HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017 10 18 Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 18, 2017 CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of Wednesday, October 18, 2017 of the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee was called to Order by Chairperson Ken Greenberg at 5:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Ken Greenberg, present Vice - Chairperson Tom Vagnini, present Committee Member Elaine Johnson, present Committee Member Kevin McCann, present Committee Member Ellen Paul, present Assistant to the City Clerk Jessica Wright, present A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. No changes were made to the Agenda. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS loo. Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA INFORMATIONAL 200. Not Used CITE' OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA MINTUTFS TUSCAWILLA LIGHITNG -,AND BEACIIIFICATION! DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTE1 RFGtJ AR MEETING - CICTOBF.R 18.2017 PACE. 2 OF 6 PUBLIC INPUT Chai'Person Greenberg olmned "Public Input ". No one spoke. Chairperson Greenber- closed "Public Input ". CONSENT CONSENT 300. Office Of The City Cleric The Office Of The City Clerk Is Requesting The Tuscawilla Lighting And Beautification District Advisory Committee To Review And Approve The Wednesday, July 19, 2017 Tuscawilla Lighting And Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes. REFERRING TO THE WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 2017 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES, MOTION TO APPROVE. MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER McCANN. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER VAGNINI. DISCUSSION. VOTE: VICE - CHAIRPERSON VAGNINI: AYE CHAIRPERSON GREENBERG: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER PAUL: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER McCANN: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER JOHNSON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 400. Not Used CITY OF WrNTTFR SPRINGS_. FLORIDA MIN UTFS TUSCAVJILLA L1GH FING AND BEAUTIFIC -1TION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGLiLAR %4EETING— OCT:)BFR 13.2017 PAGF 3 OF b REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR 500. Public Works/Utility Departments — Urban Beautification Division The Public Works/Utility Departments — Urban Beautification Division Requests That The Tuscawilla Lighting And Beautification District Advisory Committee Receive A Year -End Budget For Fiscal Year 2017 And Discuss Fiscal Year 2018 Ms. Stephanie Monica, City Arborist and Water Conservation Coordinator, Public Works Department introduced the Agenda Item and went over the year -to -date Budget for Fiscal Year 2017. Discussion then followed on the remaining Budget. Chairperson Greenberg inquired about funds that were left over from Fiscal Year 2017, Ms. Monica stated that those funds have rolled over into the 2018 Budget. Continuing, Ms. Monica reviewed a document that covered the Budget for Fiscal Year 2018. Discussion followed on the differences of capital finds verse general funds. ❖ ❖ AGENDA NOTE: THE FOLLOWING REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS "501" AND "502" WERE ADDRESSED TOGETHER, AS DOCUMENTED. ❖ •�- REGULAR REGULAR 501. Public Works /Utility Departments — Urban Beautification Division The Public Works /Utility Departments — Urban Beautification Division Requests That The Tuscawilla Lighting And Beautification District Advisory Committee Receive Information On The Landscape And Irrigation Maintenance. REGULAR 502. Public Works /Utility Departments — Urban Beautification Division The Public Works /Utility Departments — Urban Beautification Division Requests That The Tuscawilla Lighting And Beautification District Advisory Committee Receive Information On The Entrance Fountain Lighting. Ms. Monica commented first on the landscaping behind the fountains. Ms. Monica suggested that the area behind the fountains be cleared out and new trees and shrubs be planted there, and suggested this should be done a little at a time. CITY OF WNTF,R SM' G,. F11 .ORIDA MNUTLS TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT %DVIS(__)RY COiMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING - OCTOBER 18, 2,)1 PAGE 4 OF 11 ,1r. Toni Enright, Associate Branch Manager, BrightVieu, Landscape Development, Inc., 4777 Old Winter Garden Road, Orlando, Florida: stated that clearing out the dead trees and grass should be done a little at time and that they could start doing this on a day -to -day basis starting as soon as next week. Committee Member Elaine Johnson inquired about if there was already irrigation set up for that area behind the fountains and if the plants and trees would be under a warranty. Mr. Enright explained that if you set up irrigation with his company BrightView Landscape Development, Inc., that it would be covered under warranty. Much discussion followed about the kind of trees that would do best in the area, and the pricing for doing such a project. It was noted that staff would start clearing out the area a little at time and come back with more information at the next meeting, Next, Ms. Monica commented on the replacement of the fountain lights and what it would take to convert the lights to LED (light emitting diode) lights. Discussion followed on the benefits and saving costs of switching to LED (light emitting diode) lights. MOTION TO APPROVE THE INSTALLATION OF NEW LIGHTING IN THE FOUNTAIN BOWLS TO NOT EXCEED TWENTY -TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS (S22,000.00). MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER JOHNSON. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER McCANN. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER PAUL: AYE CHAIRPERSEON GREENBERG: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER JOHNSON: AYE VICE- CHAIRPERSON VAGNINI: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER McCANN: AYE MOTION CARRIED Next, Ms. Monica talked about the landscaping around the fountains and how some of the plants and shrubs around the fountains don't "pop ", and suggested that the Committee consider changing the landscaping around that area. Committee Member Johnson thought that some plants may weather better in the area. Committee Member Tom Vagnini also commented on how changing up the landscape would be a great idea, because some people like to come and take pictures in front of the fountains, CITE' CT WINTER SPRIN(TS. lI ORID,4 N1I'=_!_J S TUY_'AWILLA LIGI fl I\G AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVtS6RY COMMLTTLL- REGLI ARMEETING - OCTOBER 18. 2017 PAGL 5 OF 6 Additional comments followed on the different types of plants to add and the best time of year to plant them. MOTION TO APPROVE NEW LANDSCAPING AROUND THE FOUNTAINS TO NOT EXCEED NINETEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($19,000.00). MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER PAUL. SECONDED BY BORARD MEMBER VAGNINI. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER JOHNSON: AYE VICE- CHAIRPERSON VAGNINI: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER McCANN: AYE CHAIRPERSEON GREENBERG: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER PAUL: AYE =MOTION CARRIED. 600. REPORTS No Reports were given. PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Greenberg opened "Public Input ". Mr. Ted Johnson, 110 ' Pheasant Circle, Winter Sjrings, Florida: commented on the clearing of the landscaping near the Tuscawilla fountains and his concerns with what it looks like behind that area. Mr. Johnson also connnented on the LED (light emitting diode) lights and inquired if they would still be able to change the colors for certain holidays. Discussion followed on the LED (light emitting diode) lights capabilities and the clearing of the landscaping. Chairperson Greenberg closed "Public Input ". CITY OF WINTER SPRIM S. FLORIDA )A Ali NUTT 1 USCAWILLA LIGH TTNG AND BEAUTIFICAI ON D1S "TRICI ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING — OCTOBER 18. 2017 PAGE 6 OF 6 ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Greenberg adjourned the Regular Meeting at 6:19 p.m. RESPECTFULLI'SUBMITTED: r TE ySI 'A WR IGHT- BURNHAM ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the January 17,. 2018 Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting.