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Resolution 100 Police Officers
Resolution 101 Hearing Conservation Week
Resolution 102 Education Tax
Resolution 103 Appreciation Sasser, Council
Resolution 104 Appreciation Fox, Council
Resolution 105 Appreciation Rowell, Council
Resolution 106 Annexation Bill
Resolution 107 Paving/Tuskawilla Road
Resolution 108 Police Planning Survey
Resolution 109 Emergency Services
Resolution 110 Hearing Conservation Week
Resolution 111 Annexation
Resolution 112 Winter Springs Elementary
Resolution 113 Appreciation Miller, Council
Resolution 114 Appreciation Brown, Mayor,Council
Resolution 115 Appreciation Jordan, Council
Resolution 116 Appreciation Baker, Council
Resolution 117 Long Distance Busing
Resolution 118 Telephone Rates
Resolution 119 Telephone Advertising
Resolution 120 Drug Action Committee
Resolution 121 Annexation
Resolution 122
Resolution 123 Clean/Paint/Fix-Up Week
Resolution 124 Flooding Insurance
Resolution 125 North Orlando Ranches
Resolution 126 Annexation
Resolution 127 Voting Precinct
Resolution 128 Cadet Program
Resolution 129 Standard Building Code
Resolution 130 Busing Policy
Resolution 131 Mutual Police Assistance
Resolution 132 Annexation
Resolution 133 Sunshine/Peewee Park
Resolution 134 Appreciation Jordan, Naming Park
Resolution 135 United Campaign Month
Resolution 136 Fire Station
Resolution 137 New City Hall
Resolution 138 Crime Investigator
Resolution 139 Combined Police Services
Resolution 140 Expressway Authority
Resolution 141 Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Resolution 142 Comprehensive Plan
Resolution 143 School Safety Hazards
Resolution 144 Appreciation Booth, Council
Resolution 145 Appreciation Woolfolk, CA
Resolution 146 Appreciation Freeman CA
Resolution 147 Unemployment Compensation
Resolution 148 Taxes
Resolution 149 Budget Evaluation
Resolution 150 Steven W. Kline
Resolution 151 Housing/Urban Development Program
Resolution 152 Comprehensive Planning
Resolution 153 State Road 419
Resolution 154 1974-1975 Budget
Resolution 155 Building Fund Account
Resolution 156 Appreciation Holzman & Roy,Youth
Resolution 157 Rescue Vehicle
Resolution 158
Resolution 159 Youth Services
Resolution 160 Investigator/Crime Tactical Unit
Resolution 161 State Road 434
Resolution 162 Foxmoor
Resolution 163 Facilities Planning Study
Resolution 164 Appreciation Hunter CC
Resolution 165 Vacating Easement
Resolution 166 Construction Grants Program
Resolution 167 Sewage Systems
Resolution 168 EPA Standards
Resolution 169 Rate Increase
Resolution 170 Acquisition Fire Truck
Resolution 171 Paving Roads
Resolution 172 Paving Roads
Resolution 173 Drainage Structures
Resolution 174 N. Edgemon Ave.
Resolution 175 Public Works Bldg.
Resolution 176 Underdrain Installations
Resolution 177 Developer Fees
Resolution 178 Unincorporated Seminole Co.
Resolution 179 Humane Society
Resolution 180 Acquisition Fire Truck
Resolution 180 Aquisition Fire Truck Amended
Resolution 181 Inspection Fees
Resolution 182 Mobile Homes
Resolution 183 Facility Planning Program
Resolution 184 Acquisition Backhoe Loader
Resolution 185 Detention Facility
Resolution 186 Comprehensive Plan
Resolution 187 Iron Bridge Plant
Resolution 188 Personnel Policy
Resolution 189 1977-78 Millage Rate
Resolution 190 Comprehensive Plan
Resolution 191 CETA
Resolution 192 Appreciation Parkhurst LPA
Resolution 193 Appreciation Newsome LPA
Resolution 194 Appreciation DeFazio LPA
Resolution 195 Appreciation Alford LPA
Resolution 196 Appreciation Goll LPA
Resolution 197 Acquisition Fire Truck
Resolution 198 Water Sewer Increase
Resolution 199 Personnel Policy
Resolution October 24 1977
Resolution October 24 1977 (2)