HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017 01 09 Regular 501 Pending Board-Committee Appointments COMMISSION AGENDA Informational Consent ITEM 501 public Hearings g Regular X January 09, 2017 KS ALLL Regular Meeting City Manager Department REQUEST: The City Clerk wishes to inform the City Commission of upcoming Appointment(s)/ Reappointment(s) to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee related to Terms of Office which will be expiring on February 1, 2017. Additionally, this Agenda Item includes pending openings on the Board of Trustees as well as the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee. SYNOPSIS: This Agenda Item is being provided to the City Commission related to the Terms of Office of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, some of which will be expiring on February 1, 2017. Additionally, there is a current pending opening on the Board of Trustees as well as the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee. CONSIDERATIONS: Related to the Terms of Office that are ending on February 1, 2017, the current Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Members as well as the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Members for Seats One, Three, and Five have all been notified by the Office of the City Clerk. BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE: A copy of the enacting legislation which established the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee is noted as Attachment "A" in this Agenda Item. Regular 501 PAGE 1 OF 5-January 09,2017 The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee is a five (5) Member Advisory Committee, which currently meets quarterly on the third Wednesday of March, June, September, and December, at 5:30 p.m. The Term of Service for this Committee is four (4)years. Current Sitting Members Whose Term of Office will be expiring February 1, 2017. Seat One Appointment: Commissioner Jean Hovey Ms. Janice Sorrentino -Would like to be Reappointed Term Expires: February 1, 2017 Seat Three Appointment: Deputy Mayor Pam Carroll Ms. Kit Lecky -Would like to be Reappointed Term Expires: February 1, 2017 Seat Five Appointment: Commissioner Geoff Kendrick Mr. Larry Hartman -Does NOT Want to be Reappointed Term Expires: February 1, 2017 PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE: A copy of the enacting legislation which established the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is noted as Attachment "B" in this Agenda Item. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is a nine (9) Member Advisory Committee, which currently meets quarterly on the first Tuesday of February, May, August, and November, at 5:30 p.m. The Term of Service for this Committee is four (4)years. Current Sitting Members Whose Term of Office will be expiring February 1, 2017. Seat One Appointment: Commissioner Jean Hovey Mr. Arnie Nussbaum -Would like to be Reappointed Term Expires: February 1, 2017 Seat Three Appointment: Deputy Mayor Pam Carroll Mr. James Van Kleunen - Would like to be Reappointed Term Expires: February 1, 2017 Seat Five Appointment: Commissioner Geoff Kendrick Ms. Nancy Greenberg -Would like to be Reappointed Term Expires: February 1, 2017 Regular 501 PAGE 2 OF 5-January 09,2017 $GGLWLRQDOO\WKHIROORZLQJ6HDWVDUHFXUUHQWO\RSHQ %2$5'2)75867((6 $QH[FHUSWIURP&KDSWHURIWKH&RGHRI2UGLQDQFHVUHODWHGWRWKH%RDUGRI7UXVWHHV LVQRWHGDV$WWDFKPHQW&LQWKLV$JHQGD,WHP 7KH%RDUGRI7UXVWHHVLVDILYH  0HPEHU$GYLVRU\%RDUGZKLFKFXUUHQWO\PHHWV TXDUWHUO\RQWKHVHFRQG7XHVGD\RI)HEUXDU\0D\$XJXVWDQG1RYHPEHUDWSP IRXU  \HDUV 7KH7HUPRI6HUYLFHIRUWKLV%RDUGLVKRZHYHUWKLV$SSRLQWPHQWZRXOG LQLWLDOO\EHIRUDSDUWLDO7HUPDVVKRZQEHORZ [[236,1126,2015,1183][12][B,I,][59ymeeerykbzkjw]]6HDWRSHQDVDUHVXOWRIWKH(OHFWLRQRIIRUPHU%RDUGRI7UXVWHHV0HPEHU*HRII [[235,1182,931,1239][12][B,I,][59ymeeerykbzkjw]].HQGULFNWRWKH&LW\&RPPLVVLRQ 6HDW)LYH$SSRLQWPHQW&RPPLVVLRQHU*HRII.HQGULFN 9DFDQW6HDW 7HUP([SLUHV-DQXDU\ 2$.)25(67:$//$1'%($87,),&$7,21',675,&7$'9,625< &200,77(( $QH[FHUSWIURP2UGLQDQFH &20081,&$7,21())2576 7KLV$JHQGD,WHPKDVEHHQHOHFWURQLFDOO\IRUZDUGHGWRWKH0D\RUDQG&LW\&RPPLVVLRQ &LW\0DQDJHU&LW\$WWRUQH\6WDIIDQGLVDYDLODEOHRQWKH&LW\¶V:HEVLWH/DVHU)LFKHDQG WKH&LW\¶V6HUYHU$GGLWLRQDOO\SRUWLRQVRIWKLV$JHQGD,WHPDUHW\SHGYHUEDWLPRQWKH UHVSHFWLYH0HHWLQJ$JHQGDZKLFKKDVDOVREHHQHOHFWURQLFDOO\IRUZDUGHGWRWKHLQGLYLGXDOV QRWHGDERYHDQGZKLFKLVDOVRDYDLODEOHRQWKH&LW\¶V:HEVLWH/DVHU)LFKHDQGWKH&LW\¶V 6HUYHUKDVEHHQVHQWWRDSSOLFDEOH&LW\6WDII0HGLD3UHVV5HSUHVHQWDWLYHVZKRKDYH UHTXHVWHG$JHQGDV$JHQGD,WHPLQIRUPDWLRQ+RPHRZQHU¶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ymeeerykbzkjw]]%LF\FOHDQG3HGHVWULDQ$GYLVRU\&RPPLWWHH 0V-DQLFH6RUUHQWLQR:RXOGOLNHWREH5HDSSRLQWHG 7HUP([SLUHV)HEUXDU\eerykbzkjw]]2DN)RUHVW:DOODQG%HDXWLILFDWLRQ'LVWULFW$GYLVRU\&RPPLWWHH 9DFDQW6HDW 7HUP([SLUHV$XJXVW 6($77+5(($332,170(176'(387<0$<253$0&$552// [[239,2710,1141,2767][12][B,I,][59ymeeerykbzkjw]]%LF\FOHDQG3HGHVWULDQ$GYLVRU\&RPPLWWHH 0V.LW/HFN\:RXOGOLNHWREH5HDSSRLQWHG 7HUP([SLUHV)HEUXDU\ SEAT FIVE APPOINTMENTS: COMMISSIONER GEOFF KENDRICK Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Mr. Larry Hartman -Does NOT Want to be Reappointed Term Expires: February 1, 2017 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Ms. Nancy Greenberg -Would like to be Reappointed Term Expires: February 1, 2017 Board of Trustees Vacant Seat Term Expires: January 1, 2018 OTHER MAYOR/COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS: Included in this Agenda Item is the ability for the Mayor and/or any City Commission Member to make any other Appointment(s) that are deemed pertinent. If any Appointment(s) are not made at this Meeting, subsequent Agenda Items can be brought forward on upcoming City Commission Meeting Agendas. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment "A": Ordinance 2010-06 - Creating the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (3 pages) Attachment "B": Ordinance 2010-07 - Creating the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (3 pages) Attachment "C": An excerpt from Chapter 14 of the Code of Ordinances related to the Board of Trustees (1 page) Attachment "D": Excerpt from Ordinance 98-704 - related to Assessment Advisory Committees, including the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee (12 pages) Regular 501 PAGE 5 OF 5-January 09,2017