HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 02 24 Public Hearings 502 Reconveyance of Property to Wayne P. Reece, Ordinance 2014-08 First Reading COMMISSION AGENDA Informational Consent ITEM 502 Public Hearin s X g Regular February 24, 2014 KS RS Regular Meeting City Manager Department REQUEST: The Office of the City Attorney requests that the City Commission consider adopting Ordinance No. 2014-08 re-conveying title to Lots 1 and 12 of Block D, Talmo Subdivision, Plat Book 9, Page 10 back to Wayne P. Reece because the previously donated Lots are not needed for use and maintenance as a park as originally intended. SYNOPSIS: In 2002, Wayne P. Reece donated to the City Lots 1 and 12 of Block D, Talmo Subdivision, Plat Book 9, Page 10 for use and maintenance as a park pursuant to a Binding Development Agreement with the City. The City originally intended to construct a passive park in the neighborhood as a buffer between the existing commercial/industrial on nursery road which was being redeveloped pursuant to the Development Agreement and the residential uses on the other side of Nursery Road. However, after the conveyance, the City did not take any significant steps to develop the Lots for park purposes as originally intended. Mr. Reece has indicated by letter to Randy Stevenson that he would be willing to take back title to the Property if the City no longer needs it. City Charter requires that the City Commission authorize the conveyance of land by Ordinance. CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Section 4.14(6) of the City Charter requires the City Commission to authorize the conveyance of land by Ordinance; and 2. On August 1, 2002, the City entered into a Binding Development Agreement with Wayne P. Reece (Seminole County Official Record Book 4522, Page 1817) for the commercial/industrial redevelopment of real property located along Nursery Road. Public Hearings 502 PAGE 1 OF 3- February 24,2014 3. In accordance with section 7 of the Agreement, Wayne P. Reece agreed to donate and convey Lots 1 and 12 of Block D, Talmo Subdivision, Plat Book 9, Page 10 to the City for use and maintenance as a park ("Property"). [See Attached property information available from the Property Appraiser's website.] 4. The Property was conveyed to the City by warranty deed recorded in the Official Records of Seminole County, Florida at Book 4641, Page 1570. 5. After the Property was conveyed, the City has been conducting routine maintenance of the Property (lawn mowing/trash pick-up). However, the City did not take any significant steps to develop the Property as a park as originally planned. The City currently has no plans to fully develop the Property as a park. 6. By letter to the City's Community Development Director, dated February 10, 2014, Wayne P. Reece indicated that he would be willing to take the Property back from the City if the City no longer has an interest in keeping it. [See Attached letter]. The Community Development Director and Mr. Reece have discussed using the property to construct townhomes which will provide a residential buffer for the single-family detached homes to the south from the commercial and industrial uses to the north. 7. The Property has a Future Land Use Map designation of Recreation and Open Space and a zoning map designation of C-2 Commercial. If the Property is re-conveyed to Mr. Reece, Mr. Reece will need to submit at least a comprehensive plan amendment application to amend the Future Land Use Map Designation to a designation that will allow the Property to be redeveloped. The City Commission will have to consider an appropriate new future land use map designation at a later date taking into consideration compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood and other factors. The prior City Commission had concerns about commercial/industrial use encroachment on the Property. 8. Because the Property was donated to the City and the original owner has expressed an interest in taking back title to the Property, the City Commission may declare that it is in the best interests of the City to re-convey the Property back to the original owner rather than soliciting competitive bids for the Property. 