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Ordinance 2015-01 Annexation - Northern Oaks
Ordinance 2015-02 FLUM - Northern Oaks
Ordinance 2015-03 Rezone - Northern Oaks
Ordinance 2015-04 Annexation - Unlimited Welding
Ordinance 2015-05 FLUM - Unlimited Welding
Ordinance 2015-06 Rezone - Unlimited Welding - 235 Old Sanford Oveido Road
Ordinance 2015-07 Fireworks/Regulation of Explosives
Ordinance 2015-08 ICI PUD Rezoning, Development Agreement, Master Plan
Ordinance 2015-09 Annexation - Lenity Architecture
Ordinance 2015-10 Future Land Use Amendment - Lenity Architecture
Ordinance 2015-11 Rezone - Lenity Architecture
Ordinance 2015-12 Staggering of Terms - BPAC and PARAC
Ordinance 2015-13 Tuskawilla Crossing - Future Land Use Map
Ordinance 2015-14 Remove Policy 1.1.10 from Comp Plan
Ordinance 2015-15 Remove Multi-Family Uses from C1, C2, C3 Zoning Districts
Ordinance 2015-19 Amending Chapter 20 Zoning - Limiting Administrative Waiver Language
Ordinance 2015-20 Lot Split Arithmetic Mean
Ordinance 2015-21 Revising Procedures for Liens
Ordinance 2015-22 Amending Code Enforcement Procedure - Special Magistrate
Ordinance 2015-23 WCA of Florida, LLC Collection and Disposal of Solid Waste