table X (Cont'd) Actuarial Assumptions and Actuarial Cost Methods Used in the Valuation L. Changes Since Previous Valuation (continued) 4. Employee Withdrawal Rates (continued) 3. Withdrawal rates for male Forensic Professionals, Firefighters and Police Officers were used in accordance with the following illustrative example: 4. Withdrawal rates for female Forensic Professionals, Firefighters and Police Officers were used in accordance with the following illustrative example: Withdrawal Rates per 100 Employees Service Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ 20 21.4 10.3 8.6 8.4 7.5 5.3 5.2 3.1 2.9 2.6 2.3 25 20.6 9.8 8.1 7.9 7.0 5.3 5.2 3.1 2.9 2.6 2.3 30 20.6 9.5 7.7 7.5 6.7 5.3 5.2 3.1 2.9 2.6 2.1 35 20.6 8.8 7.4 7.2 6.5 5.3 5.1 3.1 2.9 2.6 2.0 40 20.6 8.0 6.8 6.7 6.0 4.8 4.6 3.1 2.9 2.6 1.9 45 20.6 7.3 6.0 6.0 5.5 4.3 4.1 3.1 2.9 2.6 1.8 50 20.6 6.5 5.3 5.3 5.0 3.8 3.6 3.1 2.9 2.6 1.8 55 20.6 5.8 4.7 4.7 4.6 3.3 3.2 3.1 2.9 2.6 1.8 60 20.6 5.3 4.7 4.7 4.6 3.3 3.2 3.1 2.9 2.6 1.8 65 20.6 5.3 4.7 4.7 4.6 3.3 3.2 3.1 2.9 2.6 1.8 4. Withdrawal rates for female Forensic Professionals, Firefighters and Police Officers were used in accordance with the following illustrative example: The withdrawal assumptions are the withdrawal assumptions used in the July 1, 2016 FRS Actuarial Valuation. G RS Re nt1 g` co�s� . City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 34 Withdrawal Rates per 100 Employees Service Age 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ 20 21.3 15.5 12.3 10.3 9.7 6.1 5.9 5.0 4.2 4.2 1.9 25 21.3 14.2 11.6 9.8 9.2 6.1 5.9 5.0 4.2 4.2 1.9 30 21.3 13.2 10.6 9.3 8.7 6.1 5.9 5.0 4.2 4.2 1.7 35 21.3 12.2 9.6 8.8 8.4 6.1 5.9 5.0 4.2 4.1 1.5 40 21.3 11.2 8.6 8.3 7.6 6.1 5.9 5.0 4.1 4.1 2.5 45 21.3 10.2 7.6 7.6 7.0 6.1 5.9 5.0 4.1 4.1 2.5 50 21.3 9.2 6.6 6.6 6.4 6.1 5.9 5.0 4.1 4.0 1.6 55 21.3 8.4 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.3 5.1 5.0 4.1 4.0 4.0 60 21.3 8.4 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.3 5.1 5.0 4.1 4.0 4.0 65 21.3 8.4 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.3 5.1 5.0 4.1 4.0 4.0 The withdrawal assumptions are the withdrawal assumptions used in the July 1, 2016 FRS Actuarial Valuation. G RS Re nt1 g` co�s� . City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 34 O� I I I I I I I I I I I O Ln Q to � N C Q N E 4-1 Q 2 d LL N N N 4� I I I I I I I I I I I O tw tw tw !_ O fL6 fL6 fL6 N N N N i > > > N Q Q Q d cl 0N 0 O O O O O O Ln N O O I- I I I I I I I I I ' L N > c ° L I > M Rt Rt LPI Ln I ' O • (D Qj I I I I �x W I I I I I O O Ln 0 I M co O I I M M L L Qi Rt I Qi to Q O N i6 i6 Ln > j Ln o N I I I I I I I I O Ln Q L n r -i 0 Ln �o O M M O N \ Or -I Ln N LU U N Lu V) I I I I I I I I I I LL O O N Q w r N 0 Ol r -IL O L 00 i w c -I N o I I I I I I I I I I O M 0 O J d Ln o Ln r- O G/ Oj ryi Ln N O LL. U I I I I I ' O O I O� I I I I I I I I I I I O Ln Q to � N C Q N E 4-1 Q 2 d LL N N N 4� I I I I I I I I I I I O tw tw tw !_ O fL6 fL6 fL6 N N N N i > > > N Q Q Q d cl 0N L N > c ° L N M M Rt Rt LPI Ln to O Q • (D Qj I I I I I I I I O Ln 0 Ln O co O M M Rt Rt Ln Ln to Q t ? N Ln Q �o HO O � r- 00 Rt 00 Ln O � L N Ln I > L ' O N I I ^x W I I I I I I r-1 r -I I I N > > I O L N M M I M Ln Ln to I I . Ir1 Qj I L L N I I I I I 0 Ln I N I I I I O Ln 0 Ln I I I N r -I V lD M Ln r -i Ln N M M Rt O \ I- to M Ln to Q t ? N 00 N i/)- r -I RtW M Ln Q U �o N W V) I I I I I M r -I r -I N r -I I 00 LL O O N a vi �:- 0 0) 0 Oi O L L N N o O Lu r -I I I I I ' I O M L~ M N V � r, E J Yd 0 O Rt M M 00 M -i Rt M {/} O N U I I I I I r -i N V ' V r -i M' LnO I 0) I I I M N I I I I Ln Q a N C Q m N E Q 2 d Li N N N 4� I I I I I I I I I I I O tw tw tw C: O fL6 fL6 fL6 N N N N i > > > N Q Q Q d cl Ln L N N > > C: o L N M M Rt Rt Ln Ln to Q . Ir1 Qj I I I I I I I I O Ln 0 Ln O co O M M Rt Rt Ln Ln to Q t ? N Ln Q �o X :6 p O Ln I- to r- r- to N N O H Ol I I N N I I I r -I r -I r -I ' I� Ln Q a N C Q N 76 E Q 2 d L N N N 4� I I M M N I I I I I I 00 tw tw tw !