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2016 09 26 Public Hearing 402 Nursery Road Final Engineering and Aesthetic Review
COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 402 September 26, 2016 Regular Meeting REQUEST: Informational Consent Public Hearings X Regular KS City Manager RS Department The Community Development Department — Planning Division requests that the City Commission hold a Public Hearing to consider: 1) Preliminary/Final Engineering Plan, and 2) Aesthetic Review for Phase IV of the Nursery Road Warehouses, located on the south side of Nursery Road, east of U.S. 17 -92, specifically at 1080 Nursery Road. SYNOPSIS: The City of Winter Springs Community Development Department- Planning Division has received an application for a Final Engineering Plan and Aesthetic Review for Phase IV of the Nursery Road Warehouses, which, upon completion, will consist of one 9,000 square - foot warehouse building located on the south side of Nursery Road. CONSIDERATIONS: APPLICANT AND PROPERTY INFORMATION: Applicant/Property owner's name(s): REECO PROPERTIES, LLLP . Property addresses: . Property Parcel ID numbers 01300 -0120 . Current FLUM Designation . Current Zoning Designations 1080 Nursery Road, Winter Springs, FL 32708 33- 20 -30- 513 -01300 -0010 and 33- 20- 30 -513- Commercial C -2 (General Commercial) Public Hearings 402 PAGE 1 OF 5 - September 26, 2016 . Previously Approved Development permits such as conditional use, waiver, or variance (if any): Not Applicable . Development Agreements (if any): Yes. Please refer to Attachment C. . Pending Code Enforcement Actions (if any): Not applicable . City Liens (if any): Not applicable APPLICABLE LAW, PUBLIC POLICY, AND EVENTS: Home Rule Powers Winter Springs Code of Ordinances City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan DISCUSSION: Preliminary/Final Engineering Plan The City of Winter Springs Community Development Department- Planning Division has received an application for a Final Engineering Plan and Aesthetic Review for Phase IV of the Nursery Road Warehouses, which, upon completion, will consist of one 9,000 square - foot warehouse building located on the south side of Nursery Road. In 2002, Wayne P. Reece donated to the City Lots 1 and 12 of Block D, Talmo Subdivision, Plat Book 9 Page 10 for the use and maintenance of a park pursuant to a Development Agreement with the City. The City originally intended to construct a passive park to serve as a buffer between the commercial and residential uses. However, after the conveyance, the City did not develop the subject lots into a park. On February 24, 2014, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 2014 -08 which re- conveyed the title to Lots 1 and 12 of Block D, Talmo Subdivision, Plat Book 9, Page 10 back to Mr. Reece. The applicant is requesting the approval of the Final Engineering Plans which detail the construction of a 9,000 square -foot flex -space office /warehouse. Four points of vehicular access to the site will be provided. One point of access will be provided off of Ridge Street, two access points will be provided off of Nursery Road, and one access point will be provided off of Talmo Street. There will be 28 parking spaces on -site to accommodate both the warehouse and /or office use. Pursuant to the terms of the First Modification of the Developer's Agreement, an 8 -foot tall opaque fence will be provided along the entire southern boundary of the property. With the input from the adjoining property owners, the applicant is proposing an 8 -foot Enduris privacy fence consisting of multi -grain privacy panels and tan trim (Attachment "E "). The applicant's engineer is currently working on the resolution of two open engineering comments. 1. Seminole County right -of -way permit(s) required before any sitework construction can begin. 2. A unity of title must be recorded before a building permit can be issued. Therefore, approval of the final engineering plans is recommended, subject to satisfying all open engineering comments as determined by the City Engineer. Aesthetic Review Public Hearings 402 PAGE 2 OF 5 - September 26, 2016 The attached Aesthetic Review package includes all of the submittal requirements for aesthetic review as set forth in Section 9 -600 through 9 -607 and include the following: (a) a site plan; (b) elevations illustrating all sides of structures facing public streets or spaces; (c) illustrations of all walls, fences, and other accessory structures and the indication of height and their associated materials; (d) elevation of proposed exterior permanent signs or other constructed elements other than habitable space, if any; (e) illustrations of materials, texture, and colors to be used on all buildings, accessory structures, exterior signs; and (f) other architectural and engineering data as may be required. The procedures for review and approval are set forth in Section 9 -603. The City Commission may approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the application only after consideration of whether the following criteria have been satisfied: (1) The plans and specifications of the proposed project indicate that the setting, landscaping, proportions, materials, colors, textures, scale, unity, balance, rhythm, contrast, and simplicity are coordinated in a harmonious manner relevant to the particular proposal, surrounding area and cultural character of the community. Attachment B contains elevations of the proposed warehouse. The design of the proposed warehouse is consistent with the architectural elevations that have been provided with the existing Nursery Road Warehouse Project. The architectural elevations include architectural design elements such as split face CMU (concrete masonry unit), color banding, metal awnings over entry doors, and metal roof and wall panels. These are elements that are common for a warehouse building. The architecture is consistent with the style of architecture that has been provided on site, and within the surrounding area. (2) The plans for the proposed project are in harmony with any future development which has been formally approved by the City within the surrounding area. The design of the proposed building is consistent with the architecture that is provided with the existing Nursery Road Warehouse Project, and is in harmony with the surrounding industrial /commercial developments in the area. (3) The plans for the proposed project are not excessively similar or dissimilar to any other building, structure or sign which is either fully constructed, permitted but not fully constructed, or included on the same permit application, and facing upon the same or intersecting street within five hundred (500) feet of the proposed site, with respect to one or more of the following features of exterior design and appearance: A. Front or side elevations, B. Size and arrangement of elevation facing the street, including reverse arrangement, C. Other significant features of design such as, but not limited to: materials, roof line, hardscape improvements, and height or design elements. The design of the proposed building is consistent with the architectural styles with the existing Nursery Road Warehouse Project, and is typical of those that are located within the surrounding area. This project represents a positive addition to the City of Winter Springs. Significant design features include split face CMU (concrete masonry unit), color banding, metal awnings over entry doors, and metal roof and wall panels. These are elements that are common for a warehouse building. Public Hearings 402 PAGE 3 OF 5 - September 26, 2016 (4) The plans for the proposed project are in harmony with, or significantly enhance, the established character of other buildings, structures or signs in the surrounding area with respect to architectural specifications and design features deemed significant based upon commonly accepted architectural principles of the local community. The proposed project enhances the character and overall aesthetics of the site and the surrounding area. The City of Winter Springs is comprised of diverse architectural styles and, therefore, the proposed project represents a positive addition to this area of the City. (5) The proposed project is consistent and compatible with the intent and purpose of this Article, the Comprehensive Plan for Winter Springs, design criteria adopted by the city (e.g. Town Center guidelines, SR 434 design specifications) and other applicable federal state or local laws. The proposed project is consistent and compatible with the Comprehensive Plan and the design specifications and architectural styles that are provided along the U.S. 17- 92 corridor, and with the existing Nursery Road Warehouse Project. The final architectural plans will be reviewed for compliance with all building code criteria. (6) The proposed project has incorporated significant architectural enhancements such as concrete masonry units with stucco, marble, termite - resistant wood, wrought iron, brick, columns and piers, porches, arches, fountains, planting areas, display windows, and other distinctive design detailing and promoting the character of the community. The project has incorporated a number of features such as split face CMU (concrete masonry unit), color banding, metal awnings over entry doors, and metal roof and wall panels. These are elements that are common for a warehouse building. The project is consistent in design with the existing Nursery Road Warehouse Project, and provides distinctive design details that promote the character of the City of Winter Springs. FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of the Final Engineering Plan and Aesthetic Review allows the subject property to be developed into a 9,000 square -foot warehouse. Development of the subject property is anticipated to provide an increase to the City's taxable value. The potential tax revenue of the proposed project is as follows: 9,000 square foot commercial building = $400,000 assessed tax value o $400,000/1000 =400 o $400.00 x(2.4300) = $972.00 o $972 (less the 4% statutory discount) = $933.00 tax revenue COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: This Agenda Item has been electronically forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission, City Manager, City Attorney /Staff, and is available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's Server. Additionally, portions of this Agenda Item are typed verbatim on the Public Hearings 402 PAGE 4 OF 5 - September 26, 2016 UHVSHFWLYH0HHWLQJ$JHQGDZKLFKKDVDOVREHHQHOHFWURQLFDOO\IRUZDUGHGWRWKHLQGLYLGXDOV QRWHGDERYHDQGZKLFKLVDOVRDYDLODEOHRQWKH&LW\¶V:HEVLWH/DVHU)LFKHDQGWKH&LW\¶V 6HUYHUKDVEHHQVHQWWRDSSOLFDEOH&LW\6WDII0HGLD3UHVV5HSUHVHQWDWLYHVZKRKDYH UHTXHVWHG$JHQGDV$JHQGD,WHPLQIRUPDWLRQ+RPHRZQHU¶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xG5 (AD]) St1 -5985 WATER DISIRIBUIIDN: (ID]) 12]-BBB95PMxCS ELECTRICAL POWER: DUKE ENERGY (BD]) 892 -9811 NATRIML CAS: 1—) am-2815 TELEPHONE: TO BE DEIERNNED FIRE/PDUCE: I�� LSE Csi / C (B %)TNIER xC5 OAROACE: (w]) 0Z "D PROJECT DIRECTORY Preliminary / Final Engineering Plan Arc Design La,Inc. 11611, Uod Shore Lane, 343 Headvow, Florida 32746 Randy Bianbalough, RA. (407) 402 -0510 (P) PROPER OWNER Pties 721 Vngwa Dnve SHEET DESCRIPTION We Winter PILO ark, 1112781 COVER SHEET 2 (Bri0"a/n)Reece ((PP)) 3 GENERAL NOTES (321)295 -1899 (F) Nursery Road Phase IV 5 CW1L ENGINEER: Ameucau Civil Engineering Co. 207Z Moss Road, Suite 211 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 6 SITE CONSTRUCTION SECTIONS (407) 32. 