HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 04 06 City Commission Workshop Minutes CITY COI"1"1I SS ION WORKSHOP Apri 1 6, 1992 4It The meeting was called to order by Mayor Kulbes at 7:00 P.M. Mayor Philip A. Kulbes, Present John V. Torcaso, Present Don Jonas, Absent John Langel lotti, Present Terri Donnelly, Present Cindy Kaehler, Present City Manager Richard Rozansky, Present Keith Brickelmyer Dave Clapsaddle Draft ORC Response for Goals. Objectives and policies: Mayor Kulbes stated that we will go over the changes from before. Clapsaddle stated that he will go over what was discussed at the meeting with DCA. Clapsaddle stated that he would like to discuss the goals, objectives and policies and to talk about some changes and deletions that were made from the outcome of the meeting with DCA. He said the changes that were made are not directives from DCA, we are not ordered to do them, but these are the ideas are brought forth by DCA that we wanted to talk about tonight. There are several issues that need to be discussed, there are changes on page 34 as an addendum and on page 91. Another thing we need to talk about is a reduction in potable water level of service, how we reach the commercial acreage in the land use plan, there was a discussion at the last meeting on no fill in wetlands, and DCA had a concern about the statement in policies on deferring to the LOR. 4It Brickelmyer sated that the reason they requested that change was philosophy that if we put the language in on deferring to the adoption of LOR, that gave us a year during which we didn't have the rules in place and they wanted the rules in place as of the adoption of the comp plan. Clapsaddle stated that in some places it made sense to leave in that statement so we left it in, by taking that out it makes the policies effective upon the adoption of the plan. Clapsaddle stated that the first change is on page 7 .....The urban sprawl avoidance criteria will include these guidelines: coordination with Seminole Count y , through inter 1 oca 1 agreements and other coord i nat i on mechan i sms to encourage infill and redevelopment within the City; provide land use designations and proposed serv i ce plans f or pub 1 i c ut i 1 it i es f or the interchange area.... " Discussion. Kulbes said he would like to also add and abutting Cities along with the coordination with Seminole County. The Commission was in agreement. Next chahge page 10 - first paragraph, change the word "meeting" to "meet" and deleted the word residential, the paragraph to read: "Winter Springs shall adopt a Concurrency Management system to ensure facilities and utility services meet the established levels of service standards contained in the comprehensive plan shall be in place when the irrpact of development occur". 4It Next change page 11 - fourth paragraph, delete the word "commercial" and add "non- residential" also add new sentence to the end "Residential uses may take up to 75% of the land area. Add new paragraph "Irrpervious Surface and Floor Area Ratios: In the mixed use category, for commercial uses, intensity of use shall be limited by a maximum irrpervious surface ration of 70% and a Floor Area Ratio of 1.0. Discussion. City Commission Workshop Apr i 1 6, 1992 Page 2 . Kaehler asked about the floor area ratio. Clapsaddle stated that it is the square footage of the building to the square footage of the land. Discussion. Bricke1myer stated that the statement 50% of gross land area should be added and the same thing in the other percentages. Next change page 14 Policy A(3) delete "The revised land deve10pnent regu 1 at i.ons, to be adopted by the statutory dead 1 i ne , sha 11 conta i n standards and provisions to protect", and add "shall be protected". The paragraph to read "The natural hydrological, topographical, biological and ecological functions of natural drainage features, creeks and wetland areas lying within the boundaries of the City shall be protected. These standards and provision shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following:" LeBlanc asked about the difference from 25 feet and 50 feet stated in the same paragraph, on pages 14 and 15. Clapsaddle stated that the 25 feet is from wetlands and the 50 feet is from water bodies. Discussion. It was determined that this would be under the discretion of the City on a case by case basis to determine the setbacks; a minimum of 25 feet or could be 50 feet or more. C 1 apsadd 1 e a 1 so stated that on page 15, the word fill is def i ned as: "F i 11 is defined as deposition, by any means of materials in waters, with the exception of naturally occurring material, which may deposit into waters by natural causes or means, or piers or piling supports authorized by permitting agencies". . Next change page 16 - delete .....the Land Developnent Regulations, to be adopted by the statutory deadline, shall include..... and add ....shall be established" to the end of the paragraph. Greg Kern asked about deleting from #1 on page 17, 25' and adding 50'. The Commission was in agreement. Next change page 18 - Policy 1(C)(1) - add "including archaeological sites" and delete "housing units and developing land developnent regulations which..... Next change page 21 - Objective I delete "The City shall amend their Land Developnent regulation by