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Resolution 2002-01 State Board of Administration
Resolution 2002-02 Bank of America
Resolution 2002-03 Appreciation Wojewoda CWP
Resolution 2002-04 Habitat for Humanity
Resolution 2002-05 Sale of Bonds
Resolution 2002-06 Appreciation Stephens P&Z
Resolution 2002-07 Appreciation Adams CWP
Resolution 2002-08 Appreciation Barcus CWP
Resolution 2002-09 Appreciation Davoli CWP
Resolution 2002-10 Appreciation Johnson CWP
Resolution 2002-11 Appreciation McGinnis CWP
Resolution 2002-12 Appreciation Owens CWP
Resolution 2002-13 Appreciation Rozelle CWP
Resolution 2002-14 Appreciation Thompson CWP
Resolution 2002-15 Appreciation Zarbaugh CWP
Resolution 2002-16 Paw Park Advisory Committee
Resolution 2002-17 Appreciation McGinnis BOA
Resolution 2002-18 Budget
Resolution 2002-19 Securities Account
Resolution 2002-20 Investment Policy
Resolution 2002-21 FDOT
Resolution 2002-22 Appreciation Krebs CEB
Resolution 2002-23 Millage Rate
Resolution 2002-24 Arbor Advisory Committee
Resolution 2002-25 Country Club Village
Resolution 2002-26 Winter Springs Post Office
Resolution 2002-27 Appreciation Helgeson BOWS
Resolution 2002-28 Assessment Rolls
Resolution 2002-29 Millage Rate
Resolution 2002-30 Budget
Resolution 2002-31 Park Fees
Resolution 2002-32 Millage
Resolution 2002-33 Budget
Resolution 2002-34 Senior Transportation Program
Resolution 2002-35 Arbor Advisory Committee
Resolution 2002-36 General Fund Balance Policy
Resolution 2002-37 Arbor Ordinance Review
Resolution 2002-38 Cable TV Franchise
Resolution 2002-39 BOT
Resolution 2002-40 Appreciation Partyka, Mayor
Resolution 2002-41 Appreciation Gennell CC
Resolution 2002-42 Board Of Trustees Reappointments