HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017 07 10 Consent 303 Restrooms for Sam Smith ParkCOMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 303 REQUEST: Informational Consent X Public Hearings Regular July 10, 2017 KS CC Regular Meeting City Manager Department The Parks and Recreation Department requests Commission approval to enter into a contractual agreement with RFL, Restroom Facilities Ltd. for the purchase of the Sam Smith Park restrooms in the amount of $119,224, plus a 10% contingency, piggybacking off of BuyBoard Contract 512 -16; and approval for other ancillary services to include plumbing, concrete, sewer, electric and finish landscaping work in the amount of $25,000. SYNOPSIS: The Sam Smith Park playground equipment has recently been replaced and residents have requested restroom facilities at the park for several years. Restrooms & new entry walkway were part of the original park improvement plan approved by the City Commission. Staff requests approval for the purchase of the Sam Smith Park restrooms in the amount of $119,224, plus a 10% contingency, piggybacking off of Buy Board Contract 512 -16, and approval for other site preparation /ancillary services to include plumbing, concrete, sewer, electric and finish landscaping work in the amount of $25,000. Work is scheduled to completed in October 2017. City Departments will work together internally to complete the preparation of site prior to installation. CONSIDERATIONS: • Sam Smith park users and residents have requested that restrooms be added to the considerations of park improvements. • New location of playground will allow restroom building to be placed close to the parking lot and within eyesight of playground at all times. • Restrooms will meet all ADA requirements for access & safety. • Pictures of proposed Sam Smith Park restroom building attached herein (Exhibit A). Consent 303 PAGE 1 OF 2 -July 10, 2017 $IWHU6DP6PLWK3DUNLVFRPSOHWHGRXUSULRULWL]HGUHSODFHPHQWVFKHGXOHIRUDOOSDUNV z ZLOOEHFRQWLQXHGXQWLODOOSOD\JURXQGVDUHUHSODFHGRUVDWLVIDFWRULO\UHSDLUHG ),6&$/,03$&7 3URMHFWFRVWLVSOXVDFRQWLQJHQF\ZKLFKZLOOEHIXQGHGIURPWKH*HQHUDO )XQG$GGLWLRQDOO\JHQHUDOFRQVWUXFWLRQFRVWVWRSUHSDUHVLWHZLOOEHDOVRRXWRI *HQHUDO)XQG &20081,&$7,21())2576 7KLV$JHQGD,WHPKDVEHHQHOHFWURQLFDOO\IRUZDUGHGWRWKH0D\RUDQG&LW\&RPPLVVLRQ &LW\0DQDJHU&LW\$WWRUQH\6WDIIDQGLVDYDLODEOHRQWKH&LW\¶V:HEVLWH/DVHU)LFKHDQG WKH&LW\¶V6HUYHU$GGLWLRQDOO\SRUWLRQVRIWKLV$JHQGD,WHPDUHW\SHGYHUEDWLPRQWKH UHVSHFWLYH0HHWLQJ$JHQGDZKLFKKDVDOVREHHQHOHFWURQLFDOO\IRUZDUGHGWRWKHLQGLYLGXDOV QRWHGDERYHDQGZKLFKLVDOVRDYDLODEOHRQWKH&LW\¶V:HEVLWH/DVHU)LFKHDQGWKH&LW\¶V 6HUYHUKDVEHHQVHQWWRDSSOLFDEOH&LW\6WDII0HGLD3UHVV5HSUHVHQWDWLYHVZKRKDYH UHTXHVWHG$JHQGDV$JHQGD,WHPLQIRUPDWLRQ+RPHRZQHU¶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ŽŶƐĞŶƚϯϬϯW'ϮK&ϮͲ:ƵůLJϭϬ͕ϮϬϭϳ Restroom Facilities Ltd q cortn Company TURNKEY QUOTATION PROJECT NAME: SAM SMITH PARK RESTROOM BUILDING OWNER: THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DATE: JUNE 16, 2017 Restroom Facilities Limited (RFL), the Nation's leading specialized restroom design /build firm since 1988, offers to furnish and install, per plans and specifications, subject to our attached Scope of Work, and the Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale, which become part of our offer to sell. PRELIMINARY PURCHASE PRICE BUYBOARD CONTRACT 512 -16 MODEL # AB202DF @ $ 119,224.00 This amount includes freight, crane and installation. CMU Block building: building to have stone veneer, metal roof, drinking fountain inset into alcove, china fixtures, tankless on demand water heater, LED lighting interior and exterior, 75' water hose with reel located in mechanical chase, and timber entry truss system. Payment terms: 50% installment with order; 45% in progress billings during construction; and balance of 5% upon completion of delivery and installation, no retention. Payment of 95% must be received by RFL prior to scheduling of delivery and installation. Thank you for considering RFL as your restroom specialist for this project. HOW WE WORK Once plans have been approved and engineer stamped, the manufacturing process begins. Typically, the manufacturing time frame is approximately 90 -120 days and begins with execution of sales order and receipt of approved submittals, color selections and progress payments. It is the responsibility of the Client to respond to color selections in 1 -3 days, if this condition is not met it will delay the construction process and the Client may incur additional charges. In -plant inspection reports and certifications will be provided by an independent inspection agency. Initial Initial Page 1 of 8 1707 Colt Circle, Marble Falls, Texas 78654 40 Phone: 512.222.5454 40 www.restroomfacilities.com The client must prepare the site in accordance with the "Scope of Work by Client" attached and coordinate any required on site inspections. Client is required to provide verification that the site is ready for delivery in accordance of Client's scope of work. Exclusions: A. Sidewalks beyond building slab. B. Site issues beyond the control of RFL. C. Damage to existing improvements. D. Protection of existing utilities, landscaping, and improvements. E. If required per geotech report, footing, piers, and /or select fill labor and materials to be provided by others. F. Excavation and backfill of trenches CLIENT'S SCOPE OF WORK TURNKEY INSTALLATION OF RESTROOM BUILDING WITH ATTACHED SLAB 1. SURVEY STAKES: Provide ten foot offset stakes and locate front corners of building, existing utilities, and inverts within the area of construction. Locate and mark final slab elevation. 