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Illuminated And Non - Illuminated Bollards Along 6 -Foot Sidewalk between road and amphitheater area No_ °5 -CURVE N0. 6 k ZAL R 08a GE 201 tive Black Wrought -iron Style Aluminum Fence With Brick Faced Columns WINTER SPRINGS CITY SPORTS 1000 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA Existing Overheaa Power Lines to be V buried CURVE N0. 2 ,CURVE N0. 1 Cl?, - ....1.04E "'44 Reconstruct Orange Avenue With Sidewalks and Curb Extending into Central Winds Park "'. —CUR E N0, 8 Fawn '`A• EXHIBIT A GRAPHIC SCALE 75 0 75 150 N i BEGIN CONST. — CENTRAL WINDS PKWY. S 0 101 +04.58 CENTRAL WINDS PKWY. Z°vmz —� � 9 F�r Central Winds Park Roadway Improvements And Orange Avenue Extension EXHIBIT B - BID TABULATION ITBN 02 -16 -BF ®0 ::::::: moor, ::::: ® ®®': ' ®' ': :. :: moln. ::::: lawn. ::::: =.. 0 ::::: ::::: ::::: •:::: :. 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DUE DATE: Thursday. February 25, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. EST. Contact: Terry Park at tpark42tohowater.com OS3966958 2/1412016 LEGAL NOTICE INVITATION TO BID #176 -16 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Orange County Sheriff's Office is accepting sealed bids for competitive Pricing of law enforcement vehicle graphics and installation. Sealed bids will be accepted until 4:30 PM (local time) Thursday, March 3, 2016, in the Orange County Sheriff's Office, Purchasing Section, 2500 W. Colonial Drive, Orlando, Florida, 32804. The Sheriff will not be responsible for late deliveries or delayed mail. Sealed bids will' be opened at 10:30 AM (local time) Friday, March 4, 2016. Copies of the Bid can be obtained on the Orange County Government Vendors Services Bid Openings website at http : / /apps.ocfl.net /orangebids/ bidopen.asp or contact the Sheriff's Purchasing Section at shawna.wells07 ocfl.net. The Sheriff of Orange County reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids. Jerry L. Demings Sheriff of Orange County, Florida Showna Wells Purchasing Manager 053948165 271, 2114(16 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS INVITATION TO BID CENTRAL WINDS PARK ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS Bid No. ITB 02116/BF Sealed Bids must be received by March 16, 2016 at 2:00 P.M. at the City of Winter Springs, City Hall, 1126 East S.R. 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708. The Bidding Documents may be downloaded in PDF format from the City's website at the fallowing link: http://www.wintersPringsfi.org/EN/ web/gov/bids-purchasing.htm This roadway construction project includes the extension and /or reconstruction of Central Winds Parkway and Orange Avenue at Central Winds Parkin Winter Springs. The project includes approximately 0.5 miles of roadway construction including: clearing, demolition, grading, subbase, base, asphalt, curbing, sidewalks, on- street parking, stormwater improvements, signage, striping, hordscaping, landscaping, irrigation, fencing, lighting, and other improvements. The estimated construction cost is $1,600,000. CONTRACTORS must be FOOT Prequalified in the Work Classes of Grading, Drainage, and Flexible Paving to be eligible to bid this Project. The paving subcontractor, if applicable, must be FOOT Prequalified in Flexible Paving. A non - mandatory pre -bid meeting will be held on March 3, 2016 at 10:00 AM at the City of Winter Springs, 1126 East S.R. 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708. All questions regarding the bid should be directed to Brian Fields, P.E., City Engineer, at 407- 327 -7597 or by email to bfields@winterspringsfl.org. Advertisement Date: February 14, 2016 OS3943697 2/14116 4 EXHIBIT C �rar4 r'L 34/41. l.omacT person Marla Fuentes at 407- 566 -2018. All project manuals must be picked up In person at the District Office. Ranking of Proposers will be made on the basis of qualifications according to the criteria set forth in the ranking worksheet contained within the Request for Proposal. The District has the right to reject any and all proposals if it determines in its discretion it is in the District's best interest to do so. Any and all questions relative to this Project shall be directed in writing only to Maria. FuentesOSTServices.com and Brian.Smith @STServices.com. Firms desiring to provide services for this project must submit ten (10) copies of the required proposal no later than Friday, February 26, 2016, at 2:00 P.m. at the District Office, 313 Campus Street, Celebration, Florida, 34747, to the attention of Brian Smith, when all Proposals will be opened. Proposals shall be sumitted in a sealed envelope, shall bear the name of the proposer on the outside of the envelope and shall identify the name and number of the Project. Proposals received after the time and date stipulated above will be retuned unopened to the Proposer. The District will not reimburse firms, whicho are not awarded the contract, for any costs relating to the proposal, Preparation, or submittal. Enterprise Community Development District Gary