HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017 05 08 Regular 500 Annual Solid Waste Performance ReviewCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 500
Public Hearings
May 08, 2017 KS KL
Regular Meeting City Manager Department
Public Works Department requesting the City Commission validate the 2016 -2017 Solid
Waste Survey Results entitling the franchisee to receive the Performance Bonus, and
receive the Annual Solid Waste Evaluation Report.
The purpose of this Commission item is to provide the results of the Solid Waste Survey to
the City Commission and verify the results which determine that the Solid Waste
Franchisee, Waste Pro, is eligible for the Year 11 Performance Bonus, and also for the City
Commission to receive the Annual Solid Waste Evaluation Report as stipulated in the Solid
Waste Franchise Agreement.
This agenda item is needed to fulfill the contract requirements of the Solid Waste Franchise
Agreement relating to Performance Bonus and Annual Evaluation. The performance bonus
provision of the Agreement with Waste Pro provides for a performance bonus of $15,000
provided the Contractor receives a customer satisfaction rating of 90% or greater.
The Evaluation Report must be presented to the City Commission on an annual basis.
Staff contracted with the Institute of Social and Behavioral Sciences at UCF to perform the
survey again this year at a final cost of $3,498. This cost is split 50 -50 with Waste Pro. The
same solid waste survey questions as last year were used. With the assistance of the IS
Department, we continue to provide UCF staff with customer phone numbers from our
billing system which improves the accuracy and efficiency of the survey.
Regular 500 PAGE 1 OF 3 - May 08, 2017
The level of customer satisfaction measured in the survey was 95.2 %, for the 416
respondents. Previous results from 2016 to 2007 were 94.78 %, 93.4 %, 94.5 %, 95.2 %,
97.1 %, 96.8 %, 94.2 %, 97.0 %, 93.4% and 93.2 %, respectively. The survey results entitle
WastePro to the $15,000 performance bonus. The City has processed the UCF survey
invoice and 50% of that cost will be deducted from the $15,000 performance bonus netting
WastePro $13,251.
Those respondents with negative experiences or questions were asked if they wanted to be
contacted and 22 provided contact information. 47 customers requested repairs or
replacement to their toter or recycle bins. Staff has initiated contact with all these
residents and will coordinate resolution of their concerns /complaints with Waste Pro. Staff
also reviewed the anonymous complaints with Waste Pro staff to identify opportunities for
In accordance with Section 9.3 of the Solid Waste Agreement dated March 1, 2006 by and
between the City of Winter Springs and Waste Pro of Florida, Inc., Waste Pro's
performance shall be evaluated annually by the City Manager or his designee via a written
annual evaluation, which shall be subsequently delivered to the City Commission at a public
meeting. The evaluation shall be based on the level of service criteria set forth in paragraph
9.1 of the Solid Waste Agreement. Those criteria are listed in the attached Annual
Evaluation Report.
Staff has completed the required evaluation and has met with representatives from Waste
Pro to discuss the report. All evaluation criteria were found to be "Good" or better. City
and Waste Pro staff also discussed specific concerns about route starting times, missed pick
ups and toter condition. It was also noted that the City greatly appreciated the extra
coordination, equipment, manpower, and pick up days that WastePro was able to promptly
provide in response to the Hurricane Mathew debris. The evaluation is attached.
The contract year beginning March 1, 2016 is the second year of the four year extension to
the Solid Waste Agreement with Waste Pro of Florida, Inc. approved by the City
Commission on October 13, 2014 which will expire February 28, 2019.
The Survey cost of $3,002 was paid from the Solid Waste Fund. Waste Pro's share of the
survey will be deducted from the $15,000 performance bonus for a net performance bonus
of $13,499. The current residential solid waste rate of $18.10 per month remains unchanged
since 2006 although some adjustment through indexing or other mechanism will need to be
considered in the immediate future.
