HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2005-08 Zoning 434 ORDINANCE 2005-08 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CHANGING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP DESIGNATION OF FIVE (5) PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY, CONTAINING 10,65 GROSS ACRES MORE OR LESS, AND LOCATED GENERALLY ALONG EAST STATE ROAD 434, MORE P ARTICULARL Y AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN IN EXHIBIT "A," ATTACHED HERETO AND FULLY INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE, FROM SEMINOLE COUNTY "A-I" TO CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS "TOWN CENTER;PROVIDING THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE, WHEREAS, the City Commission is granted the authority, under Section 2(b), Article VIII, of the State Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by law; and WHEREAS, this amendment is being processed concurrently with a Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment to change the future land use designation of said properties from Seminole County "Office" or "Commercial" to Winter Springs "Town Center;" and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Board and City Staff of the City of Winter Springs have recommended approval of this Ordinance at the Planning and Zoning Board's AprilS, 2005 meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs held a duly noticed public hearing on the proposed zoning change set forth hereunder and considered findings and advice of staff, citizens, and all interested parties submitting written and oral comments and supporting data and analysis, and after complete deliberation, hereby finds the requested change consistent with the City of Winter Springs' Comprehensive Plan and that this ordinance serves a legitimate public purpose; and WHEREAS, the City Commission ofthe City of Winter Springs, Florida hereby finds that this Ordinance serves a legitimate government purpose and is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs, Florida. City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2005-08 Page 1 of 3 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals, The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are fully incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2, Zoning Map Amendments, The Official Zoning Map of the City of Winter Springs as described in City of Winter Springs Code, Section 20-102, is hereby amended to include a change of classification from Seminole County "A-I" to City of Winter Springs "Town Center" for the five (5) parcels of property generally located along East State Road 434 and legally described as follows: Parcel #: 36-20-30-502-0000-0070 Parcel #: 36-20-30-502-0000-0080 Parcel #: 36-20-30-5AR-OAOO-008F Parcel #: 36-20-30-502-0000-009A Parcel #: 36-20-30-502-0000-0090 Address: East State Road 434 Address: 1159 East State Road 434 Address: 1163 East