L. Moyer, Manager OS3966926 2/1412016 LEGAL AD CITY OF OVIEDO, FLORIDA RFO # 16 -10 Request for Qualifications (RFO) Pavement Management Services The City of Oviedo is seeking sealed Proposals for RFQ 16 -10 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES. Submittals must be received by 2:00 P.m. March 8, 2016. The complete solicitation package, including specifications; is available through Demancstor.com at 1 -800- 711 -1712 or www.demandstar.com. OS3964255 2/14116 NOTICE OF SCHOOL BOARD MEETING Notice is hereby given that the School Board of Orange County, Florida, will have a public meeting on February 23, 2016, 4:30 P.m., in the Board Room at the Ronald Blacker Educational Leadership Center, 445 W. Amelia Street, Orlando, Florida for a Public Comment Period to hear from members of the public followed by an agenda review session at which time the board will review the agenda for the February 23,'2016 5:30 p.m. meeting. This is a work session where no formal action will be taken. Following the agenda review session, the School Board of Orange County, Florida, will meet in regular session at 5:30 p.m. The meeting will be for the Purpose of considering a series of items which will be published in an agenda seven days prior to meeting. The agenda may be obtained attheRonald Blacker Educational Leadership Center between the hours of 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the school board with respect to any matter considered at said meeting, he will need to record the proceedings and, for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act persons needing a special accommodation to participate In this proceeding should contact the office of School Board Services at (407) 317 -3236 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Barbara M. Jenkins Superintendent OS3964964 2/1412016 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2016 05 grate or 7,`�. ful f the trust and confidence You have placed in me by choosing me as you Physician.lt has been a great Pleasure providing for your healthcare needs during the past several years and I have enjoyed getting to know you on a personal level. Enclosed, please find a list of local neurologists to use as a guide to assist you in establishing care with another Provider. You may request a copy of Your records by contactingour Medical Records Department at (407) 293 -1122. Amedical records release form has also been enclosed for your convenience. Please note that if you are currently scheduled for an appointment to see me after Friday, February 19, 2016 Your appointment has been cancelled. I apologize for any inconvenience and urge you to establish care with a new neurologist accordingly. Again, I thank you for the trust and confidenceyou have bestowed upon me by allowing me to serve your healthcare needs. I wish you nothing but the best for your future health. Sincerely, Dr. Denise S. Taylor, D.O. OS3901836 1124,1/31, 217 2/14/2016 LEGAL NOTICE The St. Johns River Water Management District (District) gives notice of receipt of the following Individual Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) permit application(s): Knox Nursery Inc., 940 Avalon Road, Winter Garden, FL 34787, Consumptive Use Permit application #4610 -4. By application filed on 2/9/16, the applicant Proposes to use 0.078 million gallons Per day (mgd) of groundwater from the Floridan aquifer for irrigation of indoor and outdoor nursery and 0.008 mgd of groundwater for freeze Protection of nursery, known as Knox Nursery. The withdrawals used by this proposed project wif1 consist of groundwater from FAS - Upper OS3941853 2/14,2/21/16 NOTICE OF PUBUC WORKSHOP FOR HUMAN SERVICES TRANSPORTATION PLAN HSTPI UPDATE (ARA "COMMUNITY CONN�CTOR PLAN" UPDATE) The Central Florida Regional Transportation Authority (dba LYNX) will host a public workshop to review and assess the effectiveness of existing transportation services and human services coordination for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities; confirm and identify needs being met by the current system and gaps in services that are not being met; and to identify coordination strategies to enhance transportation access, efficiency and effectiveness for human service transportation clients. The workshop will be held on February 25, 2016 at the Kissimmee Intermodal Station located at 14 Neptune Road Kissimmee, FL 34741 beginning at 4:30PM. For additional information on the workshop or the LYNX Human Service Transportation Plan, please contact Kasia Castro at (407) 254 -6022. In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing a special accommodation at this meeting because of a disability or physical impairment should contact Tim May at 2500 LYNX Lane, Orlando, FL 32804 (407) 254 -6055, not later than three business days prior to the meeting. If hearing impaired, contact LYNX at (407) 423- 0787(TDD). OS3955985 2/11, 2/142016 GETTING MARRIED? WON AN AWARD? Visit Or!andoSentinel.com/ Celebrations or Call 407 -420- 5696 to share your good news on the Orlando Sentinel's Celebrations parse!