22'01 (F) SITE DETAILS 8 LAND STJRVEYOR Acunight Swveys of 01L-d., Inc. 1080 Nursery Road obv 0IT-dq Florida 32803 F nkA. _d,Pee Frank Raymond, P. S.M. 9 (407)894b314 (P) Winter Springs, Florida 32708 (407)897 -3777 (F) ARCHITECT b N SITE ' + S , I 'e +M�fSwe � SmFinaWl'��� VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 20, RANGE 30 SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA w CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: I. SEM NOLE CDUNIY RCM OF WAY PERMITS ARE REDURED PRIOR TO APPROVAL 2. THE UNITY OF TITLE WILL BE NEEDED NO LATER THAN ISSUANCE OF THE BOLDING PERMIT. 1. FENCE/WALL CONSTRUCTED DN REAR PROPEM LINE MI BE B FT TALL AND CONSTRUCTED N ACCDROANCE WITH THE DEVELDPMENTB AGREEMENT. Arc Design La,Inc. 11611, Uod Shore Lane, 343 Headvow, Florida 32746 Randy Bianbalough, RA. (407) 402 -0510 (P) INDEX OF SHEETS SHEET DESCRIPTION 1 COVER SHEET 2 EY.ISTING SITE CONDITIONS 3 GENERAL NOTES 4 SITE PLAN 5 PAVING, GRADING, DRAINAGE PLAN 6 SITE CONSTRUCTION SECTIONS ] SITE DETAILS 8 TREE REMOVAL & PROTECTION PLAN PARCEL I.D. NO J 33- 20 -30- 513 —ODOO -0010 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1 8 12, BLOCK b', TALMD SUBDWISIDN. AS RECORDED IN PI-AT BOOK 9, PAGE 10, PUBLIC RECORDS OF GRANGE SENINDIE, FLORIDA. STREET ADDRESS 1DD0 NURSERY ROAD WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 STATEMENT OF INTENDED USE CONSTRUCT A 9,ODO SF FLEXSPACE OFFICE / WAREHOUSE WITH 28 PARKING SPACES, LANDSCAPING, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND OPEN SPACE. FIRE -1 FIRE PROTECTION PLAN LS -1 LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION PLAN LS -2 LANDSCAPE DETAILS SITE PLANS PREPAREB BY AMERICAN CIVIL ENGINEERING CO. 207 a NGSS ROAD. HITE N1 WINTER SPRINGS. PRORIDA 32708 PH. NG (417) 927 -7700 FAX ND(407) 227 -0227 OF AUTHORIZATION N0, 0129 Preliminary / Final Engineering Plan Nursery Road Phase IV 1080 Nursery Road, Winter Springs, Florida 32708 aECT ND -off: 1 DF 10 f H z �W /-I x V H H I CITY OF WINTER SPRNGS Mum.roxu LAND USE: COM ZONING: C -2 'A CITY OF WINTER SPRNGS , LAND USE: COM ZONING: C -2 I Xm. rH l t FND5/8 "IR — SITE BENCH -- PKN &DINASP �y ?WL VY II1lIl —ly� R p6_'KJ� - - -s,z �e EL rill l5(), DATU =N v SEMINOLE CO. North Egmr LAND USE: LDR ZONING: R -1A° A 4 �ti5E6 II i U W ONE s /8 °IR U LOT 2 BLOCK 'D" ED- SEMINOLE CO. �g LAND USE: MDR ZONING: R -1AA A UNITY OF TITLE WILL BE PROVIDED FOR LOT 1 AND LOT 12 TO ELIMINATE THE COMMON PROPERTY LINE PRIOR TO A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. LAND USE: MDR LOT 11 ZONING: R -1AA BLOCK "D" TREE CHART M 76 13 101 9 NE P oAK oAK BASE SITE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: Accuright Surveys of O1 d., Inc. 2012 E Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 32803 Frank A. Raymond, P.S.M. (4077894 -6314 (P) (407) W7 -3777 NO CITY OF WINTER SPRNGS LAND USE: HDR ZONING: R -3 SITE BENCHMARK # 1 PK N &D IN ASPHALT ELEVATION = 68.17 DATUM = NAVD 88 O U 2� z z ¢a o U W ae W � r�zo W C7 0 �z= � W H N Zz a o � _ z O �Y v c - z z w i w H i .Z Z '17 10 —� AOS. 4 SOIL TYPE: NO. 31 J° R TAVARES q3 LOT 12 0 w 3 �� BLOCK-D' AI 1, �� FNO S / IR 8 " 1 LB 64475 3 0* ` (VACANT) nth( 2t 2t 3 4* as:b• I LOT 1 BLOCK "DI, � � I , 8' ` 7 u � � a7� — bss f?J SOIL TYPE: NO. 31 TAVARES 20 1, (VACANT) I a0 gj Ma W CITY OF WINTER SPR�GS 0 1 0 I I i 't To I LAND USE: �� ZONING: COM C -2 i � "6 FND S /8 "IR 6 Noa a � N a< „07 I �y, �1os I 90 6e l O� ] , /��, yy1 i,'J b°r O SEMINOLE CO. oo 1,! `� 0 90 LAND USE: MXD .... ZONING: C -2 „0 y „0 , apt Q W d , „ Y „ \ oa. MFRS o A99� P- SEMINOLE CO. U W ONE s /8 °IR U LOT 2 BLOCK 'D" ED- SEMINOLE CO. �g LAND USE: MDR ZONING: R -1AA A UNITY OF TITLE WILL BE PROVIDED FOR LOT 1 AND LOT 12 TO ELIMINATE THE COMMON PROPERTY LINE PRIOR TO A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. LAND USE: MDR LOT 11 ZONING: R -1AA BLOCK "D" TREE CHART M 76 13 101 9 NE P oAK oAK BASE SITE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: Accuright Surveys of O1 d., Inc. 2012 E Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 32803 Frank A. Raymond, P.S.M. (4077894 -6314 (P) (407) W7 -3777 NO CITY OF WINTER SPRNGS LAND USE: HDR ZONING: R -3 SITE BENCHMARK # 1 PK N &D IN ASPHALT ELEVATION = 68.17 DATUM = NAVD 88 O U 2� z z ¢a o U W ae W � r�zo W C7 0 �z= � W H N Zz a o � _ z O �Y v c - z z w i w H i .Z Z '17 10 SEC. 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I ALL OF 11-1 1 'F'- 'FALL ll OFFOBAOT F D I DNA"Z P_ TO 011- ON) TO III No, NI 1, OIL DNTllAIB EA1 IDBL BE AEEF2 Aloo NI 'IF' NLoE '1' 1 IF DITO ON NADI NDN1,A OLL ol"' , I o I I l000, LIFF, IIIN SOLON , I FL.l. DIPIATOINT 01 TANNIADIDEN I 11 ALL Dl=`D'�'E 'I"ZINED IZ�� ZIN'Ll�LLADIF"ITHEI'LL IDE"ZFAINID OFILHIN FA- IIIIDNATANS FOI OANF OIL 0 11, LIFE IONTXTNEFAA� ENER,CBN�"'�Do� AFENI I'L. 01 BONATNIDT .11 FE% IDEFIELN'I'A' `F`11L 0 0 � DYN�l'NE�HIl���B�o��IDISlIoN�NFDN'�HHEDIE :FHE.1,IFDLF1NPL1 PIRALTONI TO NTRL Fol. 01 ONE1 III NNI-ON IILATEB EII 11, T I FILE IONT 01 IAL " To ` V�ZNNNFEIDE T"DE","OFFED FIND T No, A n , T E � NINEEI � P N. IF ALL NOT111 0 , 1HIE1 Ill 0-11 IPEIF�DTE'�HTIHF POLIPLIF F, THI -ONFOR IN III EF"', 'LL DOo THE LoIIT. LITEINNED NE' TIE FENEI �l FIE NIII IFNEEIENTERE .1 FILE FINE N I ILL III IDIOT 'BoT, D". BE�Rl LL FF 010PLITILA ILL. .1 ILL 11 F1111, ITIOPI ON ON 1111111NN T�="�E-I'll��l�O'F"TI'EE'�'1'11'NNID DEDINITIONI IEITN1 L1, IFTH THIN PLoA TO D `A01"N?%TD`F3`NE 0 ADT4"L NED"F1EAF='A B ANDILL E LO r NIL E A ED NEF' TO IND"T"D TH' IN T INE DEALH 0 E "'D Ol"' LT 1EA1 'IE0111 IF ED IT N, BILL A III LL '61,LP 7 B No lE11 1`1 I I I lol NE I I 11B II ON NT 1. B I FINI,0�lEol, 1�1"OIFNFFITE OIL FIND T OFFIF NFILL �E NO D!NTD1' TT�O =NAATON E T D ILL 61 ILL-D TELIF ANT FATID TO I INNCF LTDID D`NN` IN A IN NNA, X " , " A T NA FELL AND TH, OF = 2 0 , I � ` mNTNAFF1 "" TO `pF` AT NO "'0' 1- - OFF-111 TO OEE THI IEOIIEOEII FOI IMPIDTIN IND 1IO1El I LL SEC. C DRAINAGE: ALL DIIIIIII IILAA D '.N'T"'FN '-L NI lDTH IT NHNI LINDA 11 NA N1 A NE NO I A" III NIIE B"M I IF" I I IONITPIREI � IN I'D EFT Ill DIED 1- 1 DO ONA � o' FAIR " FAIL IONAFoN III FFTIFN I �,%FT"1INNT1N11N IETOLI OLE NIEFF, I'LLEDIFEENEI FAN F, N, 4 �Nl,%�GFH_�.OIN Aol,�'I'�Ell D EOFMNOENO��FNFEAFTAILFO AND IN- E OF AI 'N NITEIEl END IEIINNI AlBEI1 IFFEELL ON 1111 LEN111 'LEN I PIPE BE IFIFFIREI IONNIETE 11E IADTO 11.1 IN INIIII IDLED OTl- SEC. D PAVING 1 11 FAIENENT .1-ITION BE IN -IFLANDE IN FRIT, NIIIINT IFNENILNEN 11EINNATINNI. 2 ALL AAN�� Nll�'IB', NLy`N"T2`N4VD.N"= P('CTTHI`1N`FL 4- 1E ADD To ED` DI A -ITHLY o 0 AD I ITloFNFH, AL"I'l INTE H I IF , NE., I 'Dol, AFI IDEA o FOR ALoE' 11110FILD To BLEFIE"'N' ANN ENT"N'r IN�ENET ORELE, T A 0 0 RFREE , ON, LL NAE TO BE AIlLD IN FILE I Ell TI N111E A INEBOTIF III INFOIB OINNIITON I T y ILo FREAN, A.N_ TO B., N NO, I FL, AAFDDFFINIT�Ell N-FINT IIDDII TO III-Lol CAAFF TBANDITIONI I T ENAY 1E NIC 5- TO FELD IDIoLL RoA INT IFIATINNA T E5 oI FILE oo T I , OF OIL, "'N To I FILE EFINT I To F 154m B wo 101111HATE IF END N��l To " ELE"T IN ` 'E' F'o' TO ELDNED ll� NA Do BE IFIEIAER TIE IONT-701 I FIE 11INT A LEON TO III I NIND, A 11/12- 1N1,FNN_ II F=,olL BEFFIAL I FANTOLINT OF OFNIIITI AND IN' 7"IE - NIN 1, IF AN-ITE ARAN EIIIN11 IFOLL 11 FINT TIF FEET ATINE11D IPEIFFIATINNI. FAINID IFILL ITIFNE TO BE I BE 1, THE ANAL IIHEN IF OIL I o NF Ao 0 T��NDIAA ON'= lo I OALTLI N TLE1 lo�,TloF THE A PFF�I'D��IANF I A RRETLREA12MENN'T"EISIT AIIEE "FOLIFF DGE DOE NIN11 1lLlEITl INIE1 IFILL �E FINAT1011D IHEIE NBDAI ON ILON-01TION PLANI F�NIZ B m IF E, w , I &TFFVTF`lAA"L1Y 61 111 �IFENTT�pF� NIFF"OLL lo%�_ FAFDAFTOA� �EFFT CIlNTAI�oFN'FNNTI IND0N`FALL11,EN7�"""l` AT A OL 'IF 'D N IF IF�LFEDIDEEN,ONN,I �E��"FNIOT,=EITILIE�,F��TOEN,�,FNOITIEW AN AD I.NIT ILANI I AFAININT EAFAKNOD AID NI oAoDlI Al A,- ON ,oNFFNOToN PLAN, AND I F "' PE-OI 2D I D IF LD. T / SINANE INALL �l OONFOIANALIA �ITH ELTo FO Nl Loy "'M FLIING 8' MoRD" PL'A N "I'L "T IN OF T`L%X§E% MAIK 1EFLEFFAl POINNENT No IFFALI (LIT �l N-L11 N Al LOOP NB, 11111, A M'N OF I My T"" = IFILDRONEDIFIll' Al To o I ENT IF IONITNININ IDEENNI IONABI BE � 0 � ,EN1 m OF "N`FlGON III BE ` TF'o" ON `oN""`FoNlNl"`A'1`E ZL INEI BE 1 , 1INEI Fo, IF I ILDOW INEII 1111 IF 11 LIFFEI NN1 IEDIEI III TO BE 01FRATIONDE NDFI TB IlIK III HILL DIIINA SEC. E EROSION CONTROL: I DELIFIED FIBION .1 IEIIOINT CN-1 0EAIllEI IIALL BE INITELED ED A IN FINE, D., I " NOTALL NOI MEAllEl 11 NNDFFI�l IND LNLIIIS NOTILL-NI 2, ",No IN TO I o"'B"T" "-I FEEL -I IEII NI LE MIADLIE1 TIF INBINE ZNDL OILLET No I IF NO OF "NE, OB I I To IN IOTENT AN To 'FINE ON NIIEFIF IN T""'Ly TO FILE EDIN No DollooF ", B INI AFFRO IFT" A_ IND TFAND, T" ��TD�rDP,5,�L�TL,L�9TI.