State Road 434 Address: 1161 East State Road 434 Address: 1165 East State Road 434 Section 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions, All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City of Winter Springs City Commission, or parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 4, Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 5, Effective Date, This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon the effective date of Ordinance 2005-07 as adopted by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and pursuant to the City Charter. If Ordinance 2005-07 does not become effective, then this Ordinance shall become null and void. ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the 12th day of September ,2005. [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS] City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2005-08 Page 2 of 3 John F. Bush, Mayor ATTEST: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City of Winter Springs only: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney First Reading: April 25, 2005 Second Reading: September 12, 2005 Effective Date: See Section 5. City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2005-08 Page 3 of 3 Ordinance 2005-08 EXHIBIT 'A' LOCATION MAP PARCEL NUMBERS 36-20-30-502 -0000-00 70 36-20-30-502 -0000-0080 36-20-30-502 -0000-009A 36-20-30-502 -0000-0090 26-20-30-5AR-OAOO-008F L THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1,2005 L . NOT:ICE OF CHANGES TO THE ....\,;,\COM~8fH.~tj$fVE'rLAN .' , .i:c~. . AND'!GNIN6 MAP' ",., ;';'[ . CITY OF wl,NrERSPRINGS "11 ., 1I 'Ii ~ 'I 'II .~ ~ 'il ~ NOnCE IS HEREBY (.trvEN''fHAT THE.ClT)' C<>MM!SSIONOF .i THE CITY OF ~.SPRINQS~~OPO~S TO ADOPT: ~ ORDiNANCE NO; 2005-01 "1 '. '. '.' . .., ". ...,.',.... ..... "',."'. .'1 'AN O~INJ\NCeOF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OFWIN'ffiR SPRINGS, SeMINOLe COUNTY, FLO~ DA,~ifOjpOMf~SIVEP~G;,SeTt'ING FO~TijAND ADOPTJN(1 ALARGEiSCAlE COM~ pR.BH.lffl$nra!.l'tAN;~MmilT, 'R.BFBRENCEDASLSi-CPA"OS4l5, 'I>,RQVIDINGFORAJDOPTION OF AMi AMeNONeNT To tHE. FUTU~LAND USE MAP BY DESIGNATING C~TAlN REAL PROpeRTY WITHIN THI!l CTI'Y()F~SI' . G~LYDESc~eD AS ~ (5)pARCeLS OFLANl),CONTJ\INING lQ.6S' "GgOSS'AC~MoM S;~LOC1U'EP G~RALLYALONGeASTSTAT.BROAD 434, MORe PARTI~~: ~YA1'<<)I:lE' . ....... G~~IN~~.'~A:' ATI'ACHeP.I:IEIrnTO AND FULLY INCORI'D', ~ ", . ..' ~'l'HJ;S~PE.FR~S:EMINOI1ECOtJN:rY "OFFlCE"OR"pQMMER.CIt\.L" TO ClT)' Olll ~'S~t.. ...'~,~";..w[)mON~XADDReSSINGTHEO.B.JEG'I'JONS,MCO~ATlONS:j ,AND CO . ...S RECEIVED BY tHE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CO~AFFAIRS ImIi.ATIve TO LS,,! CPA-OS-Q5BX.