HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 07 18 Regular 501 Year-to-Date Report and FY19 Proposed BudgetTUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEM ITEM 501 July 18, 2018 Regular Meeting REQUEST: Informational Consent Public Hearings Regular X The Community Development Department — Urban Beautification Division Requests That The Tuscawilla Lighting And Beautification District Advisory Committee Receive And Discuss Budgetary Information Consisting Of The Year -To -Date Expense Report And The Fiscal Year 2019 Proposed Budget. ATTACHMENT(S): A. Expenditure Detail (3 Pages) B. FYI Proposed Budget (2 Pages) TLBD Maintenance Fund Quarterly Meeting - July 18, 2018 Select Expense Accounts FY2018 thru 6.30.18 Account Vendor Date Amount Fountains 545210-001 Budget $17,820.00 FOUNTAIN DOCTOR 10/23/2017 $663.00 11/06/2017 $663.00 11/16/2017 $150.00 12/05/2017 $663.00 12/18/2017 $15.00 01/04/2018 $663.00 01/12/2018 $15.00 02/12/2018 $663.00 03/13/2018 $738.00 04/23/2018 $693.00 05/15/2018 $45.00 06/19/2018 $663.00 TOM EVANS ENVIRONMENTAL 02/12/2018 $518.00 03/27/2018 $3,568.00 TAW ORLANDO SVC CTR 04/17/2018 $2,811.00 YTD Expense Total $12,531.00 Encumberedl $2,960.00 Grounds 545270 End Balancel Budget $2,329.00 $170,959.00 BRIGHTVIEW 10/23/2017 $7,923.25 10/23/2017 $410.00 10/23/2017 $1,100.00 10/30/2017 $3,026.00 11/14/2017 $148.12 11/14/2017 $1,359.46 11/14/2017 $350.00 11/16/2017 $7,923.25 12/15/2017 $18,985.48 12/15/2017 $1,020.00 12/15/2017 $445.89 12/16/2017 $8,081.72 01/23/2018 $8,081.72 01/30/2018 $25,245.00 02/12/2018 $8,081.72 02/12/2018 $2,517.00 Account Vendor Date Amount Grounds (cont'd) 04/23/2018 $16,163.44 04/23/2018 $1,753.13 06/19/2018 $16,163.44 06/19/2018 $3,660.67 ALL SERVICE ELECTRIC 05/30/2018 $974.00 A BUDGET 12/19/2017 $1,800.00 04/03/2018 $1,600.00 YTD Expense Total $136,813.29 Encumbered $12,207.181 1 End Balanc—ej $21,938.53 Signs / Walls 545270-004 Budget $8,000.00 ALL SERVICE ELECTRIC 01/05/2018 $541.00 01/16/2018 $308.00 02/12/2018 $902.00 SEMPER FI PRESSURE WASHING 03/06/2018 $1,215.00 03/15/2018 $500.00 HOME DEPOT 02/27/2018 $10.67 YTD Expense Total $3,476.67 Encumbered $2,173.331 1 End Balancel $2,350.001 1 Contract Admin 530341 Budget $9,040.00 NBS 12/27/2017 $1,800.86 03/21/2018 $1,800.79 06/26/2018 $1,800.86 YTD Expense Total $5,402.51 Encumbered $0.00 End Balance $3,637.49 Utilities 540430 Budget $50,720.00 SEMINOLE COUNTY 10/17/2017 $84.25 11/13/2017 $32.41 12/18/2017 $31.66 01/16/2018 $45.76 02/27/2018 $48.77 03/13/2018 $42.94 04/18/2018 $36.74 06/20/2018 $74.60 WINTER SPRINGS 10/13/2017 $795.06 10/24/2017 $1,150.31 11/17/2017 $1,175.02 Account Vendor Date Amount Utilities (cont'd) 11/22/2017 $286.28 12/18/2017 $926.87 12/27/2017 $1,042.00 01/17/2018 $1,536.07 01/19/2018 $1,039.64 02/15/2018 $1,329.13 02/21/2018 $1,589.21 03/14/2018 $1,103.13 03/21/2018 $1,245.99 04/16/2018 $952.83 04/23/2018 $976.89 05/10/2018 $722.10 05/21/2018 $858.85 06/13/2018 $937.12 06/21/2018 $762.76 DUKE ENERGY 10/30/2017 $2,291.61 11/28/2017 $2,186.32 12/22/2017 $2,363.44 01/23/2018 $2,436.64 03/06/2018 $1,953.41 03/28/2018 $1,744.90 04/23/2018 $2,300.79 06/05/2018 $2,676.48 06/25/2018 $2,486.26 YTD Expense Total $39,266.24 Encumbered $0.00 End Balancel Streetlights 540434 Budget $11,453.76 $231,920.00 DUKE ENERGY 10/30/2017 $19,198.87 11/28/2017 $19,198.87 12/22/2017 $19,198.87 01/23/2018 $19,367.50 03/06/2018 $19,367.50 03/28/2018 $19,368.17 04/23/2018 $19,368.17 06/05/2018 $19,368.17 06/25/2018 $19,368.17 YTD Expense Total $173,804.29 Encumbered $0.00 End Balancel $58,115.71 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget Assess Rate/Unit - $120 Legal Maximum - $128 Special Assessment - TLBD Maint 160 APPLICATIONS 530340 Other Svcs $120 $120 $120 $2,700 $120 530341 Other Svcs - Contract / Admin $9,300 $9,007 Original Revised $9,570 Account Utilities FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Number Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget 545210 R&M Infra - Fountains $19,183 $22,954 $17,820 $17,820 $14,394 545270 SOURCES $159,905 $206,610 $181,679 $179,679 177,900 325200 Charges for Services $509,565 $509,452 $507,549 $507,549 507,549 369301 Settlement Insurance Proceeds $0 $2,400 $0 $0 $0 361100/361300 Investment $3,585 $2,712 $875 $875 $2,500 591410 Total Revenues $513,150 $514,564 $508,424 $508,424 $510,049 381262 From TLBD II DS $0 $0 $0 $1,861 $0 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $1,861 $0 TOTAL SOURCES $513,150 $514,564 $508,424 $510,285 $510,049 APPLICATIONS 530340 Other Svcs $2,533 $2,532 $2,700 $2,700 $2,700 530341 Other Svcs - Contract / Admin $9,300 $9,007 $9,840 $9,840 $9,570 540430 Utilities $47,823 $38,439 $48,720 $50,720 $51,720 540434 Streetlights $217,595 $228,522 $230,400 $230,400 230,400 545210 R&M Infra - Fountains $19,183 $22,954 $17,820 $17,820 $14,394 545270 R&M Infra - Grounds $159,905 $206,610 $181,679 $179,679 177,900 555480 Promotional / Advertising $0 $0 $150 $150 $150 Total Operating $456,339 $508,064 $491,309 $491,309 $486,834 591001 To General Fund $36,495 $36,415 $38,855 $38,855 $53,583 591410 To Water Sewer Utility $23,143 $25,485 $25,680 $25,680 $0 Total Transfers $59,638 $61,900 $64,535 $64,535 $53,583 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL APPLICATIONS $515,977 $569,964 $555,844 $555,844 $540,417 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE - October 1 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance FUND BALANCE - September 30 $313,751 $310,924 $196,827 $255,524 $209,965 ($2,827) ($55,400) ($47,420) ($45,559) ($30,368) $310,924 $255,524 $149,407 $209,965 $179,597 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget Assess Rate/Unit - $36 Legal Maximum - $43 Special Assessment - TLBD I Capital/DS 261 BB&T Bank Note Final Year FY 2030 $36 $36 $36 $36 Original Revised Account FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Number Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Budget SOURCES 325100 * Capital Improvement $81,326 $85,506 $138,655 $138,655 $138,655 325300 Prepayments $372 $0 $0 $0 $0 369900 * Misc Revenue $8,061 $6,525 $0 $0 $0 361100/361300 * Investment $51,050 $48,040 $420 $420 $1,000 Total Revenues $140,809 $140,071 $139,075 $139,075 $139,655 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL SOURCES $140,809 $140,071 $139,075 $139,075 $139,655 APPLICATIONS 530314 Consulting $0 $0 $1,250 $1,250 $0 530340 Other Svcs $691 $691 $825 $825 $750 530341 Other Svcs - Contract / Admin $3,566 $3,293 $3,850 $3,850 $3,620 Total Operating $4,257 $3,984 $5,925 $5,925 $4,370 591001 To General Fund $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Total Transfers $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 570710 Principal $81,328 $85,506 $89,572 $89,572 $93,385 570720 Interest $49,872 $47,161 $44,325 $44,325 $41,350 Total Debt Service $131,200 $132,667 $133,897 $133,897 $134,735 560631 Improvements $30,457 $0 $0 $0 $0 560650 Construction In Progress $22,143 $20,993 $50,000 $50,000 $0 Total Capital $52,600 $20,993 $50,000 $50,000 $0 TOTAL APPLICATIONS $188,557 $158,144 $190,322 $190,322 $139,605 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE - October 1 $189,959 $142,211 $121,933 $124,138 1 $72,891 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance ($47,748) ($18,073) ($51,247) ($51,247) $50 FUND BALANCE - September 30 $142,211 $124,138 $70,686 $72,891 $72,941 * Due to the structure of this debt service instrument, the 2016 and 2017 special assessment revenues are required by GASB to have the distinctive accounting treatment represented herein. f[Nk]