HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978 07 27 City Council Regular Minutes ,0 ", b 77-78-36 -~ "'-jf"' REGULAR SESSION CITY COUNC I L CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS JUNE 27, 1978 The Regular Session of the City Council of the City of Winter Springe, F1atida .~~l1ed to ord~r by ._yor Troy Piland. The invocat.ion was,'9ivenby Covneil1lan TCIIIlCraven. The Pledge of allegiance to the flag wat led.ytouncil.ftLl.rryPel1erin. " Roll Call: "-yor Troy Piland, present Deputy Mayor Jolm O.fti., s, present Attorney Tom Lang,present Councilman Tom Craven, present Councilman B\JrtLogan, present Councilman t.rryPellerin, present Councilman John Sabatini "bsent Public Input;. Mr. Charles Mort, &0 S. Devon Avenue, Winter Springs addressed the Ray Brad~haw conspiracy and sta~t to the State Attorney's Office. Mr. Don Sine, 1305 Defr Run, Winter Springs talked on the ;condition of the pavement at Deer Run,al.f:~.t Trail in Tuscawilla, 602 Silver Creel ditch. Mr. John Van Eepoe1 asked Attorney Lang about open drainage ditch on Panama Road. Mr. Lickteig, ,street l1thtstn Unit 3 Tuscawil1a subdivision, clearing of Howell Creek. He will get a petition of owners around Howell Creek asking the City to clear to creek. Mr. Sam Musgrove, 220Parwna Road,Winter Springs, discussed street addresses in the City. Mr. Ro%ansk,r said that he was working on a project tohlndle this problem in the City. Mr. Walt Parkhurst, addressing in the City. rova 1 of the .'M:t' ounc,man an~'.or apProva otbeminutelOf "...20,1978, ~ by Councilman Logan, ,.ss1on:, . typQgr.ph1~~'.rror on tM<f~rttf.....,....t1tive, waspo.1nted outbYeou~ilma.Daniels. Y~:, CcMme1,...Cr...... ;c~n.ft:. Logan, aye; Cou~l.n Daniels, aye; Counen.n Pell'.1n.,' aye; C....11manst..t1ni, absent. Motion carried. ' Counci 1 Seat I ,- Tomeraven. i~~~ti~.~~t1.!-t;;~~.~~J,~~~iW .1t~f_nce 170 was moved to Councl1man Pellerin's Seat. Motion was made by Couneilman Craven to .put the subject of streetH.hts'(Tyscawilla Unit 3) on the agenda,~ondbYCOuncl1man Daniels. Vote:Ceunc:n.ne,.,...~e; Councilman Logan, a.ye; Ct\lyncil." Daniels, aye; Counefl_"Uerln.'.,.;Council. Sabatini, absent. Motion carried. Councl1l11Ml Daniels moved that the Mayor be instructed to _t with the lihwe10per and Florida Power C-.oration and oorneto some.,f"eelII8fttUout the f1,...,' s1ti.f,ti.on concerning street 1 tlhts . .in Unit 3 Wi nterfSpringsand as, a resu1 t of thtt .9r....fl~ then instructions beiss. to the Bunding Departllent,to ,hlv. the U9M. that_", ,needed right now in Unit 3 turned on so th,t the rJsiclents that live there ,arare building where these lights are needed win have the lighted protection. n o '~-36 Page 2 Se~QIldc~by Councilman Craven, discussion: Attorney Lang lAid that the motion was i~~~ient. Vote: Councilman Craven, aye; Councilman Logan, aye; Councilman 'Daniels, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye; 60uncilman Sabatini, absent. Motion carried. Letter from Mr. Herb Munson will be on next week's agenda. 80py is to be forward to Attorney Lang. Motion.was made by Councilman Craven to add as an agenda item under his seat, subject would be the Winter Springs recall issue. Second by Councilman Logan Vote: Councilman Craven" aye; Councilman Logan, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Pellerin. aye; Councilman Sabatini, lbsent. Motion carried, item was placed on the agenda. Councilman Craven presented alletter concerning his views concerning the Winter Springs recall issue. It expressed his opinion that the Councilman in question have served the Ci ty we 11. Cowu;ilSelt 11- Burt LoSl!!!. COntill....pttbl1c hearing Oi"Oinance No. 168 was reconvened. Council meetin~ was closed.D1scussion:. Attorney Lang went over changes t"'t."has made in the Ordinance. PuAlic hearing win be continued so that changel can be looked atIJy the Council before action is taken. Ordinance No. 118 win. read in it.s entirety at the next ..ting. Public hearing was clos.ed. Counc.Hi...ting was reopened. Planning and Zoning Board Appointments: Councilman Craven, SiatI, nominated Mr. Wilber Arnold forreappointQItfl~' second by Councilman logan. Vote: Council..n Craven, aye; Councilman LOgaR.",; c~uncil"'~Daniels. aye; Councilman