the statutory date to require" and add to the end .....shall be required. Existing rights-of-way shall be preserved through and enforcement of setbacks from the right-of-way". Discussion. Next change page 22 - Policy C(3) - add .....upon completion of the Seminole County Tuscawilla Road Improvement Program in 1996. When completed, the City shall amend its comprehensive plan to LOS D". Next change page 24 - Policy F(4) - delete .....through its revised land development regulations to be established by the statutory deadline....and ..establish standards for.... and add ....and other major attractors." . Next change page 26 - Objective F - add "The data and analysis section of the comprehensive plan has determined that no deficiency exists in the provision of adequate sites for affordable housing within the city limits of Winter Springs; . . . City Commission Workshop Apr i 1 6, 1992 Page 3 there is an adequate supply to meet the needs of the City throughout the planning period. Next change page 28 - Objective E - delete "89-372, Laws of Florida" and add "419, Florida statutes". Next change page 30 - Objective 0 - change the work "irrplement" to "initiate". Next change page 31 - Policy C(4) - delete the word "may" and add "shall". Also, page 32, subsection of Policy C(4) - delete #d. Discussion. Next Change page 32 - Policy G(1) - add "...or listed on the Florida Master Site File or other generally accepted index.." Next change page 33 Policy B(1) add "The housing conditions survey has determined that there are no substandard or dilapidated housing units in the City. While currently adequate..." Discussion. Next change page 34 - A new Policy 0(3) is established to read as follows: "Winter Springs will establish continuing procedures for assessing housing conditions and will prepare a housing condition report by 1995, which will be updated at least every five years. The housing condition reports will identity geographic areas of special concern and will be based on the following standards with regard to evaluating the structural condition of the housing stock: (a) Sound: Most housing units in this category are in good condition and have no visible defects. However, same structures with slight defects are also included. (b) Deteriorating: A housing unit in this category needs more repair than would be provided in the course of regular maintenance, such as repainting. A housing unit is classified as deteriorating when its deficiencies indicate a lack of proper upkeep. (c) Dilapidated (substandard): A housing unit in this category indicates that the unit can no longer provide safe and adequate shelter or is of inadequate original construction." Also a new Police 0(4) is established to read as follows: The City shall establish principles to determine when a home requires rehabilitation or demolition. These principles shall be based upon the following: the need to rehabilitate substandard homes rather than allow demolition as a means to provide affordable housing; the availability of housing proposed to be demolished to permanently relocate occupants that is affordable; the need for rehabilitating the house rather than demolition to ensure the stability of the neighborhood, conservation of older or historical structures or preserving neighborhood character, and consideration of public safety. Next change page 36 delete "...shall be made....amended Land Development Regulations, to be adopted by the statutory deadline...City ..one or more of" Also delete #3 on page 36. and add #6 - Provide adequate sites for mobile hames." Discussion. I Next change page 37 - E(4) - delete "...revised Land Development Regulations, to be adopted by the statutory deadline shall contain standards for...permitting...five(5)...six (6)". City Commission Workshop Apr il 6, 1992 Page 4 . Next change page 38 - Policy D(2) - add "...as requested.." Next change page 40 - Policy 8(9) - delete ",..adopt along with its revised Land Development Regulations to be completed by the statutory deadline, a Concurrency Management System". Next change page 42 - Policy A(5) - delete "..upon plan adoption..having sewage flow greater than 600 ga 11 ons per day and.." Po 1 icy A (6) - de 1 ete ".. The rev i sed Land Development Regulations to be adopted by October 1, 1992, shall not permit the" and add "..Except for existing lots or record created prior to the adoption.." Next change page 45 - Objective D - per DCA suggestion delete ".. In order to prolong the use of existing facilities, meet state goals for solid waste reduction, increase efficiency and ensure adopted level of service standards are provided, the City shall coordinate at least bi-annua"y with Seminole County to ensure that adopted level of service standards for solid waste disposal can be met by existing solid waste collection facilities; cooperate with Seminole County regarding implementation of community recycling programs by ensuring that City residents participate in County and/or City recycling programs developing programs that are convenient to increase compliance; and develop and implement local recycling programs, or prarote those initiated by public and private enterprise". Next change page 48 - delete the word "shall be" and add the word ". " 1S . . Next change page 53 - Policy 8(3) - delete ".. land development