HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 09 10 Public Hearing 401 Tentative Budget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± *RYHUQPHQWDO)XQGV H[FOXVLYHRI*HQHUDO)XQG ±   (QWHUSULVH)XQGV±WLQHORQ6HSWHPEHU UHIOHFWLQJWKH7HQWDWLYH%XGJHWIRU)LVFDO<HDUDQGDQQRXQFHWKHILQDO 3XEOLF+HDULQJIRU6HSWHPEHUDWSP 5(&200(1'$7,21 6WDIIUHFRPPHQGVWKDWWKH&RPPLVVLRQ $SSURYHWKHWHQWDWLYHEXGJHWIRUILVFDO\HDURUDPHQGLWDVLWGHHPV „ QHFHVVDU\ $GRSW5HVROXWLRQHVWDEOLVKLQJWKHWHQWDWLYHEXGJHWIRU)LVFDO<HDU „ DVDSSURYHGE\WKH&RPPLVVLRQDQGDXWKRUL]HWKH&LW\WRDGYHUWLVHLWVLQWHQWWR KROGSXEOLFKHDULQJVWRDGRSWILQDOPLOODJHUDWHVDQGILQDOEXGJHWDQGWRLQFOXGHD EXGJHWVXPPDU\LQDQHZVSDSHURIJHQHUDOFLUFXODWLRQLQFRPSOLDQFHZLWK)ORULGD 6WDWXWH 6DPSOH0RWLRQ ,PRYHWRDSSURYH5HVROXWLRQHVWDEOLVKLQJWKH7HQWDWLYH%XGJHWIRUWKH&LW\RI :LQWHU6SULQJVIRUILVFDO\HDUDQGDXWKRUL]LQJDGYHUWLVHPHQWRIWKH&LW\¶VLQWHQW WRKROGSXEOLFKHDULQJVWRDGRSWWKHILQDOPLOODJHUDWHVDQGEXGJHW WƵďůŝĐ,ĞĂƌŝŶŐƐϰϬϭW'ϮK&ϯͲ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌϭϬ͕ϮϬϭϴ $77$&+0(176 5HVROXWLRQ 5HYLVLRQVVXEVHTXHQWWR3URSRVHG%XGJHW *HQHUDO)XQG 2WKHU*RYHUQPHQWDO)XQGV (QWHUSULVH)XQGV WƵďůŝĐ,ĞĂƌŝŶŐƐϰϬϭW'ϯK&ϯͲ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌϭϬ͕ϮϬϭϴ ûÈÈÛÙÔÏ×ÎÈ RESOLUTION 2018-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE TENTATIVE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING ON OCTOBER 1, 2018 AND ENDING ON SEPTEMBER 30, 2019; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT RESOLUTIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS , the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs has adopted a tentative operating millage rate and a tentative voted debt service rate at a public hearing pursuant to Florida Statute 200.065, Subparagraph (c); WHEREAS , the City Commission desires to adopt the tentative budget; and WHEREAS , the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs deems that this Resolution is in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Incorporation of Recitals . The foregoing recitals are deemed true and correct and are hereby fully incorporated by this reference. Section 2. Having previously adopted a tentative millage rate for the City of Winter Springs for fiscal year 2018-2019, the City Commission adopts its tentative budget as may be amended for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 2018 and ending September 30, 2019 as presented at its regularly-scheduled Public Hearing assembled on the date of this Resolution, with all amendments, if any, adopted at that meeting. Section 3. The proposed expenditures in the tentative budget including inter-fund transfers are as follows: General Fund - $18,577,900; Other Governmental Funds - $17,989,007; Enterprise Funds - $15,326,265. The budget is based upon gross taxable value as reported by the Seminole County Property Appraiser on line 4 of the DR420 of $2,301,015,182. Section 4. Within fifteen (15) days of the date of this Resolution, the Finance & Administrative Services Department shall advertise in a newspaper of general circulation its intent to finally adopt the millage rates and budget and shall hold a public hearing to adopt the millage rates and finalize the budget not less than two (2) days or more than five (5) days after the date the advertisement is published. City of Winter Springs, Florida Resolution 2018-19 Page 1 of 2 Section 5.Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Resolutions. All prior resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 6.Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word, or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. Section 7.Effective Date . This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida. RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular th meeting assembled on this 10 day of September, 2018. ________________________________ Charles Lacey , Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________ Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces , City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for The City of Winter Springs only: _________________________________ Anthony A. Garganese , City Attorney City of Winter Springs, Florida Resolution 2018-19 Page 2 of 2 ûÈÈÛÙÔÏ×ÎÈ Revisions subsequent to the 2018-2019 Proposed Budget Expenditures/Transfers per Resolution 2018-19 Other Governmental Funds General FundEnterprise FundsTotal Expenditures/Transfers - Proposed $18,282,252$16,682,666$13,396,573$48,361,491 Revisions since Proposed: $50,000$50,000 Market regrades $20,400$20,400 Insurance premium renewal - increase $50,935$50,935 Various payroll adjustments (Water & Sewer) City Hall - renovation (scope expansion to include office bathrooms, $80,000$80,000 carpet replacement, kitchen, etc.) $225,000$225,000 Plant material refurbishment throughout City - scope/location TBD $62,341$62,341 Transfer to Stormwater - Irma debris (NRCS EWP Grant) Renovations at Police Headquarters (Federal LETF); small tool replacement (Local LETF) $39,000$39,000 $1,821,522$1,821,522 NRCS Emerg Watershed Program - program costs $167,533$167,533 Construction/Compliance Collections - Utility Billing (revenue neutral to the General Fund, see $57,235$57,235$114,470 below) $900,000$900,000 Transfer to CP Fund - 3 playgrounds ($900,000)$900,000$0 Capital expenditure budget (3 playgrounds) $480$480 Communication expenditure budget - IS Expenditures/Transfers - Tentative $18,577,900$17,989,007$15,326,265$51,893,172 Revenues/Transfers - Proposed $18,284,169$11,560,124$13,641,300$43,485,593 Revisions since Proposed: NRCS Grant - Emerg Watershed Protection Reimbursement$1,372,987$1,372,987 Hacienda/HPHCA cost sharing (Emerg Watershed Protection grant)$367,068$367,068 Ad Valorem increase per DR420 valuation #001, #240$2,995$61$3,056 Inter-fund transfer from Water & Sewer$57,235$57,235 Transfer from Solidwaste - Irma debris$62,341$62,341 Inter-fund transfer from General Fund to CP Fund for the playground budget (Perk Up Parks) $900,000$900,000 Cumulative effect of multiple revenue revisions (increases and decreases) $45,000$45,000 Adjust Half-Cent revenue projections per State estimates$190,000$190,000 Revenues/Transfers - Tentative $18,579,399$12,460,185$15,443,696$46,483,280 Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance$1,499($5,528,822)$117,431($5,409,892)