HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 04 04 Planning and Zoning Board/LPA Regular Meeting MinutesC'1TY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING APRIL, 4. 201 8 CALL TO ORDER The Rcgular Meeting of Wednesday, April 4. 2018 of' the Planning and Zoning Board/ Local Planning Agency was called to Order at 5:30 p.m. by Chaiilm-son Bob Henderson in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1 126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs. Florida 32708), Roll Call: Chairperson Bob Henderson, present Vice -Chairperson Bart Phillips present Board Member Kok Wan Mah. present Board Member Sarah Miller, present Board Member Rick Brown, present Assistant to the City Clerk, Jessica Wright, present A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. No changes were math; to the Agenda. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS \l1 ARbti AND PRESENT XI IONS 100. Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA IN FO Ith7AT10NA1. 200. Not Used PUBLIC INPUT Chab j)crson llcnde)—son ohewd ' hiblic hips ". ( 111' 01 %k IN I FR SPRINW; I LORIDA %l IN i 1'ris S' PLANNING ANI) ZONING 130ARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY RI-G.ULAR %H+1 ING %VRIL 4. 2018 PAGE ? OF 5 No one spoke. Chairpersoll Ifendersoll closed ''Pithllc hgmt CONSENT AGENDA CONSFN-1 300. Office Of The City Clerk The Office Of The Cit' Clerk Requests "That The Planning; And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Review And Approve The Wednesday, March 7, 2018 Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning; Agency Regular Meeting Minutes. REFERRING TO TME APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE LAST MEETING, "SO MOVED." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER BROWN. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER MAH. DISCUSSION. VOTE: CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON. AYE BOARD MEMBER MAH: AYE BOARD MEMBER BROWN: AYE VICE -CHAIRPERSON PHILLIPS: AYE BOARD MEMBER MILLER: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PVRIAC HEARING, 400. Community Development Department — Planning; Division The Community Development Department Requests That The Local Planning Agency/Planning And Zoning; Board Hold A Public Hearing To Consider The Aesthetic Review Plans For Northern Oaks, A Proposed 35 -Lot Single -Family Residential Subdivision Located Just East Of The Intersection Of State Road 434 And State Road 417. Ms. Alyssa Henriquez, City Planner, Community Dcvelopment Department introduced the A�sciida Item and stated. "Northern Oaks is a proposed single-family residential subdivision by Dream f=inders Ilomes that is located on the north side ot'State Road 434. It's a subdivision that consists of thirty-five (35) lots on twenty point flour eight (20.48) acre~ ot' land... Ms. 1-lenriduei then rCtererlced the site plan and b6cily commewed l)11 the thll'ty-five (35) lots. (A 1)'()f WINTER STRINGS. FLORIDA N1IN( ' I I ti PLANNINGAND NII ZONING BOARD/1-OCAL f TANNING 1GFN( 1' RI:GLI1-ARMFF1'ING AP�R[L1.'_i11S PAG }(:)1 - Continuing, Ms. Henr]clucz gave a brict'history ot'Northern Oaks and noted. "]n February 2016, the City Commission approved the Annexation of the Northern Oaks property and the property was assigned the zoning of R-1. Then in March 2017, the Commission approved of Northern Oaks Final Engineering plans and Waiver request. At that time the original developer had not yet selected a home builder, Which is why the Aesthetic Review! packet was not presented in conjunction with the final Engineering plans as they usually arc. Images of the design for Northern Oaks were shown w]Ili additional comments. Finishing leer presentation, Mr. Ilutri(Iuez slated. "So overall, Staff finds the Northern Oaks Aesthetic Review to represent a positive addition to the City and rcgLlcsts approval Iiom the Planning and %oning Board." { 'I70i17)ffvc111 llcncler.vo11 openecl " Pieb/ic Inhna No one spoke. Chairj)ersorl 11clutersorl closed "PlIblic I11/m/ "MOTION TO APPROVE." MOTION 13V BOARD MEMBER BROWN. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER MAH. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER BROWN: AYE BOARD ME11BER HILLER: AYE BOARD NIENIBER MAH: AYE CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON: AYE VICE -CHAIRPERSON PHILLIPS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINc;S 401. Community Development Department — Planning Division The Community Development Department Requests That The Local Planning Agency/Planning And Zoning Board Hold A Public Hearing To Consider The Aesthetic Review, Final Engineering Plans, And Special Exception Requests For Starbucks At The Winter Springs Town Center. Mr. Bryant Smith, P.E.. Senior Civil Engineer, Community Development Department presented this Agenda Item and pointed out, "Starbucks is aboLlt a 2.500 square loot building: this practical parcel is about point seven six (,76) acres. Its located by the McDonalds and Michael Blake Boulevard._. ('il l 01 �k IN I L:K SPRINGS. FLORIDA N1INL'1'LS PLANNING AND ZONING ROARDILOCAL PL;%NNINC AGENCY RI.GILAR ML:FIIN6 APR IL_4.=IIIiS PAGE 3 OI Next. Mr. Smith referenced the Engineering flans and brielly commented on parking spaces, the drive-through lane, sidewalks, access to Starbucks, the stormwater pond, and water service to the site.. Images were then shown of the network of streets with brief comments. Continuing, Mr. Smith remarked about the traffic impact and stated, "'Iltev did do a Traffic Impact Study. and that study includes all tour (4) parcels with some proposed dc\ clopmcnts." Furtlicr comments followed. Board Member Rick Brawn inquired about the traffic pattern for the drive-through to which Mr. Smith referenced an image and showed access to the drivc-through. Additional comments followed. Next, Board Member Kok Wan Mali inquired about the location of the waste dumpstel' to which Mr. Smith showed images depicting the exact location where the dumpster would be located. Brief comments followed on how the refuse company would access the dumpster. Ms. HcnriCILICZ then presented the Aesthetic Review and referenced plans that included the design of the building and the drlv e-tlu-oLlgh lane with service window. Furthermore.. Ms. Hemiquez remarked abOLIt the color of the building. materials that would be used, and an outdoor patio. Ms. I lenriqucr stated. "We recommend approval ofthe Starbucks Aesthetic Review Plans.., Furthermore, Ms. Henriques addressed the Special Exceptions that Starbucks has requested and said. "There are four (4) Special Fxceptlons that they will need for the Town Center Code, which will be necessary in order to make this stand-alone design of a Starbucks possible in the contexts of the Town Cerntcr." FLlrther comments followed. ('hur>lx�r.�c�rt IIc�7cic>>��u�t ()1yc'7e(J 1'trhlic 117011 No one spoke. ( '17t1i1 )C1'SO11 11CIOCI-NO11 rlr1.`c rJ 1r17Jrr 10PHI "MOTION TO APPROVE." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER 111AII. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER BROWN. DISCUSSION. ('IT1 0I Gk 1'� I IT SPRIN(S F1 ORIDA MINLTLS PI, %NNING :ANI) ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGI{NCY RFCIiI_ARR111-1INC, APRIIA._'UIS PAG1- 5 OF 5 VOTE: BOARD MEMBER MILLER: AVE BOARD MEMBER BROWN: AVE BOARD MEMBER MAH: AYE CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON- AYE VICE -CHAIRPERSON PHILLIPS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR AGENDA RF(;I'L,AR 5007 Not Used 600. REPORTS Mr. Brian Fields. P.E.. Director, Community Development Department briefly spoke of an Agenda Item that would he brought to this Board on May 2. 2018. PUBLIC INPUT Ch('h7)e1-.+;wa llcndei-wi olvned "I' iblkc hynif No one spoke. [7�rri���ersnn 1107(lc 5011 clONCd "I'rrh11C 1171)111" ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Henderson adjourned the Regular Meeting, at 5:52 p.m. 1E�SI('F. BURT AFLIAM ASSISTANT TO THE: CITY CLERK NO L. Thr.c N111tt11r, %k vie Appio\ ed ai the June h. 2H S PLrnning AnJ /ominL 13owd I oval Planning Agcnc\ Rcgulai \hx1im,,