regulations shall i nc 1 ude. . .. Next change page 54-55 Policy 2(8)3 - delete "...revised land development regulations, to be adopted by the statutory deadline.....contain these prov1s10ns..." and add: a) Residential densities shall not exceed one (1) dwelling unit per net acre. b) Non-residential activities are limited to passive recreational uses, as defined in the Recreation and Open Space Element. c) Residential Uses may be transferred to the upland portion of a parcel designated as residential at a rate of 25% of the penmitted density, however up to a maximum density of 10 dwelling units per acre. Discussion. It was detenmined to define gross and net acre and include a series of graphics. Next change page 56 - Objective C - delete the word "are" and add the word "is", and add to the end a new sentence to read: "The extension of or increase in the capacity of the potable water facilities will be coordinated through the land use plan amendment and permitting processes. Discussion. . Next change page 57 - Objective F - Add to the end: "Annexation policies relating to delivery of public facilities shall include: Service shall only be extended to areas Seminole County has designated for urban development, and shall not result in a leapfrog pattern of development, but should prarote compact growth within and adjacent to the City; extension to areas outside the city shall not demand so great a proportion of the City's remaining capacity where it would result in a situation that no capacity is left to serve areas of need within the City; use of septic tanks for new development other than infill of existing, platted subdivisions not City Commission Workshop April 6, 1992 Page 5 . currently serviced shall be prohibited. Next change same page - Objective D - Add "...reduction of average consLl'l"Ption to 350 gallons per day per dwelling..." and "..The reduction to 350 gallons per day shall be attained through the following measures: combining the east and west facility to reach this level of service, institution of water conservation measures such as using treated effluent for irrigation and for watering of golf courses and adoption of a block rate schedule for water service fees. Next change page 60 - New Policy A(1) delete the word "shall" and add "the following", delete "providing..an...as shown in the following tables". Discussion. Next change page 61 - #3 - delete the words "does and ..continue to". #4 - Delete "The revised land development regulations, to be adopted by the statutory deadline, requires and shall continue to require the construction of. #5 - delete "...in accordance with the revised land development regulations to be adopted by the statutory deadline". . Next change page 62 - Policy 0(2) - delete from first paragraph: "...The City shall adopt..as part of the revised land development regulations to be adopted by the statutory deadline shall be required:" #2 - Delete "..a percentage of fifty (50%)" #3 - add "...to be distributed in water bills on an annual or semi annual basis". #4 add "...The City has completed a six (6) month study on progressive and inverted rate schedules. By October of 1993, the City shall enact a rate schedule designed to encourage water conservation". #5 - add "The City shall monitor water consLl'l"Ption on an annual basis". Next change page 66 Policy 2(C)7 delete "Through the land development regulations to be adopted by the statutory deadline require that..." and add to the end "shall be required." Next change page 69 - Objective C - delete "This shall be effective upon adoption of this plan and shall be implemented through land development regulations adopted by the statutory deadline". Next change page 71 - Policies C(2) - policy C(2) to be reworked. Policy C-3- delete ..,"at least the percent of..." Discussion. It was detennined to rework this and to revise the language. Next change page 73 - Policy E(2) delete "...be followed during development activities include as a minim..m" #d - delete It. ..recannended by the Department of Env i ronmenta 1 Regu 1 at ion. Po 1 icy E (3) de 1 ete "The 1 and deve 1 opment regulations, to be adopted by the statutory deadline, shall provide for". Policy E(4) - delete "The land development regulations, to be adopted by the statutory deadline, shall provide for". Next change page 74 - Policy E(5) - add "all native". . Next change page 75 - Policy ce(5) - delete "The land development regulations, to be adopted by the statutory deadline, shall provide that the City's remaining.." and add to #d - "25% of the". City Commission Workshop Apr i 1 6, 1992 Page 6 . Next change page 76 - #e - add to the last sentence the word "new". Also Policy C(6) - add "...by meeting the criterial established in Policies C(1) through C(6) of this element..." Next change page 78 - Policy 8(3) - delete "..The land development regulations sha 11 ensure that any such.." Next change page 79 - Policy 8(5) - delete "...new platting of" and add the word "development". Next change page 84 - Objective C - add to the end "Coordination measures shall include: scheduling bi-annual meetings with Seminole County to ensure availability of regional parks to city residents, and evaluate plans to ensure parks are provided to meet the level of service". Next change page 86 - Policy E(1) - delete "...or pay fees