~ING TIlE MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA MTIOIN Tlffi TO\VNCijNTER FROM6.D.TO 2.0JNj ORDER TO' REDUCE THE MAXIMUM POSSffiLE TMNSPORTATlON IMPACTS AND Be~. COORDINA~ INFRASTRUCTURE NeEDS; PROVIDING AN'EFFECTIVE! DATe ANP LEGAL STATUS OF THE F'LAN AMeND~j MeNT; PROVIDING FOR mANSMITTAL <I>F THE PLAN TO. THE Dep~TMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS; PRO.' VIDING 'FOR. THE RePeAL OF' PRIOR INCONSISTeNT ORDINANCES ANDR:eSOLUTIONs,seveRABILITY) AND AN eFFECTIve DATe. (See MAP '~ forJOcation) . ., , .. ~ ~ AN ORDINANCe DA, CHANGING TJ\INING 10.65 d MORe PARTI INCORPORATeD SPRINGS ''TOWN PRIOR INCONSI MAP 'N for locatio "1 :i:.........':.:: '.' ." O..RD. IN... A.:......N.'. CE..... N. O.i2.: 005~08 ';:-';~.'t(;,:b{r~;;"::;';i;';;~~;<t; - - - - - BbMMISSION OF. THF:EttY-OF WINTei~ SPRINGS, SeMINOLe COUNTY, FLORI: ZONING ~DESIGNATION OF FIVE.(S) PARceLS OF ReAL PROPERTY, CON... .Q~I;eSS;ANP.LQCATED. GE~AALLY ALONG EAST STATe ROAD 434, YDBS€RiBEDHEReIN INE:xHTQIT"A," A'l1'AClffiD HeReTOANDFtJIi.LV .'. .. .~~Ce,FROM SEMINOI$COUNTY "A-I" TO CITY 01;" \VIN1'eR ;"'.~~VlDING TIm CONDffiONS OFAPPRC>-VAL: PROVIDING FORTHERBpeALOF, ."9c~IN~W>~. RESOLUTIONS, SEveRABILITY, AND AN eFFeCTIve DATE. (See .;,,~, ',i i:; PUBtIC~(}~'POR SECOND !WADING&. ADOPTION WILL BE lffiLD ON . < '.. MOND.AY,SEP'fEMBER12, ZOOS AT 6:30 P.M. . 'OR SOONTBEREAFFER IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS LOCATEDATl'HE WINTER SPltINGS CI1'Y HALL 1126 ~STSTATEROAD434 . WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ~e proposed ordinances may be obWned~y interested parties between 8 a.m. and 5p;m., Monday through Friday, at the .Clty'S Clerk's Office, located at 1126E, S~434, Winter Springs, Florida. For moreinfermation, call (407) 327-18()() #227, Persons with disab!llties needing assistanc!P~9 participate in any of these proceedings s~ould contact the employee RelationS' DePartm.ent Coordinator, 48 hours in adv~ceofthe meeting at (407) 327-1800, #23(j,'J'hese are public hearings, Interested parties are advi~ed that they may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ortlinances. If you decide: to appeal any recommendation or d~isiC>l1made by the City Commission with respecttC> any matter considered at this meet. ing, you will need a record of the pJOj:eedU,~s, and for s.uch purposes, you may needt9,ensure that a verbatim record. of the proceedings is made upon whilih~e:ap'pe~i~b.lll!ed.. ......,.: i .-----.. p . L NOTICE OF CHANGES TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ZONING MAP CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PROPOSES TO ADOPT: ORDINANCE NO. 2005-07 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY. FLORIDA, RELATING TO COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING; SET- TING FORTH AND ADOPTING A LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMEND- MENT. REFERENCED AS LS-CPA-05-05, PROVIDING FOR ADOPTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP BY DESIGNATING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS GENERALLY DESCRIBED AS FIVE (5) PARCELS OF LANO, CONTAINING 10.65 GROSS ACRES MORE OR LESS, AND LOCATED GENERALLY ALONG EAST STATE