HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 03 07 Planning and Zoning Board/LPA Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING MARCH 7, 20l 8 CALL TO ORDER The Regular Mecting of Wednesday, March 7, 2018 of the Planning and Zoning Board, Local Planning Agency was called to Order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairperson Bob Henderson in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall. 1 126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 3270$). Roll Call: Chairperson Bob Henderson, present Vice -Chairperson Bart Phillips present Board Member Kok Wan Mall, present Board Member Sarah Miller, absent Board Member Rick Brown, present Assistant to the City C1crk_ Jessica Wright, present A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. No changes were made to the Agenda. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS \\\ %RDS 1,ND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA INFORMATION. U. 200. Not Used PUBLIC INPUT Chah-pc i -son Helldc)-son opmed 'Public I11hlN No one spoke. Chuh-pc i -son 11cliderson closed "Public Input ". c'111 OF N% IN I I.R SPRING', FLORID.,N IN INL1I FIS P1. INNING 1N0 ZONING BOARDILOC,NI. Pl..%NNING 1GGN(A RI (it TAR ML'I TING- MAR( Ii 7 2ol.,� PAGE'_ OF 5 CONSENT AGENDA coNSENI' 300. Office Of The City Clerk The Office Of The Cite Clerk Requests That The Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Review And Approve The Wednesday, February 7, 2018 Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting Minutes. REFERRING TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE LAST MEETING, "SO MOVED." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER BROWN. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER MAII. DISCUSSION. VOTE: VICE -CHAIRPERSON PHILLIPS: AVE CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON: AYE BOARD MEMBER MAH: AYE BOARD MEMBER BROWN: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PURL IIFAR INCS 400. Community Development Department — Planning Division The Community Development Department, City Manager, And City Attorney's Office Requests That `The Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Board Hold A Public Hearing; To Consider Ordinance 2018-01, Which Proposes The Prohibition Of Medical Marijuana Treatment Center Dispensing; Facilities Within The City Of Winter Springs. Mr. Brian Fields, Director, Community Development Department introduced the Agenda Item and stated. "In October of 2016" the City Commission adopted an Ordinance imposing a temporary moratorium on any and all Medical Cannabis activities within the City; that was extended in June ole 2017. Later in June of 2017, the Florida Legislator and Governor Scott issued dlrCctI0I1 rcgarding the implantation of Amendment 2 Continuing, Mr. Fields then rcmarked. It lelt us with t1No (2) choices in that dlrcctlon. One (1) was that nnunicipalities could banned Medical Marijuana Dispensing Facilities in their City I..imits, of municipalities had to ahow Medical Marijuana where ever a pharmacy was permitted."" Images of a map of the City were shown with locations of where pharmacies would he permitted. Brief comments followed. CI YOU %% IN I F R SPRINGS. FLORIDA MIN I I'S PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILOCAl. PLANNIN(: A(:EN('Y RI'(Al[.AR NIFI IIy'G A11\1WI1 7,'0111 Finishing. Mr. Fields noted. "On Februar-y 12. 201the City Commission directed the City Attorney - to prepare an Ordinance prohibiting Medical Marijuana Treatment Facilities within the City of Winter Springs. The first reading. of that Ordinance 2018-01 was approved by the City Commission on February 2611,.." Board Member Kok Wan Mali inquired about any concerns law enforcement may ha\e. Chiefof Police Kevin Brunelle, Police Department, answered. "There are many, it depends on - really dcpends on x% hat the State of Horida does.,, C'hief' Brunelle then referenced a booklet that law entbi-cemnt had been liven and stated, The problem that \\e ha\ e \\ ith it ri'ht now is �\hcn \\e on-nally started this project as a City. Brian and I and stared looking, at what we could do here. We wanted to let the Medical Marijuana come in here, but we were able at that time to be able to put some really stringent ordinances on them or policies so that we could control how it noes, so we don't end up like Colorodo, Salt Lake City, California with what"s going on there with the spike in the crime rate, beim; seven hundred percent (700%) lilr thefts in and around - the pharmicies.-" Chief Brunelle then briefly discussed the different types of crimes that had been taking place where Marijunana Facilities were located due to cash -only ptlyments and stated, --With the Medical Marijuana, because of under Fcdcral Law they're not allowed to use credit cards, its cash only, there's a lot ofcash in and around and these people know that, the bad Guys know "� that. Continuing. Chien Bruneflc commented. -Should the lawsuit that's CUrrentiv golnu on richt now at the State level prevail to allow it to be smoked, we have the same issue; that they have in California and all the other states, because they are allowing it to be smoked. If that happens we have already a] lowed them in here \\e ha\e no control,-" Chief Brunelle concla_Icicd, -SO, my biggest concern right now is that it's such a moving target right now. and we have no control over it... Brief discussion followed o11 the current on goings regarding this matter at the State and Federal levels. Board Member Mali inquired about the distances the facilities would have to be from schools to which Mr. Fields answered. --five hundred tect (-500')." Brief comments followed on distances tram primary schools and dayeares. ( I11OP ll'INT[R SPRINGS_ Fl OKIDA NIM IIl S PI-ANNING 1ND ZONING BO ORD/LOCAL PL:%NNING AGGN(')' REGI!LAR MEH ING NIARC'11 7, 201, PAGE 4 O1 s PUBLIC INPUT C'Ircrirl3cr'su�t liendersmi opened ''Public hilmi No one spoke. (' C10 -sed ''Prrhlir Input "I PITT A MOTION TO APPROVE." MO'T'ION 13V VICE -CHAIRPERSON PHILLIPS. SECONDED BY CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER BROWN: AYE BOARD MEMBER MAH: AYE CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON: AVE VICE -CHAIRPERSON PHILLIPS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR AGENDA REGL!LAR '500. Not Used 600. REPORTS C11 Y OP WIN1I R SPRINGS. I LOW DN MINLi I I'S FL.ANNING AND ZONING ROARDlLOCAL PLANNING. AGI?N(A RI:(iUI-AR N1EEIIN(; MARCH 7._'tII1 PA(j F i 01 5 PUBLIC INPUT ( 'huhPc rsvolr 11CIRI 'S011 0101eil '' PUNic' 1111111 No one spoke. Chuirl)erson 11c lulerson closest ''Public, 1171111 Mr. Fields indicated the next Planning and Zoning Boar&.Local Planning Agency Reginal• Meeting ssould be on Wednesday. April 4 and noted, "We do have at least two (2) land development actions that are currently scheduled tin• that meeting, so if anybody has any uheduhng conflicts i1,sse could please pass those along to the Ots� Clerk's Of17ce.- ADJOURNMENT Chairperson E lenderson adjourned the Regular Meeting at 5:=77 p.m, KI:S'YEC'7'h'C-1.1.1` S�IBr1?1T'I'fw'1�: :JESSICA WRIGHT ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK \O I E Thc• c %1MUIC. arse Ahhrrnrd m thr Apn1 -1. 'u I ti Pl:utnin< :\nd lnnitt, Board L al Phnnin , ,A�-,Lni\ Rr_,ttlu ``Icctwu