HomeMy WebLinkAbout218 06 06 Public Hearings 401 Special Exception request to allow multifamily residential use in the Town Center at the Blumberg propertyPLANNING & ZONING BOARD
ITEM 401
June 6, 2018
Public Hearing
REQUEST: The Community Development Department requests that the Local Planning
Agency/Planning & Zoning Board hold a Public Hearing to consider a special exception request to
permit a multifamily residential use in the T4 Transect of the Town Center on a 6.46-acre property
north of Blumberg Blvd and west of Tuskawilla Road.
SYNOPSIS: Pursuant to the Town Center Code, multifamily residential uses require approval of a
special exception if proposed at properties in the T4 transect designation. The applicant, Ms. Juanita
Blumberg, is requesting approval of a special exception request to permit multifamily residential units
on the eastern portion (6.46 acres) of a 12.3 acre property located in the T4 Transect (General Urban
Zone) of the Town Center. Approval of the special exception request only permits the multifamily
residential use on the property, and the approval does not constitute a Final Engineering Plan review,
Aesthetic Review, or issuance of a permit for any kind of construction. All aspects of the site are
subject to staff review after the applicant submits an application for review of the Final Engineering
Plans and Aesthetic Review.
• Applicant/Property owner's name(s): Juanita D. Blumberg
• Property addresses:
• Property Parcel ID numbers
• Current FLUM Designation:
141 Bear Springs Drive
Town Center District
0 Current Zoning Designations: Town Center T4 (General Urban Zone)
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Planning & Zoning Board Agenda, Item 401
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• Previously Approved Development permits such as conditional use, waiver, or variance if
an : None
• Development Agreements (if any): None
• Pending Code Enforcement Actions (if any): None
• City Liens if any): None
Home Rule Powers
Winter Springs Code of Ordinances
City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan
Winter Springs Town Center District Code, Section 20-321(b) (2)
Winter Springs Town Center District Code, Section 20-321(c)
The applicant, Ms. Juanita Blumberg, is requesting approval of a special exception request to permit
a multifamily residential use in the T4 transect of the Town Center on the eastern 6.46 acres of a 12.3
acre property to the north of Blumberg Blvd and west of Tuskawilla Road.
The developer, Beazer Homes, has submitted a proposed development plan for "The Gatherings at
Winter Springs," an age restricted (55+) fee -simple owned senior condominium project. The
development consists of four (4) residential buildings of twenty-seven (27) units each, for a total of
108 condominium units. All four residential buildings will be 4-stories, and units will feature private
balconies and 1-car garages located on the ground floor. Additional buildings onsite include a
clubhouse/pool at the corner of Tuskawilla Road and Blumberg Blvd. and several detached garage
buildings. Please refer to Attachment 1 for a conceptual site plan.
Site amenities include a clubhouse, pool, pickleball court, green space, and walking trails. Additional
surface parking spaces are provided onsite for residents, employees, and visitors.
The property subject to the special exception request is the 6.46 acre eastern portion of the overall
parcel, as depicted on the attached conceptual site plan and boundary survey. The overall 12.3 acre
parcel will need to be split in order to create the 6.46 acre lot as depicted. The western 5.8 acres of
the 12.3 acre parcel currently has one single family residence.
Approval of the special exception request would only permit the multifamily residential use on the
6.46 acre section of the property. Such an approval does not constitute a Final Engineering Plan
review, Aesthetic Review, or issuance of a permit for any kind of construction. All aspects of the site
are subject to staff review after the applicant submits an application for review of the Final
Engineering Plans and Aesthetic Review.