�,1,5,H�N�,�L'I DID CD PHLYDN� �Tyl All �IF_ ALI ON, R o N��FEOII NIL �LNATNI EA I FE E 11 0 CONTIAIL FAIM DI 11IJALLEENTIN "NETAI A I NI TO IAORIE 110TEATION FINFOON ILDOENTATION AND AD 0 =FT AND �O,�,OXON,�TOL T�,EEAAL,%Dll III �E FAILLED AND NO I RANNI FOR EARION 1ENTIOL (AFTEET EDINONI, 4 IEDEINT AID Fl0I10N I.D NEAIIIIS INILL �E NIPE111 F, Ly A� EPA', I, N_ 10MILEED 1, FEBI-O IFINENT T1111 AND IFIRETABLE AN ONO 11 FIE INLET 11 2D NgFoy III IND LIA N0III IN FLAFRFIFN 101 M Nlo ALL OFF"Y111 INTI 1101ELT INTIL I00-11 F1 THE OANFI I l&lDl'jO PLT%IDONj,��LTLOAN N4NFAIDENAIAN IONFILL ol-011 N, SFD.M�' I ALL TmlI .11,- E TOA ON AND - MFIL CONTAIL N N-L BE ��%FEDIl NIMID 10 ILL 51�DN,�_FA LMN=0BEL��ETFO N IF 4 lo��LN �MIFNENIAA�ONEAOHD ANA, A I ="NI�'L�MFD'�TT"PDE'�"L�'FEPN'INITII AT ' �'I`NDA`D' I "'TO' TIVININIT BONN ANN BEENNEINNE DELE! .1DAL PE I TAL -11 1 ONNOTlICTIN C ALL " IN' o' NOTION' SRLL BE IFIFOINE ` " FILE` IN IIIIE %NTI NI �', OFF 'TON) NN I oNoNolED FAILED IF MET �.TN"���l�LILO�ILS'I'D�'A E-111 11 AFIIFI 11, EIGIDEN IINFAIL PLAN - - INNEGATIONI TO T111 PLAN NIE BE � NNID "A S��,N�AF F NO N,1,1 DINIE T" OFFINTLANGLI AN 0 E D A, 2F FHEHPA��MDTE AD�_L�DAOT 11-1 - �E ALLAIED 12, 01TALL FINTEDTION - FORDT FILE III Bol LIFOR111DE1 I OFF- �TEOI,�TF��F'I,NRII BE FI` I A� III IHE,05,EDH `%E HAND- OIL Nt s 0 FBID=TT��L %F NIH�,E F-E TO OONTAN' , Ilo M_ ON ET�, DOE III t1LY`Tp101%TEDlSp0NE OFF1 LED OEFI�,Nl 0T`E"FF`A A No ,, No DIEGO IYIIE BNO ' E= F00l =D' =lNL _p, POATATAN ANY F ONEATIA INALL � ANIOLAT L� POTIATED INDA FOOSON THA lN FILL OE OF TEMP_ �� D NO AD I P"NAL, NT Ly 'T. L" 'Do 80C�JLN�'Pl,�,�HFDL[ NOT BE LEFT LN-111D A011 TH. 21 A AIR 11 -HET11 "Ll FA�HALL `1'L.A`EDD`TAT1`NE1AN" OR "T5LO11 IHEII I ANINFALL AN , E AN IF, 5 4EN I %; ", III IFIFF ll DOINLE AD IN IFIINFINCO - IFELLAI ND1II5jNF ��NQNTDFFRF5,T,5, AFAIHEB lA ILE-�ON IF IF-I, BAD EN IN I i FEFTINI OFF LI 1[ �[IFAAED Bll NEOMMIE'LITI Lo ON 'FALL I 111FIN 11 I-NEALL 11, 1 PRIK o EE A 11 MEIIN NLET5 TIE51 I I I BE ORE 'E' A.M " DOMFINTENTALL IF _ Pooll� , NpLEF 'FAFTFN OF 11FIND "SDE NLET T A IF— NOT FALL � N-LED ANOINIF 1T"NO0NNLLFTZp.F%1KE '171 INALL �E.P,L,IT�HIE�,,�,�H�,NL NENT DPpANFIANTELy 41FFLIN DDIE"I"NF"' N8FN Do 1� LN�'IEFTEI'IINIL'IT�E'NTO"l�'�E�N'TE'I'ED'�m�'�' "IDEPEFIN"FRIT �EDA IINILE N'BEIAIMNRNEAI_T,��FE NIETR'FE�TDFL E,PLIIFT NTEED�FIOE I AGENI BE IIED ALONNI TIE IElMEETENI 'I TEF EN'L'E'�E FONDA m'EATAETIEIY INDFAINT DEFFEELER TO FILE LANE OF IF, 0 EN A TO NLET "OLL BE C"`A2F`TE"FNC.NT,�L NATTIN, III AITNI LN11 INATECTED F1 A I IF A, D , 11 INDIA III A%�All 'NEMLENON 11 FLON '101IA1pNp 'NNNF AIDE, 0 IF , IF 0 F DDLY NIPNITIN 11 ALL 1111IN 10"'L M OT.� I 10N�TNN OF AFROND PFp_A, 'FALL FF P, NICINID PF 11 FBI gFT�'IEN�N'SHSEFALFN oNFAD INI IFIAIFATNI 01 1 THE DINIATIFN ED SEC. F DRY POND A, SWALE RETENTION AREAS: oNOILLIFID 'N'SNTPLAN'Ll ND FEL UIVA'AFTEMIEFT ALIBI ELF, AET.N ONPPR DO DFALL ALIA 2l ;% F`�ol=o IjN`lL4,E7ONF`N FLED- ON AND Ill EERNEEC D OLIIIEI ED FIN, o � 0 TO RENTAIN LEE IN IONFIDDRION All I I IF IENIEI Al 'E"'E, To "GANT ,TTN I E�TINI ON A ILE ALL 1, - IFETENTION EA1 IFEAILAILY TO .-N -D ANN ONAINIFENN 1, NIPAIT IDEN1 O�AFEAI PAIN DOELLY FOEA AF1IT1,0,N, ONE ALI I DID TAO, NO LO "" � " I I , DID LENNON AID. IND 10NElyINCl I-El 1, NIPAIT IDENNON OFEA OFFROI INI FEIFFIII IF .1 AND /OR ELF ., ENFE IFENTANI-A T�E IFENT _0N AIA1 NOLL PEICELATE lE=D`FFI IFHN 72 HOL"' IF HE EoBEDM`FiE'V`1NN� TBH�ETTFILCAEN� NANTENANFE NFILL �PPEFV&L T OF III I I lEODGE I TO I HINEI IF IETERNEN ANEI F NOTEARL ANN = E =D= E 1EIL.E NATE11IL TH ILE. IND MALELIAL TO DENIN INEDE D IEEI D MILIH PEI 111ONEL DE11ON. D, N� ITIN NoT L-OF - ANILL 11 ILIFED IN ICIDIFFANIE TH LEFT 'FOIDED I'D, No I I GNI BTNN III INN OF IFFILL 01-E IT' IT TANAN, NEE, I D, DID M,LB I N1FB,1,1,TEEB INN ,I,,NE T, FDOT 'TN"D lNIDNE. �OL '�D.2T AIELL I ON No AFI � FIN -IF-- IFIFF �E IN AREDIDANAl THI NINIAL ON IN"O" T-F � FONTOL DEI I ILL RLIK 111101END ITH I THE FLOOLF DNPIATEE�`lP)FFINNIATINN TH 111-IF-- IONFIII TO A I FLOADA DEFORTEENT OF TAANFPOFoT�NNSTANDAlD 11NOLDEDINI FOI Nano AND N_ FINIFF", ON LET_ ED A I =I E " E OF. A INIADOETATL ON DI-TAINF"D AIFF, LT"'GN LANDED11 dr, NF IT Fly O� L E I INE ON OITE NA-ALL N� �' -FAID I FlOPLIDNEE SEC. H SAFETY: ALL "I' DjM I 'FIRD 1 THE AINTLEANIE 01 TO NE PEI FDOT INFEI LE11- NAANO THE ION"I"'T ON Z(FFNA�MA�IFNANCT OFFTH15TPHLFl 'OOLLY 'B"TON, AID TO �E ENFO "'I"OENTAT" A`l �BIEE�IE15PEQTN��,�FLE,F,��,THEN�N�ENLT�OLa� ��g y 0 DHLAIINNI DIDLING NNLI I I A [D IFFEL FOIFE LI FILE =,D,1AT1,EN FOIFF AD AD. IN TIE FEE- ED _IEI ,I TLEOLN EADEEFFBM I A � AA FILL F 1 13 1�TAT`1`Bl`ILHD`T '.".ETL LON'TIBAINILIFUNTAOM 'FINI ol IF I "A W IFFALL NE F�L�.�E�DNDNHTOHHI��YEI��ONN�P�POL�.OTN�N�N��El"' ALANAN N NAII ON, L%� IF ILL T CIFFILL DENIFI. RADNNI NIBEI AID .11IF11 NEIF- INOTELF LNIF, 3 ALL T I� EALKNGN AND D"T "DL3OONDF`E� P� THZEN"N��' IF DOD N TH, BE_ ON ON DO N B NT1 IFE LED ID DEFELANINT OF TERNIINITINN FEDERAL lol- 11MINITNINELL I LABOR ANIT NEDELATONA OFFALL LOND- TO TH I ONI IlT FIIH , ODHR I LIFE LEND k D, BTR OF FILE E, T NNT I 'TAT I B OFF m 0 0 I T III BE IF 1111 IEINONI I Fly OF 1&oONT ON TN REPLY AND'INFELI'DE III A_ I BE ED 'E"LLAT ON I TIE A E rOoDE, m FIN ,, FAA THE CLNF �ADTO`I NO A ONOT 00NE�NNO�'CANDDOES REO6TOLNIFNFNI THE LINDA .1 ENONEEI IF NIPEI ND/ E F, IT SEC. L DEMOLITION. OEANF�L P'DER'AN I C'ENSE1 BE NO IFEB r A IN I IOP TO NN2N Epl"olol OOAAENFN%FHTEFF�0p�EOoZl CoNT-01 NOLL IITH THE "OF 'EBNNT, 2 EF �N`H D� �,l IFT 'A l'-ITY'ALL NE E a<<E 10 THE' III 110- 1EL0-E 11COONNE1 ON P THEIR FINDMENT IN OND11 TO FEDILIFFE 1EMIFLITIBIN I �&EFFI I1LIAA OEOT"OF Fl�,E_%,�NENT'IFNDIE�NNON I A IN A , IN 'T &FTAN'TILLIFIENI I OM�pN'TEDOT A �.NDI AL 10SNP4 LOTNY.T IMLI" A' IN I " OIL 'D OFAA�NF I AD � NO 2 AINFO 3 D M91`NNEN`I`L1`= El NE.01NE1 TO FIRE1 THIN INIA FAMANE �N;O NO 11NIT- 4 THE NT-Fl 11 1EIANNINLE FDA THE FAITIOLINN IF ALL TI ' AS " O"IS AID =`DINNNII�ETKEEDD PIAH �E�ANIF FA D"LLIFIN IN' "LL "OoPTLY oll ANY 5 THE IF�TNNFD�OL EEOINA AL�,4TDEN,�,T�TE,�,,�KEED �EQAN�E I' IN LN'E T, " MENI IND BNAEl LINEI �o TlEENIF L��LONNIAET�,�1,N�OETLIEE,1,1,�-,FN�,IYNNE 1111 LION FI -IFIIIINA N 'I , Do B FADIFIDED BILL TIE E N 1 0 o All All- IONCIEVABIBEAL A`EATN I "A"I'A I N= wo �NIIIDEI I THE Ill ON NHDL� 7lO ALL TllEEET�, E, NEFF I A K�EENDEOL A�EH LON L�DLEA, HE NFIT, ��n IT 7, rK I BID I 2A E EE I LIFE FEEL A E" D"` N THE INOT-T.1 'I lE00AE ALL INFARADEAZ A.�IALI .1 LAND -E FINA THE ITE I1ATl`%`LO.AN`Z`I`0`N5 I' IN FILIFIFFNIA I�TH ALL 1PLINFILE lElE- IF THE FILL rOA ANALL `1 OFF A 50 A�DFTPAE�DFE IN AN' ""NENT PODPIII FFI IFE 'I "IN 11 F1 T I ,A TO IONNEIND POOPFAIII AAIENENTETTNIDIONTNEAGT�01 INALL INIIIE 111 TIE EIDE OF TIE EIIENNID GDOENT SEC. I UNDERGROUND UTILITIES: F-E THE CONTLACTOD TO OIL lEBEN`1NE/`01FF`EA`1 OF �FNI I . . Y To EN I TLEF F,�NIEFENED 1.1 BIEN 1F IN ID101FINID - TIE 11.1 .1 IT IN 2 TF` C7NTA "I" � III "I'DIN' IF IF ENI �EFI Z INNET TEOT �EIOLI�oTK."�LNIoNPEE�l�TP�INOI�T��L PlLp"' NO K ON T= I T11 OONTI AFA7lA`1F0D".K AND S.DI I7714A DO. NILINNI THE NOOLD, TNENIH ARELY ICT '10-11 - IF FLNANII "T"IL LAN'l AII NOLL CLIFF TO IOEILY TH LBA L" 8` "M EMAIN N III NARAD IAEBI. ALL011ON OF BY III IT I I .12FE - FLONDTIOLI 01 1OBEEI E%, FGNT,`p1EIL,N0,1,TIN NFo ,AFNG ON FILE LIFE I T NN OF 'HDR, N , 01 �NALL NOLI�y"TloF nl�TTLFFl � NNEOB OF I� 1101 AID A EFFAEOB OF ll� =K1 -MIl' S-`� �E.'�ENNITToT"IN'I'TL�'TTIOTNI `= LOND111 IND11) INDIA FAIND AID. TH IALH ALLITY O.LANY 11111 TO NNE NTI ALL =IN� I.FTS AAD NF1A AND cONFTNOTAN IF IF ON =o' OF ANDT I N'HOAN'D A 'E., IE EALLHOLE LP = IFEEFIL -TEE1 INALL OF INILIDED 11 Looll OF THE N1II1FN P D FOR SEC. J SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM ALL -A �O�LE�FFON 7ENT�.LI T EA I FooA., H NO, DO EF E 0 m .1 INNINNELETAL RENTAI'Ll, AND llZTl DIFT IFONFIEL11 I " ININFOLLE READE FILE I NIND NINE, FLON",�N TON 40NTY AFAL'INTIALONNEBETI IN G NENA IHO � LL D LEFT THE FONTANENTFA TO 0AE THE FNNOL�NLE MIT E o. AN D o"PIE T HE TENH AND NIFELL THE 'RAE, I NE, LINFILI IFH IN THE I.D.. INALL -1 1, A 'No" 'I " DOLE' OF .1El 4 PIAI TO ROD' -Al 1E.01NE1 IFNNlITNl FINTINI LINII 11 INOATELANIEl THE CIFIENTO1 INAL AElF1 LODAT IN AND I IF E �MITG, FlAN N'ENT ON"R NF ANI NoTI I Ao� =IEIEl IIOPEII IDIElLoLE�IEFTElloFTILITEEIC�FIDA D�1�1_LIDNINI HILL NEEN A y D-NO, NALL 1- FNIL 11-1 AND LOCATON1 Z ALL OAN- I I o�MIE�'IEDNFDII AEE,�,IEA ��N 0 TNoTATIATEENALIALED IIIIE NE (1) 1- T, ED B D ILE NE BWT,�,ANALLD�,Eo�Dl,�NAl NFIETFTmN/FID1-IN LED ON A A I B 'EFILAT - No G III IT ENN MIDFNToETEFT� DEE TF BE EEBNFIED , T�NTDA OF NO Doo,�, BoF�%o 0 1 ORION BE OIL NALTIO 11 TIE BOBT-01 I IE11ONIBILITO 8 INIL FOA�_�NEI FAL �H �E,� I`LETU`I="I ANTIC 1p1`1E121`.F"F1 ;EoAFFEAAEEATo0LF6l 'lED INE, ll"I'NoG�NLIA I =DNOIFNN%8o0TTI Fo, 0 'ON OF ALL FAFNE1 11 TIE IONT-FI1 lE1lFN1NL1 SEC. K WATER DISTRIBUTION' I A' I BEEF A `FINAL ION 'ONE FILATO FIND OFALL I 'AND""' — AT- DIENIFE PIPE A All OF L_ 110RDF1 11. NE ENTI FIFILA FEEL IF ENN-NINTAL NOLLOTION. AND HEALTH DEAL 1, ALL BATEI�Fl, F� L TMONEIF 11,1 TFIF ILION ffFAD — TINIA111 NIL FENEE RINK PEOPOIll FINIIHED INALE FANI F� I'LL BE ':I, Do 3 LE-NE OLD AFE T-5 FLON N4ILY'LI D �EATPEARFDAAFD I 11 u EB P,E_�IAD 'PE, AND pp" LAN 0', IN IONFOININII - I FEE I AND LODAI NIIING lIORlE1 1, 111 El I�Nll INALL BE INITAILD IN A DDY TIINol. I 1111111D 11 1 OFFEN TE11 NO NEIII NITAIIED IATEI 11111TIEN FB p I EPA' AND ANN NNIN IS IFALL I A OINI I FFNLOAN�N�EIBA�,�,%% CO NLI DIA =N`F`TE POINLI IRE, E, HILL E I P, D 0, l I TO BE 2 OR TO 1E AINDLATED "' T TO AZ 0" DII LE NON All IND � ND IF THA 1L.AALl LEr.E FOI I IPE 6, DI NF� AAFDAOLDI'A�EITEA NADN,5NFFFL.OI..TNE�,E OLAND 'NoOE FDA N, I ILL PAI ABE MILIT 1 THI NIF LOILF F11 PATIALl -11 11E 8 Al"A A �p OFF EAN IZILIEE F,��NNEF�ETONDT o=TEN`MN "N1.1 MPF" F`1` NI .D NEED FDEP FLE-NIE IDEA TO FDEP PFINIT END ANY IDDITION1 1, TIE BATE��Nl INALL III NALABLIND AN NOTED NN TIE FINA 11 111LIBEFFINO, DIA11, 01 ITFIM 11- NFILL BILL ,E A 1101IIED FBI FILE F INLIT 11FALIED END LEGEND 1101- LINE — AT- DIENIFE PIPE LOT LINE 11TANI 10IND INDIO — TINIA111 NIL FENEE RINK PEOPOIll FINIIHED INALE SE LINE olIPDINI NO T11 I -EI IllIAOE 1101IIED FBI FILE F INLIT 11FALIED END F INLET TIE I-I PLARDIED I -1- F -"'I FIND NEEL FILE 1-2 lAFlOIEI 11 NINI 1111 TIE 110AFFIED INFOLT FORINNENT I INLET 1-1 FIND BEET TYPE 1-1 loo-El IFFAL/1- FORENENT -B IlN11NN .1 OANITAI A.HILE o FINIIETE ETFIED END TA1 SIAF1 EAFN IONTIOI IT11111E OIINNEINIIE F RToEll AN IONNINTE FLIBE B/ DIFELE wP BAAT IFFRE AINIED -NFIETE INIAL IFIFLE wA IEDE 1-1 INLET BATEI FILE 111OF LED FLEFEAFT 110-11 101 ION IINIDDIB LANDBEEBED IDDE 1-k- 1- 1lNBFl DIFFION MHOETHATTER, NEFFES I. THE SANIARY SON R MEN 6 TO BE VIDEO INSPECTED WITH A MR OF ME OND NODDED 10 THE MY FOR MEN AND APPROVAL MR TO SIT AMETTANSE. 