2. SUBGRADE PAD: Detailed instructions to prepare the building site are as follows: 2.1. Excavate down ten inches below the finish floor elevation (the slab is eight inches thick on top of a two inch sand bed). 2.2. Import six inches of % - road base rock, and pour for a footing and /or piers. 2.3. Compact to 95 %, or to local code requirement. If RFL installer questions 95% compaction Client will be required to sign off on approval of setting of the building. 2.4. Compact one foot over in all directions (over build). 2.5. Supply approximately five cubic yards of clean sand, on side of site, for fine grading. 2.6. Excavate and backfill trenches up to and within building pad for RFL supplied underground utility service kits. 2.7. Provide water and inspection for RFL supplied underground sewer kit. 2.8. All irrigation should be turned off prior to delivery to allow the surrounding soils to dry and bear the weight of the truck and crane. Any damage to area after verification of path in is the responsibility of the Client. 2.9. Check corner locations against plans for proper sizing. 2.10. Verify finish floor elevation for concrete slab (shipped fully attached to the building.) 2.11. Excavate one foot perimeter footing if required by local code to specified depth. 2.12. Verify that pad is level and flat and at correct elevation. _Initial Initial Page 2 of 8 1707 Colt Circle, Marble Falls, Texas 78654 40 Phone: 512.222.5454 40 www.restroomfacilities.com 3. SITE ACCESS AND STORAGE: Provide suitable safe clear access to allow a crane (minimum 110 tons), and the building on a semi - trailer (up to 40 tons) to reach site (14' width, 70' length, and 14' in height). If path to site is over existing utilities, sidewalks, or other damageable areas, proper marking, plating or other appropriate protection must be provided by and paid for by CLIENT. CLIENT is responsible for removing any overhead obstructions (i.e. power lines, trees). CLIENT is responsible for scheduling and paying for the de- energizing of any power lines, if powerlines are not de- energized in a timely manner any additional truck and / or crane cost will be the responsibility of the Client. Upon agreed delivery schedule client will be responsible for additional crane and trucking charges if any delays are incurred due to weather, lack of inspections, lack of pad being prepared, or any other cause for delay.. This proposal provides for a 110 ton crane with access to within 25' of the building pad. The proposal is based on four (4) hours of crane time. If access is limited a larger crane may be required. All additional crane costs shall be borne by the CLIENT. A direct route to the project site is assumed. Should routes be altered due to road closures or restrictions, additional fees may apply. 4. UTILITIES: Bring water, sewer, and power (if applicable) utilities into point of connection Christy boxes (supplied by RFL), within six feet of the building line at the location shown on our plan. 4.1. Water: RFL will furnish a water point of connection (isolation valve), from mechanical chase to a Christy box six feet from the building line. CLIENT must have a licensed plumber install and connect service to valve. 4.2. Sewer: RFL will furnish a sewer point of connection from mechanical chase to a Christy box six feet from the building line. CLIENT must have a licensed plumber install and connect service. Depth of sewer line (below finished floor elevation) will be approximately 30" at bottom of sewer line at a distance of 6' from building. It is the responsibility of the Client to meet up with RFL's supplied sewer line at this depth. Client will be responsible for hiring of licensed plumber to acquire appropriate plumbing permit, to install prefabricated underground plumbing kit into pre dug trench, and to make connections between underground stubups and internal building plumbing located in plumbing chase within the building. RFL installer will be on site to answer any questions or give direction as to proper installation of said plumbing kit as requested by licensed plumber or client. 4.3. Electrical: (when this option is chosen) RFL will furnish and install a PVC conduit and a Christy box to the point of connection six feet from the building line. CLIENT to pull the electrical service line through the conduit and connect to the main panel lugs inside the building. All electrical inside the building will be furnished and installed by RFL, except as noted above in exclusions. 4.4. If the utilities are not available and connected to building when we depart the site, an additional charge will be billed to the CLIENT in the amount of 1,500 per day to send an installation crew back to site to flush out plumbing lines, pressurize Initial Initial Page 3 of 8 1707 Colt Circle, Marble Falls, Texas 78654 40 Phone: 512.222.5454 40 www.restroomfacilities.com building plumbing, test for leaks, test all other components of the building (plumbing, sewer, electrical), and conduct a final walk through of the building. 