This Agenda Item has been electronically forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission,
City Manager, City Attorney /Staff, and is available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and
the City's Server. Additionally, portions of this Agenda Item are typed verbatim on the
respective Meeting Agenda which has also been electronically forwarded to the individuals
noted above, and which is also available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's
Server; has been sent to applicable City Staff, Media/Press Representatives who have
requested Agendas /Agenda Item information, Homeowner's Associations/Representatives
on file with the City, and all individuals who have requested such information. This
Regular 500 PAGE 2 OF 3 - May 08, 2017
information has also been posted outside City Hall, posted inside City Hall with additional
copies available for the General Public, and posted at six (6) different locations around the
City. Furthermore, this information is also available to any individual requestors. City Staff
is always willing to discuss this Agenda Item or any Agenda Item with any interested
It is recommended that the City Commission validate the Solid Waste Survey Results
entitling the Franchisee to receive the Performance Bonus of $15,000 less survey costs
payable from the Solid Waste Fund and also accept the Annual Evaluation Report for Waste
Pro for the period of March 1, 2015 — February 28, 2016 as submitted by staff.
1. 2017 Solid Waste Customer Satisfaction Survey (11 pages)
2. Annual Evaluation (2 pages)
Regular 500 PAGE 3 OF 3 - May 08, 2017
Attachment No. 1
�� LA A r tty of ei �t� l Florida
Institute for Social and Behavioral Sciences
Department of Sociology
Winter Springs Customer Satisfaction
with Waste Management Services 2017:
Final Report
Mandi N. Barringer and Amy M. Donley, PhD
Department of Sociology
Institute for Social and Behavioral Sciences
University of Central Florida
March, 2017
The Institute for Social and Behavioral Sciences (ISBS) through the University of Central Florida
contracted with the City of Winter Springs, FL to conduct a telephone survey to determine the level
of customer satisfaction with the City's solid waste disposal subcontractor — WastePro. The sample
was obtained in 2016 from the City of Winter Springs water bill records. The survey was
administered using a "computer- assisted" (CATI) telephone survey between March 2, 2017 and
March 9, 2017.
The survey consisted of a structured, electronic questionnaire that is used annually to determine
consumers' satisfaction with WastePro. All surveyors were thoroughly trained before surveying
participants. Surveyors for this project consisted of undergraduate and graduate students from UCF
employed by the ISBS. The surveyors dialed telephone numbers at random from the list until the
desired sample size was achieved — the desired sample size is 400 or more completed surveys from
respondents with a monthly water bill that includes a charge for trash collection service. Although
the sample is derived from a population of the City of Winter Springs' customers to help eliminate
non - resident participation, the survey design includes an initial screening question to ensure only
residents who currently in live in the City of Winter Springs and are charged for trash collection
services are included. Participants are asked the following screening question:
"Does the monthly water bill that you get from the City of Winter Springs include a charge for
trash collection services? "
Individuals who respond "no" or "don't know" are excluded from the survey and their interview is
Total Call Attempts
Table 1 shows the breakdown of "call attempts" throughout the duration of the survey. A "call
attempt" is an effort by one of our surveyors to reach a person at a particular telephone number. The
number of call attempts totaled 5,248. The results show that 7.9 %, or 416, of all call attempts
resulted in a completed survey with eligible residents. More than half of all call attempts resulted in
"no answer," which includes answering machines and voicemail along with unanswered call
Table 1. Total Call Attembts for 2017 Winter Sbrinus Waste Surve
Total 5,258 100.0%
Overall Customer Satisfaction
After asking participants the initial screening questions, surveyors asked participants about their
overall satisfaction with the trash collection services. The question is as follows:
"As you probably know, solid waste in Winter Springs is picked up by a private
contractor, Waste Pro. All in all, are you satisfied or unsatisfied with the trash collection
services you receive at your place of residence? "
The results show that customer satisfaction with WastePro (95.2 %) exceeds the 90% satisfaction
rating. Compared to the 2016 Winter Springs Report, customer satisfaction with WastePro has
increased from 94% to 95% in 2017. Table 2 shows the results of customers' reported
satisfaction levels.