ROAD 434, MORE PARTICULAR- LY AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN IN EXHIBIT "A," ATTACHED HERETO AND FULLY INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE, FROM SEMINOLE COUN- '<..) TY "OFFICE" OR "COMMERCIAL" TO CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS "TOWN CEN- TER"; PROVIDING. AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND LEGAL STATUS OF THE PLAN AMENDMENT; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL OF THE PLAN TO THE DEPART- MENT OF. COMMUNITY AFFAIRS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIO INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (See MAP 'A' for location) "...) \j " -.j ORDINANCE NO. 2005-08 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CHANGING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP DESIG- NATION OF FIVE (5) PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY, CONTAINING 10.65 GROSS ACRES MORE OR LESS, AND LOCATED GENERALLY ALONG EAST STATE ROAD 434, MORE PARTICULARLY AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN IN EXHIBIT "A," ATTACHED HERETO AND FULLY INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE, FROM SEMINOLE COUNTY "A-I" TO CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS "TOWN CENTER;" PROVIDING THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (See MAP 'A' for location) ORDINANCE NO. 2005-11 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. SEMINOLE COUNTY. FLORI- DA. RELATING to COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING; SETTING FORTH AND ADOPT- ING A LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT, REFERENCED AS LG-CPA-05-06, WHICH SHALL AMEND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RELE- VANT TO THE TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT AND THE FUTURE LAND USE ELE- MENT; INCORPORATING THE FEBRUARY 2005 SUPPLEMENT (NO.3) TO THE CITY'S TRANSPORTATION STUDY WHICH EXPANDS THE EXISTING ROADWAY COLLECTOR SYSTEM AND ACKNOWLEDGES ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS COM- PLETED BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, SEMINOLE COuID'Y, AND THE CITY 9.F WINTER SPRINGS; CLAIUFYING POLICIES REGARD- .sifled Orlando Sentinel OrlandoSentine1.c;om THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 200J ' SEctroN 'G ~__H "~___ .~_ __~,._.....,,_,.,.,J~ "'-1: FROM SEMINOL.E COUN- the meeting at (407) 327- SURPLUS EQUIPMENT Alyssa M; Sells EL CONSIDERANDO QUE, TY 'OFFICE" OR "COM- 1800, Extension 236. This Is Florida Bar No, 0352410 ('\~N ~~~g~fF~ CkEI~~CWE1:~ ~~W~~~RTi~G~lr.fo,z~ ~lg~b~~C a~e:~rgcinls ~~~o~: ~M ::fr~~ ~~~r~II:~:~i'~I~~ ~7;~I~aABa~dffgrggi;z~95 (QrrEY~ Cl6NPoBL.ICA'DE L.O'SCENTER'; PROYIDING mendatlan/declslan made bY deT whose bid exceeds the COR6103918 MAR$4,31,2005 !~~ ~~~OJl~~ ~g~~IEDOE~~: ~~D 1.~':.7.T.T~~hJ'sA6~ ~1~~~~~J:c!at~n~~~ ~~n;~ r.