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Ordinance 2008-01 Fire Assessments
Ordinance 2008-02 Annexation
Ordinance 2008-03 FLUM Amendment
Ordinance 2008-04 Zoning Change
Ordinance 2008-05 Accessory Buildings
Ordinance 2008-06 Fence Height Limitations
Ordinance 2008-07 Property Maintenance Code
Ordinance 2008-08 154 Lori Anne Lane
Ordinance 2008-09 City Boundaries
Ordinance 2008-10 Amending Chapter 20 - Zoning Change
Ordinance 2008-11 Not Used
Ordinance 2008-12 Changing Zoning Map Designation
Ordinance 2008-13 Industrial Zoning Districts
Ordinance 2008-14 Not Used
Ordinance 2008-15 Fire Consolidation
Ordinance 2008-16 Run-Off Election
Ordinance 2008-17 Annexation - 1072 W. State Road 434
Ordinance 2008-18 FLUM Amendment
Ordinance 2008-19 Zoning Change
Ordinance 2008-20 Not Used
Ordinance 2008-21 Not Used
Ordinance 2008-22 Not Used
Ordinance 2008-23 FLUM Amendment - 415 Shore Drive
Ordinance 2008-24 FLUM Amendment
Ordinance 2008-25 Capital Improvements Program
Ordinance 2008-26 Adopted Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Ordinance 2008-27 Red Light Cameras