in lieu of land" Next change page 87 - Policy A(2) - delete "...public...preserved...dedicated to the perpetual use of the public for passive enjoyment.." Discussion. It was detennined that the word "access" will be defined. . Next change page 91 - Objective F - add to the end "Coordination mechanisms shall include meeting with the utilities commission to ensure the implementation of water conservation measures, on an annual basis; provide the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council and Seminole with notification and copies of amendments to its comprehensive plan on a bi-annual basis; sending notification of development proposals to the st. John's River Water Management District, the Department of Community Affairs and FDER on a monthly basis. The City shall rely on written communication to Seminole County, the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council, the Orlando Urban Area MOP, and the Florida Department of Transportation to ensure proposed traffic improvements are consistent with the plans of those entities, and request that those entities also reciprocate with infonnation regarding any proposed improvement proposed by those entities to ensure maintenance of level of service standards". Next change page 92 - Policy F(n - add the following: "Procedures for infonning adjacent local governments of planning and development activities shall include the following: 1) Joint discussions of issues such as annexation, preventing urban sprawl, comprehensive plan coordination to ensure compatibility of land use at the city/county border on a bi-annual basis; 2) Executing an interlocal agreement with the county regarding coordination of planning for areas outside the City's jurisdiction; 3) Establishing an infonnal agreement whereby the County will notify the City of proposed land development activity adjacent to City limits, which is undergoing development review by the County; and 4) Providing current information on amendments to its adopted Future Land Use Plan Map to the County, East Central Florida Regional Planning Council and other agencies for potential incompatibilities with the City's plan. The City shall request those entities share information as well. These procedures to be initiated by October of 1992. Discussion. . City Commission Workshop Apri 1 6, 1992 Page 7 . Next change page 94 - new Policy E(3) as follows: "By October of 1992 the City sha 11 rev i ew the re 1 at i onsh i p between deve 1 opnent proposed in its plan and the ex i st i ng plans of adjacent governnents on an annua 1 bas is. To il'Jl)rove the relationship between the City and adjacent governnenta1 entities, the City shall: 1) Seek execution of inter local agreements regarding coordination of planning for areas outside the City's jurisdiction, 2) Seek execution of inter local agreements regarding coordination of annexation issues, and 3) Develop informal agreements whereby the County wi 11 notify the City of proposed developnent activity adjacent to City limits, which is undergoing development review by the County." Discussion. Kulbes stated that he would like to see instead of By October of 1992, to initiate by October 1992. The Commissioner was in agreement. Next change page 95 - Objective B - delete "...to meet Code specified design standards and regulatory agency requirements, or that extend facilities and services to eliminate prior deficiencies, or that serve the needs of growth to be generated by already issued development orders." Next change page 103 - Objective E - delete "...fair share cost" and add "pro-rata share" . Clapsaddle stated that he feels that the meeting with DCA went well, and he doesn't feel that any of the things that were talked about were anything that we wi 11 have a problem with, if we find a way to talk about the language, the water level of service, the other concern is the allocation of ccmnercial property on the land use map, and he said that he has been working with Kern on that. We are going over the technical docunent which must back-up the goals, objectives and policies. Langel10tti asked if a motion was needed for a bill that was received fran Goodrow for $3,600.00. Manager Rozansky stated that we have received the bill fran them and we are even with them as of right now, if anyone has any problem with paying them the $3,600 let me know, if not we can just pay them, we are obl igated to do this to finish the camp plan. There was no objection fran the Commission to pay the $3,600.00. Brickel~er stated that Chapter 163 requires you to have two public hearings, you have already had one at the transmittal stage, and one at the adoption stage which is scheduled for April 13, 1992. Under your City's Charter you have to have 2 read i ngs of an ord i nance . So the adopt i on hear i ng is go i ng to be a two hear i ng process, on the 13th we will have the first reading and on the 27th will be the second reading on the adoption of the revised camp plan; we then have five days after that to put it all together and transmit it to DCA. He stated that he thinks we are in good shape. Clapsaddle stated that the City will get two things, one will be the revised ORC response, and second will be a new set of goals, objectives and policies to adopt. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. . Respectfully Submitted, Margo Hopkins, Deputy City Clerk CITY c:cM-1 I SS ION WORKSHOP April 6, 1992 r The meeting was called to order by Mayor Kulbes at 7:00 P.M. Mayor Philip A. Kulbes, Present John V. Torcaso, Present Don Jonas, Absent John Langel lotti, Present Terri Donnelly, Present Cindy Kaehler, Present City Manager Richard Rozansky, Present Keith Brickelmyer Dave Clapsaddle Draft ORC RespOnse for Goals. Objectives and Policies: Mayor Kulbes stated that we will go over the changes fran before. Clapsaddle stated that he wi 11 go over what was discussed at the meeting with DCA. Clapsaddle stated that he would like to discuss the goals, objectives and policies and to talk about sane changes and deletions that were made fran the outcane of the meeting with DCA. He said the changes that were made are not directives fran DCA, we are not ordered to do them, but these are the ideas are brought forth by DCA that we wanted to talk about tonight. There are several issues that need to be discussed, there are changes on page 34 as an addendun and on page 91. Another thing we need to talk about is a reduction in potable water level of service, how we reach the commercial acreage in the land use plan, there was a discussion at the last meeting on no fill in wetlands, and DCA had a concern about the statement in policies on deferring to the LOR. r' Brickelmyer sated that the reason they requested that change was philosophy that if we put the language in on deferring to the adoption of LOR, that gave us a year during which we didn't have the rules in place and they wanted the rules in place as of the adoption of the coop plan. Clapsaddle stated that in sane places it made sense to leave in that statement so we left it in, by taking that out it makes the policies effective upon the adoption of the plan. Clapsaddle stated that the first change is on page 7 - "...The urban sprawl avoidance criteria will include these guidelines: coordination with Seminole County, through inter local agreements and other coordination mechanisms to encourage infill and redevelopment within the City; provide land use designations and proposed service plans for public utilities for the interchange area...." Discussion. Kulbes said he would like to also add and abutting Cities along with the coordination with Seminole County. The Cannission was in agreement. Next chahge page 10 - first paragraph, change the word "meeting" to "meet" and deleted the word residential, the paragraph to read: "Winter Springs shall adopt a Concurrency Management system to ensure facilities and utility services meet the established levels of service standards contained in the cooprehensive plan shall be in place when the irrpact of develot:ment occur". Next change page 11 - fourth paragraph, delete the word "commercial" and add "non- residential" also add new sentence to the end "Residential uses may take up to 75% of the land area. Add new paragraph "Irrpervious Surface and Floor Area Ratios: In the mixed use category, for commercial uses, intensity of use shall be limited by a r maxinun irrpervious surface ration of 70% and a Floor Area Ratio of 1.0. Discussion. City Commission Workshop April 6, 1992 Page 2 1'"'. Kaehler asked about the floor area ratio. Clapsaddle stated that it is the square footage of the building to the square footage of the land. Discussion. Brickel~er stated that the statement 50% of gross 1 and area shou 1 d be added and the same th i ng in the other percentages. Next change page 14 - Policy A(3) - delete "The revised land developnent regulations, to be adopted by the statutory deadline, shall contain standards and provisions to protect", and add "shall be protected". The paragraph to read "The natural hydrological, topographical, biological and ecological functions of natural drainage features, creeks and wetland areas lying within the boundaries of the City shall be protected. These standards and provision shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following:" LeBlanc asked about the difference from 25 feet and 50 feet stated in the same paragraph, on pages 14 and 15. Clapsaddle stated that the 25 feet is from wetlands and the 50 feet is from water bodies. Discussion. It was determined that this would be under the discretion of the City on a case by case basis to determine the setbacks; a minimum of 25 feet or could be 50 feet or more. Clapsaddle also stated that on page 15, the word fill is defined as: "Fill is defined as deposition, by any means of materials in waters, with the exception of naturally occurring material, which may deposit into waters by natural causes or means, or piers or piling supports authorized by permitting agencies". r Next change page 16 - delete "...the Land Developnent Regulations, to be adopted by the statutory deadline, shall include"... and add "..shall be established" to the end of the paragraph. Greg Kern asked about deleting from #1 on page 17, 25' and adding 50'. The Commission was in agreement. Next change page 18 - Policy 1(C)(1) - add "including archaeological sites" and delete "housing units and developing land developnent regulations which"... Next change page 21 - Objective I - delete "The City shall amend their Land Developnent regulation by the statutory date to require" and add to the end "...shall be required. Existing