Pellerin. aye; Council.n Sabatini, absent. MotioR carrfed. Mr. Wilber Arnold was reappointed to the P IZ'Board. Councilman Daniels moved to reappoint Mrs. Mary WilliaRlSon to Council Seat III position..Se(oncled by CouRtilman Logan. Vote: CouncUIIilJ\ Craven. aye; Councilllln Logan, aye; CouncilmaoDiniel s. aye; Councilman Pellerift.aye;Councilman Sabatini. absent. Metioncarried. Mr$l Mary Williamson was re&ppoiftted to the P & Z hard. Council Siat V, P & Z appointment will be placed on next week's agenda. Resolution No. 216, Attorney Lang read Resolution No. 216 in it's entirety. Motion made by Councilman Logan to adopt Resolution No. 216. $<<ond by Councilman Craven. Vote:.Counclllllan Craven, aye; Councilman Logan. aye; Councl1 man Dan1.s. aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Sabatini, absent. Motioncl.rried Resolution No. 217, Attorney Lang read Resolution 10. 217 in it's entirety. Councilman Daniels moved to approve Resolution No. 217. Second by Councilman Peller1R. Vote: Councilman Craven, aye; Councilman Logan. aye; CQUlCnman tanith. aye; Councilman Pellerin~ aye; Councilman Sabatini. absent. MotiOllcarried. "'f..e;"$C8:~re:S'$': A rough CII1lpari SGP-:-of fees from surrounding areas Was ,tven to Council by Mr. Rozansky. This will be placed on the agenda for next week. Subject of Mr. Kelly's letter peetaining to the zoning on 434 and Algiers will be on the agenda for the next meeting. o n-78-3f"'Jage 3 Council Seat III - John Daniels Councilman Daniels moved that we add the subject, summer recreation CETAyouth hire to the agenda. Second by Councilman Logan. Vote: Councilman Craven, aye; Cbu"cilman Logan, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Sabatini, absent. Motion carried, item is on the agenda. Daryl. Middleton of the CETA youth program has found another job and Ms. Daphne Smith will replace him. Councilman Daniels moved that her eI11ployment be confinned. Second by Councilman Pellerin. Vote: Councilman Craven, aye; Councilman logan, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Sabatini, absent. Motion carried. Second reading for Ordinance No. 169. Councilman Daniels moved that it be read by title only. Second by Councilman Pellerin. Vote: Councilman Craven, aye; Councilman Logan, aye; Cbuncilman Daniels, a,e; CouncUmanPellerin, aye; Councilman Sabatini, absent. Motion carried. Mayor Piland read Ordinance Nb.169 by title only. Councilman Daniels moved that we adopt Ordinance No. 169 on the second reading. S,cond by Councilman Craven. Vote: Councilman Craven, aye; Councilman Logan, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Sabatini, absent. Motion carried. Revised bill of Attorney Gary Massey: Coun~ilman Logan moved to pay the bill for Attorney Massey's services. Seconded by Cou"cilman Craven, dhcussion. Vote: Coun.cilman Craven, aye.; Councilman Logan, aye; Councilman Daniels, no; Councilman Pellerin, no; Councilman Sabatini, absent; Mayor Piland, aye. Motion carried. Council meeting was closed, public hearing for Ordinance No. 171 was opened. Attorney read Ordinance No. 171 in it's entiretyl Biscussion. Some editorial changes were made to Ordinance No. 171 by Councilman Daniels. Attorney Lang will make these changes and redraft it so that copies may be given to the Council before the second reading. Public hearing was closed, Council meeting was reconvened. Councilman Dan.iels moved that we adopt Ordinance No. 171 on the first reading. Second~2tly Councilman Craven. Vote: Councilman Craven, aye; Councilman Logan, aye; Councilman Daniel s, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye; CouncUman Sabatini, absent. Motion carried. Discussion on advertising costs; Clean-up, Fi.