HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 06 26 Code Enforcement Board Regular Meeting Minutes'ITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDE A MINu'rES CODE ENF( RC'ENIENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING JUNE 26, 2018 CALL' O ORDER The RCgUlar Meeting Of"I'Llesday, June 26, 201 of the C ode, Enforcement Board was called to Order by Vic:e-Chaiij)erson Gregg Roero at 31 P.m., in the East "rraining Room of the Municipal Building (C11), Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708)�. Roll Call: Chairperson Mattliew Criswell, absent [Excused] Vice -Chairperson Gregg Roero, present Boa,rd Mernber Carole Giltz, present Board Member Maurice Kaprow, present Board Member Bill Poe, present Board Member Dennis, Robinson, present Board Member Suzanne Walker, absent [F"xcused] Senior City Attorneyknnif�r Nix, present, Assistant to the City Clerk Antonia DeJesus, present A moment of silence, was held fiollowed by the [)ledge ol'Allegiance, Vice -(,II mirperson Roero stated that Chairperson Matil'ie"', Criswell and Board Meniber SLIZaMIC Walkers absences would be Excused, Assisuint to the CitY (.,'k',vk Antonia De.ksus svvon,, in those who vvoulcl be p-ovieling 7'estimoq,v t1twing lonight's Ueeting, Briet'C01111TIC11tS f0l]OWed (M the Upcoming Board and Comniission: Appreciation Dinner, INFORMATIONAL AGENDA INFORMATIONAL 100. Not Used ('IT Y OF 4VIN1 ER SPNNGS, FLORIDA NI I N U FFS ODF FAFORCENIENT BOARD RIAJUI A R NIFF]ING - JUNE26,20 IS PAGE2 OF (1, CONSENTAGENDA CONSENT 200. Office of the City Clerk The Office Of The City Clerk Requests The Code Enforcement Board Review And Approve The May 22, 2018 Code Enforcement Board Regular Meeting Minutes. . ....... . . .......... ......... . "I MAKE A MOTION TO APPROVE, CIRCULATED." MOTION BY BOARD MENIBER POE. SECONDED BV BOARD MEMBER GILTZ. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD,NJENIBER ROBINSON: AYE VICE -C, IIAIRPERSON ROERO: AYE BOARD MEMBER KAPROW: AYE BOARD NIENIBER GILTZ: AYE BOARD MEMBER POE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGSAGENDA - CONTINUED CASES PUBLICHEARINGS - ( ONTINUED CASES 300. Not Used PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA - REPEAT CASES ITHLICHEARINGS - REPEATCASES 400. Not Used ('11Y01 WIWER SIT INGS, FLOR IDA M 11 N I JTES CODE ENVOM ENIENTBOARD R1--'('jU I A R N1 E' FTING JUNE 26, 2018 PAGE 3 OF 6 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA — NEW CASES 8'pUBLIC 11EARINGS -- NENV CASES 500. Code Enforcement Division — Police Department CASE #2018CE000646 A. David Gabbai - Irrevocable Family"I"'riist 506 George Street Winter Springs, Florida 32708 City Code: 6-195. - Maintenance Of Fences Or Walls. Inspector: Captain Chris Deisler Captain C hris Deisler, Code Enfbreement Division, Police Departn"ient Introduced the Case and testified. "Oil April 211"o(this year - officers responded to this hoille concerning as loose canine in the area, They discovered as hole in the fence that allowed the dog to escape. Accordingly, a Notice ofTode Violation letter wvas prepared and mailed to the owner of record; this is a rental property, so we invol,,,e the owner right awiy, It was delivered, but to an unknown person oil April 25"' of'2018 by the green card, Since the Violation persisted past the correction date, the Notice ofTode Board hearing was prepared and then sent. It was delivered certified oil June 6, 201 ff to as person rianied Antonia coincidentally C110LIgh," Photographs shown frorn *'WS- I" Jollo"ed by coninients. ("aptain I)eisler controlled. "Since that time, I rcceived as packet froni the owner with photographs and as letter indicating that fie had corrected the Violation, I was actually able to verit� that information personally today. Henceforth. I'n'i recornmending the pro,perty being folind only in Violation with a Finding of Fact in the event as ftiture'Violation occurs., they call possibly be brought back as as reoffender. No Fines would be applicable, Just siniply, the Hnding of l"act in this Case," Disciission fiollowed on the canine that had escaped. Photographs shown firorn -WS-I" 1`61lowed by, coninients. Alote: The Respondeni was not PlIesCilt. (ITY01- WtN Y FIR SPIRINGS, FLORIDA Mit NU IT's CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD Fit AJILBaa MEYNNG JUNE26.2018 PAGE 4 OF (� '11 MOVE TO FIND THATRESPONDENT VIOLAI'ED'I'l`ll;'('I'[')!'