_ O fL6 fL6 fL6 N N N N i > > > N Q Q Q d � L N I > L NNo O I I c C: O I O L Ln �o Q I M Qj I I I I I I I I I L L OO OM Ln 0 N N O o On Ln N I I I I I I I I r14 �>- OO M I Rt M N Ln to Q t Ln N O M N Ol Ln Q N LU U N Lu V) I I I I I M r -I I I I I !y V LL O O N Q w r Vl rn O L L M �o 0 c.7 Lu c -I I I I I ' ' N W N N M r'I Ol fV fV Ln 0 d Ln O to M ci V c -I r4 N {/} •O O U cl' I I I I I I I I N M N r'I ' ' r -I ' Ol O I Ol I I N N I I I r -I r -I r -I ' I� Ln Q a N C Q N 76 E Q 2 d L N N N 4� I I M M N I I I I I I 00 tw tw tw !_ O fL6 fL6 fL6 N N N N i > > > N Q Q Q d cl Ln L NNo > C: L Ln �o Q • (D Qj I I I I I I I I OM Ln 0 Ln On Ln 0 L O M Rt Rt Ln to Q t ? N Ln Q �o X :6 Ol I I I I I I I I I I I O t Ln Q a N C Q N N 76 E Q 2 d L N N N 4� I I I I I I I I I I tw tw tw I_ O fL6 fL6 fL6 N N N N i > > > N Q Q Q d cl Ln 0 O O ri O O r -I O O O O O N I I I I I I L I I I ' L N I > ' O I I c I I I I I I I I I I O N I O M Rt Rt Ln M I to Q O ' I I Q) I M L L Ln r, ' N I I I O N f6 f6 N N N M0 O ��.......++.FF I I I I I I I I I I O OM O Ln N On O -0-4 O N M Rt Rt r -I M N W U_ Q t ? O Lu TI. W N V) I I I I I I I I I I LL O O N �o Q LU �o r -I Ol O o W r -I I I I I I I I I I I N Q Q Q Q JI LfI Q O Z Z Z O d r I \ O r -I O U I I I I I c -I ' O O I Ol I I I I I I I I I I I O t Ln Q a N C Q N N 76 E Q 2 d L N N N 4� I I I I I I I I I I tw tw tw I_ O fL6 fL6 fL6 N N N N i > > > N Q Q Q d cl Ln L > O0N L N M Rt Rt Ln Ln to Q O ' (D Q) I M I I I I I I OM On L N M Rt Rt Ln to Q t ? O Ln Q �o X :6 4� 1 M to r1 Ol I fI I 00 O r -I r -I r -I r -I r -I r -I O Ol � L N Ln > L N N ' O > > I I I o I I I I I I N r-1 I I M Rt I O to Q . Ir1 Qj I I M I I I I I I I O Ln L L N j cr) co O 0 M M O M N I I I I I Ln Ln ' o. t ? N + V M r1 � � �� L V I Ln Q O r -I to N N �o to O M LU U N Lu V) I I I I I r- N r -I M r -I + I V r -I LL O O N Q w i Ol O L L N o N N LU WI r -I I I I I I O \ 0 M Ln N � 00 Ln E J d 0 00 O N Cw G M _ O al y I I I I I M Ln to rl V r1 V ' N O I Ol ' ' N Ln N ' ' N N -i ' R Ln twQ -a N C Q N 76 E Q 2 d U- + N N N 4� I I V M N I I I I I I 0) tw tw tw I_ O fL6 fL6 fL6 N N N N i > > > N Q Q Q d cl Ln L N N > > C: o L N M M Rt Rt Ln Ln to Q . Ir1 Qj I I I I I I I I O Ln 0 Ln O co O M M Rt Rt Ln Ln to Q t ? N Ln Q �o Statistics for Participants Entitled to Deferred Benefits and Participants Receiving Benefits A. Entitled to Deferred Benefits Current Age Group Less than 40 40-44 45-49 50-54 55 -59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 & Over TOTAL B. Receiving Benefits Current Age Group Less than 50 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-80 80 & Over TOTAL Count 33 24 36 34 20 8 4 2 Count 3 0 19 26 24 18 10 3 103 Total Annual Benefit $ 204,882 273,333 433,840 442,829 111,180 48,248 14,861 2,942 2,234 $ 1,534,349 Total Annual Benefit $ 24,124 805,239 898,472 533,851 320,019 166,822 14,622 $ 2,763,149 Average Annual Benefit $ 6,209 11,389 12,051 13,024 5,559 6,031 3,715 1,471 2,234 $ 9,471 Average Annual Benefit $ 8,041 42,381 34,557 2 2, 244 17,779 16,682 4,874 $ 26,827 Table XII G R S Retirement qConsulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 40 Reconciliation of Employee Data A. Active Participants Table XIII 1. Active participants previous year 109 2. Retired during year (5) 3. Died during year 0 4. Disabled during year 0 5. Terminated non -vested during year (7) 6. Terminated vested during year (6) 7. New active participants 7 8. Out on military leave 0 9. Rehired during year 0 10. Transferred to DC Plan 0 11. Active participants current year 98 B. Participants Receiving Benefits 1. Participants receiving benefits previous year 99 2. New retired participants 5 3. New DRO recipient 0 4. New terminated vested receiving benefits 0 5. New beneficiaries receiving benefits 0 6. Died or ceased payment during year (1) 7. Retired or terminated vested receiving benefits current year 103 C. Terminated Vested Participants Entitled to Future Benefits 1. Terminated vested entitled previous year 157 2. Died during year 0 3. Commenced receiving benefits during year 0 4. New terminated vested 6 5. Terminated vested refunded employee contributions (1) 6. Rehired 0 7. Terminated vested entitled current year 162 G R S Retirement Consulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 41 Table XIV Projected Retirement Benefits The above projected payout of Plan benefits during the next ten years is based on assumptions involving all decrements. Actual payouts may differ from the above estimates depending upon the death, salary and retirement experience of the Plan. However, since the projected payment is recomputed each valuation date, there is an automatic correction to the extent that actual experience varies from expected experience. G R S Retire �t Consulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 42 Projected Total Fiscal Year Ending Annual Payout 2018 $ 3,022,125 2019 $ 3,420,834 2020 $ 3,654,881 2021 $ 3,843,523 2022 $ 4,130,006 2023 $ 4,425,753 2024 $ 4,589,632 2025 $ 4,800,705 2026 $ 4,984,698 2027 $ 5,150,479 The above projected payout of Plan benefits during the next ten years is based on assumptions involving all decrements. Actual payouts may differ from the above estimates depending upon the death, salary and retirement experience of the Plan. However, since the projected payment is recomputed each valuation date, there is an automatic correction to the extent that actual experience varies from expected experience. G R S Retire �t Consulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 42 X N 72 R H E O N Il rl M ri N l0 Ln Ln N M Ol 00 00 I- r- 00 r- 00 N Ol �t Ln I- r- 00 00 00 Rt Ln O N Cl l0 I� N Rl lfl Cl Ln M O Ln O N ml0 ri O ri 00 N N Il 00 to to ri l0 :1- 0) Ol O I- Rt O Ln M 00 00 Rt N Ln ri M I, +� M O Ln 00 Ol 00 Ol 00 I- r- Ln Ol I, ri N 7 O(6 l0 N I� M 6l0 Ln M O 00 Ln ri Ol 00 I� 0 > Rt Rt M M N N N N N r -I r -I r -I Q N {/)- M M l0 00 00 00 r -I Rt 00 r- r -I I- O r- Ol 00 > Ln M Rt O Ol M N Ln Ol Ln Rt N Nr- Rt C C I- Ol Ol Ln I- Rt Ol O r -I CF) r -I O l0 M I- 7 .- Ln l0 N I� DO lfl ri r -I M M Ln O M M O +' O 00 Ol N Ln N r -I r -I 00 l0 Rt O to r -I O U N = 3 Ln M Ln N 00 l0 M I- to 00 Ln O Ol \• L N N N N a-•' 4� C U U tn. rn r- to O Rt Ln O to O oo Q Q Q Q Q V) CO O Ln O O I- M l CF) l0 00 \ \ \ \ \ N N N ri Ln M l0 O 00 Rt N Z Z Z Z Z N +� N Ol 00 Ol l0 00 I� -:F l6 Ln = Ri r- Ln to rn r -I 00 00 O to -2 -2 M -:I- M M M Rt N N M M CL L E LU O U 5. L I, 00 r, -:I- r -I Rt M O N M r- O Q Ln r- > Ol O M N Rt Il N M 00 N Ol R\ N I- V a N lfl N Ol Ri Ln 00 Ri Ln Ol Ri r -I M Z N (6 O Ln 00 c I Ol I� Ol l0 00 l0 O M RZF N LO - Ln N ri Ln r, O CF) l I- r I- N 00 to Rt _ •L N r -Ir -I M r -Ir -Ir -Ir -I C Q Q C LL Q qj), O Q N L L N 00 N Ol 00 Ln N O r -I Tt N M r- Q Ol M - O I- to O Rt Ln Ln N r, 00 Ln Ol \ O Ln 00 Ol I- N 00 F- M Ln N Rt Ol l0 Z Ln M O ', Ol O NRZF N l6 Ln l0 I� RZF M c I O 00 O +' N I- Ln O r- M O to 00 r -I 00 M r- M N -� l0 R:J N Cl I� lfl c -I 00 10 M O C C (6 N N N c -I c -I c -I c -I M L r m N {j)- Q O L O V1 l •L I- to Ln Rt M N ri O Ol 00 I- to Ln M Q C a ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri O O O O O O O q0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C ,} a) C N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O •', O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O (6 a� LU J M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M \ Ol \ Ol \ Ol \ Ol \ Ol \ Ol \ Ol \ Ol \ Ol \ Ol \ Ol \ Ol \ Ol \ Ol \ Ol O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O �O U- C N C N M X w Ln 'T m 'T 'T 'T r` -i -i r` -i Ln l0 a; .1 N N N N -i ci m m m N I_0 w c c 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M o U Q U H ) O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 O L O W Q N 'Z- O C fo + 7 N -O -0 rl 00 Cl N Cl N .1 N � N ` ro v ci ci ci ci ci N ci ci ci ci ci ci ci } o c 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 N O U N Ol N Ln Ln m O m Ln 00 Il m O Q Ol 0 Ol 0 o6 N N r\ m 66 Ol Ol r� l0 N W Ol Ol O N m m O r*� 00 00 v Z Ln Ln Ln Ln m Q c N N �o } o o c o 0 0 0 0 00\0 0 o v m Oo O m o Ln O O r, m O O .-i -I 0 Ol v N N v O -I N fo ci ci c ci ci ci c Z > NI N N L1 U O V) 00 00 r- Ln Ln 00 l0 Ln NN O U Q Ln m -1 O m N Ln m m ++ N N ro � U O N I:t r*� r*� W 00 O .1 O N 'I: Ln Ln Ln m o Q U Ol I:t N Ln r� Ol Ol Ol N Ln 0 Q m N m N O N 4 O V) m m N N rl 0 Ln m N -1 O Ol 00 C: -i -i -i -i -i -i -1 O O O O O O O O O O O O O L N N N N N N N N N N N o \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 v v >- > > O O O O O O O O O O } } O o:U m Ln w Ln 'T m 'T 'T 'T r` -i -i r` -i Ln l0 Ln .1 N N N N -i ci m m m N I_0 O v o U Q U C N � Q o x L O W N 'Z- O fo + rl 00 Cl N Cl N .1 N W l0 Ln ci ci ci ci ci N ci ci ci ci ci ci ci N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l0 W W Ol Ol O N m m O r*� 00 00 Ln Ln Ln Ln m Q L1 U O V) 00 00 r- Ln Ln 00 l0 Ln NN O U Q Ln m -1 O m N Ln m m ++ N N ro � U O N I:t r*� r*� W 00 O .1 O N 'I: Ln Ln Ln m o Q U Ol I:t N Ln r� Ol Ol Ol N Ln 0 Q m N m N O N 4 O V) m m N N rl 0 Ln m N -1 O Ol 00 C: -i -i -i -i -i -i -1 O O O O O O O O O O O O O L N N N N N N N N N N N o \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 v v >- > > O O O O O O O O O O } } O o:U m Ln Actuarial Valuation as of October 1, 2017 State Required Exhibit A. Participant Data 1. Active participants 2. Retired participants and beneficiaries receiving benefits 3. Disabled participants receiving benefits 4. Terminated vested participants 5. Annual payroll of active participants 6. Annual benefits payable to those currently receiving benefits B. Value of Assets 1. Smoothed Actuarial Value 2. Market Value C. Liabilities 1. Actuarial present value of future expected benefit payments for active members a. Retirement benefits b. Vesting benefits c. Death benefits d. Disability benefits e. Total 2. Actuarial present value of future expected benefit payments for terminated vested members 3. Actuarial present value of future expected benefit payments for members currently receiving benefits a. Service retired b. Disability retired c. Beneficiaries d. Miscellaneous (Refunds in Process) e. Total 10/01/2016 109 99 0 157 $ 5,916,189 $ 2,615,710 $ 42,001,072 $ 42,027,234 Prior Assumptions 10/01/2017 M 103 0 162 $ 5,537,207 $ 2,763,149 $ 46,396,570 $ 48,091,584 Table XVI Current Assumptions 10/01/2017 W. 103 0 162 $ 5,537,207 $ 2,763,149 $ 46,396,570 $ 48,091,584 $ 22,203,699 $ 21,669,835 $ 21,049,488 947,988 1,022,354 1,736,234 752,815 713,488 576,007 282,412 271,051 225,219 $ 24,186,914 $ 23,676,728 $ 23,586,948 $ 7,326,128 $ 8,232,027 $ 8,543,090 $ 25,340,367 $ 26,781,052 0 0 1,933,346 1,897,511 59,218 96,624 $ 27,332,931 $ 28,775,187 $ 27,342,345 0 1,934,460 96,624 $ 29,373,429 �C Retirement i RJ c—s°i""$ City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 45 Actuarial Valuation as of October 1, 2017 State Required Exhibit 4. Total actuarial present value of future expected benefit payments 5. Actuarial accrued liabilities 6. Unfunded actuarial accrued liabilities D. Statement of Accumulated Plan Benefits 1. Actuarial present value of accumulated vested benefits a. Participants currently receiving benefits b. Other participants c. Total 2. Actuarial present value of accumulated non - vested plan benefits 3. Total actuarial present value of accumulated plan benefits E. Pension Cost 1. Total normal cost 2. Payment required to amortize unfunded liability 3. Interest adjustment 4. Total required contribution 5. Item 4 as a percentage of base payroll 6. Estimated employee contributions 7. Item 6 as a percentage of base payroll 8. Net amount payable by County and City 9. Item 8 as a percentage of base payroll G R S Retire �t Consulting Table XVI (Cont'd) Prior Current Assumptions Assumptions 10/01/2016 10/01/2017 10/01/2017 $ 58,845,973 $ 60,683,942 $ 61,503,467 $ 53,516,012 $ 55,888,309 $ 58,419,910 $ 11,514,940 $ 9,491,739 $ 12,023,340 $ 27,273,713 $ 28,678,563 $ 29,276,805 22,043,968 23,080,007 24,751,790 $ 49,317,681 $ 51,758,570 $ 54,028,595 493,744 428,970 505,700 $ 49,811,425 $ 52,187,540 $ 54,534,295 $ 725,667 $ 691,448 $ 558,364 11098,033 936,565 1,126,303 85,657 76,342 76,691 $ 1,909,357 $ 1,704,355 $ 1,761,358 32.3% 30.8% 31.8% $ 295,809 $ 276,860 $ 276,860 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% $ 1,613,548 $ 1,427,495 $ 1,484,498 27.3% 25.8% 26.8% City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 46 Actuarial Valuation as of October 1, 2017 State Required Exhibit F. Past Contributions 1. Total contribution required (previous valuation) 2. Actual contributions made: a. Members b. City and County c. Total G. Disclosure of Following Items: 1. Actuarial present value of future salaries - attained age 2. Actuarial present value of future employee contributions - attained age 3. Actuarial present value of future contributions from other sources 4. Amount of active members' accumulated contributions 5. Actuarial present value of future salaries and future benefits at entry age 6. Actuarial present value of future employee contributions at entry age Table XVI (Cont'd) $ 48,666,708 $ 2,433,336 N/A $ 2,718,646 N/A N/A $ 44,084,029 $ 2,204,202 N/A $ 2,694,676 N/A N/A $ 36,166,792 $ 1,808,341 N/A $ 2,694,676 1 Retirement R5 G cor5cbr,$ City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 47 N/A N/A Prior Current Assumptions Assumptions 10/01/2016 10/01/2017 10/01/2017 $ 2,173,704 $ 1,909,357 $ 1,909,357 $ 342,209 N/A N/A 2,605,753 N/A N/A $ 2,947,962 N/A N/A $ 48,666,708 $ 2,433,336 N/A $ 2,718,646 N/A N/A $ 44,084,029 $ 2,204,202 N/A $ 2,694,676 