Table 2. Satisfaction with Trash Collection Services
No Answer
Not in Sample
Out of Target Area
Call Back Spanish
Call Back Other
Call Back
Total 5,258 100.0%
Overall Customer Satisfaction
After asking participants the initial screening questions, surveyors asked participants about their
overall satisfaction with the trash collection services. The question is as follows:
"As you probably know, solid waste in Winter Springs is picked up by a private
contractor, Waste Pro. All in all, are you satisfied or unsatisfied with the trash collection
services you receive at your place of residence? "
The results show that customer satisfaction with WastePro (95.2 %) exceeds the 90% satisfaction
rating. Compared to the 2016 Winter Springs Report, customer satisfaction with WastePro has
increased from 94% to 95% in 2017. Table 2 shows the results of customers' reported
satisfaction levels.
Table 2. Satisfaction with Trash Collection Services
Valid Percent
It depends, varies from week to
week, etc.
Don't know, can't say, refused
It should also be noted that although the survey only asks customers' about specific complaints
they have regarding their trash collection services, one of the surveyors reported that a customer
gave unprovoked positive feedback about WastePro. The surveyor retold the following
information from the customer:
"She [the customer] said they [WastePro] are really nice and help her out since she [the
customer] is old and has muscular disease. "
Specific Complaints from Customers
The satisfaction questions were followed by an open -ended question asking participants about
specific complaints they have about their trash collection services. The question is as follows:
"Do you have any specific complaints about the trash collection service that you would
like to tell me about? "
Similar to years past, customers who reported overall satisfaction with their trash collection
services voiced specific complaints about their trash collection services when asked the question.
Figure 1 shows the verbatim responses of customers with specific complaints (Located in the
Some of the most frequently mentioned complaints include: difficulty communicating with
WastePro about specific complaints and concerns; larger recycling bins; placement of bins by
WastePro after they empty containers; and inconsistent collection times and failure to collect
waste. Many of the same complaints were voiced by customers in 2016, such as needing larger
bins, inconsistent collection times and the failure to collect waste. In 2016, many customers
complained that the misplacement of containers is challenging for those with disabilities. The
2017 results shows a decrease in complaints among those with disabilities. However, given that
customers are still voicing their concerns regarding the misplacement of bins after WastePro
collects the waste and this concern is a low -cost, high- benefit opportunity, it may be beneficial to
train workers (or reiterate the importance) to place bins back where they were and out of
Customers to Contact
Customers who expressed any sort of complaint, regardless of whether they reported overall
satisfaction with their trash collection services, were asked if they would like to be contacted by
the City of Winter Springs to discuss their specific complaints.
Table 3 shows that 338 customers reported that they do not have any specific complaints to
report, and 63 customers reported they had specific complaints about their trash collections
services. However, only 62 of the 63 voiced an actual complaint to the surveyors to record.
Additionally, 401 customers of the 416 eligible customers answered the question regarding
specific complaints.
Table 3. ReSDondents' Comnlalnts about Trash Collection Services
Frequency Valid Percent
No 338 84.3%
Yes 63 15.7%
Did not answer 15 --
Total 416 100.0%
Of the 63 customers who voiced an actual complaint to the surveyors (Table 3), 22 customers
said they wish to be contacted by the City to talk to them about their trash collection issues, and
40 customers said they did not wish to be contacted by the City about thrash collection issues.
Figure 2 provides the contact information for the customers who indicated that they would like to
be contacted by the City (located in the Appendix).
Damaged Trash Bins
All respondents were asked if their trash collection containers are damaged to the point they need
replacing. The question is as follows:
"Is your trash collection container (bin) damaged to the point where you would like it to
be replaced? "
Table 4 shows that 361 customers reported that their trash collection containers are not damaged
to the point that they would like them replaced, and 54 customers said their trash collection
containers are damaged to the point where they would like them to be replaced. Of the 416
eligible participants, 1 person did not answer the question.