2. A RAIRROM 411-HOLAR NODIFKATEEN 6 REQUIRED NOR YORK ON CAY-WNED VATER. SUER. OR RETUNMED WER THEALIA S TD 10 MUNDMINING TO OR I ALL MNSIRMON DIDIAHTERS ARE TO BE FURNISHED BY VAGIERE. IN ITH THE CPS RNED BASTE FRANCHISE INNEEMENIL 4 THE MY WE IN PEBTARN FEE IN THE AMW OF IX 9 THE INDTAL SHORK BOST (MOT IMMORAL ANN DEMANDS) IS DIE MR TO BREAKING MIND. S AS WE BURNING OF ANY KIND & PERMUTED. 6. ANDIEREARRAND OUR WRAVENER TO MOVE A MOT MET MR OPEN CUT SAMEARN PH. ONE LANE Of NURSERY ROD TO REMAIN DPEK 7. SE NAME DEREAR 10 APPROVE AND ISLE A PER AT MR THE DRIVERY MAMETTONG AT ROC[ ST ED AM TALM STREET. B. SEPARATE APPICATON AND FEE I FIEDAMED TO BE DARAME1 11 —11 11011, . A FARE FUNIN IFEEST KILL BE PERFORMED 9 TIME OF FARE SPRANKLER U&NIN W THE M.E.P. ENGINEER. 10. A M.O.T. WILL BE MUD BY THE CONTRAMON TO ME CITY MR W THE START OF ao _3 0 P4 <1 1-4 IF 0 ,A R, �b RIC O cc 16 I N, 3 - 10 SEMINOLE CO. North 1 LAND USE: LDR m' II CITY OF WINTER SPRNGS 1 nALADRE,.PaNU ZONING: R -1A ME ao =. LAND USE: COM��_ _ ZONING: C -2 :� €s CITY OF WINTER SPRNGS w RAM. LAND USE: COM VII E ZONING: C -2 EXBI. Ln sAFW 11 Ws. n xs. l pg. Px No. EARB 1 q61. PVC fFMG!`YMO[ IN IB' ITN. EL. = 68.00 Ex5. PRNrED 120 LF E' PVC a "I'M 1 a0 AM. Do ", _ ii — c R4RME 0. YMI R COUNTY 5 RLAI ' 1 D¢ –V V+R rr– '40855 MFA1 R.D.V. _ M[dAR[D UN � Q MR, Vdllt N RA.V. gpa.po PEA _Y mpg CITY OF WINTER SPRNGS z< LAND USE: HDR z a ZONING: R -3 _ 20 4� LL.I IIMEE SI F`. OE6.1 1 NK'NU.N, z = ro ,0 O RAM. o i 0 _ – �OFFIGFJWAREHOUSE .1LFED r 1 11T'T 6Yly+L.WASWi O 0 MPV%r _OFLFPPg Y wl vU O _y YWO[ I (n P wrvm'. rxere° "' II SEMINOLE CO. a RwMA d a Q LAND USE: MXD ZONING: C -2 oft �r _ O p'PLAt BLOCK "D" Lu : RD © D LOT 11 4p9�oo.MAS SEMINOLE CO. SE P[RMOIREpYREO o o _ - _ 3 LAND USE: MDR y FDA PoRX IN R.D.V. 3 - " ZONING: R -IAA (Q U) 4 /WF� pN M IN AE/WRLL CONS WITH ON REAR PROPGR LINE NUS BE B R. FALL RIND CONS RNC ED V LOT 2 N ACCORWNE WITH THE REN RIARENTS AGREEMENT. LINE M. Q BLOCK "D" [n oNNwI1Nm A".. DN. z ,Y co.— SEMINOLE CO. �1Nroro1 qMN xoIP1M, 0 - LAND USE: MDR IRln a g mMN9, Iro1PAm 9,000 o1N n.5e x ZONING: R -1AA ° cc PNNn9 .Pn. Nn s.090 0.11s 1z.s x ` w PNIin9 A"- Ns row ene 9,199 Oslo n.lo x w o 0 ox i CdbIRUC10N LANES 1. THE SWnM! SLYER SYSTEM O 10 BE VIDEO INSPECTED WITH N COP' OF ME AO PRWDED 10 THE Cltt MR REMER AM ARPRMAL PROR M SIR: NSE—E. 1. A MINININ 9B-MDN NNNATON O REDNRED KM M ANY CWN:CDOHG TO W ROOK W OTY -OVNED VAIER, SEVER, OR RECWMED MATER FAIILRIES. 1 N.L LONSRMEION DHP DERS ARE 10 BE FURNISHED IN VASIEPRO. N AXORDAN:E RON DIE CMS SOLD 10151E FRKMHSE AGREEMENT. 4. THE CRY WE I—ON FEE N THE AMOUNT OF 1% OF THE TOTAL 59MRK COST (MGT NCLABINC ANY DALDME) N BILE PROR M BREAKING GRDAL S. NO ON OT BURNING OF ANi KIND O PERNRTEL Al RIDGE MEET AND TALLID MS. RA SENHATE APRIAFON LARD FEE O REWIRED M BE SUBNTRD MR AESMETO BEMEV. AA FIRE FLDI TEST K. BE PERFORKII Al TIRE RE FIRE SPRINKIER RESIGN BY THE MEP. ENGINEER. 10.A M.O.T. SHAUL BE PRWOED BY THE CDNRANOR M THE DTY PROR 10 THE SORT RE CONST—Ift. ..A. Ar. m , w. NNN —iM (N) AKIN'. wIinq pN 9 _Nwro, 50x d INN t6 (m d emple9ro,) 9 9m. dTN. I xl .loo m sox d ibw 9,s0o N ONOI Nn) 1s nN n 19 e tl pabE yrcn fi SNDeeL WA' ANm.n 1NRurttl Plwi@tl D fill 1l 11 511 1511 eog 1511 1511 1511 1511 MN, mpen. Rlro M9 OA1D 1,08% W dm w Nn Nro M.. D� 1 RR9x y i RNVmope NeN 1R8J5 0.181 91.J1 x 3 M peneus elro D 0 Dx F R.— Nn 1s,sss Lm 41.111 td. _HV , +, 90j13 0.91s tOFQ RMwmm Immrolim nn EXIST. AND USE COWERCML EXIST. ZRANG C -1 SIZE AREA Om NAE —ED OSE OFFICE / IM.I— 1 ELECiROAYIC SEAL OENELRHKNT RAN prw'NNL AN I- 47 10 STORM STRUCTURES: STORM PIPE: I Y I , W,LMD REI. PDND SP -1 48 LF 15' RCP ® 1.04% North FONT "E TOP EL. 68.91 DOT. EL. 65.00 SP -2 26 LF 15' RCP ®1.00A I � � 15 INV. 66.15 WEIR EL. 68.14 SP -3 26 LF 18" RCP ® 0.5DR I ST-7 _ EWiI: BW - W E I I ST -6 — 67.45) ♦ 4 SITE BENCHMARK #2 TOP EL. 68.12 BOT. EL. 65.44 O Ip — ST -4 DRAINAGE FLUME PK IN ASPHALT FOOT PRECAST HEADWALL 1 I =___ W9.TNWy =11= - - - -�— — — 5P -3 ST -6 1 21 VAD ELEVATION VE)88 DATUM =NAND 88 I I — Q wGH� , - -- III -_- — — ` _ - -� ®� „_ - r II I • � ST- mn� w NURSERY ®.ST w nw: rtpl E I -2 \\ v w -' RaLrAFn p�ulm w �.a s SP 1 I Cn ' c+ c ' xoM rPmpOA 3 gdaa TN 1�R n /a WR,L�� \I � GEOFFIGFJWPREHOUSE 6wc�°p"aYA ' msU�t ,q x wHm 00 \` PROP p5E0 FLEX I 00 iwiow� � 4°� 'h F r "` 9; Sf F.F.�1.D0 I oa T I yyy� N we ' I BB a� 6^ '° SITE BENCHMARK# 1 ELEVATION _ a PAS mNemar RYA -- _ - ion wn'oxo,m,r 6 wWW,LLrNLL r,. � �a ssL NwL Na. L I _ DHTUNI NAND 88 - Jr" . aLPnu DLamIN IN Lu sLw,.�a.. oaNm Lu \0 13 RNPnw LOT 11 BLOCK "ID" U) CIA �� (Lu 1 NOD HAND wvn a L B FENCE/WPLL CDNSIRUCTED ON REAR PRDPE F1 IN ACCdtMNCE WITH THE DEVELOPMENTS AGREEMENT. LINE MUST BE B IT. TALL AND CDNSIRUCTED W" coNCOw M " LOT 2 BLOCK "ID" A STORM STRUCTURES: STORM PIPE: 1 NEAL E ST 5 C INLET SP -1 48 LF 15' RCP ® 1.04% TOP 70.00 BOT. EL. 67.50 LENGTH 13.0' FONT "E TOP EL. 68.91 DOT. EL. 65.00 SP -2 26 LF 15' RCP ®1.00A WIDTH 3.0' 15 INV. 66.15 WEIR EL. 68.14 SP -3 26 LF 18" RCP ® 0.5DR Sf -2 MITERED END SECTION (4:1) WEIR WIDTH 2.80' SEE DETAIL SHT. 6 FOOT INDEX 272 BOT. EL. 67 DD H M.E.S. ST -3 DRAINAGE FLUME WITH ST -6 TYPE C INLET W./ 8" TRAV. SLOTS (SLOT INV. 67.45) TOP EL. 66.80 BOT. EL. 66.50 TOP EL. 68.12 BOT. EL. 65.44 LENGTH 13.0 WIDTH 3.D' 15' (S)INV. 66.89 15' (E)INV. 66.89 ST -4 DRAINAGE FLUME ST -7 FOOT PRECAST HEADWALL TOP EL. 68.00 BOT. EL. 66.50 FOOT INDEX 250 INN. EL. 66.76 LENGTH 16.0' WIDTH 3.D' TREE CHART 122, NoEA� o 21 11 11 12 zfi�ry o U 2� z z U W ae r�zo W C7 0 <1 W z K Q I - a c� 0 z o z 3 z a a H i+ Wa1 ELECiRC1WC SEAL GO w 1I- 5 -, 10 R.O.V. zfi�ry FENCE/WALL CONSTRUCTED ON REAR PROPERTY LINE MUST BE 8 FT. TALL AND CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DEVELOPMENTS AGREEMENT. P.L. iM Au oMTURMO A ^ �R� A T �� ED FARING —E aE-MF ME WL ME WLE AWED FRANC BFAC ARu 11 FOODOD N. D' A Nxxx Mnm 0. N ess D W)) Luse M Or TM NodrED PRMTm MAIM MH MENOTY GDDN iI xwE. [ONC. nHEEL s PAVEMENT) PAVING SPECmffIIATTIIOONSS CONCRREETEE R uR wERIMxc R GAH I wi nran s srW an YYo-mnn nnsF ' FRODA,uU na MounoENls Ilex) nH EL S OFFMADE 0 D I IN SECTION A G.BWFAL, lff.WlEU n D& „,1 6 DEG ,MS xD = TO TRM A� I—Em If REAR SWALE DETAIL ° �o,�ro;xr�D�x�Mx �ADxD or NOTE: ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS TO MEET CURRENT FOOT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. UUa z z ¢a PL U W" W ," r�zo Woo �z= sB � Z = o � a w In WW. z y o CONTROL STRUCTURE � 0 — F.D.O.T. MODIFIED TYPE 'C' INLET M Z w ST -5 FOOT TYPE C INLET O it CONT ROL STRUCTURE w TOP EL. 68.91 BOOT. EL. 65.00 N I- 18' INV. 65.56 -I FENCE/WALL CDNSTRUCTED ON REAR PROPERTY LINE MUST BE B R. TALL AND CONSTRUCTED WEIR EL. 68.14 i N ACCORDANCE WITH THE DEVELOPMENTS AGREEMENT. WEIR TYPE: CIRCULAR 4.5' CIA. N11. GAME — e Mw swE DOE — 0 —IMF Gwx-7 1 CIL. SECTION B B „, I 6 Au DmMO FANDOD DRMEZ 6LE IY S MiNL x ISM JTOFONMITEI R' LN OAERIVNG 91.1 .5 ASPFALI P[ IY SL8- B15[ —C. "I" SECTION C "I 6 ECIRCNIC SEAL sccncws a rsras °FN 1O zfi�ry PAVING SPECIFICATIONS - ASPHALT SURFACE /GONG. FINES BASE: M FAxRt 11 AN)-1 111 —1 Al--R' eoxwam m [«� or a 6cs rA[OUmH M MV IO wA[ rclR�iaomTs or[ruc[[D vw 11 A GOULH PROPERTY LINE 11 FOODOD N. D' A Nxxx Mnm 0. N ess D W)) Luse M Or TM NodrED PRMTm MAIM MH MENOTY GDDN iI xwE. PAVEMENT) PAVING SPECmffIIATTIIOONSS CONCRREETEE =E L -: ^- A1xALLTTER�TE GAH I wi nran s srW an YYo-mnn nnsF ' FRODA,uU na MounoENls Ilex) REAR SWALE DETAIL ° �o,�ro;xr�D�x�Mx �ADxD or NOTE: ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS TO MEET CURRENT FOOT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. UUa z z ¢a PL U W" W ," r�zo Woo �z= sB � Z = o � a w In WW. z y o CONTROL STRUCTURE � 0 — F.D.O.T. MODIFIED TYPE 'C' INLET M Z w ST -5 FOOT TYPE C INLET O it CONT ROL STRUCTURE w TOP EL. 68.91 BOOT. EL. 65.00 N I- 18' INV. 65.56 -I FENCE/WALL CDNSTRUCTED ON REAR PROPERTY LINE MUST BE B R. TALL AND CONSTRUCTED WEIR EL. 68.14 i N ACCORDANCE WITH THE DEVELOPMENTS AGREEMENT. WEIR TYPE: CIRCULAR 4.5' CIA. N11. GAME — e Mw swE DOE — 0 —IMF Gwx-7 1 CIL. SECTION B B „, I 6 Au DmMO FANDOD DRMEZ 6LE IY S MiNL x ISM JTOFONMITEI R' LN OAERIVNG 91.1 .5 ASPFALI P[ IY SL8- B15[ —C. "I" SECTION C "I 6 ECIRCNIC SEAL sccncws a rsras °FN 1O r6M¢� 161 ew[IE yTUl. TYPICAL CLEANOUT DETAIL �, .E.B DWDH,�E B,RDD,DAE DouAS f. M KE o:EA^� %E r•Amcr°"AECE ,xD (z) RUBBLE RIP RAP DETAIL PARKING SURFACE / R =2' TOP R =2' BACK OF CURB) ` JOIN TO CURB TOP -B" OF SLOPE DRAINAGE FLUME SKALL EXTEND DOWN TO THE BOTTOM OF THE POND OR SWALE C" TO B" RUBBLE RIP RAP TWpp (2) ORSES IN DEPTH OVER TINO (2) CATERS FILTER IN (NON -WWEN) PLAN B"X12.' CONIC. CURB (12" BURIED TOE) B� 6" 6" M IN WWF REINS. O s1�� „\ B"x B" '^� COMPACTED GRAVEL) M DEPTH OF A" THICK TOE PROTECTION DRAINAGE FLUME DETAIL (I— Al FROM OB) N (rLaY uRB) 18" TYPE F CONCRETE CURB NOTES: OUTUNED IN BLUE ANAR. AND SILL BE IMED AND RNIANNED HANDICAP PARKING STRIPING FOR MULTIPLE SPACES "awo Pe, roP) - WHEEL STOP ED. OF PA g - - - -- HT NBxBE sH„xxcLE HORIZONTAL P - � — �x�eB I. BH YxEI . - ON,ERUME GRADE VERTICAL SIGHT DISTANCE DETAIL B" DM LY. IL PIE FILLED V/ CRETE. R SAFEW YELLOM PAYEM[M ABUTS DMWD GUARD POST �mm B BYxBD TO BE KKRE D.D.,. THEANDPIAROC PLAN VIEW TYPICAL PAVEMENT SYMBOL FOR HANDICAPPED PARKING V AZ W ,HE DIBa>O I>i rIMWL :. Iu' �B�o I; 'rR"ox' of De.re'"oTM CURB RAMP DETECTABLE WARNING TYPICAL SIGN