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2017 05 23 Public Hearings 500 - Other, Document
Date: May 23, 2017 The attached documents were presented during the Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at Code Enforcement Board Regular Meeting in reference to Regular Agenda Item "500". Cr]PYOFVVINTER SPRINGS Permit# C2 --y p 1126 East State Road 434 Date: C� . Winter Springs, FL 32708 y Phone: 407-327-1800 opt. 1 Fax: 407-327-4784 Tech: t Email to: customerservice@winterspringsfl.org APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PERMIT TYPE (Check one): Commercial Residential - Specify Occupancy Group:______ Effective Codes: Florida wilding Cedes, 5"-' Edition (2014)*'* Building, Residential, Existing Building, Mechanical, Plumbing, Fuel Gas, Energy Conservation, Accessibility & The 2011 National Electrical Code PERMITS REQUESTED (Check ail that apply) �Electricai _Mechanical _ Plumbing Roof Gas �YShed i Pool ,Alteration Addition Demo New Construction Other (specify) dccK PROPERTY OWNER NAME: 00-Vk t a `_C 3{ i" Phone# 3 Z i -.35 (P_-?,�_CP Mailing Address: t tJ•lCt +1 1 C., if �____. Project address: A ;'Y ) d 01i te F Subdivision: Lot # COORDINATOR'S NAME (First, Last): ns and Dcr zntentR, into wars Plat, Re\!cw system) Phone# ACTOR: ) bed—_ _ ,_ ____ License# r Name: Phone # f'�3-t,it�i`1,,4 t `—Cell# s: Fax# ' X '1.1 ) X5 2-!t te Description of Work; eft~ - C ELECTRICAL: (checkorw) ___-Single Phase, Three Phase=S240Volt, ,_Three Phase >24OVolt, T-Pule Needed Existing Amperage __ Amperage Added Total Amperage MECHANICAL: Tons Seer--._ Split_,__ Package_ Roof Top Curb/Stand Attic PLUMBING: Number of Fixtures: Florida Building Code Plumbing Sec.403 ROOF: --Shingle/Shake _--.Metal Tlie —Modified tither Nurnber of Squares: SLOPE: Flat Pitched EVE HEIGHT: PITCH; GAS: Number of Outlets: Jar, t: ai tt,ct nar y; __Propane _!Natural Gas Existing Tank/rAleter TOTAL PROJECT COST (including Labor and Material $ _ 01 U TOTAL SQ FOOTAGE: Living Sq. Ft. 1� Floor: Living Sq. Ft. 2nd Floor'. — Living Other Sq. Ft.: Sq. Ft. Of: Garage: , Entry: , Rear Porch: Other non -air conditioned: ROOF PROJECT COST is based on type of material; Shingle $200 per Square, Metal $300 per Square, Tile $400 per Square 1dEW CONSTRUCTION PROJECT C05T WILL BE BASED ON CURRENT ICC BLDG DATA TABLE OR ACTUAL VALUE WHICHEVER 1S GREATER SUBCONTRACTORS Trade Company Name Qualifier Name license Number Project Cost Electrical $ Email: Phone: Mechanical _— $ Email: Phone: Plumbing $ Email: Phone: Roofer $ Email: Phone: Email: Phone: Other fspecify) $ Email: Phone: OtherIspediy) I I Email: Phone: NOTICE __1 Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I ce&fv. that ag work orinstallati as commenced trio,[ Le isguence of a narmit and that all work will be performed to meet all codes, standards and laws governing construction in this jurisdiction. I also certify that all required insurances for myself and any trades are in accordance with state laws, I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING. SIGNS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS. I FURTHER UNDERSTAND THAT WORK MUST COMMENCE WITHIN 6 MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF PERMIT ISSUANCE AND THAT THE PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT 1S SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 6 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME THE WORK IS COMMENCED PER THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE BUILDING SECTION 105,4 1 certify that I have read and understand this document and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. Granting of a permit does not presume to ,dive authority to violate or cancel any other state or local law regulating construction or performance of construction. $� This application must be aigfted In the resence of a notary. X 3�6alg_-LA, Owner /Agent Signature Contractor Signature STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF SEMINOLE STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF SEMINOLE The foregoing instr ment was a knowledged Before me this !