-up Week. Two columns wide 4 inch deep in the Li:t.1e Sentinel will sosts$45.S2, and the~am.e size in the Evening Herald will be $26.80 for a total costs.o!f""$72.32. IIIQtJM;i:p$iraade by Councilman Pellerin that we advertise in the Little Sentinel and Evening Heral. utilizing the 2 X 4 inch ad. Councilman Craven second. Discussion: Clean-up, Fix-up Week is set for the Week of July 17, 1978. Advertising will be done the. week before. Vote: Councilman Craven, aye; Councilman Logan, aye; ~ctFl"nDIlI~eif~,a,~ Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Sabatini, absent. Motion carried. . Mr. Rozansky was instructed to write up the ad and get it to the papers. A new Pro- clamation win be issued. Advertising cost for this year in the Sentinel Star was brought to the attention of the Council by Councilman Daniels. Councilman Daniels verbally submitted his resignation as Deputy Mayor of this City effective after this meeting. " o 77-78-360ge 4 Councilman Daniels moved that we place the appointment of a new Deputy Mayor on the agenda. Second by Councilman Craven. Vote: Councilman Craven, aye; Councilman Logan, aye; Counc.ilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Sabatini, absent. Motion carried, the item is on the agenda. Councilman Craven nominated Councilman Pellerin as Deputy Mayor. Councilman Craven moved to close the nomination, Councilman Pellerin second. Vote: Councilman Craven, aye~ Councilman Logan, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Sabatini, absent. Councilman Pellerin was elected unanimously by members that were present. Council Seat IV - Larry Pellerin Council meeting~]N8S closed,public hearing for Ordinance No. 170 was opened. Ordhance No. 170 was read by Attorney Lang by title only. Discussion, some changes. were brought out by Councilman Pellerin. Public hearing was closed and the Council meeting.as reconvened. Two opening in the fire Department and~~;~Ayt'Ptime problems. Councilman Pellerin asked Scott Kenneth to tell Chief Holzman to keep the over-time to.a minimum. One of the two Fire Department openings is in the CETA program and none of the applicants has qualified for CETA. This item wll1 be on the next meeting's agenda for action by the Council. Council Seat V - John Sabatini, absent DiscusSion on drainage problem at 602 Silver Creek Road. Mr. Ray Bradshaw was directed by the CouncilaOJd Mayor to check into how much it would cost to reroute the water according to the engineer's recolllllendations. Discussion on office space. It is J'~.it~lt~ pel'tet,~Q'11~:"~li.~ifl!J,,;t:to the Fire Station 1 spa.ce werer the City Hall is now located. Offices will be built at the west end of the Sunshine Park Building. Motion mad, by Councilman Daniel s that we instruct the City Planner arrtfk!Riln"ft~""' ~..~ in wor"king .in conjunction to move forward on. costinSJapian siml1arto. this but there should be modifications .de; ~evelttpra the.bui1dtng I11It~rials for purchasing it in house and find out what it WOljld cost to have .th~~t$f.:;finishing wonk done and report back to the ColntH ,andthat furthef-the two people working together be authorized to work with the engineer in developing some more definitive plans for a building on the oth,...site to house the City Hall and Public Works functions and that the City Planner be instructed to illlllediate1y start searching forpfJas...~legrant..tttatwe could apply for to build this pennanent facility under.S.cond bYCe')UftciJman Craven. Discussion. Vote: Councilman Craven, aye; Councilfla" Log~n.aye;Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Sabatini, absent. Motion carried. Discussion on Seminole County repairing the pavement at Deer Run and Oscelot Trail. Mayor's Office Attorney Lang read Resolution No. 219 in it's entirety. (Water quality management). Motion was made by eouncilman Pellerin that we adOPt Resolution No.. 219. Second by Councilman Logan. Vote: Councilman Craven, aYe; Councilman Logan, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Sabatini, absent. Motion earried. , .. ... .. o 77-78-36 Page 0 Discussion on charges for inspection of Sheoah Blvd. Attorn~y Lang will look into it. There will be a meeting on July 5, 1978. Mayor Piland will not be able to attend. Discussion on Ordinance on transfer of franchise from Seminole Cab1evision to American Cablevbion, Inc. Attorney Lang has prepare(l::',an Ordinance granti;I'J1J};il!le transfer of franchise from Seminole Cab1evision to American Television Communication Inc. to the merged America" Te1evison Communication Inc. which is a subsidiary of Time Inc. Discussion on digging in the Ranchland, no permission has been given f~om the Mayor'sOffice. Meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, rtf.~ Jean A. Halstead, Ast. City Clerk , MAYOR