~~erl~~d gJ~~~i1~a,," ~W~o~~ ~~~D~~Co~!3/~5 WIt. BE "JUN- CI6N EN L.A FECHA Y THE PL.AN AMENDMENT, considered at this meeting, warranty of any kind, the AT 2981 AL.AFAY IYO HORARIO QUE SE ANUN- PROVlDING FOR TRANS- you will need a record of the fallowing surplus equlp- OVIEDO FL. P ~M- ClAR6N EN EL. CAL.ENDA- MtTTAL. OF THE PL.AN TO proceedings, and for such ment, to wit: VE . BI DDERS f'..1.31 RIO DE REUNIONES DE THE' DEPARTMENT OF purposes, YOU ma~ need to PECT VEHICL.ES THE \J'EL. L.A CIUDAD; COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, ensure that a verbatim re- Itlm/RI.lrvedP,;.e DAY BEFORE FROM ~ 'DE PROVIDING FOR THE RE- cord of the proceedings Is eDltch Witch Model 2310 9'00AM UNTIL.' 4'00PM ~EN CONSIDERANDO QUE, PEAL. OF PRIOR INCON- made upon which the. appeal VH4DSerlaI6248940$2S0.00 T'ERMS ARE CASH OR 'us L.A L.ISTA DE FUNCIONA- SISTENT ORDINANCES Is based. Interested parties eDltch Witch Model 2310. CERTIFIED FUNDS N RIOS EL.ECTORAL.ES PA- AND RESOL.UTIONS, SEV- are advised that they may , . $2S0.oo ONLY TIBBITTS INC RE- ~. . ,.YROA- RA L.A EL.ECCI6N ESPE- ERABIL.ITY, AND AN EF- appear at the meeting and eVermeer Plow wlTraller SERVES THE RIGHT TO 'N::. ~L~L.L. TA S~~6 ~ER~~~J't FECTIYE DATE. be hear~ WI:n respoclla lhe Model L.M-3S Serial ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY DA EN L.A OFICINA DEL. ORDINANCE NO. 200HI ~~ol~f~JJ[ n'l:li"R.24,2ooS. eJ~f,,;g:~7~?~~61 ~~s.?i~ AND AL.L. BIOS. ~j' ~: ~V6~r;-ISJlJt D5R~~~1i AN ORDINANCE OF THE NOTICE OF SAL.E el~~~~~~L.~~~~g~SMj~i~ r~r~~~~gpI203674 ITO' COUNTY EN 119 W. KA- CITY COMMISSION OF To sallsfy owner lien for lFTCR1049VUD24933 CSE6103824 MAR,24,2005 eA- ~~U;b'iE9T E2RttNcPF~: ~~~I ~~~; 0:E~m6~~ renl due In accordance with $250.00 PUBL.IC MEETING NO- ~-r FiN CINA DEL. SECRETARIO COUNTY, FL.ORIDA, Florida Statutes, The Self The property may be In- TICE ~ tH: DEL. AYUNTAMIENTO, 211 CHANGING THE' OFFI- :~~~glg~~3i~!J69 ~~~r:;t~~~ spected during normal bus!- ORANGpEER'vOISUONRTY SU- FL.A' rdt~: 0~~~~1A:J~~~~: fJ~7...mrtlNgFMF~CJ>1~; Ihe leased storage unlls as ness hours at the Districts OFEL.ECTIONS OR1.oANDO FLORIDA "PARCELS OF REAL. well as leased storage units office, at 1320 Winter Gar- '_ ~ \ L.A " . .,' lpROPERTY, CONTAINING oswell as leased outside den Vlneland Road, Winter Pursuant. to' Florida and ..~~~~~ . POR CONSIGU I ENTE, 10.65 GROSS ACRES MORE stora~espaces (Individuals ~r,:,d~~sf~'e:rJ:~e~te~e~r:d Federal elecllons laws, each , IMAER-_' YCAOL.' DEER_'CNOEMSTIS'IPO~,GAED'oADL.E- .0GRE"NL.EESRSA'L.AL.NyD L.OACL.AOTNEGD .Identfled below) Including written bldJareachltem'de. Su~ervlsorof Elections , " ''l! " , , ' till personal property con. sired to above address'lot shall;,bv Julvl, 2005, have , rAR L.I', ClUDAD DEORL.AN- EAST STATE ROAD 434, slsllng oj miscellaneous. bids ;"111 be given priority sufficient voting machines [16N 00, PROCL.AMOYANUN- MORE PARTICUL.ARL.Y household Items, furniture, Bids musl be received by to accommodate disabled N:f'-, gWM~~~,l-It&.