( day of q 2013yfC. who is p onall known to me/or has produced C.---^" as ide if catiorirand who ke an oath. r sj (seal The foregoing instrument was acknowledged Before me this day of 41 P> who is per o�{3aUy known '99jor has_ produced as ideri filcation artb who (did_nrdttJ take'an oath. (seal)`" l 'A> . . n L e ~ j+.s a „ p t1, a.♦ ":PLEASE EMAIL ALL APPLICATIONS TO customerservice@winterspringsfl.org OFFICE USE ONLY: Added to Seminole Co. Impact: RegisterWater/Sewer Application Completed Zoning Approve OWNER BUILDER STATEMENTIAFFID"IT Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Seminole County, Winter Springs Florida Statutes are quoted here in part for your information to indicate the authority for exemptions for homeowners from qualifying as contractors and to express any applicable restrictions and responsibilities. OWNERS MUST PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THE BUILDING DIVISION To SIGN THIS DOCUMENT BY SIGNING THIS STATEMENT, I ATTEST THAT: (initial to the left of each statement) I understand that state law requires construction to be done by a licensed contractor and have { applied for an owner -builder permit under an exemption from the law, The exemption specifies that 1, as the owner of the property listed, may act as my awn contractor with certain restrictions even though I do not have a license. I understand that building permits are not required to be signed by a property owner unless he or she is responsible for the construction and is not hiring a licensed contractor to assume responsibility. I understand that, as an owner -builder, i am the responsible party of record on a permit. l understand that I may protect myself from potential financial risk by hiring a licensed contractor .i and having the permit filed in his or her name instead of my own name. I also understand that a contractor is required by law to be licensed in Florida and to list his or her license numbers on all permits and contracts, I Understand that I may build or improve a one -family or two-family residence or a farm j outbuilding. I may also build or improve a commercial building if the costs do not exceed $75,000. The building or residence must be for my own use or occupancy. It may not be built or improved for sale or lease. If a building or residence that 1 have built or improved myself is sold or leased within in 1 year after the construction is complete, the law will presume that I built or improved it for sale or lease, which violates this exemption. I understand that, as the owner -builder, I must provide direct, onsite supervision of the construction. I understand that i may not hire an unlicensed individual person to act as my contractor or to supervise persons working on my building or residence. It is my responsibility to ensure that the persons whom i employ have the licenses required by law and by city ordinance. 1 understand that it is a frequent practice of unlicensed persons to have the property owner obtain an owner -builder permit that erroneously implies that the property owner Is providing his or her own labor and materials. 