9. Re-conveying the Property to Mr. Reece is a discretionary matter for the City Commission to decide. The City is not obligated to re-convey the Property. Conveyance will occur within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the Ordinance if approved. FISCAL IMPACT: If the City Commission decides to re-convey the Property to Mr. Reece, there are nominal incidental costs associated with recording the conveyance deed. However, the City will no longer have maintenance responsibilities for the Property. In addition, if re-conveyed, the Property will go back on the City tax rolls and be subject to applicable taxes. COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: This Agenda Item has been electronically forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission, City Manager, City Attorney/Staff, and is available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and Public Hearings 502 PAGE 2 OF 3- February 24,2014 the City's Server. Additionally, portions of this Agenda Item are typed verbatim on the respective Meeting Agenda which has also been electronically forwarded to the individuals noted above, and which is also available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's Server; has been sent to applicable City Staff, Media/Press Representatives who have requested Agendas/Agenda Item information, Homeowner's Associations/Representatives on file with the City, and all individuals who have requested such information. This information has also been posted outside City Hall, posted inside City Hall with additional copies available for the General Public, and posted at five (5) different locations around the City. Furthermore, this information is also available to any individual requestors. City Staff is always willing to discuss this Agenda Item or any Agenda Item with any interested individuals. RECOMMENDATION: The City Attorney recommends that the City Commission approve first reading of Ordinance No. 2014-08 re-conveying title to Lots 1 and 12 of Block D, Talmo Subdivision, Plat Book 9, Page 10 back to Wayne P. Reece because the previously donated Lots are not needed for use and maintenance as a park as originally intended; and move to second reading. ATTACHMENTS: A. Ordinance 2014-08 Public Hearings 502 PAGE 3 OF 3- February 24,2014 Attachment "A" aROnv�c�rvo. zoia-og AN DRDINANCE UF 'TBE CITY CUMMISSIUN UF THE CITY DF WINTER SPRINGS, RLDRiDA, PURSUANT TD SEGTIDN 4.14(fi) flF THE C1TY �HARTER, AUTHflRITJNG THE CITY MANAGER TD RECDNVEY REAL PRflPERTY QBTAINEO BY THE CITY�F WINTER SPRINGS BY DUNA'I'�DN FDR PARK PURP[]SES P[IRS[IANT TD A BINOING DEVELDPMEri'T AGREEMEri'I' WITH WAYNE P. REECE RECDRDEO IN THE DFFICiAL RECflRD BQQKS 4533, PAGE 181T; DECLARING THAT THB CITY flR WINTER SPRiNGS Nfl LUNGLR HAS A PUBLYC PURPUSL INTERES'1' IN SA�O REAL PRflPLRTY ANO TAAT 1T IS IN THE BBST INTLRESTS DF THE CITY TQ RECUNVEY THE REAL PRDPLRTY BACK TU THE URIGINAL DWNER (WAYNL P. REECE]; PRUVIDING F�R SEVERAEIL�TY, THE REPEAL flF PRIUR INC�NSISTENT URDINANCES, INC�RPUltATI�N INTD THE CUDE, AND AN EFFECTIVE �ATE. W HLREAS,the City is granted the sutharity,under 5ection Z[h},Article V III,af the State Cvnstitutiar�,ta exercise eny paw�far m�ni�ipal pwpose�,exoept whea�expressly prohibited by law; arrd WBERF.AS, sectiaa 4.14(b) af the City Charter raquir�es the City Cflmmission tp authvrixe the can�eyance of l�d�y Ordinancx;arid WHEREAS,vn August 1,Z4DZ,the City entexed into a Bindirig Derreiopment Agreement with Wayne P. Reece (Seminole Caunty Dt�i�ial Reoor+d Bvok 452Z, Page i 817) for the oomme�rci�ndustrial red�evelopment vf real pro�erty, end WHEREAS, in accvr+d�p�e with seatian 7 af the Agreement, Wayne P. Rexce sgr�ced ta da�nate�d con�ey I.ots l �d 12 af B�ock D,Talma Subdivision,Piat Haok 9,Page i D to the Ciry for use ar�d maintenanve as a park("Prapert}�');�d ►�YHEREAS, the Property was ovndeyed to the Ciry �y warrenty deed recar+ded in the D#ficial Reoords vf Semirwle Cvun#y,Florida at Book 4fi4t, Page 157D;arid WHEREAS,the City Comrnissiaa finds that that the City no tonger has an interest in the PropCrty far usc and maietena��e as a p�rk as originally intended;and City of Winter Sprir�gs 4r�dinance Nv.ZD14-D8 ] WHEREAS,by letter tv the City's Community Development Director,dated February i 0, 2014,W�yne P.Re�ce indicated that he would b�willing to take the Property badc fivm the City if the City nv tonger has an interest in keeping it;and WHEItEAS, because the Property was donated to the City end the origina! own� has expressed aa iute�rst in takir�g back tidc tfl the Pmperty,the City Commissian hereby deems it in the best intea�ts of the City to r�can�cy the Pmperty back to the ori�na] owner rather thaa soliciting campc�ti�+e bids for the Pmperty,as such,the oompetiti�e bid p�r�ess is hercby wai�ed; ar� WHEREAS,the