~!lEIE~J~: ~~,RIl'E.5~~~~~J, 0 - f~~~~n:(~.bt>"eX:~lda~~ Po,J~I~~ 1000, Frlday,.Aprll 15, 200s.~~t;~~e~f,~':Ns6~~J~~t6;: h' 'QUa se "':'IHi!'liEBRE(N) HIBIT 'A," '.":m: au<:tlllll, to the highest bidder Upon ope tb.ldS, hlg,h-, ange CounlY"Su#e."l$.li',Of , 'EL.ECCI6N(ES) ESPE- HERET ,(or'olherwlse disposed of at est bid . .e nqUfled, Elecllans, annourice~Jlhe R~~~~,' Ir~e~Ollowlng location and ~~ ~ft~~~ for"1atlon of th~~QQ~Alipg , "",> ticn:. '~3.WCcmceon~~~'n~tft~ ~i- . '9~~M~lthe Alllc Storage For addltlonallnformollon, pos~ of which Is 10 make a . DE N~.''rOWN' '600 E. Donegan Ave. contact Rich Carroll at 407- recommendallon to the Or- 'N.O. "'''. FtOVIDING Kissimmee, fl347044 656-2734, x117, .. .; ange CountY':'Boord',al'Cou,,- 0,. rrORNOSyOIDFIANPG- 4OAU7c-B46-85tlon D501te.. .',',"'," ;ej:;, P.R6099.565 31. .22,23, ~4,2005 ty Commlssloners'.dn"the se- , ., "'" ..jI. lecllon at votlM,equlpment ~ 'EC:_~ PRIOR I NCOENPSEIAS TL.EONFT *r~.}9~o.o,;,.!I~,.,i!!, ' NOTICE OF,PUI!L.IC SAL.E, to'satlsfy l~e requirements DJiN ' EL. ORDINANCES ANDRESO- Te"anl'Na",e: Nollce IS hereby glJen that' ~cthor2~g~~T';,~I;,"",~f~: ~;L.E- DE EL.EGIR A L.UTIONS, SEVERABIL.I- Helder Meranda ~~II~~rn~' ~~hll~\~~s~~~itT~: ~~\ksma"neJ tY:;':~~,f~U~s~~n:. , - T~ UN AL.CAL.DE INTERINO. bA'r~~D AN EFFECTIVE ~;1~~~1~~16 sold for towing, Storage, & March 31, 2005, 013:00 p.m" " CI_ EN FE DE L.O CUAL., HE COR6103872 MAR.24,2005 L.abor charges, Year: 87 Thursday, April 7, 2005, at n 1 ~i3f'Ef~t?c?TO EyL.Hn~: ORDINANCE NO, 2005-1\ NonCE DF PUBUC SALE ~la~:J~~~A~ti9HC029795, to ~&g~,Par3l:60r~d~:, At~II~~~: ~U6E ~~NtFg QUE EL. SE8~EL ~rT~RDI~~NCEw9~f~~ ~g~~al~t ~~r~'1,".jI~rv~~\j,O~; ~~~~~h~o'w'1~~; ~';."JI;r~;.,r:; ~f;r~;:il~g~5wm ~~O~erd~i NDO AYUNTAMIENTO DE L.A SPRINGS, SEMINOL.E the following property will charges. The vehICle will be the Supervisor of Elections ~' 1 TRO ClUDAD DE ORL.ANDO, COUNTY, FL.ORIDA, RE- be offered far public sale sold for,3105,01. Vehicle Is 'offlce, 119 W, Kaley Street, - ~~ '~fE~6 DtdR:JlR1~YOE~ itJ~N~[2~~m'G~E~~~: and will sell at public outcry ~~~\~\-"o":3Eto:C, PARKER Uu Orlando, Florida. ) CO- DE TESTIMONIO DE EL.- TI NG FORTH AND ~~:~~rh~~~~~t and best bid- 36TH ST, ORLANDO, Fl 32839- In accordance with the Sun- " I L.A L.O, HOY, 21 DE MARZO ADOPTING A L.ARGE 0000, shine L.aw 01 Florida, these <k ,RVI. DE 2005. SCAL.E COMPREHENSIVE A 1982 House Troller, VIN Pursuant to F.S, 713.585 the meellngs will be opentoJhe '<;,) INES _ PL.AN TEXT AMEND- Number FSS6S2FB2920C;;A, cash amount of $3105.10 public, . , NTY, IsI Ernest Page MENT, REFERENCED AS and Ihe conlenls Ihereln, If would be sufficient to re.. .... ,c'. .' ~i~ ~:~~~+Ij;::;O~L.CAL.DE ~~itL~~~iDpI~~~~t ~t~el1f~at~~~~r. p~~~~~~ ~~::~:II~W~~I~~o~~Jiii ~~~~;t~J:iiJ!