4.5. A minimum 1Y2" line with 25 gpm at 60 psi pressure minimum is required to ensure that water closets will operate as designed. If this is not available an auxiliary holding tank may be required. 5. SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND COSTS: If specifications and / or local ordinances by owner and / or local jurisdiction require any testing, work by licensed plumbers, work by licensed electricians, or special inspections, costs, if any, shall be borne by CLIENT. 6. PERMITS AND FEES: All building permits and fees shall be borne by CLIENT. 7. INSPECTIONS: We require that all inspections be scheduled with adequate notice to ensure that the underground plumbing and electrical work is approved prior to placement of building. We require that final inspection and acceptance by owner and building officials be performed immediately following RFL's completion of installation. If any conditions exist in which RFL cannot conduct a final walkthrough (no utilities / partial utilities available during install, or other circumstances beyond our control) there will be an additional charge of 1,500 per day to send an RFL install crew or crew member back out to site at a later date to complete the installation. We also require final inspection and acceptance immediately following RFL's conclusion of any correction items. 8. SITE CLEANUP AND DEBRIS REMOVAL: CLIENT shall provide an on -site trash bin for disposal of one pick up load of debris. All excess spoils shall be responsibility of CLIENT. All rough and final grading shall be by CLIENT. 9. VERIFICATION OF PREPARED PAD: Client must verify elevation, compaction of pad as well as the pad being flat and level prior to delivery of building(s). STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE LINKAGE: These Terms and Conditions of Sale shall apply and form a part of the Company's Offer to Sell and supersede all other expressed or implied terms and be linked to our Agreement for work whether or not signed by the Purchaser. 2. ACCEPTANCE: Initial Initial Page 4 of 8 1707 Colt Circle, Marble Falls, Texas 78654 40 Phone: 512.222.5454 40 www.restroomfacilities.com Unless otherwise expressly stated herein, the Company's Offer supersedes all previous quotations and expires, unless accepted by purchaser, within thirty (30) days from date of Offer. None of the Terms and Conditions contained in this quotation may be added to, modified, superseded or otherwise altered except by a written instrument signed by the President of the Company. Each shipment to buyer from the Company shall be deemed to be only under these Terms and Conditions of Sale, which shall become part of our Offer to Sell, notwithstanding any Terms and Conditions that may be contained in any purchase order or other form of the buyer, notwithstanding the shipment, acceptance of payment or similar act of the Company. All Purchase Orders when accepted by the Company at 1707 Colt Circle, Marble Falls, Texas 78654, will be in accordance with the Laws of the State of Texas. All orders are subject to review by the Company in accordance with the Company's Offer to Sell before final acceptance is authorized. All disputes shall be governed by applicable Texas Law and all claims shall be filed and litigated in Burnet County, Texas, with the prevailing party recovering attorney's fees. 3. PRICES: Sales tax is not required provided the structure is installed by RFL. All Use taxes, and applicable in plant taxes, in plant permits and fees are paid for by RFL. If payment is not made by client in accordance with the Contract Terms, interest will be charged at the rate of 1 -1/2% (one and one /half percent) per month until paid. If an order is accepted by the Company, and a delivery date is accepted by the Client, and delivery is delayed by the Client, payment of all but 10% is due upon completion at the Point of Manufacture. A 1 -1/2% (one and one /half percent) per month added fee shall be due for each month the shipment is delayed. 4. TERMINATION: Purchaser shall be responsible for costs of work performed which will include overhead and profit. Contract may not be cancelled once production has commenced. 5. TITLE AND LIEN RIGHTS: All Products remain the personal property of the Company, whether or not affixed to any other real property or structure, until the price (including any notes given therefore) of the equipment has been fully paid in cash. The Company shall, in the event of the purchaser's default, have the right to enter upon any premises and repossess such structures and equipment wherever it may be located. 