PLACEMENT DETAIL �r�r�r =lr =lr�r�Fr�Fr� 0001 0000 0000 i 12 I a NOTE, (HANDICAP SIGN ONLY) q D ixl"Nir "Rl.l Tl Aia a xo .I{x�e x •Wnq nnE ONE RON 1. !250.00 FINE OX `°",•, DAYra ii Di °x""DrxrD F.S. 316.1955 TYPICAL RESERVED PARKING SIGNAGE I%' 7 10 ao U 20 OUTLET ���� ,�E�� DOME z r6. z a te- 1-4 �e " • "• STOP w �z= � LPM TD TT_ W 15 0 I%' 7 10 ao U 20 SIGN DETAILS " UC7aR ,�E�� DOME z r6. z a te- 1-4 �e TRUNCATED DOME w �z= � W TYPICAL INSTALLATION 0. ADD "ATER AND xAl- 0 I%' 7 10 ,�E�� DOME � a TRUNCATED DOME 4 m 0 1. x4OON SLOPES -LL xDr BE B,FEPBR N �` 3 RON RN W roI a" �"UR ,ate EN H i 3 x I%' 7 10 fi= a North A 4 IN E O A ♦ 4 3 S Mme n ' Al" op" � RSERY ...R � ,-- �aoassM�;T 4p8A 3 �w —, -- - z 20 2t 4 o <1 � 3 , _ w „ sit �� ��i w w A� �je69 � U) ° �n a �' s 1 O 19 Q 10 110 „ LU 114 T, s 375 LF 6' WHIT VINYL FENCE 5 y 4 „fir LOT 11 z 13 cF BLOCK "D" p LU w a LU LOT 2 a /� CONCDw BLOCK U' ,Y _ TREE CHART o M _ - 2111111 ° i Pr°,eceve Ba —� _ _ _ _ _ SP[C6 MM Of 1Rff3 TM NCWU 51 rAetl (pn°rt°tl ®v��ar°wtlall tree - - - - - antl vegaau vtl tl�ga�11t°eeaeai�'Ibue�matlus Ib�tetlat �e _ - - - - - RRf 13 1R1' 10 E (4)Pfee,i °haFh,ePwhse uvsOwmo orablvbeacc mPtishege,rye),°f°w - - - - °veCl)N°tawa ➢R°mthetree _ _ _ __ _ OAK ee€�Omegmaaiaeaai�oe _ - _ - = roua to �r 33 9 �o��,�IS�emeC�o�nNn�� ° ° °� xv - _ - _ —AK e°aeamua - - - eu°a j pp- llormec aoaenammn�,al- I(i,Ynm °-, O°° 2 "x 4" TREE _ K _ _ 19 OAK b—.d,deaar® Y ss ° Y a, ,e a °f PROTECTION 113 E OAK 43 11 - 93 OAK - 19 - - - - iRf¢ ro rE Rnxrco 20 21 17 OAK 45 14 OAK 71 4 OAK 96 13 OAK SPCC6 MM Of 1Rff5 1— NC1B 12 OAK 22 12 NE 46 10 P NE 72 10 OAK — I Ow a I ° °° f b p a a ar ® - - K % 51 813 25 -13 OA 75 E AK - - 100 -19 04K KAMPHOP FRf 1 1Y � e ®alvg®I.hemag�imtle °finevi°lao v ) e 5➢- 2 OAK 28 11 OAK dCRRf ' B. emv ahaa.. w °°sappma Ag Falw°f—pplw u°uap 1 51S 1' ELECiRL1WC SEAL _ i0U15 0 m' a° ce( ^.earag�ame.eq� ®,w, me EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN 1REE xEUOVne AK TREE PROTECTION DETAIL 131 =19 OAK o• °1Kr ° leoss (SEE SPECIFIATIONNOTESATRIGHT) Kr8° °lam 10 fi= a North A 4 W E O ♦ 4 3 S z IS RY DAB s ADS 6o Pmt 3 3 1= � P4 w -4 20 j wz 0 i'_ z = w LU 4 aii w a - I U) o � Q w 0 4O9N S 5oa. MFR LOT 11 V% 13 BLOCK "D" U) WM—WFW w a In %R090N CONTROL: VQ GO—M. t M ixa[[ =,0TM — mimn�[sucx Z O LOT 2 61 coNCOw BLOCK "D "�uY °"�m°R 0°1N1Mi'min r 0 g Mm IL,ml :i �[�[nws omi[nxmx uIsK s,Iirtn cc ostt sous, s<l 1-1 mnrnry .T nfnsu[¢ T.. w r� M PMIIR[Y. WJ9d1. Ytl�i4111�1CM� -6 �5 IE y �5[Ntlsmroi. PFGs AV s - $ MIu'.uwC[ nnx M uu,u[ fql ENSSx mMl� (uRSI r/ = a .Z x EROSION CONTROL ADDITIONAL R %DU]R %N6NT5: SCHHDULB OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIBS SILT FENCE APPLICATIONS W. AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES m"tl0L n "�a wq nx swu mrsm a ra rnwnra nnv 1 [[rsnx mxRaL SYNTHETIC HAY HARRIERS AND SILT FENCES M MIL' lx[ n[us xlw NQIES' 11 MEDLFP wuautl sna[wnox sw.0 a mx[ M um wu •i n[[ls I— [[msx mnm nuvi[[s smx[ b s �mwnm ru xu�cr[o n smrco ELECiRC1WC SEAL ERCSILW preL'ee[ nw 16015 ttf num0 % 1 0 L P G� �b G� t ■ ■It� PPE CEDDING 11— 1-11AT1.1 1. 11111ED TYPE A BEDDING AND OPEN—CUT ASPHA -T PAVEMENT REPAIR Double Check Valve B.Icfl— Prevention Device u. immY with adegw[e clearance and easy accessibility fm astivR avdm®vlenmce. £stall in aburiamml puaifian. 4AwT 61gcK ENrlae AsSe�mSLy Low HazaN, Condnams Aessvre, Paasiblc Backpressme Double Detector Cbmk Valve Backfl— Preve¢tion Device Typical Double De¢ctm Cbvrt Velve.4asemblies me wSebcd on boildwg5rc aahmc Cao bemmama —y ,meu w;t�adanaaro ma�pamear acresamlbtyrm rzs,ial; aoamam,maase. ?PoMC (SUCK >;r+rl� assex,3t,Y. �r� �adlmgm. .tea awe �oF�ar„u. POTABLE, WA-u SERVICE 61 GU Reduced Pressure Backflaw Prevention Device i — — l 1 DvecRm of Flow - Typical ivstallatim is ons3 /4" m2 " line subject to back pr.. or becl¢iphovage where these is a high poten- health bamrd fmm mutammanm. Lsstalt wiEaedaluate clearance and easy ssibility for testing and ma Pgx�.rC f LACK BUT'" Asge, MU`f. Wnhe nperatedunder mvdauos press�te. lea E oN zz wN w az�, w z„& Wi = wryq L 3m -i 4 J �a cc w, 3 W 3 - - } ELECTRONIC SEAL UI1LIrY DETAILS ptaiKr �o. ,sozs sheet n lobo, 10 F-0 _j Q:�— 1 1 1 W 1 SSa vNa SPA OFPCEsN PR OUSE � EN w0°r PROPOSED RF-X Cq oOO S� w no- North H— W E �M S p _ 1 IS- „as ao� lil W W z (q WATER FLOW TEST REPORT _. W a o 'y conc ow Fire La Signs shall be installed long a boundary of all 8re rrt(si ern ar us w O — IL <ex -. r.a.e.r Tide r: nao Mx wrr. os lanes. The number, placement and design of s gns shall be determined or K by the FFPC or the Fire Marshal (NFPA 1, 18.2.3 FL) � osc a caerxc a N a.& #160,& #160,& #160;5 gn So,: 12 inches wide by 10 inches high ° C- b.& #160, &5160; & #I60;White ng5ze with swncnEaoxcaxceres. acs oun w. °rs c& #160; & #160,COlors White badeground with retl letters Message d &# 160, & #160;Fre Lane - "NO Parking Fire Lane 0y Order of the Fire Department "a e.& #160; & #160;Fre Lane with FDC Y/ &quobRO PARIONG FIRE DEPARTMENTCONNECITON " or y "NO PA"'NO— FDC" f.& #160 ;Space between Signs: 60 cew.axs. i feet g. Sign Height: 7 feet above grade at bottom of sign h. &# 160; & #I60;Numbar of Sign Faces: Signs mounted on a post shall be double -faced in the direction of traffic Flow. 91E "Pill-ANALYSIS NFPA I. SECTION 1845 ao ms a ewmxc cwsmurnox. - paved Fire lane Marking a. Markings Color - Traffil fety Yellow b. & #160;Material - Adhesive thermoplastic ora vmr or paint per FDOT Qualiged Products List c & #160;Stripes - Four inches. Wide, centered 5 feet apart, extending -s01tt 3 feet from curb or building and slanted at 45 degrees (,gainst the Flow of tmfflc). d.& #160; & #I60;Letous w The lines of each letter shall be 4 inches wide; each letter shall ba 18 to 24& #160; inches high. 3° aw. wtavm ms nmv. an cvu e.& #160;  Message - "NO Parking or Standing -Fire Lane" f. &8160;& #160 ;Number of so Messages - I per 50 feet (or part thereof) ea, sw� riRe vnorccnoN ct no 16025 number FIRE -I A North �E M A 4 W E _ 4 333 S 551 555' 1rp.1 pp,D (50 n> 1 D _rK�r,mwu wRSERY R MIT -- - E _ mo _ za F F I �w11pD F - - F F F - _ - F F AREA: 2,350 SF F LTic - F ZONE: 3 1 LVE SGE _ CD W [� F F F ZONE: 2 AREA:LVE SIZE SF GPM: 12.1D F LO = a AR 1,SSD SF 1° VA ZONE: 1 GPM: 9.3D - ` GPM: SIZE ZONE: 5 F I J F AREA: ],150 SF ui VALVE" I' AREA: VA ,SIZ SF Fes- V..� 1 1111" \ - F F GPM t3.9D 1" VALVE SIZE w F ZONE fi AREA: ZONE: ] 1,2 SF 1 _K ZONE: B LVE S GE - /h 14 MV gBK- ll AREV LVE SIB Sf R�LVE SZE SF GPM: 13.50 K U) O 3J GPMp 11.90 GPM: 12.70 - O K w K _ Q Nq oft w pg500 MFRS LL K K- K 11 - -�/ U) K K Lu ESP -LXD DECODER CONTROLLER 5 o /F\EpOVO.) WITH RAINBIRD RSD SERIES RAIN SENSOR AND WIND SENSOR NOZZLE CHART a V K 1. Q O LL 0 K c D! c n ^i, 3 W H i PIPE LEGEND Prc If MN yr P rc ELECiRC1WC SEAL ® L.Frnc M.mL -mMVn w�.c nPmca new .�- Aa 1pr6015 DESIGNATION MODEL FLOW RADIUS PATTERN (GPM) (FEET) E 1800 -15 F 3.7 15' FULL CIRCLE F 1800 -15 H 1.9 15' HALF CIRCLE G 1600 -15 D 1.0 15' QUARTER CIRCLE 9' K 1600 -9 SST 1.7 X16' SIDE SQUARE Q NEW TREE BUBBLER I 0 0 0 0 0 NA �LN�UN RSD —BEX ROOF BRACKET (D o- 11 IF @w 1E `'N11 of 11 o11 �E_ o IN R �E- O ll1l �aEO� - o.(.�e���a�o oI TEE�ry11 E l of o w ICI 11H as EIE 1 E1 o 11— PPE o,,:l1N,1,N EE IK ELECTRIC REMOTE — CONTROL VALVE 100 —DV —A Q�N E Q -1 To -���11111�o- 1-10-1 oMO NT .� ©' E a�� �. "Wl)` WINU ] N]UK RAINBIRD ANEMOMETER MOUNTING DETAIL o P � o ,< R1A,oP FNII III 1/1 N1n FE o P� o0 NI E E oso p 111 ao .EE oA ILL ADJUSTABLE FULL CIRCLE BUBBLER 13DOA —F ON RISER i III 1ITE11L E °? °<_ LE Z 1 rI) 1 o saE� E�� G) P�� o) © P «L oP -111L I'll ROTOR POP —UP SPRINKLER 3500 SHRUB gP ow oPR``EN A 8 ��aoa o III 10 roIPLEI ROTOR POP —UP SPRINKLER 5000 SHRUB 0 o —1 -1111= 11NI-N NO' o,_��� o_NINLE �oEA_E PIT, N DEN EDEN" aA INI ESP —LXD TWO —WIRE DECODER CONTROLLER IN PLASTIC CABINET a p z� U �z= w M6 J 0 r � ► ° �, Z a) i y 0 1R -2 fi= a North A 4 W E _ 4 33 55i - S R90 ERY OAS _- 1 NURS e � - ez UC7a� u� W oFFICFEWPRE�ousE ,0 6 I ,,j .N.. FLFXSPPGE �q W w R „Fi PRppO5E0Y' i Nw LL 4 86 U) a p w 10 D Q W z Vi � 13 29 R{ z z a W N CONC DW FIE E/W CONSTRUCTED DN REAR PRDPERtt LINE NUBi BE R F. IALL AND CONSTRUCTED �` O LL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DEVELOPMENTS AOREEMENI. a 3 z a LANDSCAPE CHART: J i a CDNNW -E. —El D Nh x.[ QUERI& D wwM [DA . �DRW. -A D RED N,HE IDxIDx M.C. M. —. NN i 'M1� La N .[. RDOrowHx Nxn : `w w�. x[D NOTE: NY x x[NxN ELECIRCNIC SEAL cn clncx[R cxux x A NxlNw as nuw roNrNAR. LANDSCAPE pre�'eeN nw 16015 sheef�� -� PART 1 — GENERAL 1.01 WORK DESCRIPTION _ DSCNPE A—ND MMnws oRxRAEDSA .Coo. BY Tin[ 0. 1 OZxnxE[RDELIVERY. STORAGE AND HANDLING AND 1.03nn ME GUARANTEE 11 MINTRIS .1 All SCI IM I T DATE NnoXSSRESPO sBDm To ROMPT ", To PRIEM IRR NICE =n ME TO ME Ar SAILL WE CE ED FDA A N(e)`RLCHEnNS FAROS ITnRe `MlE of C RWBFR F.Y'EIFNX[D RRNRIIR`S O RREN T GTO N6 RECENIM ME DIMRNTEE 1.04 SNALL JOB CONDITIONS A. INNOTEDDION Mool %rOMAMN9912 FOR IRE PROSECO. OF ME PURo. "ED AU C�D I THE R CONORACTOR L SnCu6 o NIiEO r RAwuSHn uNRxc, ixc EDRrc`N 10RCDROu LL BE CoZSr RESPONSIBLE For ME R 18E uxoocAPE DoNIRPCIOR ME SITE IN 1.05 OUALITV CONTROL FROPLA A. ME DULNEER . xxn 1 E R[ UWExENI; of MC, 4OFORTIO B �_, ER oo � [� xE l COR AID IN OF No z PAS 1.06REYENI DUANTMES A. IN ME COONT OF IFERENT BETWEEN M%D_ LIED T,�EU I MD MORE BRONN ON ME �AD ll� ME PLANS NRI RE I AN CONT 1111R PART 2 Or PRODUCTS 2.D1 M4TERALS H. BEES, SI� BE AND PL NIS SMALL TRUE to NAME AS EMARLEDRED AND MANUAL OF CUI PIMMID ALL SPECIMENS SILL BE TRUE TRPE, I ETC. R. MUNCEERY bbn 9uAxDRnx uaRCRDSS No SET FINAM IN ME FLORIDA A. u 1R[ 9W Rx6SHL�u' [ . H PARR UNLESS � n[ B WINMEDEUO DBEMEELLPLANTS D `,`Z"AMOIU" N REETiSIET BILL of nSGBE, INSECT V615, - ORRIARARAPPE AND Mo. IFFECRRi`S FE S. sNAR x 78E xI LAN EPTABLENRE1. s EXEI� u To SP R1 orRVRSIi`E�sED PE THESE KIR ,ETDCCA UR 2W MATERM No BEEMAN PINK LIT ED AND RET UNTIL M no" ME NUALI "�`�x�x.`'"'MERPDN.BN"[l oI.FLaO�s 11 111 BACK XL"�PLAAND MEN COMPLET- —RED IM JSL F=Tl C8, ENoUI AND FOR SUFFICIENT "ME To ENABLE ME `_ MEN 10 WE OR FOR WANI ME TOP IRE DNT- ME IME NT NIS FROUND. MA ME O.—No. UNTIL ARREMIEFORE —No c. t. lop A9on/SroIX x �ruws). ncGSx 1 Y RnSDNUBLr E OF R SDP - OP SXL RDM N LE RE B. ANY NEXI= SOR TEING SILL BE ME LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS FERANDMIN D NNFFNI e;,r °R'e,''":Rros[i MA io BE i`iiilDUS` o mu oS WE ADDED To ME BRATIN OF IN PLANTINS ROLE. ME If IMF IN In E. %jAXATON ME K A - E USES FOR PLANDI RNPON PREFER LOW INENO E�R'iEry u {n MNIER ILL E FEE R un[D, INIR[CDNPCBI o . FOR USE AS SADR 'LL MATERWL. DLE; NEED; CYP STCRS R . OR . NEBNS NOR INSEALITON AND ME GUARANTEE PERIOD ONALL PART 3 RAEXEEXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION BORROW OF ME ROCT BALL IIEN PLANT IS PROPERLY I HE OR EB WIN NFORE, IN ANY PLANT E.—M. .-R-.E LOCATIONS — BE SELLECIED BY ME ENSAXON No LESS BE USNLED R I"T"N P.- AND EFO PLANT S DI ALL OF THE NxR All RFPN R AS 1. W DICAPATION ENCOUNTERS MATERIALS P.- All BUTPUBLE Foll PLANT NEIRM. °E3AND FIL MAC ME REQUIRED 11. OF DICAOTIN. FORDLIER ED R ro NMED .1 1x[ C PROSICTON OF BOSOMS TREES: ME CONTRACTOR SILL PROTECT COMING TREES FROM AT xE snnI SPA con To ME Dxx[R. ONT; � To F.4xs{iCME OXIDE I EMINSER. AFTER ME BEEN ESTABUIED AND CIED LL Sr. NA. 02 D UNTIL ME TING ws KEN Fx APPMa[D 3. . A "T"B`E=EIflED 1.0 ME ROLE ME PLANT ONAPK ED M To MOBSUM "'ITEN At M ME Fl= PLANTS R— WE KEPT IN A INDIENED CONDITION FOR ME N%Z TWO WEEKS —1 P—MR, NE ELL I I ALL UNION DR DIALANED ROCTS BILL �RnmEVITUREAN rrD N �uA'eERAUxEL FINE IKE SHWPE AND APPEARANCE�KFA`LLL BE DOME Pool In FINAL PLCEP[Ax[E.DµoR 2. AT 18E END OF ME DUARRIFFEEK N . LEAST R. OF 18E KOD FREMANIND XNALL BE AL.E FINAL " ON " ANNUAL EXESS TO WE EXCRANDED�E� 1"�NAN IN E. M R`n Ex ' ' INE NECESSARY RU ME T PPORARYY. WATER6 USED. n x ta RR R xoNIX 3.03 BERMING . ROD ~ RMLENG. FIIEE f`RdDIRT FDN 1ARADLOCALLY Du�TlDx TEST xXDX PROLES WE SlAxdxE WATER WILL &I MAII1U1 SETAILEN FRODFRMD.RR�OUTTED CDR AME DMERMUSE DAMAGED KILL BFRRERN AxD REESTABLISHED EN E Co.— 3.09 SODDING . A cRAS� RiEmcosoeRA°fi o iEa WON rmo FREE FROM STONES AND DEENDS. ME xRRGUS, iEC[ B.RDRUBB AND D LIP SFAILL WE MISM. ME 1126TAVETMEL DIN IT BERE OF ROD .—ONT To ALL AWPA. AND R.K. AREAE. WE PERSED ON 'LOPE, No PU�Affl `' EMS. PORP"RAIE CONTu�e/'I E siDlns smR URDazROOxE 3.O5RCE AT FIELD QUALITY CONTROL END OF IRE a Ltow[n ROD nMRAME[ PERAD. ME oMr,1EN_NNED,AN1 PI ED FOR ME PERIOD OF TME u[NL�wvE BcrDjD AND ONCE A 011" IN ME PRIOR. A =ETKOONFORACINIFYI-1 ME ONNER. No 1 11 ME CONTRA— EXCUPDNEREPLORY 11 MIKE IUK ME BE TOE WROK "A" WE "ARECTED 5 SOON AS AM MENT UPON COMPLETION OF PUR ANS DEBRIS, AND RPxRRi� MRMDE LL R RE &ERm PLANTS OR aFaIREEin ENCEN SE"coxuRlLOo"`U nE iNi"osce'i mR[r°n�oe ' K MOR AN Fah AS DR.—I SPECIFIED, To ACCE'r Aw"AN`s,"P'"RO°A ON I" o°'�O'r DNF INW DR ARM 7E XA-7E`DF=1FlANCE XNALL MARK THE BERININD OF ME MIRANVIECANKII �ERATE MUST BE SPECIFIED BY IRITTEN NOIDRICKOM TO ME C . R`.E". US RE n[ END DiD� mA,L : nrB BEFD D TO ME LAN ME ANTCPAEUED INSPECTION EATE. PLANT SO THAT TOP OF RODI FIINIUMED MADE 'R THE PANT ALL CUTS OVER I' DIA.. �svwEm� SOFT STRAPS WHICH CAN OEIERIgtAIE _ IRDVOUD STAIjES ITAI[ OF pp T' 1D BE i FORM CER INTO SIN 6"I FIRMLY SA TO SUB CRRD PRIOR VULCH .1H 3 CONI. NN TO BAIX FILLING OR AS NECESSARY FOR FIRM SUPPORT STUB (FADE SRIEIUNING MIX RER k IG MOVE AIR POCKETS 2 3.06 ADJUSTMENT AND CLEANING r 70 PI FORN SITE A uCiu TES, ASN`r R[S�LT OF mE wAMOSCAK Dr xnSrwL "az CORMn[D xEICR[ :1 D F ME IS IS SNALL 3.07 TRANSPLANTING OPERATIONS OF NUESEERY No .N RE YRR IS APAP- POW AS NECESSARY 5, LANVIEK OCNIENCIOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR NNINTEINCE OF THESE STORED E. 7"'Ro"I ==E REPLANTIND SEE A— B—APIED ON PLANS OR —XDE SUN LTD AND DENY TON UTIN INS P VON MRSOLD S, IFLER I'MMEMEMS EVARRED SPRAN IT WON ONE OF ME SOLUBLE ARM SE M ""' ¢PECx�v FEEDER WAIER" NE. ERSTS STARE 1D FIRST BRANCHES AS NECESSARY FOR FIRM SUPPORT WIRE SHALL NOT TOUCH NVWIDF THREE R• x Y HARDWOOD STAKES MV FN FIRMLY A MINIMUM Of IV INTO THE SUB GRAD[ OR RUB ADJACENT PROR 10 BACK FILLING TRUNKS v BRANCHES STRAPS VHICH CAN CE1ENtltAIE MULCH 6 -B' FROM TOP OF SLAKE WIRE SUPPORTS SHALL BE FORM SAUCER WITH S C.I. MN WATER R IAMP i0 REMOVE AIR POCKETS u USED ON MAIN STRUCTURAL BRANCHES PLANTING DETAIL srx OLF ITH suw,�us,s Uxusrw oscxul cxw�xslluo�ox s�xalTrzxx ms�.0 N — SUB GRACE SPECIFIED PLANING MX WATER 8 TAMP TD REMOVE AIR POCKETS FORM SAUCER 3' CONi. RIN SPECIFIED PLANBNG NIX TREE PRESERVATION DURING DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCHNN W11H - - N xx sxul xixvlunNO rcNx onWxxNxxUmuxo,o ]' MULCH nxi tx n N.i J' Um Ns�enx .Nxo Nx� sn�ox swNa nNwN. NsN[ Nux[o xxx nNlu, WATER 8 TAMP TO REMOVE AIR POCKETS s.. TOE SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL srx OLF ITH suw,�us,s Uxusrw oscxul cxw�xslluo�ox s�xalTrzxx ms�.0 N �urI" x CH zfi�ry �6cs I-a Q � U a U z - z � 3- �W r�zo Wye <1 W Z y O U � RR)♦ O m a i R UI o = w g =a� z FLS -2 $pge egg E {t �8 ��� Bulldt Elevation West �5 J9 g -1 a 1 _ Y55 of j! E � ��- � �l 6uiVding Elevation {Morns) e�$ 0 H fi A �t r I Y �I��� - I BEri51014�� ,Q i $6 -- - - - - -- _ 1 x �a° r ;, �P� � e 1 SIiE PLAN PROPOSED s�i duaae € ®� 8� nRC DESIGN LA NC. L:[= liutian' r W V M. I` - - U7 t] y o Q O N O E a rcrn O 4 c ci Z W � o t Z �t r I Y �I��� - I BEri51014�� ,Q i $6 -- - - - - -- _ 1 x �a° r ;, �P� � e 1 SIiE PLAN PROPOSED s�i duaae € ®� THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY AND SHOULD BE RETURNED TO: Anthony Garganese City Attorney of Winter Springs Garganese, Weiss & D'Agresta, P.A. 111 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 2000 Orlando, FL 32802 (407) 425 -9566 FIRST MODIFICATION OF DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT NARYANNE MORSE► SEN114OLE COUNTY CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER BK 3744 F'ss 194- -196 QPss ) CLERK'S r 2016182361 RECORDED 03/10/2016 RECORDING FETES $27.00 RECORDED BY hdevore FOR RECORDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY THIS FIRST MODIFICATION OF DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT (the "First Modification ") is made and executed this 3b�day of July, 2016, by and between the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, a Florida Municipal Corporation (the "City "), whose address is 1126 East S.R. 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708, and REECO PROPERTIES, LLLP, a Florida limited partnership ( "Developer "), whose address is 1080 Nursery Road, Winter Springs, FL 32708. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, this First Modification Agreement is related to certain real property located in Seminole County, Florida, with a property address of 1080 Nursery Road, Winter Springs, Florida and a tax parcel identification number of 33- 20 -30- 513 -OD00 -0010 and 33-20-30-513 - OD00 -0120, and more particularly legally described as: Lots 1 and 12 of Block D. Talmo Subdivision, Plat Book 9, Page 10 (the "Property "); and WHEREAS, this First Modification modifies the terms and conditions of that certain Developer's Agreement between the parties, dated February 24, 2016, which is recorded in the Official Records of Seminole County, Florida at Book 1906, Pages 1906 -1911. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties mutually agree as follows: 1.0 Recitals, Effective _Date. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are hereby incorporated herein by this reference. The Effective Date of this First Modification shall be the date on which the last party hereto timely and fully executes this First Modification ( "Effective Date "). First Modification of Developer's Agreement City of Winter Springs and REECO Properties, LLLP. Page 1 of 3 U W U 2.0 Authority. This Agreement is entered into pursuant to the Florida Municipal Home Rule Powers Act. 3.0 Modification of Paraeranh 3. C of the Agreement. Paragraph 3. C of the Agreement is hereby modified to read as follows: C. In conjunction with the construction of any building on the Property, the Developer shall construct a concrete block screen wall or opaque fence along the entire southern boundary of the Property. Said wall or fence shall be subject to City permit approval in accordance with applicable City Codes. However, the wall or fence shall be required to be eight (8 ft) feet in height and shall be reviewed by the City for compliance with the Minimum Community Appearance and Aesthetic Review Standards. 4.0 Existin Terms of Aureement. All other terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement not modified by this First Modification shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seal on the date first above written. ATTEST '1 By: , Ap tea Lorenzo Luaces, City Clerk CI% SEAL : �{ .0 ._ yt�r►rrr•• CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS By: h es acey, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY For the use and reliance of the City of Winter Springs, Florida only. Date: By: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney for the City of Winter Springs, Florida First Modification of Developer's Agreement City of Winter Springs and REECO Properties, LLLP. Page 2 of 3 Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of the following witnesses: Signatire of Witness U�-,c-r\e-- r-�0hS�v Printed Name of Witness ku &" S1gn tare Witn r - eo Printed Name of Witness STATE OF L— COUNTY OF C� tn-0 9 Q- REECO PROPERTIES, LLLP, a Florida limited partnership By: Print name /title: Date:Z� flThe foregoing instrument vCas acknowledged before me this day of (I C/ , 2016, i ri'0 ae-e cr of REECO PROPERTIES, LLLP, a Florida limited partne hip, on behalf of said company. He is personally known to me or produced (NOTARY SEAL) .s;ar P ANGEL BAEZ CAMACHO Nohry Public . Btoto of Florida �at COMMISslon N FF 213021 MY Comm. Expina May B, 2019 Bonded through National Notary At m. as identl tion /. ZI i (N lic Signat (Print Name) Notary Public, State of Commission No.: '2--J'4 b'Z f My Commission Expires: -e_-o I DEVELOPER IS HEREBY ADVISED THAT SHOULD DEVELOPER FAIL TO FULLY EXECUTE, AND DELIVER TO THE CITY, THIS FIRST MODIFICATION WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM THE DATE THAT THE CITY COMMISSION APPROVES THIS FIRST MODIFICATION, THIS FIRST MODIFICATION SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE DEEMED NULL AND VOID. First Modification of Developer's Agreement City of Winter Springs and REECO Properties, LLLP. Page 3 of 3 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY AND SHOULD BE RETURNED TO: Anthony Garganese City Attorney of Winter Springs Garganese, Weiss & D'Agresta, P.A. 111 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 2000 Orlando, FL 32802 (407) 425 -9566 DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT THIS DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT (the "Agreement ") is made and executed this day of February, 2016, by and between the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, a Florida Municipal Corporation (the "City "), whose address is 1126 East S.R. 