HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 06 04 Village Council Regular Minutes -- --, ~.. . '- t' PB:>CEmIlfGS Atr OOUNCIL lIEErIlIJ VILLAGE OF BORTH ORLAJOO, PWBIDA JURE 4, 196.3 . 8:00 P.1l. In t. e1Jaece of Jfqor Anderson, the meel;irJg 11'&8 called to order by Councilman Arthar Rhodes. The inTocation was give.n b,-lIrs. Lacy Fairburn. Roll was ca1lecl 177 the clerk and in attendance were council ..embers VanEepoe1, Bhodes and stephensOll. . ;~ (v! aDd. )lay 24th lliautes of tile Special CoWlCil JleetiDgs of Jl&7 20th, 196.3 were read and accept ed. Tre&SU17 report was stven by lIrs. 3&lter as foll.-a: On hand Jlarea .31, 196.3 deposits to date disbursem.eata Balance June 4, 196.3 11..322..36 221.61 432.09 $llll.88 Old .sines8: ,.- COUACihlan Rhodes reported that the bee problem has been resolved. The correction of the dog situation is depel1dct upon b.av1.D& a law enioro4llleat boC\r anc1 uatil such time as the V1llaae Police Departmeatis in operation, no constructive action can be taken. Howenr, copies of the Village Dog Ordinance are beiBg prepared and as s0011 as poSAble ill resid_ts 1A the Village who 01111 dogs, will be contacted 8I1d adrised concerning this Ordin8l1ce. ;~() RegarGiJl& Coat7 Tax Bill received, lIr. He~ adrlsed. that tbia covered propert;,y tax 011 a SJU.ll piece of propErty deeded to the Village by the North Orlando CampaDT. The Ql"i.&'nSll amoUl'lt; of the bUl 'Was in errQl" and it 'Was corrected to $1.43, and this Ul)oat haa been paid. It was suggested that Couacil get photGstatic coRY' of the origiaal deed and file sa. with the Tax E1tamiller for CDIIIptiOll &8 a EDicipality ia the fUture. lIr. HelJil.7 also wised that the publio access strip at Lake Toni bas never /' .. deeded to the Village and tbis should be investigated. >>. Rhodes stated that he had a8.lce d the Borth Orlando O?~ to have the lot -, ~, ... .' ., page 2. .... at the RecreG1en Area and he ..as told that if the Park was to be UDder Iflult supcrrlsiOll ad cared 1br, ther would keep it mand, otherwise th.., wuld not. r lfrs. Vadepoel nggested that the OoWlCU offer to bv the ps for the lort,h Orlando Oompallr' tquipment it thEV ..ill cat the ..eeds. Jlr!. Rhodes will c_taet )fr. F asUla. Acain the matter of destmetin children was brought up. JIr. He~ reported that Kr.Kreoek fixed the at.. eoanect.ion at the Recreation Building three times in OAe d.,. atter it had been broken by ehUdrc and, unless this nndali_ is stopped, the water wm be cu.t off caopl etfll7. J1r. Rhodes reported. that the gas tank has been moved, 100 gaUOlls of gas has beal purchasecl ad new locks installed on the tanks. IIrs. Salter will contact the Sanford At,o.u.tic latio.aal Bank and obtain the necessary iDtormation relative to title on the Police Car. Regard.ilt& police and Fire Department Insurance, CouncU still has not received bids from the Insurance Compaqr. OIl the specifications sWD:1tted. .... Basinesa: r--. J(r. 'Rhodes &IUIOW'lced tll at JIr. hdr. Ferrin has acoepted appointaent as Police Ohief and was _om in by JIayor Anderson. He also advised that at this time there are ~ three men detiniteIF assigned to the PDlice Department - Andrew Ferrin, William. Balm and !t>b stephenson and that two additional. men were neeled. JIr. Rhodes requested that &IV' one willing to joia the Department contact the Cosd.ssioner. There followed. a discussion on the fire tru.ck and equipll.8nt of the Village. It was 'tr011ght to the attention of tmse present that to rehabilitate the tru.ck now owned would cost u~ard of f4,OO.OO and possibly more than $600.00 and since it is so old, it is almost impos8ible to purc_se replacement parts. The Oity of Union Park has for sale a 1 1/2 tolt~rd tank truck in good o:>ad.ition which they will sell for $400. This track needs a pump which ..ill cost abou.t $325.00. Sparepp. rts and asable equipment from the present tzu.ck could be atilized. The present track could be sold for parts. llr. ~Irilliam Hahn aclv:ised he had checked the Union Park t.t-uck and felt it was a good deal ,- -3- .