6. LACHES: Failure of the Company to exercise any right or remedy under this contract shall not be deemed a waiver of such right, nor shall any lien or other right of the Company be lost or impaired by laches or in any manner or by any act or failure to act. Initial Initial Page 5 of 8 1707 Colt Circle, Marble Falls, Texas 78654 40 Phone: 512.222.5454 40 www.restroomfacilities.com 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: Under no circumstances, unless stated in our Offer to Sell or bid, shall the Company have any liability for liquidated damages, for collateral, consequential special damages, loss of profits, loss of production, delay in the progress of construction, whether resulting from delays in delivery, performance, breach of warranty, due to lack of timely performance in reviewing and approving shop drawings, completing site preparation or lack of payment in accordance with the terms set forth herein. The aggregate total liability of the Company under the contract, whether for breach of warranty or otherwise shall in no event exceed the contract price. Buyer agrees to indemnity and holds harmless the Company from all claims by third parties which extend beyond the foregoing limitations on the Company's liability. 8. DELIVERY: Except as may be otherwise specified in the attached Offer, delivery will be F.O.B. point of manufacture. Time of delivery is an estimate only. The Company shall in no event be liable for delays caused by fires, acts of God, strikes, labor difficulties, acts of Government or military, delays in transportation or procurement of materials or causes of any kind beyond the Company's immediate control. If building is ready for shipment and Customer delays said shipment, Company shall store the facility at the point of manufacturing and charge 1 -1/2% (one and one /half percent) per month as a storage charge. If shipment arrives and site is not ready, Owner shall pay any off -site storage fees as applicable. 9. WARRANTY: All structural elements produced by the company are warranted to the purchaser to be free from defects in material, workmanship and title. The Company will replace or repair, at its option, defects in workmanship or any part which is proven defective within five years from delivery. This warranty applies only where the Company has been notified in writing of the defect within the warranty period and where any equipment has been properly operated and maintained in accordance with the Company's instructions: the Company having no responsibility for abuse, neglect, minor leaks in plumbing, or improper storage. Should any issues arise where additional work must be performed RFL retains the right to perform this work at the earliest opportunity. Should it be necessary to have this work performed by others due to the nature of the work or a conflict in scheduling, RFL must be notified 48 hours in advance in writing and given the opportunity to perform said work. Should it be necessary to have this work performed by others a written estimate must be approved by RFL in advance of any work being undertaken. The Company assigns any and all warranties for fixtures, appliances, and other equipment manufactured by others to said other manufacturer. Due to its nature, concrete is prone to settling and cracking. Minor cracking in the concrete is normal and is not the responsibility of RFL. We use high quality 304 stainless steel in our products and under certain conditions and /or improper maintenance stainless steel may rust. _Initial Initial Page 6 of 8 1707 Colt Circle, Marble Falls, Texas 78654 40 Phone: 512.222.5454 40 www.restroomfacilities.com Minor rust spots or discoloration are not the responsibility of RFL. The foregoing shall constitute the said liability of the Company and the sole remedy to the purchaser. Company's warranties as set forth in this paragraph are exclusive and are in lieu of, and purchaser hereby waives all other warranties, expressed or implied, including without limitation, any implied warranties or merchantability and fitness. This warranty shall be void if payment in full for the project is not received by the Company in accordance with these Terms and Conditions of Sale. 10. CREDIT: (Deposit and Progress Payments) 11. MUNICIPAL AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES: Orders may require deposits or progress payments. If buyer's financial situation justifies such action, the Company may at its election require payment in advance or cancel the order as to any unshipped item and require payment of its reasonable cancellation charges. If the buyer delays completion of manufacture or a delay in shipment, the Company shall require payment according to the percentage of completion. In the event of the default of the buyer, the Company is entitled to the full amount due including reasonable attorneys fees, costs, storage, expenses of physical recovery, and interest at 1 -1/2% (one and one /half percent) per month. 12. CLIENTS AND NON - GOVERNMENT AGENCIES: Orders may require deposits or advance payment as well as progress payments subject to the buyer's creditworthiness in accordance with the Company's applicable credit policies. Breach of any payment terms shall accelerate full payment which shall be due the balance of the contract amount including change orders. _Initial Initial Page 7 of 8 1707 Colt Circle, Marble Falls, Texas 78654 40 Phone: 512.222.5454 40 www.restroomfacilities.com Restroom Facilities Limited John Putman, President Date Client Name Name and Title Initial Initial Date Page 8 of 8 1707 Colt Circle, Marble Falls, Texas 78654 40 Phone: 512.222.5454 40 www.restroomfacilities.com _� �� -, �� • ,f; dv -: '' �.— —- I— ;.. „ �_. �, i �� �a ._ C 'ti