rights-of-way shall be preserved through and enforcement of setbacks from the right-of-way". Discussion. Next change page 22 - Policy C(3) - add "...upon completion of the Seminole County Tuscawilla Road Improvement Program in 1996. When completed, the City shall amend its ca1l)rehensive plan to LOS 0". Next change page 24 - Policy F(4) - delete "...through its revised land development regulations to be established by the statutory deadline....and ..establish standards for.." and add "..and other major attractors." Next change page 26 - Objective F - add "The data and analysis section of the comprehensive plan has determined that no deficiency exists in the provision of ~ adequate sites for affordable housing within the city limits of Winter Springs; City CaTTnission Workshop April 6, 1992 Page 3 f' there is an adequate supply to meet the needs of the City throughout the planning period. Next change page 28 - Objective E - delete "89-372, Laws of Florida" and add "419, Florida statutes". Next change page 30 - Objective 0 - change the work "irrplement" to "initiate". Next change page 31 - Policy C(4) - delete the word "may" and add "shall". Also, page 32, subsection of Policy C(4) - delete #d. Discussion. Next Change page 32 - Policy G(l) - add "...or listed on the Florida Master Site F i 1 e or other genera 11 y accepted index.." Next change page 33 - Policy B(l) - add "The housing conditions survey has detenmined that there are no substandard or dilapidated housing units in the City. Wh i 1 e current 1 y adequate..." 0 i scuss ion. r-- Next change page 34 - A new Policy 0(3) is established to read as follows: '~inter Springs will establish continuing procedures for assessing housing conditions and will prepare a housing condition report by 1995, which will be updated at least every five years. The housing condition reports will identity geographic areas of special concern and will be based on the following standards with regard to evaluating the structural condition of the housing stock: (a) Sound: Most housing un i ts in th i s category are in good cond i t i on and have no vis i b 1 e defects. However, some structures with slight defects are also included. (b) Deteriorating: A housing unit in this category needs more repair than would be provided in the course of regular maintenance, such as repainting. A housing unit is classified as deteriorating when its deficiencies indicate a lack of proper upkeep. (c) Dilapidated (substandard): A housing unit in this category indicates that the unit can no longer provide safe and adequate shelter or is of inadequate original construction." Also a new Police 0(4) is established to read as follows: The City sh~ll establish principles to detenmine when a home requires rehabilitation or demolition. These principles shall be based upon the following: the need to rehabilitate substandard homes rather than allow demolition as a means to provide affordable housing; the availability of housing proposed to be demolished to penmanently relocate occupants that is affordable; the need for rehabilitating the house rather than demolition to ensure the stability of the neighborhood, conservation of older or historical structures or preserving neighborhood character, and consideration of public safety. Next change page 36 - delete "...shall be made....amended Land Development Regulations, to be adopted by the statutory deadline...City ..one or more of" Also delete #3 on page 36. and add #6 - Provide adequate sites for mobile homes." Discussion. I Next change page 37 - E(4) - delete "...revised Land Development Regulations, to be adopted by the statutory deadline shall contain standards for...penmitting...five(5)...six (6)". f' City Commission Workshop Apri 1 6, 1992 Page 4 r Next change page 38 - Policy 0(2) - add "...as requested.... Next change page 40 - Policy B(9) - delete "...adopt along with its revised Land Development Regulations to be completed by the statutory deadline, a Concurrency Management System". Next change page 42 - Policy A(5) - delete "..upon plan adoption..having sewage flow greater than 600 ga 11 ons per day and.." Po li cy A ( 6) - de 1 ete ".. The rev i sed Land Development Regulations to be adopted by October 1, 1992, shall not penmit the" and add "..Except for existing lots or record created prior to the adoption.." Next change page 45 - Objective D - per DCA suggestion delete "..In order to prolong the use of existing facilities, meet state goals for solid waste reduction, increase efficiency and ensure adopted level of service standards are provided, the City shall coordinate at least bi-annually with Seminole County to ensure that adopted level of service standards for solid waste disposal can be met by existing solid waste collection facilities; cooperate with Seminole County regarding implementation of community recycling programs by ensuring that City residents participate in County and/or City recycling programs developing programs that are convenient to increase compliance; and develop and implement local recycl ing programs, or prarote those initiated by public and private enterprise". Next change page 48 - delete the word "shall be" and add the word "is". r Next change page 53 - Policy B(3) - delete ".. land development regulations shall i nc 1 ude. . " Next change page 54-55 - Policy 2(B)3 - delete .....revised land development regulations, to be adopted by the statutory deadline.....contain these provisions..." and add: a) Residential densities shall not exceed one (1) dwelling unit per net acre. b) Non-residential activities are limited to passive recreational uses, as defined in the Recreation and Open Space Element. c) Residential Uses may be transferred to the upland portion of a parcel designated as residential at a rate of 25% of the penmitted density, however up to a maxinun density of 10 dwelling units per acre. Discussion. It was detenmined to define gross and net acre and include a series of graphics. Next change page 56 - Objective C - delete the word "are" and add the word "is", and add to the end a new sentence to read: "The extension of or increase in the capacity of the potable water facilities will be coordinated through the land use plan amendment and penmitting processes. Discussion. Next change page 57 - Objective F - Add to the end: "Annexation policies relating to delivery of public facilities shall include: Service shall only be extended to areas Seminole County has designated for urban development, and shall not result in a leapfrog pattern of development, but should prarote compact growth within and adjacent to the City; extension to areas outside the city shall not demand so great a proportion of the City's remaining capacity where it would result in a situation that no capacity is left to , serve areas of need within the City; use of septic ~ tanks for new development other than infill of existing, platted subdivisions not City Commission Workshop April 6, 1992 Page 5 r currently serviced shall be prohibited. Next change same page - Objective D - Add "...reduction of average consurption to 350 gallons per day per dwelling..." and "..The reduction to 350 gallons per day shall be attained through the following measures: combining the east and west facility to reach this level of service, institution of water conservation measures such as using treated effluent for irrigation and for watering of golf courses and adoption of a block rate schedule for water service fees. Next change page 60 - New Po li cy A ( 1 ) - de 1 ete the word .. sha 11" and add "the following", delete "providing..an...as shown in the following tables". Discussion. Next change page 61 - #3 - delete the words "does and ..continue to". #4 - Delete "The revised land development regulations, to be adopted by the statutory deadline, requires and shall continue to require the construction of. #5 - delete "...in accordance with the revised land development regulations to be adopted by the statutory deadline". r Next change page 62 - Policy 0(2) - delete from first paragraph: "...The City shall adopt..as part of the revised land development regulations to be adopted by the statutory deadline shall be required:" #2 - Delete "..a percentage of fifty (50%)" #3 - add "... to be d i str i buted in water bill s on an annua 1 or semi annua 1 bas is" . #4 - add "...The City has completed a six (6) month study on progressive and inverted rate schedules. By October of 1993, the City shall enact a rate schedule designed to encourage water conservation". #5 - add "The City shall rronitor water consurption on an annual basis". Next change page 66 Policy 2(C)7 delete "Through the land development regulations to be adopted by the statutory deadline require that..." and add to the end "shall be required." Next change page 69 - Objective C - delete "This shall be effective upon adoption ofth i s plan and shall be irrp 1 emented through 1 and deve lopment regu 1 at ions adopted by the statutory deadline". Next change page 71 - Policies C(2) - policy C(2) to be reworked. Policy C-3- delete ..,"at least the percent of..." Discussion. It was detennined to rework this and to revise the language. Next change page 73 - Policy E(2) - delete "...be followed during development activities include as a minilTU1l" #d - delete "...recannended by the Department of Env i ronnenta 1 Regu 1 at ion. Po 1 icy E ( 3) de 1 ete "The 1 and deve 1 opment regulations, to be adopted by the statutory deadline, shall provide for". Policy E(4) - delete "The land development regulations, to be adopted by the statutory deadline, shall provide for". Next change page 74 - Policy E(5) - add "all native". Next change page 75 - Policy cC(S) - delete "The land development regulations, to be adopted by the statutory deadline, shall provide that the City's remaining.." r and add to #d - "25% of the". City Commission Workshop April 6, 1992 Page 6 r Next change page 76 - #e - add to the last sentence the word "new". Also Policy C(6) - add "...by meeting the criterial established in Policies C(l) through C(6) of this element..." Next change page 78 - Policy 8(3) - delete "..The land development regulations sha 11 ensure that any such.." Next change page 79 - Policy 8(5) - delete "...new platting of" and add the word "development". Next change page 84 - Objective C - add to the end "Coordination measures shall include: scheduling bi-annual meetings with Seminole County to ensure availability of regional parks to city residents, and evaluate plans to ensure parks are provided to meet the level of service". Next change page 86 - Policy E(l) - delete". ..or pay fees in lieu of land" Next