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Ordinance 2009-01 City Pension Plan
Ordinance 2009-02 Regulate Parking of Vehicles in Yards/Sidewalks
Ordinance 2009-03 Signage
Ordinance 2009-04 Setback Requirements
Ordinance 2009-05 Referendum Election
Ordinance 2009-07 Commercial Vehicle Parking
Ordinance 2009-08 Amendments To The Comprehensive Plan
Ordinance 2009-09 Electronic Election Filing
Ordinance 2009-10 Repeal Ordinance 2008-11;Changing Zoning Map Designation
Ordinance 2009-11 Operation of Golf Carts
Ordinance 2009-12 Impact Fee Credit Schedule
Ordinance 2009-13 Amending Chapter 19 Regarding Water, Wastewater, And Reclaimed Water Rates, Fees And Charges
Ordinance 2009-14 Revision of Section 2-93 of the City Code - Election Canvassing
Ordinance 2009-15 Amending the Comprehesive Plan and Capital Improvement Element (CIE)