City Commissian of the G�ty of Winter 5prings,finds that this ardinance is in the best interests of the public health,safet�and wel�Fare of the citizens of Winter 5prings. N�W, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY nRDAINS,AS FDLLOWS: S�e tio��. Recitel�. �e f�regaing recit�3s are hereby incorparatcd her�in by this reference. Sectivu Z. CaQ►►eyance ai Renl Property. Thc City Commission of the City of Winter Springs hcreby suthorizes the City Mana$cr to ro-can�ey the fol�owing pmperty to Wayne P, Reece: Late 1 �nd 1�oi Bioelc D,Talmo Subdi��aivn, P�st Boolc 9,Page 14 l��}�i7 � eetioa 3. Iastrn�doos. The City Attomey is hereby authorixed to prepac+e end 61e the neacesssry legal ir�struments W�amey the Pmperty to Wayne P.Reece withi�sixty(60)days of the efFecti�e date of this Ordir�a�ce. '[he City will pay the recardiag fees fvr the deed. Any other closing costs �if any} will b� pa.id by Wayne P. Reeoe unless oth�rwis,e appro�ed by the City Manager. The City Manager astd May+vr are hcr�oby autharixed to sign said instruments on bchalf of the City in accar+dance with the advice of the City Attorney. Sertian 4. Repe�l of Peiar inevnaistent �rdin�nces aod Resoiudon�. AZl prior inoor�ister►t ordinanccs and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of prior ordinenoes end resolutions in oonflict hcrewitt�are hereby repealed to the exter►t ofthe oor�flict. Sectian S. Se�erabWty. If any section, subsection, sentenv� clause, phras� word or pmvision of this �rdinance is for any re�son held in�aiid or uncons�tu�onal by any oourt of oompetent juri.gdidion,whether for substanti�e,pracedurai,or any other rceson,such portion sh�l be deened a separ�te, distinct astd inde�dea�# provisior�, and such halding ghal! not affect the City of Winter Springs �rdin8nae No. 20 i 4-08 2 r+alidity of the rennaining pvrtions of ttus Ord.inance. Sectiva 6. Efiect�e ll�te. This Qrdinance shall became effe�tir+e immediately upan a�doption by the City Commission of the City of V�inter 5prings,Florida,and pursuarEt to City Charte�. In the�ent,the canr+eyanc�nf d►e Pmperty daes nat occur within sixty{bD}days of the efi�ectir+e date af this Ordinan�e, this �rdinanc� shall be deemed repealed at such time the City Cammission is advised of such d�tetminetian at a publi�meeting. ADOPTED by the City Cammission of the City af Winter Springs,Florida, in a regular meeting aese�nbled an the day af 2D 1�. CHARLES LACEY, Mayar ATTEST: ANllREA L�RENZQ-LLIACE5,Cfty Clerk Appro�ed �:to leg��farm�nd �nfficieney far the Ctty of Winter Springs vnly: ANTHUNY A. GARGANESF.,CIty Attoraer First Reading: Seoond i�eading: Effectir+e Date: City of V�inter Springs Ord.ir�ence No. 201408 3 7J1412014 SCPALargeParcel MapView Attachment ��B" � � 771,�: ��� � F � __. � � � �� _ � � � ' : " G�_ '� f.l 1p � � � �, � � �, � � �� ,�: � j �� �� r�� ��,. �. _. _ - � �{� _ �: I Wlr+� IVI�!-`�ON DR � [� �{" �,�, ' : � � � � �� �� �.` �..- � � � `� � � n ��.. �, � 0: '� � �! �. 9 � -i�"�"' 4� � » � _ ,iL a ,_ ,- �t � G Q Q� - � � ,� r� '� , � - - GOL� ��RRAC� DR ' t.1C1R5�RY R� , � � �: � _ L_1 � � � � � � � "� �' S,dIRA 1+aCQ�E LtJ �� w r�' 4 s L� Q4 � � _� �� � _ ..— = a t ��� � ❑ .� � �C Q � � W w � . aa�c ►-� � ,_ � � �� � � ��� � � ,� ,: � - 11 i �i i _ r-� A�ap Aerial Bath Faotprint � � 6ctents Center �ua!Map View -External hripllw�nvu.scpafl.ag fLargeParcalMap.asp�f?F1i7=3320.'3d5130t70�Qi 20 'lli 21T412Q14 SCPA Parce!Vew.33-20-3U-513-6DQ�001� [�.�virt,lc�fvz�;ai.[:F� Property RecordCard �QPE�� Pa r�el: 33-20-30-5],3-Qp00-�016 APPRA�5ER Q��r: WINTER SPRINGS CXTY OF tif�'+S�ItCri F C:CriIiVTY.FI.C]F7tt7A praperty Address: 1080 HURSERY R❑ WINTER 5PRIMGS, FL 32708 �8ack �Previaus Farcal Next Parcel� Save Layoui Rese[Layoul New 5earch ParceV:33•7�30•513-OOOD-0fl10 Walue Su:nmary' I Fraperty Address: 3484 NURSERY R� � 2034 Workirsg� 2a13 Certif ied Owner. WfNTER5PRI1�G5 CfTY pF ! 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Valr�n r���www.sc�n.a�r����Q�iS.�px?Pio=a�2a-�5��apoo-alza irz Attachment "C" REECO PROPERTIES LLLP PO B�X 640 WlNTER PARK FL, 3279D 02/1Q/14 Randy Sreve»son Communtty Development DireCfor City o}Wfnter Springs Dear Randy, Manyyears ago Wayne P. Reece donated.94 acres of land on Nursery Road,Winter Springs FL to!1 and tot 12 B/ock D, T Alamo Subdivlslon,Plat 800k 9,Page 20. It has come to our attention that the property has no public use therefvre Wayne P. Ree�e requests to take the tittle back on said property. Thank You Very Much, �r/� � -Cs�i— Wayne P.Reece