change page 87 - Policy A(2) - delete "...public...preserved...dedicated to the perpetual use of the public for passive enjoyment.." Discussion. It was determined that the word "access" will be defined. r Next change page 91 - Objective F - add to the end "Coordination mechanisms shall include meeting with the utilities commission to ensure the implementation of water conservation measures, on an annual basis; provide the East Central Florida Regional Planning Counci 1 and Seminole with notification and copies of anendnents to its comprehensive plan on a bi-annual basis; sending notification of development proposals to the st. John's River Water Management District, the Department of Community Affairs and FDER on a monthly basis. The City shall rely on written communication to Seminole County, the East Central Florida Regional Planning Counc i 1, the Or 1 anOO Urban Area t"OP, and the F 1 or i da Department of Transportat i on to ensure proposed traffic improvements are consistent with the plans of those entities, and request that those entities also reciprocate with infonmation regarding any proposed improvement proposed by those entities to ensure maintenance of level of service standards". Next change page 92 - Policy F( 1) - add the following: "Procedures for informing adjacent local governments of planning and development activities shall include the following: 1) Joint discussions of issues such as annexation, preventing urban sprawl, comprehensive plan coordination to ensure compatibility of land use at the city/county border on a bi-annual basis; 2) Executing an inter local agreement with the county regarding coordination of planning for areas outside the City's jurisdiction; 3) Establishing an infonmal agreement whereby the County will notify the City of proposed land development activity adjacent to City limits, which is undergoing development review by the County; and 4) Providing current infonmation on amendments to its adopted Future Land Use Plan Map to the County, East Central Florida Regional Planning Council and other agencies for potential incompatibilities with the City's plan. The City shall request those entities share infonmation as well. These procedures to be initiated by October of 1992. Discussion. r City Calmission Workshop April 6, 1992 Page 7 r Next change page 94 - new Policy E(3) as follows: "By October of 1992 the City shall review the relationship between development proposed in its plan and the existing plans of adjacent governnents on an annual basis. To ifT1)rove the relationship between the City and adjacent governnental entities, the City shall: 1) Seek execution of inter local agreements regarding coordination of planning for areas outside the City's jurisdiction, 2) Seek execution of interlocal agreements regarding coordination of annexation issues, and 3) Develop informal agreements whereby the County wi 11 notify the City of proposed development activity adjacent to City 1 imits, which is undergoing development review by the County." Discussion. Kulbes stated that he would 1 ike to see instead of By October of 1992, to initiate by October 1992. The Calmi ss ioner was in agreement. Next change page 95 - Objective B - delete "... to meet Code specified design standards and regulatory agency requirements, or that extend faci 1 ities and services to eliminate prior deficiencies, or that serve the needs of growth to be generated by already issued development orders." Next change page 103 - Objective E - delete".. .fair share cost" and add "pro-rata share" r Clapsaddle stated that he feels' that the meeting with DCA went well, and he doesn't feel that any of the things that were talked about were anything that we wi 11 have a problem with, if we find a way to talk about the language, the water level of service, the other concern is the allocation of cxmnercial property on the land use map, and he said that he has been working with Kern on that. We are going over the technical docunent which rrust back-up the goals, objectives and policies. Langellotti asked if a motion was needed for a bi 11 that was received fran Goodrow for $3,600.00. Manager Rozansky stated that we have received the bi 11 fran them and we are even with them as of right now, if anyone has any problem with paying them the $3,600 1 et me know, if not we can just pay them, we are ob 1 i gated to do this to finish the CQ11) plan. There was no objection fran the Calmission to pay the $3,600.00. Br icke lmyer stated that Chapter 163 requ ires you to have two pub 1 i c hear i ngs, you have already had one at the transmittal stage, and one at the adoption stage which is scheduled for April 13, 1992. Under your City's Charter you have to have 2 readings of an ordinance. So the adoption hearing is going to be a two hearing process, on the 13th we will have the first reading and on the 27th will be the second reading on the adoption of the revised call) plan; we then have five days after that to put it all together and transmit it to DCA. He stated that he thinks we are in good shape. Clapsaddle stated that the City wi 11 get two things, one wi 11 be the revised ORe response, and second wi 11 be a new set of goals, objectives and pol icies to adopt. The meet ing was adjourned at 9: 45 P. M. r Respectfully SUbmitted, Margo Hopkins, Deputy City Clerk