Table 4. Damaged Trash Collection Containers
Frequency Valid Percent
No 361 87.0%
Yes 54 13.0%
Did not answer 1 --
Total 416 100.0%
Figure 3 shows the contact information for 47 customers who reported that their trash collection
containers are damaged to the point they would like them to be placed. Out of 54 customers who
reported they had damaged bins and would like them replaced, only 47 customers provided
contact information (located in the Appendix).
Figure 1. Respondents' Specific Complaints Recorded Verbatim
I Being disabled, it would be nice if they put it back on the driveway
Bill is too high. They throw trash cans around and damage them.
They made me prove why my trash bin was stolen and it took a long time to get a new one. How am I
2 supposed to prove it is missing if I don't know who took it?
3 Difficult to communicate with
4 Don't come on holidays
5 Expected to break down boxes too small. Or else they won't take them.
6 Flexible in yard pickup
7 Garbage can is always placed in the wrong place by workers (in street or driveway)
Half the time, they forget to pickup the damn thing. And when they do drop the can they don't pick up
garbage in the street. And once we had a broken can and they didn't bring us a new one,
8 they just threw the whole thing in the back of the truck
9 I had two trashcans they took one away and tried to charge when ask about a replacement
I have a piece of concrete barrier so I called and asked if it was waste or if I need to bring it to the
dumpster, and the individual me told me to just break it down and put it on the curbside. However, the
trash collectors have not picked it up they just left it there.
I have a trash can that was owned by the lady who previously owned the house. She had cats. The trash
11 absorbed the cat urine and now the bin stinks.
I need a new bin and they are making us go pick it up, and I think it should be delivered to me since I am
12 paying
I wish if you could bring out new recycle bins and exchange them instead of me having to go pick them
13 up
14 I wish that recycling bin would be as big as the trash bin.
15 I would like for the recycling bins to be as large as the trash containers.
16 I would prefer that we have recycle containers that are on wheels and have lids on them.
17 If you don't have everything into the trash can, the usually don't take it.
In our neighborhood, the street are narrow and they are very careless where they leave the bins when they
are done. Sometimes they are left in driveway. Or if there is a spill it is not picked up. I have been to
18 other neighborhoods where this does not happen.
19 Larger tub recycling
20 No recycling pick up on holidays in inconvenient because there are so many Monday holidays
21 Not easy to contact WastePro for their services
Occasions when they do not pick up recycling because it wasn't in the green bin. its childish and I've had
to call them twice in the last six months
On holidays (ex. Christmas, Martin Luther King Day) an e -mail would be appropriate to send out letting
me know the trash collection will not come.
24 Once a week a recycling gets rejected on the second day, leave the trashcan in the middle of the drive way.
25 Only need pick up once a week
People drop dog poop in the bin sometimes and the trash people don't always empty it all the way and it
26 makes my garage smell
27 Placement of bins
28 Previous years they didn't pick up trash that fit requirements
29 Problems with time management- too late or too early
30 Receive bill via email
Recycle bin has either been left on the other side of the street for my neighbor to think it's there.
Or my trashcan was removed by WastePro without notifying me and I wasn't able to get a trashcan
31 for three weeks
32 Recycling bin disappeared
Recycling bin is too small and we end up throwing away 75% of our recyclables, would like a larger
33 recycling bin
34 She has the garbage can, but not recycling can
35 Should have collection day one day
36 Smaller trash bin, please
Sometimes our garbage is picked on Tuesday and Friday. Sometimes the garbage is picked up on time
37 but the recycle bin is not taken for a day or two
Sometimes the guy does not empty the entire bin and just takes out the trash bag. Then there is left trash
38 at the bottom of the bin.
39 Sometimes they don't empty my garbage all the way
40 Sometimes they need to learn to clean up after themselves and not leave trash on the ground
41 Sometimes they throw the cans down and my big can is cracking
42 The employees throw the bins on the ground causing them to break.
43 The lid is broken due them (employees) breaking it
44 The lid on my trash bin is breaking. I need a new one for solid waste and yard waste.
45 The old damaged bin needs to be picked up
46 They do not completely get rid of the recycling
They don't put the bins back properly and trash flies around. Sometimes they come really late.