~1;~~~~~~ 10 A Alana C Brenner EVANT TO THE TRANS' prior to the sale bY filing a any decision byaboard, L.EC- AL.ANA 'c. BRENNER, PORTATlON EL.EMENT on Wednesday, April 6, 2005 demand with the Clerk of agency, or commission w. Ith ES Y SECRETARIA DEL. AYUN- AND THE FUTURE L.AND The Circuit Curtin Oran r p tto m II r 0 j;, 51 TAMIENTO USE EL.EMENTl INCOR- e\IJ~~~OJ:a'6'lie"k~~Z~~;l! County. The gwner has t~: srJe;~d ota~y m~~tTn.ac ~~ ,'. ~N. CQR61~3~72 .MA.R.24,251200.5 '~~~Aldo~Gs'~~~L~~eRNUT 18.19 Annapolis Avenue, Lof ~~gmet~:~I~~~e~l~~~tr~~o~ ~e~~~~d ~r f~e s;;o~~~~r;ge~ t &i THE cny'OF WINTER SPRlNOS (NO.3) TO THE CITY'S 36, Orlando, Florida 32826, bond pursuant to F.S. and that, for .such pUrpos~, \ LA .,mv:C:=~A=kTHE rT't~~ a,~~~ 1~-~~NOO~ EOWARDS & SELLS, P.A. ~;~'J~7 r~~a:~I~~df:~~ P{hO; ~~r~;hS~tea ~:{b~~~/:C:~d WILL CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: THE EXISTING RoAD- ~~C:VeS~:l'~nd Streel, sale will be deposited with of the proceedings Is made, QUE, WAY COL.L.ECTOR S.YS- Sarasota, Florida 34236 the Clerk Of The Circuit which record Includes the lE81- AN ~~\Wj~,r~E20g~O~HE ~1M AND ACRK~~~L.~~<;; Telephone: (941) 363-0110, Court tor disposition. L.lenor tesllmony and eyldence u#- ~~~~Cf:TY' COMMISSION OF IMPROYEMENTSCOM- AllOrney for Plaintiff [~~~~~~s J~!r+gR':l~~JI~: g~s~~:Ch Ihe appeal fs tob~ ;ClS~ r~~I~~~Y 0:E~II~6~~~~ET6rp~H~~:fO~~ ~r~ssOM Sells ~LOo~s6~~R~IL.~~~~fJ If you require sp~~lcl 0':: , OR- COUNTy,' FL.ORI.DA,RE- TRANSPORTATION,SEM- Florida B'ar No 0352410 CDOOR' 6F1L.033729830S 40M7-64BAR-5,26j,32'005 cA~emrl'cOadnastlwonltsh unlsqa~brl'I'lttlhees' 1\9 W. L.ATIr.lG TOCOMPREHEN, mOL.E COUNTY, AND Sheryl A Edwcirds . ,.., 0 IL.AN-~II~1. fiL.~~~W4~' l~TD ~~~INCJ~:r' t?t."ARI'f~~1~~ Florida Bar No. 0057495 NOTICE OF PUBL.IC SAL.E :3c:.2~f7J9~g' 1~1;."r";h~~lt~~ ~L. t1~ ADOPTING A L.ARGE POLICIES REGARDING COR6103903 MAR.24,31,200S Notice Is hereby given that business days prior to Ihe ORAS SCAL.E COMPREHENSIVE THE TOWN CENTER NOnCE OF PUBUC SALE , an 4/30/05, at 10:30 a.m, The meetings so Ihat arrange' ~NT~ ~~~~RE~~EEDND.tlE~I: ~~~ttr~:J~Tri?NNG NF~1i Pursuant to Secllon 71S.1~9, following vehlcle(s) wi11 be ments can be made, ~6r~ CPA-OS-OS, PROVIDING TRANSMITTAL. OF THE nollce Is hereby given that t~gofrorc~o;;~n:.., S!,?;~~~' 9~ Bill Cowles, IA A 2 ~~~NAJl~~~tONTgF T~~ Z.~ANNT T8F T~5J>J~~I'}~ b~e ~ft~~:Jnfofr~~~rl~ ~II~ Make MAZDA Supervisor of Elections ~~~g FUTURE L.AND USE MAP AFFAIRS, PROVIDING and will sell at public oulcry ~~:;'~~YV~;~~~1~~~~1~:~', r~~ COR61:;~UA M~:t,2005 IE L.A UI~Ei~~~A;ll~~EClT~ F~ro~~rs~lEL.N~F ~'}ig~ ~~:~~rh~~~~~t and best. bld- ~~~~g:~w,J~:'v~1~1"~I\fg; ANNOUNCEMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF NANCES AND RESOL.U- A 1983 House Troller, VIN ~~~1s:~~J~:t,48. Vehlcle.ls ~ner~o~~?t;e~nm~~~t.~ IQt.UICEA' ~~~I~~ ~~~b~f~E'6E..t's IW~S'A~EV~~~~tW:~ n u m b e r s CHERYL BOND 4444 S RIO JnTA._ Flve (S) PARCELS. OF DATE. E L~FI.._2J~._<;_3_?_3_~039_~81 nRANn~ AVf'APT 'n.A QRLAN. ~~ceT~,~;!~nt't9v~.tLP~~2~'FJi.{~ ~, ------ II,