-- l'- " bit that a decision would have to be made at once because other purchasers were interested. There was a discussion on financing and it was aJggested. that a binder of $200.00 couJ.d Lr be liven and the balance borrowed from the bank. )lotion was made by Jlr. Stephenson, seco.Dd.ed. by "s. VanEepoel that the Union Park Fire Department be given a binder of $200 to hold the fire truck until arrangements for the balance can be made. Motion UnW'imously approved. It is expected. that arrangments can be expedited and the truck 1Ii.JJ. be on disp1~ in North Orlando within a week. Also it was suggested that a strong effort be made to recruit more volunteer fir_en. Mr. Hahn announced there will be a Reorganizationa1. meeting of the Fire Department on Wednesd~, June 19 at 7 P.K. in the CoDlnU.Dit)" }hUding. It was agreed that insurance for the Fire ;apartment must be in effect before the 4th ot J~ celebration. There was a discussion on necessary equipment which must be secured for the Police department, also the tact that the gun purchased tor the Village ot North Orlando is missing. r. Motion was made by Jlr. st ephenson, seconded by Jlr. Rhodes, that a spotlight tor the police car be purchased. Carried. lfr. Rhodes announced that policemen will be sworn in, but will not be actively on duty until proper insurance is in ettect. Once again, relative to the dog ord1nance, lfr. Rhodes stated that he had been in contact with a Dr. lIurpllY of Altamonte ~rings concerning rabies innoculations for dogs. The charge is $3.00 per innoculation, which includes certificate and tag. Dr. )(urp!\y is available fINery evening fran 5 o'clock. Further, it is the intention of the Council to contact every dog owner in Borth Orlando to list every dog owned in the fillage and v.Lgorously entorce the Ordinance. With reference to the cat situation on Lom~ Road, llr. lthodes stated that the Board of Health advised if this is not covered in our existing ordinance, the Village ~uld pass an ordiAance on the limitation of pet#s. r r lIr. Bhodes announced that he had checkjd with lrr. Gatchel of the Seminole .i' r r {". .~ .~ -4- il""" )I.' shorta&eof pc-so_el, DO progr.. has been arraaaecl fo.1' Borth Orlando " the Tillage will have to take care of its own. The 60uncil requested ideas and. sugpstions to solve this problea. lfr. HeJ.Jaq presented a Petition for Dlilding line variance,from 25 ft. fran rear lot line to 15 ft., 'tv 1Ir. & Jlrs. Horace C. Boardman of no LoJllbarq Road (copy attached). He introduced 1Ir. & Jlrs. Boardman who explained. their wishes. Atter discussion, 1Ir. Rbocl_ stated. that he felt it necessary to discuss this with full Council and obtain a full Council decision. He asked that}[r. Helmly and)(r. Boardman be presect at the nm Council meeting. It was duly moved, seconded and approved. to hold a Special Council Meeting On Ylednesdq, Juae 12th at 7:30 P .K. JIr. Rhodes a.r:mou.nced. that JIr. William Harris is unable to accept appointment as BuUdil'\g Inspector for the Village of Borth Orlando. other qualifiecl men will. be consj.dered for the office. It "8 disclosed tba t JIWJ7 wells are beiJJg installed, 4nd- while no installation permit i8 necess&17, unprofessional eleetric&1.. work presents a hazard, and it was suggested. that SC8le provision be made to have such electrical work inspected. It was a.EIDOWlced tbat a refreshment booth, wbich can be used 'by U\V' organization, will be built at the end. of the Civic Builclina. llateria1will cost #72.00 and labor will be donated. The Civic Association has donated $24.00 and it _8 proposed. that the Village donate 125.00. )loti_ was made by JIr. Stephenson, seco.nd.eel 'by J(r. Rhodes that $25.00 be donate6 to this building tude )lotion carried. JIr. Rhodes annouaced that there is now a refrigerator in the CoJB1Ulity Building which .s donatec1. by the Borth Orlando Compe.rv-. JIr. r r ,. .1"'" i~ - S - or report it stolen to proper aathori1i7. Jlrs. .~:b.F4 st&\ed th.tt. .at\ ot Jl4.rch 29th, 1963, the BertiI' Orland.o Pollee> DepartJaent had a ba1.uce of 13.3 s. lIrs. Krecek an.nouneed that the plans tor the 4th of Juq Celebration were loillg ahead. well and said t.hat the Council is asked to participate in coaduoting one ot the booths. Sle also alked cooperation on SA":I ng tickets for the chicken barbecue. On _tion made by JIr. stephenson, meeting _s adjourned. Respectt11J.q subDitted, ~~.~ Vill.e m..k \ .. . 1 .. #".", - .,..", .. .....'.'~ ", "It