47 Inconvenience and dangerous when late.
They hit a bolster by my garage. They just put it back up and they didn't tell me about it. They completely
broke it. They also hit my AC unit, which dented it. They fixed my bolster for no cost but it really pissed
48 me off that they didn't tell me about it. it was very unethical
49 They mess up frequently, they miss a day, they stop taking recycling
They miss my house at least once a month and I have to call. I wave at them trying to tell them to stop
50 but they just drive by.
51 They sometimes do not pick up yard waste
52 They sometimes leave garbage in the middle of the drive way
53 Too early and wake me up. Recycling gets picked up too late.
54 Tossing recycling bins in plant beds
55 Trash in front of house has not been picked up
56 Unfair charge compared to other residence
We don't need garbage pick -up more than once a week; notorious for leaving garbage can in the center
57 of the drive -way
When they do recyclables, sometimes smaller items like yogurt cups or cat food are left behind. I think
because they're moving too quickly, so sometimes it gets left in the street
Won't take recycling separately
Would not pick up yard waste after the hurricane.
Yard collection is inconsistent
Yard pickup is unreliable; would like a larger trash bin
Figure 2. ReSDondents' Contact Information — Comblained and Want to be Contacted
Phone or Email
1276 Orange Ave
407 - 760 -2850
Rafael Mulet
812 Wakulla lane
321 - 698 -3066
Bernice Martin
205 San Gabriel
386- 307 -4138
Kendall Bens
123 Garden drive
407 - 405 -3730
Laury Alley
630 Alton Road
407 - 327 -2469
William Harden
1794 Senica BLV
407 - 435 -8566
341 Kirkcaldy Drive
hilltop.deb @gmail.com
Kelsie Diedkeinn
411 Horizon Drive
810 - 217 -3297
132 Seville Chase Drive
407 - 721 -0628
Jennifer Miles
518 Shane circle, 32708
407 - 834 -6122
Bryan Wilcox
310 Heatherwood Court
321 - 663 -3953
Spencer Smith
100 Goldenrain Gove
407 - 371 -2292
Ken Marcotte
Refused to give address
407 - 699 -6636
Elizabeth Spinsby
739 Sherwood Drive
easpinsby @gmail.com
Clancy Huckabee
213 Holiday Lane
407 - 222 -6648
407 - 437 -1787
407- 618 -6662
Doug Invrunas
733 Bear Creek Circle
407 - 765 -5905
305 Birch terrace
865- 314 -3371
Refused to give address
646- 944 -4349
Thomas Swindell
726 Bear Creek Circle
407 - 697 -1188
Peter Etoh
356 Stremview Way
407 - 415 -5064
Figure 3. Respondents' Contact Information with Damaged Trash Collection Containers
Name Address Phone or Email
Christe Ferro
468 Verandah Ct.
Ross B.
220 Wade St.
Bernice Martin
205 San Gabriel
Kendall Bens
123 Garden Drive
1063 Deer Run
Darlene Harwell
211 N. Alderwood Street
Michael Alexander
416 South Hawthorne Circle
William Harden
1794 Senica Blvd.
Charles Latimer
Kelsie Diedkeinn
411 Horizon Drive
Tracy Ballent
1004 Antelope Trail
Carrey Weaver
240 3rd St.