1, as an owner -builder, may be held liable and subjected to serious financial risk for any injuries sustained by an unlicensed person or his or her employees while working on my property. My homeowner's insurance may not provide coverage for those injuries. I am willfully acting as an owner -builder and am aware of the limits of my insurance coverage for injuries to workers on my property. i understand that I may not delegate the responsibility for supervising work to a licensed contractor who is not licensed to perform the work being done. Any person working on my building who Is not licensed must work undgrmy direct supervision and must be employee me, which means that I must comply with laws requiring the withholding of federal Income and social security contributions under the Federal Insurance Contributions ActIFICA) and must Provide workers' compensation for the em2lovee. I understand that my failure to folio these haws may subject me to serious financial risk. (Rev.8"302013) 1 I agree that, as the party legally and financially responsible for this proposed construction activity, i will abide by all applicable laws and requirements that govern owner -builders as well as employers, I also understand that the construction must comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building codes, fire codes and zoning regulations. alliy1 [I tYG/C VI if 1G /1G40a�G1Y {:Yt1DN U411VlI�//dLAlUW* IVI LIM YYVIl1 Mat 1 Will VC UL01I1y. 1 all# sufficiently aware of the Florida Building Code to conduct this work and 1 have access to the IF Building Code. i� n erstand that I may obtain more information regarding my obligations as an employer from g the Internal Revenue Service, the United States Small Business Administration, the Florida Department of Financial Services, and the Florida Department of Revenue. I also understand that I may contact the Florida Construction industry Licensing Board at 1-850-487-1396 or at www.mvflorida.com/dbprlpro/cilb/ for more information about licensed contractors. 1 am aware of, and consent to, an owner -builder building permit applied for in my name and i understand that I am the party legally and financially responsible for the proposed construction activity at the address listed below. i agree to notify the building department immediately of any additions, deletions, or changes to any of the information that I have provided on this disclosure or in the permit application package. Licensed contractors are regulated by laws designed to protect the public. If you contract with a person who does not have a license, the Construction Industry Licensing Board, the Department of Business and Professional Regulation and the building department may be unable to assist you with any financial loss that you sustain as a result of a complaint. Your only remedy against an unlicensed contractor may be in civil court. It is also important for you to understand that, if an unlicensed contractor or employee of an individual or firm is injured while working on your property, you may be held liable for damages. If you obtain an owner - builder permit and wish to hire a licensed contractor, you will be responsible for verifying whether the contractor Is property licensed and the status of the contractor's workers' compensation coverage. I, Reckgk �' Tk cu " a (_ Pe-f-' ( V � , do hereby state that I am qualified and capable of performing the requested construction involved with the permit application filed and agree to the conditions specified above. 11 UP r f Owner -Builder UP Signature Signatu e o Owner Bu lder Date Form ©f Identificaiion__� (Must be Photo ID) A violation of this exemption is a misdemeanor of the first degree punishable by a term of imprisonment not exceeding 1 year and a $1,000.00 fine in addition to any civil penalties. In addition, the local permitting jurisdiction shall withhold final approval, revoke the permit, or pursue any action or remedy for unlicensed activity against the owner and any person performing work that requires licensure under the permit issued. (Rev. 8130/2013) N Materials List 9- 4x4x8 PT $75 30- 2x6x8 PT $180 4-2x6x10 PT $24 iq i ;Iloiil q ii q��iimr 4- 5/4x6x10 deck boards $30 14- 8x 8 concrete