N/A N/A $ 36,166,792 $ 1,808,341 N/A $ 2,694,676 1 Retirement R5 G cor5cbr,$ City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 47 N/A N/A Table XVI (Cont'd) State Required Exhibit Amortization balances are written down in proportion to amortization payments. This Actuarial Valuation and/or cost determination was prepared and completed by me or under my direct supervision, and I acknowledge responsibility for the results. To the best of my knowledge, the results are complete and accurate, and in my opinion, the techniques and assumptions used are reasonable and meet the requirements and intent of Part VII, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes. There is no benefit or expense to be provided by the Plan and/or paid from the Plan's assets for which liabilities or current costs have not been established or other wise provided for in the valuation. All known events or trends which may require material increase in Plan costs or required contribution rates have been taken into account in the valuation. Enrollment Number: 17-02802 g • 7�", Dated: June 15, 2018 Lawrence F. Wilson, A.S.A. QvRetirement c-d=mg City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 48 Prior Current Current Assumptions Assumptions Remaining Unfunded Amortization Amortization Funding Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liabilities Liabilities Payment Payment Period 10/01/2000 Initial $ 1,379,722 $ 161,634 $ 159,788 13 years 10/01/2002 Assumption Change (18,683) (2,021) (1,995) 15 years 10/01/2003 Plan Amendment 120,740 12,630 12,458 16 years 10/01/2004 Plan Amendment 186,510 18,932 18,661 17 years 10/01/2005 Plan Amendment 392,858 38,814 38,232 18 years 10/01/2006 Plan Amendment 458,493 44,205 43,514 19 years 10/01/2007 Plan Amendment 475,275 44,822 44,093 20 years 10/01/2008 Plan Amendment and Assumption Change 2,158,177 199,496 196,135 21 years 10/01/2008 Method Change 4,823,844 445,903 438,391 21 years 10/01/2009 Actuarial Loss / (Gain) 2,083,814 189,149 185,854 22 years 10/01/2010 Actuarial Loss / (Gain) (388,788) (34,711) (34,087) 23 years 10/01/2010 Plan Amendment (2,254,095) (201,245) (197,630) 23 years 10/01/2011 Actuarial Loss / (Gain) 2,485,830 218,610 214,568 24 years 10/01/2012 Actuarial Loss / (Gain) 845,563 73,344 71,950 25 years 10/01/2013 Actuarial Loss / (Gain) (663,397) (56,823) (55,716) 26 years 10/01/2014 Actuarial Loss / (Gain) (710,839) (60,190) (58,989) 27 years 10/01/2014 Assumption Change 6,676 565 554 27 years 10/01/2015 Actuarial Loss / (Gain) (287,048) (24,051) (23,560) 28 years 10/01/2016 Actuarial Loss / (Gain) (1,383,956) (114,841) (112,450) 29 years 10/01/2016 Assumption Change 479,703 39,806 38,977 29 years 10/01/2017 Actuarial Loss / (Gain) (698,660) (57,463) (56,243) 30 years 10/01/2017 Assumption Change 2,531,601 N/A 203,798 30 years TOTAL $ 12,023,340 $ 936,565 $ 1,126,303 This Actuarial Valuation and/or cost determination was prepared and completed by me or under my direct supervision, and I acknowledge responsibility for the results. To the best of my knowledge, the results are complete and accurate, and in my opinion, the techniques and assumptions used are reasonable and meet the requirements and intent of Part VII, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes. There is no benefit or expense to be provided by the Plan and/or paid from the Plan's assets for which liabilities or current costs have not been established or other wise provided for in the valuation. All known events or trends