Darin Allison
11136 Shadowbrook trail
Nancy Allen
120 Third Street
Bryan Wilcox
310 Heatherwood Court
Lauren Wass
134 Nandina Terrace
Jackie Dahre
714 Highgate Drive
Jenny Gorsegner
120 Nandina Terrace
106 Shell Flower Cove
John Gegenheimer
1209 Jaguar Court
Patti Goode
705 Ironwood Court
Eva Shirley
1169 Baltic Lane
Clancy Huckabee
213 Holiday Lane
Ben Saro
201 Holiday Lane
427 Harbor Winds Ct
Maria Ayala
463 Harbor Winds Ct
Rebekah Crosby
704 Silver Creek Drive
20 North First Court
112 Mercy Rd
Norma Cooksey
996 Sleeping Rock Court
Sandra Gagel
305 Birch terrace
427 Tradition Lane
Lauren Ainsworth
552 Laurel Court
1047 Willa Lake Circle
1236 Royal Oak Drive
Pano Lutchmidat
1204 Stoneharbor Rd.
Gordon Evans
848 Leppard Trail
Chuck Woodman
202 Stratford Dr.
407 - 619 -5960
321 - 228 -7847
407 - 405 -3730
407 - 435 -8780
407 - 699 -1030
407 - 431 -1914
407 - 280 -7526
407 - 435 -8566
order@ cal attimer@gmail. com
810 - 217 -3297
407 - 699 -4759
407 - 756 -2538
407 - 234 -2288
407 - 463 -7436
352- 256 -7555
407 - 327 -5077
321 - 663 -3953
786 - 493 -7018
407 - 280 -1456
407 - 808 -3136
marilyndroudi @gmail.com
407 - 695 -1817
321 - 662 -1314
407 - 489 -4480
407 - 222 -6648
386- 405 -0338
321 - 230 -2151
407 - 619 -2436
rcrosbyfl @gmail.com
407 - 271 -0769
407 - 366 -8614
865- 314 -3371
407 - 637 -6637
386 -561 -7123
kellybassettl21212 @gmail.com
407 - 366 -3646
407 - 620 -2363
908 - 721 -1165
305 -527 -7870
44 Lori Weisberg
45 Gary Henriquez
46 Refused
47 Rebecca
205 Stratford Dr.
367 Streamview Way
507 Shadowood Lane
407 - 366 -7495
407 - 758 -3924
iflywoe @yahoo.com
Beck,vmu1122(- ,gmail.com
Attachment No. 2
AUTHORITY: In accordance with the Solid Waste Agreement dated March 1, Z006 and amended on
December 13, 2010 and October 13, 2014 by and between the City of Winter Springs
and Waste Pro of Florida, Inc., Section 9.3, Contractor's performance shall be
annually evaluated by City's Authorized Representative and/or City Commission.
The evaluation shall be based in the level of service criteria set forth in paragraph 9.1
of the Solid Waste Agreement. For each criteria the Authorized Representative shall
evaluate and grade Contractor's performance as Unacceptable, Acceptable but Needs
Improvement, or Good.
For each review criteria in which Contractor receives an unacceptable grade, the
Authorized Representative shall provide Contractor a written explanation of why
Contractor's performance was unacceptable and Contractor shall be given a
reasonable period of time, as determined by the Authorized Representative, to bring
its level of performance up to levels acceptable to the Authorized Representative,
Grade Scale: Good, Acceptable but Needs Improvement, Unacceptable (requires explanation)
The number of complaints received pursuant to paragraph 9.2 of the Solid Waste Agreement and
Contractor's performance in resolving the complaints in a professional and expedient manner.
Complaints resolved in allowable time frame.
Quantity of complaints still within acceptable levels
Increasing trend in service errors is a concern -155 - 20144 153 - 2015, 276 - 2016, and 369
this year out of approximately 2.5 million service opportunities. The breakdown of the 369
The number of times that Contractor had to pay liquidated damages pursuant to paragraph 25.0 of thr,
-77-lict waste agreement.
.-- — —1
0 VA 111
WN U allam. 'Roff
Contractor's participation in community meetings/events sponsored by City.
Contractor provided $5,000 in donations to City's 4 of July event during the evaluation period
fulfilling contract requirement. Special events support providing toters and roll offs is excellent.
Contractor's financial viability to continue performing the collection and disposal service as required by
this a ;mement.
GRADE: Acceptable but needdsLinr rovement
i Have not received 2014 or 2015 Financials.
Contractor is timely in their response to all requests for follow up.
I —
Rec6iv—ed by Contrase Pro of Florida: