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2017 08 15 Regular 502 Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget
PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA Informational Consent ITEM 502 Public Hearings Regular X August 15, 2017 Mgr. / Dept. Regular Meeting Authorization REQUEST: The Parks and Recreation Department wish to provide the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee with the proposed Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget, as being proposed to the City Manager. CONSIDERATIONS: Each year in the spring, all City Departments put together their proposed Budgets for the City Manager and Finance and Administrative Services Department to review. The attached budget as reflected in attachment A in this Agenda Item is what is currently being proposed and does not reflect what will be approved On July 10, 2017, the City Commission will hold a budget workshop to review the proposed budget. Final Approval of the Fiscal Year 2017-18 Budget occurs in September 2017. RECOMMENDATION: The Parks and Recreation Department recommends that the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee consider and discuss the information provided in this Agenda Item. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A – Proposed Fiscal Year 2017-18 Parks and Recreation Department Budget CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget EXPENDITURES Personal Services Operating Expenses Transfers Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES Administration - 7200 Parks & Recreation Director Aar m i n ist r at i ve Secretary E-- Totai� A thl.fi— . 771n Parks and Grounds - 7230 Park/Recreation Superintendent Parks Supervisor Lead Maintenance Maintenance Worker Mechanic F- Total Programs / SDOCIalS - 7240 Parks and Recreation - All Divisions - Overview Original Revised FY 14115 FY 15116 FY 16117 FY 116/17 Actual Actual Bu:dqet Budget $1,027,720 $1,001,196 $1,040,864 $1,071,437 $756,435 $783,796 $831,707 $838,107 ,m R $0 $0 $0 $44,362 $'202,080 $233,849 $111,000 $120,670 $1,986,235 $2,018,841 $1,983,571 $2,074,576 Program Coordinator (Events) 1 1 1 Total w. 1 7- Seniors - 7250 Senior Center Manager 1 1 1 auffluRs - rart I lf"e - f IOU Program Coordinate r -- � 11 11 111-1 – � 1 0.73 0.73 Guest Services Rep .73 Maintenance Worker 1 0.73 1 11 84 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget Parks and Recreation - All Divisions - Summary TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION 85 71 $2,07 Original Revised Account FY 14/15 FY 15116 FY 16/17 FY 16117 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Actual Budget Budget 510100 Base Wages/Salaries $694,358 $677,948 $670,322 $691,918 510140 Overtime $19,478 $14,269 $26,601 $26,601 510900 Reimbursements $0 ($4,024) $0 $6,742 520200 FICA $53,595 $51,349 $52,878 $54,530 520220 Pension DB $135,590 $128,673 $117,363 $117,363 520225 Pension DC $3,417 $8,027 $9,829 $9,829 520230 Heatth Insurance $105,685 $111,251 $149,505 $146,940 520240 Workers' Comp $15,597 $13,703 $14,366 $17,514 Total Payroll $1,027,720 $1,001,196 $1,040,864 $1,071,437 530314 Consulting $0 $1,880 $0 $0 530315 Pre/Post Employment $1,256 $1,349 $886 $886 530341 Other Svcs - Contract 1 Adm in $9,928 $15,207 $21,600 $21,600 530342 Other Svcs - Maint / Licenses $4,055 $3,672 $5,570 $5,570 530343 Other Svcs - Banking $1,135 $567 $1,200 $1,200 530411 Communication - Phone $4,530 $4,678 $4,860 $4,860 540430 ufilitles $130,223 $120,630 $131,030 $131,030 545100 R&M Buildings $41,323 $39,979 $58,730 $58,730 545270 R&M Infra - Grounds $342,540 $366,073 $360,901 $356,204 545300 R&M Mach & Equip $26,885 $37,843 $30,325 $29,715 545310 R&M M&E - Vehicles $5,809 $5,051 $3,200 $4,200 550510 Office $3,284 $1,689 $3,900 $3,900 550520 Operating $6,411 $4,869 $4,450 $4,450 550522 Operating - Tires, I Filters $1,639 $1,395 $2,000 $2,000 550523 Operating - Janitorial $16,018 $18,289 $15,000 $15,500 550524 Operating - Chemicals $3,647 $3,679 $3,500 $3,500 550525 Operating - Small Tools $21,685 $210,982 $52,618 $45,446 550526 Operating - Software $212 $0 $200 $200 550527 Operating - Apparel $3,270 $3,357 $5,580 $5,580 552000 Fuel $17,496 $11,190 $11,451 $11,451 555400 Travel & Per Diem $4310 $239 $650 $650 555420 Postage / Freight $310 $70 $350 $350 555442 Rent / Lease - Equipment $5,334 $6,201 $7,444 $9,458 555470 Printing / Binding $3,034 $2;300 $2,935 $2,935 555480 Promotional /Advertising $39,548 $44,576 $13,200 $52,396 555482 Promo - Programs $62,377 $63,819 $84,400 $60,569 555540 Dues/Reg/Pub $3,068 $2,607 $3,317 $3,317 555550 Training $985 $1,605 $2,410 $2,410 Total Operating $756,435 $783,796 $831,707 $838,107 591153 To Park Impact $0 $0 $0 $44,362 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $44,362 560620 Buildings $0 $0 $12,000 $12,000 560630 Infrastructure $91,171 $38,662 $0 $2,945 560631 Improvements $0 $14,310 $46,500 $43,555 560640 Machinery & Equipment $48,157 $92,719 $9.000 $18,644 560641 Mach & Equip - Vehicles $38,522 $0 $8,500 $8,526 560642 Mach & Equip - Data Proc $0 $0 $0 $0 560643 Mach & Equip - Furn/Off ice $0 $1,,934 $0 $0 560650 Construction In Progress $24,230 $86,224 $35,000 $35,000 Total Capital $202,080 $233,849 $111,000 $120,670 TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION 85 71 $2,07 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget Parks & Recreation 72 Parks & Rec Administration 7200 TOTAL $201,781 $221,617 $230.583 86 Original Revised Account FY 14116 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 16/17 Number Description, of Expenditure Actual Actual Budget Budget 510100 Base Wages/Salaries $121,183 $133,961 $131,265 $131,265 510140 Overtime $1,453 $1,362 $1,650 $1,650 510900 Reimbursements $0 $0 $0 $3,702 520200 FICA $8,714 $9,607 $10,230 $10,230 520220 Pension DB $40,171 $43,155 $45,090 $45,090 520225 Pension DO ($1,705) $890 $124 $124 520230 Health Insurance $22,524 $24,137 $30,309 $30,309 520240 Workers" Comp $198 $177 $245 $450 Total Payroll $192,538 $213,289 $218,913 $222,820 530343 Other Svcs - Banking $1,135 $567 $1,200 $1,200 530411 Communication- Phone $1,157 $1,201 $1,200 $1,200 545100 R&M Buildings $295 $285 $375 $375 550510 Office $1,947 $976 $2,200 $2,200 550525 Operating - Small Tools $485 $519 $700 $700 555400 Travel & Per Dern $321 $145 $300 $300 555420 Postage / Freight $135 $64 $200 $200 555442 Rent / Lease - Equipment $2,460 $2,188 $2,500 $2,500 555470 Printing /Binding $116 $1,048 $1,185 $1,185 555450 Promotional / Advertising $133 $0 $200 $200 555540 Dues/Reg/Pub $624 $635 $800 $800 555550 Training $435 $700 $810 $810 Total Operating $9,243 $8,328 $11,670 $11,670 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $201,781 $221,617 $230.583 86 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget Parks & Recreation 72 Athletics 7210 Original Revised Account FY 14/15 FY 15116 FY 16/17 FY 16117 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Actual Budget Budget 510100 Base Wages/Salaries $123,756 $107,115 $51,753 $51,753 510140 Overtime $1,381 $2,895 $1,650 $2,750 510900 Reimbursements $0 $0 $0 $678 520200 FICA $9,553 $8,402 $4,112 $4,112 520220 Pension DB $9,917 $14,078 $11,361 $11,361 520225 Pension DC $0 $0 $124 $124 520230 Health Insurance $7,325 $8,520 $10,786 $10,786 520240 Workers' Comp $3,635 $3,086 $1,483 $2,046 Total Payroll $155,567 $144,096 $81,269 $83,610 530315 Pre/Post Employment $589 $74 !$369 $369 530411 Communication - Phone $580 $764 $780 $780 550525 Operating - Small Tools $214 $354 $500 $500 550526 Operating - Software $212 $0 $200 $200 550527 Operating - Apparel $282 $269 $780 $780 555482 Promo - Programs $11,769 $7,999 $9,000 $9,000 555540 Dues/Reg/Pub $110 $160 $175 $175 555550 Training $150 $100 $350 $350 Total Operating $13,906 $9,720 $12,154 $12,154 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $169.473 $153,816 $93,423 $95,764 87 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget Parks& Recreation 72 Athletic Partnerships 7220 Original Revised Account FY 1445 FY 1:5/16 FY 16/17 FY 16117 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Actual Budget Budget Total Payroll $0 $0 $0 $0 550520 Operating $4,785 $2,492 $0 $0 550525 Operating - Small Tools $3,275 $2,265 $6,200 $6,200 555420 Postage I Freight $175 $6 $150 $150 555470 Printing / Binding $1,102 $358 $600 $600 555432 Promo - Programs $16,856 $16,745 $15,400 $15,400 Total Operating $26,193 $21,866 $22,350 $22,350 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 560640 Machinery & Equipment $0 $10,430 $6,000 $6,000 Total Capital $0 $10,430 $6,000 $6,000 TOTAL $26,193 $32,296 $28,350 $28,350 88 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CIR Parks & Recreation 72 Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget $12,500 Water fOUnrein pumps $2,000 Parks & Grounds 7230 $6,000 JD Gator cart (repli) $8,500 Youth playground railings (3 parks) Original Revised Account Irrigation clock FY 14/15 FY 15116 FY 116M7 FY 16117 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Actual Budget Budget Senlor Center- restrooms $16,000 Splash Part controller $14,000 Therapy Pool locker rooms $19,000 510100 Base Wages/Salaries $228,906 $209,310 $274,330 $298,597 510140 Overtime $11,058 $6,062 $10,001 $6,301 510900 Reimbursements $0 ($1,146) $0 $1,433 52020,0 FICA $18,131 $16,030 $21,884 $23,741 520220 Pension DB $43,260 $42,729 $35,787 $35,787 520225 Pension DC $3,672 $3,214 $3,516 $5,636 , 520230 Health Insurance $41,638 $38,124 $54,022 $65,533 ""N""Al 520240 Workers' Comp $6,336 $5,592 $7,837 $9,880 M111 Msp Total Payroll $353,001 $319,915 $407,677 $446,908 530314 Consulting !$0 $1,880 $0 530315 Pre/Post Employment $523 $766 $369 $369 530342 Other Svcs - Maint I Licenses $4,055 $3,672 $5,570 $5,570 530411 Communication - Phone $1,553 $913 $960 $960 540430 Utilities $69,677 $64,436 $70,000 $70,000 545100 R&M Buildings $16,695 $26,408 $35,330 $35,330 545270 R&M Infra - Grounds $341,545 $365,398 $358,901 $354,389 545300 R&M Mach & Equip $19,339 $31,106 $23,200 $22,405 545310 R&M M&E - Vehicles $5,809 $5,051 $3,200 $4,200 550520 Operating $582 $1,688 $3,260 $3,250 550522 Operating - Tires Filters $1,639 $1,395 $2,000 $2,000 550523 Operating - Janitorial $10,657 $13,346 $10,000 $10,500 60 550524 Operating - Chemicals $2,265 $1,887 $2,000 $2,000 550525 Operating - Small Tools $8,466 $15,492 $42,518 $35,346 550527 Operating - Apparel $2,188 $2,288 $3,900 $3,900 552000 Fuel $16,744 $11,190 $11,451 $11,451 555400 Travel & Per Diem $105 $94 $350 $350 555442 Rent / Lease - Equipment $2,874 $4,013 $4,944 $6,958 555480 Promotional /Advertising $0 $129 $0 $0 555490 Not Otherwise Ciassified $3 $0 $0 $0 555540 Lines /Reg /Pub $1,115 $510 $785 $785 'D 555550 Training $315 $410 $600 $600 "o, Total Operating $506,149 $552,072 $579„328 $570,363 591153 To Park Impact $0 $0 $0 $44„362 11�12/1 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $44,362 560620 Buildings $0 $0 $12,000 $12,000 560630 Infrastructure $91,171 $38,662 $0 $2,945 560631 Improvements $0 $6,795 $46,500 $43,555 560640 Machinery & Equipment $43,132 $76,909 $0 $9,644 560641 Mach & Equip - Vehicles $38,522 $0 $8,500 $8,526 560642 Mach & Equip - Data Pro,c $0 $0 $0 $0 560650 Construction In Progress $11,370 $86,224 $35,000 $35,000 Total Capital $184,195 $208,590 $102,000 $111,670 TOTAL $1,043,345 $1,080,577 $1,089,005 $1,173,303 Capftaj: CIR Exterior side storage building $12,000 CWIP Field F (,fcotbaH field) $12,500 Water fOUnrein pumps $2,000 CVVP roof $6,000 JD Gator cart (repli) $8,500 Youth playground railings (3 parks) $34,000 Desktop computer (3) $4,950 Irrigation clock $3,000 Outdoor Restroorns (Turcaso, Sunshine, CVVP) $36000 Scoreboards $55,000 Senlor Center- restrooms $16,000 Splash Part controller $14,000 Therapy Pool locker rooms $19,000 $195,500 89 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Parks & Recreation 72 Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget Programs 7240 90 Original Revised Account FY 14115 FY 15116 FY 16/17 FY 16117 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Actual Budget Budget 510100 Base Wages/Salaries $104,872 $125,093 $76,001 $97,597 510140 Overtime $4,610 $3,089 !$1,650 $3,250 510900 Reimbursements $0 $0 $0 $929 520200 FICA $8,377 $9,762 $5978 $7,630 520220 Pension DB $17,250 $17,639 $15,573 $15,573 520225 Pension DC $0 $1,128 $1,659 $1,659 520230 Health Insurance $11,135 $8,842 $10,569 $10,569 520240 Workers'Coirnp $2,068 $2,118 $973 $1,878 Total Payroll $148,312 $167,671 $112,403 $139,085 530315 Pre/Post Employment $144 $439 $148 $148 530411 Communication -Phone $840 $1,360 $1,440 $1,440 540430 Utilities $10,031 $10,026 $10,030 $10,030 545100 R&M Buildings $8,470 $4,845 $2,225 $2,225 545270 R&M Infra - Grounds $995 $0 $1,000 $815 545300 R&M Mach & Equip $149 $500 $500 $685 550510 Office $387 $391 $400 $400 550520 Operating $250 $426 $500 $500 550523 Operating - Janitorial $1,499 $953 $1,500 $1,500 550525 Operating - Small Tools $4,292 $478 $400 $400 552000 Fuel $752 $0 $0 $0 555470 Printing / Binding $1,700 $720 $1,000 $1,000 565480 Promotional / Advertising $2,672 $2,641 $3,000 $3,000 555482 Promo - Programs $33,752 $39,075 $60,000 $36,169 555540 Dues/Reg/Pub $160 $160 $320 $320 555550 Training $85 $100 $350 $350 Total Operating $66,182 $62,114 $82,813 $58,982 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 560631 Improvements $0 $1,092 $0 $0 560640 Machinery & Equipment $o $2,690 $0 $0 560650 Construction In Progress $12,860 $0 $0 $0 Toted Capital $12,860 $3,782 $0 $0 TOTAL $227.354 $233.567 $195.216 $198.067 90 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Pmrkm& Recreation 72 Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget Seniors 7250 TOTAL $281,346 $255162 $328�984 91 Original Revised Account FY 14/15 FY 15116 FY1'6n7 FY 16117 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Actual Budget Budget 510100 OoeaWaQes/8mmhes $115.641 $102.469 $138.873 $112.706 510140 Ovo^ine $876 $861 $1.850 *2.550 510900 Reimbursements $O (*2.878) *O $0 520200 FICA $8.820 $7.548 $10.674 $8.817 520230 Rub Insurance $23.063 $31^628 $43.819 $29.743 528240 Workers" Comp $3.360 $2,730 $3,828 $3.260 520250 Unemployment $O $0 $0 $0 520220 PeosinnDB $24.892 $11.072 $9,552 $9.552 520225 Pension DC Total Payroll $178.302 $156.225 $210'602 $169.014 530315 Pne/PwatEmp|*yment $O $70 $O $O 530341 Other Svcs Contract /Admin $9.928 $15.207 $21.600 $21.800 550411 Communication Phone $400 $440 $480 $480 540430 Wm|ties $50'515 $46.188 $51.000 $51.000 545100 R&M Buildings $15.863 $8.441 $20.880 $28.808 545270 R&M Infra Grounds $0 *675 *1.000 �$1.000 545300 R&M Macm& Equip $7,397 $6.237 $8.625 s8.625 550510 Dffioa $950 $322 $1.300 $1.300 550520 Operating *794 *268 *700 *700 550528 Operating Janitorial $3.882 $3.990 $3.500 $3.500 55052* Oporating - Chomica|a $1.382 $1.752 $1.500 $1500 550535 0perafing-Sma||Tools $4.953 $1.874 $2.300 $2,300 558527 DperuMnQ - Appa,e| $800 $800 $SUO $808 555470 Printing /Binding *116 $174 $150 $150 555540 Dues/Reg/Pub $1.058 $1.142 $1.237 $1.237 555550 Training Total Operating $90.019 $87.890 $113.392 $113.392 Total Transfers $8 $O $0 $0 560631 Improvements $0 $6.428 $n $O 560640 Machinery &Eqmipmunt $5.025 $2.680 $3.000 $3.000 560643 Manh& Equip Fom/Offine Total Capital $5.025 $11.047 $3.000 $3.000 TOTAL $281,346 $255162 $328�984 91 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget Parks & Recreation 72 Community Events 7400 Original Revised Account FY 14116 FY 15116 FY 116/17 FY 16/17 Number Description of Expenditure Actual Actual Budget Budget 510140 Overtime - Public Safety $0 $0 $10,000 $10,000 TotaI Payroill $0 $o $10,000 $10,000 555480 Promotional I Advertising $36,743 $41,806 $10,000 $49,196 TotaI Operating $36,743 $41,806 $10,000 $49,196 Total Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $36,743 $41,806 $20,000 $59,196 92