Special Exception Review Criteria:
Per the Winter Springs Town Center District Code, Section 20-321(c), special exceptions in the Town
Center District must meet the following criteria:
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Planning & Zoning Board Agenda, Item 401
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(1) The city commission may by special exception waive strict compliance with provisions of this
code in furtherance of promoting the town center policies adopted by the city. In granting a special
exception, the city commission must find by substantial competent evidence that:
a. The proposed development contributes to, promotes and encourages the improvement of the Winter
Springs Town Center and catalyzes other development as envisioned in the Winter Springs Town
Center regulations. The proposed development will be designed to implement the goals and
policies of the Comprehensive Plan as they relate to the Town Center, and to continue a
harmonious land use pattern with existing development. The site will be self-sufficient in terms
of stormwater design, parking, etc., but also open to interaction with the civil, recreation, retail,
and social amenities that the Town Center has to offer.
b. The proposed development will not have an unfavorable effect on the economy of the Winter
Springs Town Center and complies with the economic fiscal impact requirements set forth in the City's
Comprehensive Plan and Code. The proposed development is expected to have a favorable effect
on the economy of the Winter Springs Town Center by generating tax revenue. Residents in the
proposed development may do their shopping, dining, and recreating within the Winter Springs
Town Center, which will be within walking distance.
c. The proposed development abides by all rules in this code other than those specially excepted.
Special limitations apply to large footprint buildings (greater than twenty thousand (20,000) square
feet); see subsection 20-324(9) for these limitations. Staff has reviewed a conceptual site plan for
the project and has identified a number of design -related items that may require special
exceptions, if these items are not revised during the final engineering and aesthetic review
process. At this time, the project is conceptual in nature, and thus Staff cannot determine if all
aspects the proposed development abide by all rules in the code other than the requested special
d. The proposed development meets any reasonable additional conditions, restrictions or limitations
deemed necessary by the city commission in order to preserve and promote the intent of the Winter
Springs Town Center District Code. The City Commission may impose additional conditions, or
more specifically define and/or restrict the special exception, such as having it be only for an age
restricted (55+) fee -simple owned senior condominium project of not more than 108-units.
e. With respect to each waiver requested, the specific waiver shall comply with all of the following:
1. Is a result of special conditions and circumstances which are peculiar to the land, site plan,
structure or building involved and which justify granting the waiver in the context of the
overall proposed development being successful within the town center; The Permitted Uses
matrix in Section 20-323 allows multifamily residential to be approved by special
exception only in the T4 transect.
2. Is the minimum waiver from the town center regulations necessary to make possible the
reasonable use of the land, building or structure; The requested special exception is the
minimum waiver necessary to allow multifamily residential use in the T4 transect.
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Planning & Zoning Board Agenda, Item 401
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3. Is in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the town center regulations; The
special exception to allow a multifamily residential use can be in harmony with the
applicable town center regulations if the final engineering plans and building aesthetics
are prepared in compliance with the Town Center Code.
4. Will not be injurious or incompatible to the town center and any surrounding neighborhood
or property; and The proposed development will be an age restricted (55+) condominium
neighborhood. The fee simple ownership of the senior condominium units provides a
housing option that is not currently available in the Town Center District. Additionally,
the proposed development is not an assisted living facility (ALF), congregate care facility,
or independent living facility (ILF).
5. Will not create a public nuisance or be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare
relative to public services including water, sewer, surface water management, police, fire,
parks and recreation, streets and traffic patterns, public transportation, marina and water ways,
bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The proposed development was designed with the above
taken into consideration. The proposed development will be designed in accordance with
the Town Center Code, and will be carefully planned to the Code's standards to ensure
there will be no adverse impact on public services, including water, sewer, surface water
management, police fire, parks and recreation, streets, public transportation, marina and
waterways, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
If the special exception is approved, and the project is developed as an age restricted (55+) fee -simple
owned senior condominium project with 108 units, then the project will provide an increase to the
City's taxable value. The potential tax revenue of the proposed project is still to be determined;
however, the project at completion is preliminarily estimated to have an assessed taxable value of $30
The Meeting Agenda and this Agenda Item have been forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board
members and are available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's Server. The Agenda has
been forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission; City Manager; and City Attorney/Staff.
