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Resolution 2001-01 Highway Beautification Grant
Resolution 2001-02 Appreciation Dickinson BOWS
Resolution 2001-03 Picnic Pavilion Fees
Resolution 2001-04 Minutes Policy
Resolution 2001-05 Appreciation Glickman CEB
Resolution 2001-06 One-Cent Sales Tax
Resolution 2001-07 Consulting Fees
Resolution 2001-08 Town Center Committee
Resolution 2001-09 Emergency Water Shortage
Resolution 2001-10 Refunding Revenue Bonds
Resolution 2001-11 TLBD
Resolution 2001-12 Tuskawilla Improvement Assessments
Resolution 2001-13 Personnel Policy
Resolution 2001-14 Ex-Parte Communications
Resolution 2001-15 Refunding Revenue Bonds
Resolution 2001-16 Appreciation Ferguson DC
Resolution 2001-17 Appreciation Mathews DC
Resolution 2001-18 Appreciation Giltz DC
Resolution 2001-19 Appreciation McShea DC
Resolution 2001-20 Appreciation Poe DC
Resolution 2001-21 Appreciation Rozelle DC
Resolution 2001-22 Appreciation Sorkin DC
Resolution 2001-23 Appreciation Harbin BOWS
Resolution 2001-24 Communication Services Tax
Resolution 2001-25 Appreciation Holzman CEB
Resolution 2001-26 Appreciation Neal OAK
Resolution 2001-27 Appreciation Murro OAK
Resolution 2001-28 Communication Services Tax
Resolution 2001-29 Chapter 163
Resolution 2001-30 Central Winds Park Expansion
Resolution 2001-31 Appreciation Finnegan CEB
Resolution 2001-32 Country Club Village
Resolution 2001-33 Not Used
Resolution 2001-34 Not Used
Resolution 2001-35 Millage Rate
Resolution 2001-36 Budget
Resolution 2001-37 Assessment Rolls
Resolution 2001-38 Millage Rate
Resolution 2001-39 Excessive use Policy
Resolution 2001-40 Millage
Resolution 2001-41 Budget
Resolution 2001-42 Appreciatioin Jensen TLBD
Resolution 2001-43 Citation Form
Resolution 2001-44 Central Winds Advisory Committee
Resolution 2001-45 Filing Fees/Permits
Resolution 2001-46 Appreciation Gregory P&Z
Resolution 2001-47 Commission Meetings
Resolution 2001-48 Central Winds Expansion