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708, and REECO PROPERTIES, LLLP, a Florida limited partnership ( "Developer"), whose address is 1080 Nursery Road, Winter Springs, FL 32708. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, this Agreement is related to certain real property located in Seminole County, Florida, with a property address of 1080 Nursery Road, Winter Springs, Florida and a tax parcel identification number of 33- 20 -30- 513 -OD00 -0010 and 33- 20 -30- 513 -OD00 -0120, and more particularly legally described on EXHIBIT "A ", which is hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference (the "Property "); and WHEREAS, the Developer requested that the City Commission approve a future land use map designation of the Property from Open Space /Recreation to Commercial in order to develop the Property in the future; and WHEREAS, the City Commission approved the aforesaid request subject to the Developer agreeing to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement in order to address potential negative impacts that could have potentially occurred on surrounding properties from amending the future land uses applicable to the subject Property; and WHEREAS, the parties agree that the conditions placed upon the Property by this Agreement are necessary and reasonable conditions that serve a legitimate public purpose and are proportionately related to address any potential negative impacts resulting from the future land use map amendment referenced above; and WHEREAS, the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement shall remain binding covenants upon the Property unless terminated by recordable instrument by the City; and Developer's Agreement City of Winter Springs and REECO Properties, LLLP. Page 1 of 6 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties mutually agree as follows: 1.0 Recitals; Effective Date. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are hereby incorporated herein by this reference. The Effective Date of this Agreement shall be the date on which the last parry hereto timely and fully executes this Agreement ( "Effective Date "). 2.0 Authority. This Agreement is entered into pursuant to the Florida Municipal Home Rule Powers Act. 3.0 Development Conditions. Development of the Property shall be subject to the following conditions: A. Obnoxious odors and excessive noise shall be strictly prohibited on or from the Property. B. Any business operated on the Property shall limit their hours of operation between 6 A.M. and 9:00 P.M. C. In conjunction with the construction of any building on the Property, the Developer shall construct a concrete block wall along the entire southern boundary of the Property. Said wall shall be subject to City permit approval in accordance with applicable City Codes. However, the wall shall be required to be eight (8 ft) feet in height and shall be decorative with a split faced block, stone, or brick veneer finish. 4.0 Representations of the Parties. The City and Developer hereby each represent and warrant to the other that it has the power and authority to execute, deliver and perform the terms and provisions of this Agreement and has taken all necessary action to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement. This Agreement will, when duly executed and delivered by the City and Developer and recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, constitute a legal, valid and binding obligation enforceable against the parties hereto and the Property in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Developer represents that it has voluntarily and willfully executed this Agreement for purposes of binding the Property to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. 5.0 Successors and Assigns. Upon being recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, this Agreement shall automatically be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the City and Developer and their respective successors and assigns. The terms and conditions of this Agreement similarly shall be binding upon the Property and shall run with title to the same. 6.0 Applicable Law; Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. The parties agree that venue shall be exclusively in Seminole County, Florida, for all state disputes or actions which arise out of or are based upon this Agreement, and in Orlando, Florida, for all federal disputes or actions which arise out of or are based upon this Agreement. Developer's Agreement City of Winter Springs and REECO Properties, LLLP. Page 2 of 6 7.0 Amendments. This Agreement shall not be modified or amended except by written agreement duly executed by both parties hereto (or their successors or assigns) and approved by the City Commission. 8.0 Entire Agreement; Exhibits. This Agreement and all attached exhibits hereto supersedes any other agreement, oral or written, regarding the Property and contains the entire agreement between the City and Developer as to the subject matter hereof. The Exhibits attached hereto and referenced herein are hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference. 9.0 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement shall beheld to be invalid or unenforceable to any extent by a court of competent jurisdiction, the same shall not affect in any respect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement. 10.0 Effective Date. This Agreement shall become effective upon approval by the City Commission and execution of this Agreement by both parties hereto. 11.0 Recordation. This Agreement shall be recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. 12.0 Joinders of Mortgage Holders. To the extent applicable, the Developer shall be required to obtain a written joinder from all mortgage holders that may have a recorded mortgage upon the Property prior to the date that this Agreement is recorded on the Property. The joinder shall be in recordable form and shall evidence the mortgage holder's consent that the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall survive any foreclosure of their respective mortgage recorded against the Property. A copy of the recorded joinder shall be promptly delivered to the City upon recordation or upon request by the City. 13.0 Relationship of the Parties. The relationship of the parties to this Agreement is contractual and Developer is an independent contractor and not an agent of the City. Nothing herein shall be deemed to create a joint venture or principal -agent relationship between the parties, and neither party is authorized to, nor shall either party act toward third persons or the public in any manner, which would indicate any such relationship with the other. 14.0 Sovereign Immunity. Notwithstanding any other provision set forth in this Agreement, nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of the City's right to sovereign immunity under Section 768.28, or other limitations imposed on the City's potential liability under state or federal law. As such, the City shall not be liable, under this Agreement for punitive damages or interest for the period before judgment. Further, the City shall not be liable for any claim or judgment, or portion thereof, to any one person for more than two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00), or any claim or judgment, or portion thereof, which, when totaled with all other claims or judgments paid by the State or its agencies and subdivisions arising out of the same incident or occurrence, exceeds the sum of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00). Developer's Agreement City of Winter Springs and REECO Properties, LLLP. Page 3 of 6 15.0 City's Police Power. Developer agrees and acknowledges that the City hereby reserves all police powers granted to the City by law. In no way shall this Agreement be construed as the City bargaining away or surrendering its police powers. 16.0 Interpretation. The parties hereby agree and acknowledge that they have both participated equally in the drafting of this Agreement and no party shall be favored or disfavored regarding the interpretation to this Agreement in the event of a dispute between the parties. 17.0 Third -Party Rights. This Agreement is not a third -party beneficiary contract and shall not in any way whatsoever create any rights on behalf of any third party. 18.0 Specific Performance. Strict compliance shall be required with each and every provision of this Agreement. The parties agree that failure to perform the obligations provided by this Agreement shall result in irreparable damage and that specific performance of these obligations may be obtained by a suit in equity. 19.0 Attorney's Fees. In the event that the City has to take legal actions in a court of competent jurisdiction to enforce the development conditions set forth in Section 3.0 herein, the City shall have a right to reimbursement of reasonable attorney's fees and costs, through all appellate proceedings. 20.0 Development Permits. Nothing herein shall limit the City's authority to grant or deny any development permit applications or requests subsequent to the Effective Date of this Agreement. The failure of this Agreement to address any particular City, County, State and /or Federal permit, condition, term or restriction shall not relieve Developer or the City of the necessity of complying with the law governing said permitting requirement, condition, term or restriction. Without imposing any limitation on the City's police powers, the City reserves the right to withhold, suspend, or terminate any and all certificates of occupancy for any building or unit if Developer is in breach of any term and condition of this Agreement until the breach is cured. 21.0 Default; Opportunity to Cure. Should either party desire to declare the other party in default of any term and condition of this Agreement, the non - defaulting party shall provide the defaulting party a written notice of default. The written notice shall, at a minimum, state with particularity the nature of the default, the manner in which the default can be cured, and a reasonable time period of not less than thirty (30) days in which the default must be cured. No action may be taken in a court of law on the basis that a breach of this Agreement has occurred until such time as the requirements of this paragraph have been satisfied. [Signature page follows] Developer's Agreement City of Winter Springs and REECO Properties, LLLP. Page 4 of 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seal on the date first above written. ATTEST: Andrea Lorenzo Luaces, City Clerk CITY SEAL CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Charles Lacey, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY For the use and reliance of the City of Winter Springs, Florida only. Date: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney for the City of Winter Springs, Florida Developer's Agreement City of Winter Springs and REECO Properties, LLLP. Page 5 of 6 Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of the following witnesses: Signature of Witness Printed Name of Witness Signature of Witness Printed Name of Witness STATE OF _ COUNTY OF REECO PROPERTIES, LLLP, a Florida limited partnership itz Date: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2016, of REECO PROPERTIES, LLLP, a Florida limited partnership, on behalf of said company. He is personally known to me or produced as identification. (NOTARY SEAL) (Notary Public Signature) (Print Name) Notary Public, State of Commission No.: My Commission Expires: DEVELOPER IS HEREBY ADVISED THAT SHOULD DEVELOPER FAIL TO FULLY EXECUTE, AND DELIVER TO THE CITY, THIS AGREEMENT WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM THE DATE THAT THE CITY COMMISSION APPROVES THIS AGREEMENT, THIS AGREEMENT, AND THE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPROVALS REFERENCED HEREUNDER, SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE DEEMED NULL AND VOID. Developer's Agreement City of Winter Springs and REECO Properties, LLLP. Page 6 of 6 ATTACHMENT "D" CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of Wednesday, September 14, 2016 (Rescheduled from September 7, 2016) of the Planning and Zoning Board /Local Planning Agency was called to Order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairperson Bob Henderson in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Bob Henderson, present Board Member Rick Brown, present Board Member Kok Wan Mah, present Board Member Sarah Miller, present Board Member Bart Phillips, absent Assistant to the City Clerk Antonia Della Donna, present A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. No changes were made to the Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA - PART I REGULAR 500. Office Of The City Clerk The Office Of The City Clerk Requests The Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Hold An Election For The Position Of Vice - Chairperson For Calendar Year 2016. "I WILL NOMINATE MR. BROWN." MOTION BY CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER MILLER. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER MILLER: AYE BOARD MEMBER BROWN: AYE CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON: AYE BOARD MEMBER MAH: AYE MOTION CARRIED. INFORMATIONAL AGENDA PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Henderson opened "Public Input" No one spoke. Chairperson Henderson closed "Public Input ". CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT 300. Office Of The City Clerk The Office Of The City Clerk Requests That The Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Review And Approve The Wednesday, July 6, 2016 Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting Minutes. "I MOVE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JULY 6TH." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER MILLER. SECONDED BY CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON. DISCUSSION. CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON STATED, "ALL IN FAVOR?" EVERYONE PRESENT STATED, "AYE." NO OBJECTIONS WERE NOTED. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD /LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING - SEPTEMBER 14, 2016 (RESCHEDULED FROM SEPTEMBER 7, 2016) PAGE 3 OF 5 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 400. Community Development Department — Planning Division The Community Development Department — Planning Division Requests That The Local Planning Agency/Planning And Zoning Board Hold A Public Hearing To Consider The Final Engineering Plan And Aesthetic Review For Phase IV Of The Nursery Road Warehouses, Located At 1080 Nursery Road. Ms. Amanda Webb, Planner, Community Development Department, presented the Agenda Item and began with a description of the property and zoning. Describing the access points, Ms. Webb stated, "The plan includes four (4) points of access, one (1) being off of Ridge Street, two (2) off of Nursery Road and one (1) off of Talmo Street. It also includes twenty -eight (28) parking spaces pursuant to the existing Developer's Agreement." r Continuing, Ms. Webb elaborated on the opaque fence to be constructed along the southern boundary and stated, "The Applicant has been working with the neighbors, and they've identified the type and style of the fence." Ms. Webb then also indicated the Applicant's engineer is working to resolve two (2) open engineering comments regarding right of way permits and unity of title. Ms. Webb stated, "Therefore we would recommend that the requested approval of the final engineering plans be subject to satisfying all outstanding engineering comments as determined by the City Engineer." Next, Ms. Webb gave an overview of the Aesthetic Review Package describing the design elements, architecture, and other aesthetic features. Ms. Webb noted that the development of Phase IV is anticipated to provide an increase to the City's tax revenue. Concluding, Ms. Webb said, "Staff would recommend the Planning and Zoning Board forward a recommendation to the City Commission of approval for the Final Engineering Plans (subject to satisfying all open engineering comments), and Aesthetic Review for Phase IV of Nursery Road Warehouse Project." Ms. Webb encouraged any questions and indicated that the Applicant was also present. Discussion about the drainage as well as previous concerns about drainage ensued. Ms. Webb mentioned that the Applicant has been working with the surrounding neighbors to resolve the issues. Mr. Randy Stevenson, ASLA, AICP, Director, Community Development Department, noted the owner was also present and that many of the previous issues related to drainage were located on the other side of the property. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD /LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING - SEPTEMBER 14, 2016 (RESCHEDULED FROM SEPTEMBER 7, 2016) PAGE 4 OF 5 Related, Mr. Stevenson recounted, "We did get some citizen input. This is where Amanda [Webb] and I both actually, we sent letters, we called, we actually drove letters out there and met with them — and this was on the wall issue as we talked about. That has been resolved, the DA [Developer's Agreement] has been amended, and I don't think there are any drainage issues that are inherently — associated with this part of the project. But they are working and have worked, I believe with Brian [Fields P.E., City Engineer, Public Works Department], to rectify those problems on the north side." Chairperson Henderson opened "Public Input ". No one spoke. .i Chairperson Henderson closed "Public Input ". "I WILL MAKE THE MOTION THAT THE ITEM "400" BE APPROVED WITH THE TWO (2) ENGINEERING REVIEW ITEMS WHICH NEED TO BE CLEARED UP YET — WITH THAT PROVISIO." MOTION BY CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON. SECONDED BY VICE - CHAIRPERSON BROWN. DISCUSSION. MS. WEBB NOTED THE AESTHETIC REVIEW INCLUSION IN THE MOTION. BRIEF COMMENTS ON CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON STATED, "AND ALSO TO THEN INCLUDE THE AESTHETIC REVIEW APPROVAL." VOTE: CHAIRPERSON HENDERSON: AYE BOARD MEMBER MILLER: AYE BOARD MEMBER MAH: AYE VICE- CHAIRPERSON BROWN: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR AGENDA - PART II REGULAR 501. Not Used 600. REPORTS PUBLIC INPUT CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD /LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING —SEPTEMBER 14, 2016 (RESCHEDULED FROM SEPTEMBER 7, 2016) LL Chairperson Henderson opened "Public Input PAGE 5 OF 5 No one spoke. Chairperson Henderson closed "Public Input". RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: ANTONIA DELLA DONNA ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK APPROVED: BOB HENDERSON, CHAIRPERSON PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD /LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY NOTE: Tliese Minutes were Approved at the 2016 Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting. ►����.� ♦ #+i+ #ice • 1 Photo —. t,,y ofM-4 — Vmyd F-- —d LX-k. ZOO �Yllillll 5erni- Private rulti -Grain Privacy Panels nduris privacy and semi- privacy fences come in Khaki, Tan and White. Solid privacy panels are also available in Multi -Grain Tan and Khaki, fortified with a deep emboss and natural woodgrain colors. 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