Additionally, the Meeting Agenda has been sent to media/press representatives, all Homeowner's
Associations on file with the City, all individuals who have requested Agenda information,
Department Directors; and also posted outside City Hall; posted inside City Hall with additional
copies available for the general public.
Staff recommends that the Local Planning Agency/Planning & Zoning Board forward an advisory
recommendation to the City Commission for the special exception of a multifamily residential use in
the T4 transect of the Town Center. If the Board's advisory recommendation is to approve the special
exception, Staff recommends that the special exception be limited to an age restricted (55+) fee -
simple owned senior condominium project.
June 6, 2018
Planning & Zoning Board Agenda, Item 401
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1. Conceptual Site Plan (1 page)
2. Special Exception Request Narrative (4 pages)
3. Building Renderings (4 pages)
4. Boundary Survey (2 pages)
5. Staff comments and applicant responses dated May 25, 2018 (4 pages)
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The applicant is requesting approval of a Special Exception for certain provisions of the Town Center
District Code. Specifically, the applicant is requesting Special Exception approval for a Residential,
Multifamily use in the T-4 Transect (General Urban Core Zone) District of the Town Center.
The Special Exception request is being submitted for consideration in accordance with Section 20-321(c)
of the Town Center District Code.
Justification for the Request
The following are responses to the criteria outlined in the Conditional Use Permit Request Application:
1) How is the Conditional Use (including its proposed scale and intensity, traffic generating
characteristics, and offsite impacts) compatible and harmonious with adjacent land uses?
The proposed Special Exception is to facilitate development for a portion of the subject property as an
age restricted (55+) condominium neighborhood within the Winter Springs Town Center identified as "The
Gatherings at Winter Springs."
A determination has been made that the Winter Springs Town Center would be an ideal location to
introduce this new community. The proposed homes will be owned by individual buyers and will not be
an apartment rental project. It is also important to stress that these homes are for 55+ active adult buyers
and the community is not an assisted living facility (ALF), congregate care facility or independent living
facility (ILF).
All single level homes will served by an elevator and will have open living spaces, private balconies, and 1-
car garages. Amenities will include a clubhouse, pool, pickle ball court, a pond, green space and walking
trails. All homes within "The Gatherings at Winter Springs" are intended to be Energy StarT"° Certified.
Attached are exhibits showing the conceptual elevations and conceptual amenity renderings. These
exhibits are illustrative only and have been provided to conceptually communicate the intended design
and quality of "The Gatherings at Winter Springs" community. The applicant will work with City Staff and
the applicable approval boards to further define the building elevations as the process moves forward to
ensure a harmonious relationship with the Town Center.
The City, through its collaborative effort with many local community stakeholders, policy makers and
regional partners determined that this property was critical in helping implement the vision for the Town
Center. This property has been designated T-4 (General Urban Core Zone) since the adoption of the Town
Center District Code. Per the Town Center District Standards, the general character of T-4 consists of
mixed -use but primarily residential urban fabric in a more compact area that is close to the core of the
town center. A wide range of building types, both residential and commercial in nature, are found in this
T-4 zone.
"The Gatherings at Winter Springs" will been designed to implement to goals and policies of the
Comprehensive Plan as they relate to the Town Center and to continue the land use pattern in harmony
with existing Town Center development. The site will be thoughtfully planned to be self-sufficient in terms
of the storm water design, parking, etc. but also open to interaction with the civic, recreation, retail and
social amenities that the remaining areas of the Town Center have to offer.
2) Will the Conditional Use adversely impact land use activities in the immediate vicinity? if no,
why not?
No. As mentioned previously, the site will be thoughtfully planned to be self-sufficient in terms of the
storm water design, parking, etc. but also open to interaction with the civic, recreation, retail and social
amenities that the remaining areas of Town Center have to offer. The original vision of Town Center by its
creators will be preserved and the plan for development becomes more defined. For example, the Town
Center standards include a variety of residential and nonresidential uses to encourage a mix of uses that
is necessary for the economic viability of a city center.
It is important to note that up until a City initiated Code Amendment that became effective in April of
2016, the T-4 Transect (General Urban Core Zone) Zone District allowed multifamily as a Permitted Use
under the Town Center District Code. This proposed Special Exception to allow for multifamily uses will
further the objective of the master plan that was created in 1998 for the Town Center.
3) Demonstrate how the size and shape of the site, the proposed access and internal circulation,
and the design enhancements are adequate to accommodate the proposed scale and intensity
of the conditional use requested. The site shall be of sufficient size to accommodate design
amenities such as screening buffers, landscaping, open space, off-street parking, and other
similar site plan improvements needed to mitigate against potential adverse impacts of the
proposed use.
Phase is proposed to be comprised of four (4) residential buildings of twenty-seven (27) homes each, for
a total of 108 homes. The conceptual site plan incorporates the Town Center Design Criteria by having
buildings fronting public roads and/or parks. The primary entrance(s) will be located on Blumberg Blvd.
and emergency access easements will be proposed to the north onto the Winter Springs High School
access road. The site plan will also incorporates detached garages, additional parking, a clubhouse with
pool and recreational amenities, a pond, green space and a walking trail. The proposed neighborhood
will be heavily landscaped throughout.
Residential uses already exist within the Town Center and specifically in the T-4 Zone. The special
exception that is requested will facilitate development that is in character with similar T-4 zones, as well
as the overall Town Center area.
4) Will the proposed use have an adverse impact on the local economy, including governmental
fiscal impact, employment, and property values? if no, why not?
No. The community will be designed and is geographically located to take advantage of the adjacent retail,
restaurant and commercial uses within the Town Center. It is envisioned that the homeowners will do a
majority of their shopping, eating and recreating within the Town Center. There are no foreseen
governmental fiscal impacts and the community is not projected to negatively impact property values.
The Net Economic Benefits are:
• Homeowners will be active adults that embrace walkability of communities. The high walkability
in the Town Center translates into direct spending on goods and services within the Town Center.
• Because the homeowners are age 55+, there will be no impact on schools.
• Homes are individually owned, and therefore taxed as such. Average sales prices are projected
in the mid 300's. At full completion of the Phase 1, net annual property tax generation is
estimated at $378,000. (Based on $3,500 per home average).
• Active Adult homeowners tend to drive during non -peak hours, having minimal impact on peak
traffic congestion.
• Privately owned and maintained internal roads, reducing the maintenance cost to the City of
Winter Springs.
5) Will the proposed use have an adverse impact on natural environment, including air, water,
and noise pollution, vegetation and wildlife, open space, noxious and desirable vegetation, and
flood hazards? If no, why not?
No. Currentlythe 6.46± acre portion of the property, identified as Phase 1, is vacant and has had no history
of development. The remaining 5.8± acre portion, identified as Phase 2, currently has one existing single-
family home belonging to the applicant. There are no known protected species or vegetation on the
property. There are no known wetlands, flood zones or water features within the boundaries or
immediate vicinity of the property. The site, when developed, will provide for on -site storm water
management to minimize any offsite drainage impacts to adjacent properties.
Prior to development, approvals from the applicable review agencies will be required to ensure
compliance with local and state regulations as they relate to air, water, and noise pollution, vegetation
and wildlife, open space, noxious and desirable vegetation, and flood hazards.
6) Will the proposed use have an adverse impact on historic, scenic and cultural resources,
including views and vistas, and loss or degradation of cultural and historic resources? If no, why
No. There are no known historic, scenic or cultural resources within the property. Directly north of the
subject parcel is the access road, parking lot and athletic fields serving Winter Springs High School.
Immediately east is the Rize at Winter Spring rental apartment complex, a vacant parcel and a
conservation easement that was dedicated by the applicant to the State of Florida Land Trust in 2001.