decks block $98 6- 2x4x8 PT $30 30- 2x2 deck rail spindles $36 12-Joist hangers $10 2- 5 step stair stringers $28 5- 2x12x4 non -slip step PT $65 3- 15/32x8x4 PT southern pine $80 Otpirtmel:t of Hsslth • Vital Sbthfid STATE OF FLORIDA MARRIAGE RECORD TYPE 1N UPPER CASE USE MACK INK TMa Qcansa not rdw udaaf Hai of park, WrauA or county Coup. appaan E+arwn. 13-478 FILE NUMBER) lIMiMME NORM, CLFAK OF CIRWIT C+ WT NNIN ME court 8K am Pi sm; tI{ryl CLERK'S M 2013079258 R WRM 06/14/013 19115/40 AN AEIA1101119 FEES S.0 RCCIRCEII 8Y T Van Nuys DAVID DANIEL DECOSTA January 27, 1986 �s RES07E►iCE CITY.?OV+iN flitLOcAT#oN --- 3s GOiF+iTY+ __ _ .-.__...._._ �SEMINOLE r' SATE -.A.- -�1 81RtliPtJ�CEsStaraorrornyntovMryi s4.REDWOOD DRIVE FLORIDA 32708 FLORIDA LATER P�2lNGS _ _ . _ _ �0 5a R tDE & tiAME. Ir, tt M A*f L414 Sfl MAR)FN SURNAME (Act rere�/ DATE OF BIRTFt tARn+o+. DsT, 1Nr1 HEATHER MARIE PETTIT N/A October- 6, 1987 is NeI EHCf-CITY,TOYINYDRiOCATiON ---rTo COUn�(Y 7C AE r�... 0 IUR LACffStrrHarFu"arJ^CoY�tJ 6" REDWOOD DRIVE 9 SEMINOLE FLORIDA 32708 NEW YORK .VMTER SPRINGS �. ON 1HIS AECORO K CORRECT TO THE BEST OF OUR 1pIOn0lpGE AMOOEUEF. THAT NOLEGAL 011ACTION TOTHE MAM AM M?R THE ISSUAK6 OF A LIGENK TO AUTMORISS THE SAME S0 KND'AM TO US AND HERESY APPLY FOR VCCNS1 ':I MAR,2r _. ... .- a3 S3 (� MnN my &A"ok) �yy i/. R 10 StiasGklBE� AND SWORN TO $EFORf ME ON iITATE .�. May 7, 2013 !� f +, TITa_E&F ifd DEPUTY CLERK 12 TURE OF OFF. a GL 1i. i E BR ( 1 1A 1 N BEFORE ME E: IDA May 7, 2013 \w 11 TITLE F pfFl tAl --._ _ ... -- 14 SWTYRE OF OFFICT IJac - DEPUTY CLERK ± a a /'.ate►I!. C TA "A mm%r 9 A QAAPoAG£ CEREMONY WTNW THE STATE OF TLORRVI AM FO SOITu "M THE MARRUGE Of THE ABOVE sWABO PERSOkB 'HIS LICENSE MUST OE USED ON OR AFTER THE EFFECTVE DATE AND ON OR 911PO E THE W"ATION DATE IN THE STATE OF Fi,01WA IN OADEP TO SC RECOROEO AND YALA. i COIINIYtSSLINGtICEN3E 1A bAYT LOCIIA111f 43mb Ift CA FCUr USE EFFECTIVE 16 E%PItU7�*IDATE SEMINOLE May 7, 2013 May 10, 2013 IJuly S, 2013 COURT n r I DEPUTY CLERK m I NF-AEBY CERTIFYABOVE N THAT THE AMED GROOM AND BRIDE HERE .00160 BY Ui M MAA* AGE IN ACCOADANCE WIN THE LAWS OF THE STATE Of fLORtOA 71 iiATL 7111 Ftww IMpva nay. Vaal~._. V. 22 rrry T Os1 LOCATION OF MARRIAGE----- JUNE 12, 2013 SANFORD 3a $I U E Of pERSON MINC Y (Usf "e* *, 2X ADDRESS KV Pesaon panb,++v w aenlm,MY.> y. 01 1 , PARK AVE. SANFORD.. FL 32771 oTi7if FPERSON vEarORMIN„CERbMDhty lrR£OF VYITNf3i E LQ�NYI w_"4i -. __. S. KIM HALT, DEFUll CLERK fs �`�K` oFivlTwEss T� r r . +aG� Book8059/Page85 CFN#2013079258 No Text From: Christy Garred Sent: Monday, June 06, 2016 4:06 PM To: 'mrsheatherdecosta@gmail.com' Subject: 2016-1585 - 644 Redwood Dr. - Comments Attachments: Current Project - Project Markups Listing Please find the attached comments and respond. Thank you, z� cl�r�st� c,arred -Pervvtlt Spec',P ist of lN% ter Spr%v Os 2016-1585 - 644 Redwood Dr. - Comments.htm[6/6/2016 4:45:31 PM] Y V W G J O a Ln 00 Ln rq %b 1 N .e d i V "0 L a L a L a L LZ L L LZ L L 12 -0 N c N c U N c E ME O NE Z a)� O Ln� O act WE O anE Z actE O anE O ro E W co E W E W i r-,U L "U i r U. i In L "U L In L r,U i 'nU ¢�: ¢3: ¢3: f0, to � -4 � � � � � , 0 N o N O N o N 0 N O N O N o N 0 N 0 N 0 N L O O O t\D O t\O O t\O O t\O O t�D O t\D M Ln M Ln M Ln O O O O O O O O O O O J ,(n W O W zO O O a)c ¢ p Q o O Ln J W O 0�0 Lu 0xuz J� LJ¢� V-O OC Z LU ��Z � map)Z(Q O QL � zzLU ~= N Oz>wzw vi H Z u000 >� a00¢ O ?OW i0 ttNpp �d0 o� z0�0 76�ZQ _� O LL CD p N� cNO p0 �z LQ � -j�mu°Z �?� A- ��L �NZ ztnW¢ gw ¢ wu am�m �~ >w 2:0ZW} � __°, °n gip= 00 a. �-'ocz ¢ c g ° � a0 �- o ^-m0 LU °,o) as m o�wLU Lu 0w�= '�'g Wz¢0W a�g= ¢ o Cl c L >LU O�inaU 0 J0~ Lf) LU t7� >Z�m�z O ¢w�ii F-�°CZ ¢ H ° 1 41 o w¢¢z d�LL¢� ¢FLU m�a� ¢z a� oc�oWo n. 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