which may require material increase in Plan costs or required contribution rates have been taken into account in the valuation. Enrollment Number: 17-02802 g • 7�", Dated: June 15, 2018 Lawrence F. Wilson, A.S.A. QvRetirement c-d=mg City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 48 Table XVII Glossary Actuarial Accrued Liability. The difference between the Actuarial Present Value of Future Benefits, and the Actuarial Present Value of Future Normal Costs. Actuarial Assumptions. Assumptions about future plan experience that affect costs or liabilities, such as: mortality, withdrawal, disablement, and retirement; future increases in salary; future rates of investment earnings; future investment and administrative expenses; characteristics of members not specified in the data, such as marital status; characteristics of future members; future elections made by members and other items. Actuarial Cost Method. Actuarial Cost Method A procedure for allocating the Actuarial Present Value of Future Benefits between the Actuarial Present Value of Future Normal Costs and the Actuarial Accrued Liability. Actuarial Equivalent. Of equal Actuarial Present Value, determined as of a given date and based on a given set of Actuarial Assumptions. Actuarial Present Value of Future Benefits. The Actuarial Present Value of amounts which are expected to be paid at various future times to active members, retired members, beneficiaries receiving benefits and inactive, non -retired members entitled to either a refund or a future retirement benefit. Expressed another way, it is the value that would have to be invested on the valuation date so that the amount invested plus investment earnings would provide sufficient assets to pay all projected benefits and expenses when due. Actuarial Valuation. The determination, as of a valuation date, of the Normal Cost, Actuarial Accrued Liability, Actuarial Value of Assets, and related Actuarial Present Values for a plan. An Actuarial Valuation for a governmental retirement system typically also includes calculations of items needed for compliance with GASB No. 67. Actuarial Value of Assets. The value of the assets as of a given date, used by the actuary for valuation purposes. This may be the market or fair value of plan assets or a smoothed value in order to reduce the year-to-year volatility of calculated results, such as the funded ratio and the actuarially required contribution. Amortization Method. A method for determining the Amortization Payment. The most common methods used are level dollar and level percentage of payroll. Under the Level Dollar method, the Amortization Payment is one of a stream of payments, all equal, whose Actuarial Present Value is equal to the UAAL. Under the Level Percentage of Pay method, the Amortization Payment is one of a stream of increasing payments, whose Actuarial Present Value is equal to the UAAL. Under the Level Percentage of Pay method, the stream of payments increases at the rate at which total covered payroll of all active members is assumed to increase. Qw Retire �t Consulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 49 Table XVII (Cont'd) Glossary Amortization Payment. That portion of the plan contribution which is designed to pay interest on and to amortize the Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability. Amortization Period. The period used in calculating the Amortization Payment. Annual Required Contribution. The employer's periodic required contributions, expressed