Blumberg Blvd. frames the property along its southern border along with a 4-story apartment/multifamily
rental property known as Tuskawilla Town Center. Tuskawilla Rd. runs along the properties eastern border
along with an extension of the Florida Trial. The property across the street to the east is currently vacant
and is designated at C/P (Civic/Public) in the Town Center District Code.
Prior to development, approvals from the applicable review agencies will be required to ensure
compliance with local and state regulations as they relate to historic, scenic and cultural resources.
7) Will the proposed use have an adverse impact on public services, including water, sewer,
surface water management, police, fire, parks and recreation, streets, public transportation,
marina and waterways, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities? If no, why not?
No. The T-4 (General Urban Core Zone) was created to implement the vision of the Town Center. The
Town Center was carefully planned with density and intensity criteria to ensure there would be no adverse
impact on public services, including water, sewer, surface water management, police, fire, parks and
recreation, streets, public transportation, marina and waterways, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
As part of the review for development, the City and applicable agencies will utilize the concurrency
management system that is in place. The concurrency management system will measure the potential
impacts of any proposal development permit or order upon the City's multimodal transportation network
and the established minimum acceptable levels of service (LOS) for public schools, sanitary sewer, solid
waste, drainage, potable water, and parks and recreation facilities.
8) Will the proposed use hove on adverse impact on housing and social conditions, including o
variety of housing unit types and prices, and neighborhood quality? If no, why not?
No. As mentioned earlier, "The Gatherings at Winter Springs" will be an age restricted (55+) condominium
neighborhood within the Winter Springs Town Center. The proposed homes will be owned by individual
buyers and not an apartment rental project. This fee simple ownership condominium design will break
the current pattern of "for rent" multifamily developments that inherently creates a transient population.
As noted above, "The Gatherings at Winter Springs" is not an assisted living facility (ALF), congregate care
facility or independent living facility (ILF).
The high -end quality of the development, amenities and pride of ownership will implement what was
envisioned by the original stakeholder and creators of the Town Center plan. As mentioned above, all
homes within "The Gatherings at Winter Springs" are intended to be Energy StarT"° Certified.
The City of Winter Springs has a rapidly growing population that has limited housing opportunities for
home ownership with maintenance free living. "The Gatherings at Winter Springs" provides a unique
lifestyle that heavily focuses on amenities, walkability, neighbor interaction, and maintenance free living.
The majority of the housing near the Town Center is either rental or homes with steps. "The Gatherings
at Winter Springs" will contribute to a diversity of housing by creating something unlike anything else in
the Town Center.
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May 25, 2018
Mr. Brian Fields, P.E.
Community Development Director
City of Winter Springs
1126 East State Road 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799
Re: The Gatherings at Winter Springs
Special Exception Application
Response to Staff Comments
Dear Brian:
We received staff comments dated May 18, 2018 and have addressed them below. The following
documents are provided in this revised submittal package:
• Response to comment letter
• Conceptual building elevations
Response to Comments:
1. A Special Exception is not required for the minimum block size per Section 20-324(11). The
block configuration surrounding this site is an existing condition that was previously
established and is not being substantially adjusted as part of this proposed project.
Response: Noted, the applicant appreciates the clarification.
2. Please provide a conceptual rendering showing the front of the proposed condominium
buildings (the side facing the street), and a typical side where there is garage access.
Response: Please find attached conceptual building elevations.
3. Please list the approximate square footage of the condominium building footprint.
Response: The condominium building footprint is approximately 19,000 sq.ft.
4. The clubhouse building will need to be at least two stories, per the T4 transect standards in
the Town Center Code. The submitted rendering shows a one-story building.
Response: Acknowledged. This item will be addressed during preparation of
development plans.
5. Page 2 of the narrative states the buildings will front "public roads and/or parks." Please
confirm the intent of the interior park to be open for public use.
