HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971 10 04 Village Council Regular MinutesREGULAR SESSION VILLAGE COUPICIL VILIAGE OF NORTH ORLANDO OCTOBER h., 1971 The Regular Session of the Village Council of the Village of North Orlando., Florida was called to order by Mayor Bro%ai at 7:32 p.m. 1, pledge of allegiance to tl.1e, flag was led by Mayor Brown. Roll Councilmen: Mayor Granville Brown, present Charles Kelley, present Vice -Mayor Charles Rowell, present Harbert Fox, present Attorney, Thomas Fre-sras.11., present W. R. Hurt, present Troy Piland, present A motion was made by Councilman Fox to accept the minutes of September 20, 1971. Seconded by Courcilrrian Rowell. Discussion. Motion carries. A motion was made by Councilman Fox to accept the minutes of September 27, 1971, Seconded by Councilman Hurt. Discussion. Motion carries. A motion was made by Councilman Hurt to pay the bills. Seconded by Councilman Fox. Discussion. Motion carries. Finance Report, Mr. Fox reporting: I Balance, Gereral Fund, September 13s 1971 Deposits 7-. ecis s Drawn Balance, Gn ^ ral 31und, September 3u, 19771 Balance.., Road Pc Bridge Fund, Sept. 13, 1971 Deposits Checks Drawn Balance, Road & Bridge Fund., Sept. 30, 1971 Building Fund: Certificate of Deposit 2.,120.c)6 5 1 095 54 7 1., 21.• 31321-35, 3,894.25 70`6 81, 267:3d 1,034.22 77.30 ) _-,t) . oo 2,311-94 Health & Recreation Report, Mr. Pila)d reporting: The fog6er has been used and Mr. Piland is still awaiting wore? frorri Florida Lane Company as to what type of playground equipment should be pureh-ased. Road & Brigge, Report, Mr. Hurt reporting: Pieutility buildi)g is now complate. All equipment is working except tho grader. There has been a complaint from Mr. Salter that his fence was damaged. The insurance company has bee�rj notified and. this i%,ill be taken care of • Wage cam'. Oct, cont-, -onipg & Planrrn—SFoam, Mr. Yell ra POPtinl-r- No action was taken or) the recommendation from the Zoring i3oard, copy of which 1 S attached . Police & Fire Report, Mr. Row,-.1-1 r.-q-ortin---:,: Y C� Mr. Rowell read the rionthly Polic-CO and Fire Reports. A letter was received from the Fire Department announcing the tank truck is it CD operation and thanking the various companies for their assistanc� I.P. g-atting the eruct: in oporatior--. Counciliilan Rowell read the letter from. Polictl Chief Bachelor appointing Harry iv", Brown as ."Luxiliary. Lieutenant. V Mayorts Report, Mayor Brown reporting: Mayor Brown attended a cAUc nieeting Fride,y rnight. An -intergovern.'riental study is to be conducted for rjj--:ve'Loping plans for inyergovernmental co- ordinatior and cooperation in the areas whicla wj7l be of mutual. b-nefit it was suggested that a director and Sov-rnIj to participating - ents. secretary be hired and various methods of firiancing were d.iscuss$ d The Council Is to -,raet within thirty days.i Mr. Jack, Bradehav; and Mr, Tom of ',,,Ibl-(- a presel:Itatior T;-al ,;v i sl on. A r Ovior was xradr� by Coll-ilcilMal, Row,11- th�.'V" wc- 'instruct the attorney to 1,�o franchise t---) for ,,Irau u ar. ovdirjanc�� awardinL; t r� n yt7 ar s with t1a It", Of t ar s. -SI-I o on deCz b� �'M *on. "Not -Ion carr-lus. Y. Yr. rcad r-a-Irr: of Ul"Inance to for '7r. 11 A i!rotiont. was -s,ia--!- bto a-Cccp"11 OL ti-"IG' , CsMotiorfirst rec, Sijconcod j 'our-Ij.nan Hurt. Discuwiozi. ':Iu:,-t to put "rd-rt ance 6,3 or, the, aiL,,-rda A -iotion waz by Counc, for ti.1a -,eccr),I re-ad.-Ing. SeccIldc;d by: Co':knei-I; an Fox, DIIrcu,,;sion, Motion carries unarnimoasl'S- -' Yr. Frepriar rea'- for th!,, s-Ocon'd r�;ading by title only. a rti,otion was made by -Councilman "Lioz to accept Ordinance 63 for tail.:-i second reading by title only. Seconrl"-cd by "', ouncilnan Filand. Disous sion. 1jotion carries unaninousl:j- " A -rnotlun, was maC' e by Councilma!; Rowell that Vic put Ord 'inzance, 63 or. the;l' agenda for tho thi-rd ard -01,)aj readinS by title only. Seconded by C oil n _rrjan Fox. Discussion. Yotion -arrics unanitously. Mr. Freeran read Ordlrarct- r y for tl'fic- th-.�rd and final readlnrr by tit! -,- only. :3 . I ge QCt. 1;a, 1�?" c motior ass malo bv CouncilIar that We accept OrdlInarico, 63 the third and J111-na1 rpadirg, by t'Ltlr:. oi,ly. 3^conded by CouvIcilman Hurt. Dfacussior. Motion carries Unani-inotizly. The petitIon of ar-ai-exation for Winter '2r!n7s was -O.Isans.Bed. !,,-Ir. ard Har"lar, Hanson present, L -Y .1 i 7'� A i-notlor was mraade by Councilman K­11ey to jr,k,4 .ruct the -attorney tc, I draw u-p 111'.r6inance 61�, Anrexatioil Crdinance, for �jl'ij)ter Seconded by Counclin.ar Hurt. Liscuosion. motion carries. A itotion was iziadc by Council.a:Kelley that eliminate -- Vne rjar,-:t Semo,can from the proposed chact,,ir and, solect a new name" Seconded by Councilman Hurt. Disc nssicor. Notion carries. A inotion was made by Councilman Hurt that Twl- sviect the, name of Winter Springs. Seconded by Council-vian Kelley. Discussion. Mot carries vianimously. The meetirg was recessed until 7:30 P-m-, Monday evening, October 11., 1971. Ress'poct'Lill-ly uu'br,-LjttP(',I$ Mary T. Norton, Approv--:)d: r -,Mayo. Brol,,T,