as a dollar amount or a percentage of covered plan compensation. The annual required contribution consists of the Employer Normal Cost and Amortization Payment plus interest adjustment. Closed Amortization Period. A specific number of years that is reduced by one each year, and declines to zero with the passage of time. For example if the amortization period is initially set at 30 years, it is 29 years at the end of one year, 28 years at the end of two years, etc. Employer Normal Cost. The portion of the Normal Cost to be paid by the employer. This is equal to the Normal Cost less expected member contributions. Equivalent Single Amortization Period. For plans that do not establish separate amortization bases (separate components of the UAAL), this is the same as the Amortization Period. For plans that do establish separate amortization bases, this is the period over which the UAAL would be amortized if all amortization bases were combined upon the current UAAL pavment. Experience Gain/Loss. A measure of the difference between actual experience and that expected based upon a set of Actuarial Assumptions, during the period between two actuarial valuations. To the extent that actual experience differs from that assumed, Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liabilities emerge which may be larger or smaller than projected. Gains are due to favorable experience, e.g., the assets earn more than projected, salaries do not increase as fast as assumed, members retire later than assumed, etc. Favorable experience means actual results produce actuarial liabilities not as large as projected by the actuarial assumptions. Losses are the result of unfavorable experience, i.e., actual results that nroduce Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liabilities which are Iareer than nroiected. Funded Ratio. The ratio of the Actuarial Value of Assets to the Actuarial Accrued Liability. GASB. Governmental Accounting Standards Board. ;w S Retire �t 4Consulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 50 Table XVII (Cont'd) Glossary GASB No. 67 and GASB No. 68. These are the governmental accounting standards that set the accounting rules for public retirement plans and the employers that sponsor or contribute to them. Statement No. 67 sets the accounting rules for the plans themselves, while Statement No. 68 sets the accounting rules for the employers that sponsor or contribute to public retirement plans. Normal Cost. The annual cost assigned, under the Actuarial Cost Method, to the current plan year. Open Amortization Period. An open amortization period is one which is used to determine the Amortization Payment but which does not change over time. In other words, if the initial period is set as 30 years, the same 30 -year period is used in determining the Amortization Period each year. In theory, if an Open Amortization Period is used to amortize the Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability, the UAAL will never completely disappear, but will become smaller each year, either as a dollar amount or in relation to covered payroll. Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability. The difference between the Actuarial Accrued Liability and Actuarial Value of Assets. Valuation Date. The date as of which the Actuarial Present Value of Future Benefits are determined. The benefits expected to be paid in the future are discounted to this date. ;w S Retire �t 4Consulting City of Winter Springs Defined Benefit Plan 51