City of Vinter Springs
Re: The Gatherings at Vinter Springs
Spea'al Exception Application
Response to Staff Comments
May 23, 2018
Page 2 of 3
Response: Programming, design and location of the site amenities, etc. are still
preliminary. This item will be addressed during preparation of development plans.
6. The detached garage structures are considered accessory buildings and cannot be located
along a primary street frontage as shown on Blumberg Boulevard, per the Town Center Code.
Response: Acknowledged. This item will be addressed during preparation of
development plans.
7. Additional Special Exceptions would be needed for the following items, if not changed on the
site plan:
a. Minimum 60% frontage buildout using principle buildings (20-325)
b. Accessory building setback is 20-feet plus the applicable building setback (20-325)
c. Garage doors on the sides of the building must be a minimum of 20-feet behind the
principal plane of the building frontage in the T4 transect (20-324)
d. Off-street parking lots to be setback a minimum of 50-feet from the property line
along Blumberg Boulevard (20-324)
e. Orientation of buildings 3 and 4 do not appear to currently front public streets or
other public spaces.
Response: Acknowledged. These items will be addressed during preparation of
development plans.
8. The applicant is encouraged to contact SCPS and work in good faith with SCPS to
appropriately improve the project's SCPS street frontage as part of this project. Recommended
Community Development Department improvements include the emergency access
connections, as shown, and construction of a sidewalk along the developed frontage,
extending west to a logical terminus at Bear Springs Drive.
Response: Acknowledged. The applicant will engage SCPS during the development
plan process to mutually assess improvements along Bear Springs Drive.
9. Please provide the best available preliminary information regarding the size(s) of the individual
condominium units (square footage and number of bedrooms), and the estimated price range.
Response: See responses below and please note these numbers are subject to change.
• The square footages of the homes range from 1525 sq.ft., 1695 sq.ft., 1909 sq.ft.,
and 2045 sq.ft. The average square footage for the homes is 1,800 sf
• All units will be predominately 2-bedroom except for the 2045 sq.ft. unit which
will have the option for a 3rd bedroom. The homes have been designed with
multiple bedroom floorplans to accommodate visiting family and friends.
City of Vinter Springs
Re: The Gatherings at Vinter Springs
Spea'al Exception Application
Response to Staff Comments
May 23, 2018
Page 3 of 3
• There are 27 homes per building totaling 108 homes.
• 1 Car Garage is included in the deed of every home.
• Market forces and construction costs will determine prices at the time of
selling, however, projected pricing is to start in the $260's, with an average sales
price in the $340's.
10. Garages on the sides of the buildings will need to be appropriately screened from view from
the surrounding public streets.
Response: Acknowledged. This item will be addressed during preparation of
development plans.
11. A parking analysis per Section 20-324 is required with the first engineering submittal. The
current plan appears to have sufficient resident parking; however, the number of spaces
available for use by visitors and employees appears to be low.
Response: Acknowledged. A parking analysis will be prepared in conjunction with the
first engineering submittal.
12. The building architecture, at least to the extent shown on the submitted renderings, does not
meet current aesthetic standards in the Town Center District. Please refer to the recently
approved aesthetics for the Catalyst Apartments and the Hawthorne Senior Living Facility for
good examples. These buildings have a more urban look, with flat roofs and more distinctive
building frontage styling. The existing buildings on Tuskawilla Road provide good examples.
The RiZE building and the existing building on Blumberg Boulevard, which were both
approved 10+ years ago, are not good examples.
Response: Acknowledged. This item will be addressed during preparation of
development plans.
13. The first floor living space must be elevated a minimum of 24-inches above the adjacent
sidewalk grade. There was not enough information shown at this time to determine if this will
be met.
Response: Acknowledged. This item will be addressed during preparation of
development plans.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information regarding the special
exception application.
Chad L. Minor, Beazer Homes, Inc.
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