(,O[)E AND DID CORRECT rHE VIOLATION BY THE TIME SPECIFIED FOR CORRECTION BY THE CODE INSPEC'TOR, THAT THE N7101,A] ION IS CURRENTLY CORRECTED, THAT NO FINE BE IMPOSED; ANY SUBSEQUENT VIOLATION OFTHE SAMECITY CODE PROVISION BY THE RESPONDENT WITHIN FIVE (5) N,"EARS FROMTHE DATE OF THIS ORDER SHALL CONSIDERED A REPEAT VIOLATION FOR WIIICH A FINE CII, UPI"'O FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) Pl'BJZ DAY MAY BE IMPOSED." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER KAPROW. SECONDED BY BOARD NIENIBE.R POE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER POE: AYE BOARD MEMBER ROBINSON: AYE N'TIC, E -CH A tR PERSON ROERO: AYE BOARD MEMBER KAPROW: AYE 130ARD MEMBER GILTZ: AYE mo,rjoN CARRIED. PUBLI(AlEARINGS - NEW CASES 501. Code Enforcement Division — Police Department CASE #2018CE0001842 Colin And Freida Watson 1073 C',hokecherry Drive \81inter, Springs, Florida 32708 City Code: 13-2 Overgrown Lot Insvector: Cat)tain Chi -is Dei ler After introducing the Case, Captain Deisler testified, "On Ma.y I" of 2018, 1 received a coinplaint that the drainage easement behind this home that is the property of the owner has been left unattended and oNtcrgrown. A Notice ofCode Violation letter was prepared and ii to the owner on May 9"' of 201 S it was delivered certified, to Cynthia Watson on May 16"' ol'201 S. Since the Violation persisted beyond the correction date, a Notice of(Inde Board hearing was sent and it was sent to the o%xner and delivered ort.fune 15,2018 to a)lvonne Johnson, I later received additional photographs and infbi-mation that the lot had been cut and ri-taintained: I kvas able to verif' this Oil JLIne 20' of 2018 wvhere I niet the ()\vner at the house. Photographs sho,,N,n, frorn '*WS- I " f6l lowed by discussion. CIFYOF WIN]ER SPRINGS,, FLORIDA MINUTES CODEENFORCENJENT BOARD REGULARNIEFUNG - JUNE2(i2018 PAGE 5 017 0 ('aptain Deisler stated, "They have mowed that, but since it was not done so in manner prescribed by the date, I recommend the 1,-)ropeily be found in Violation only with a Finding of Fact -- sinillar to the Case prior to this — in the event they reoccur, No Fines be applicab,le at this time. Discussion followed on mowing, property lines, fences, and the SUITOunding property. .Note.- I'lic Respon(lent ivas not present. "I MOVE TO FIND THAT RESPONDENTS VIOLATED THE CITY CODE AND FAILED TO CORRECT THE VIOLATION BY THE TIME SPECIFIED FOR CORRECTION BY THE CODE INSPECTOR, THAT THE VIOLATION IS CURRENTLY CORRECTED, AND THAT NO FINE BE IMPOSED. ANY SUBSEQUENT VIOLATION OF THE SAME CITY CODE PROVISION BY RESPONDENTS WITHIN FIVE (5) YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THIS ORDER SHALL CONSIDERED A REPEAT VIOLATION FOR WHICH A FINE OF UP TO FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS (S500f .00) PER DAY MAY BE IMPOSED." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER GILTZ. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER POE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER ROBINSON: AYE LITA IN Dig IN I W1 I 'N12 OR W01:10IN: PUBLIC:' HEARINGS AGENDA.-- NON-COMPLIANCE CASES 600. Not Used REGULAR 700. Not Used Brief comments followed on the holiday meeting schedule. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING — JUNE 26,2W 8 PAG F60F6 Vice -Chairperson Roero adjourned the Regular Meeting at 5:47 p.m. RF,SPECT1,`U1,1,)` SUBMITTED: . . . ........... . AN. 1A DEJE S ASSISTANTTO THE CITY CLERK NOTE,. 'These Minutes were approved at the Tuesday, July 24, 2018 Code Hiforcement Board RegUkITMCeling.